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R: Swine Flu article by Dr. Mercola

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Hi. I read the Dr. Mercola line. I believe this could beone of the best in

the web (except for garlic intake, maybe; garlic heats too much Liver; thus

I think that patients in thus a condition would avoid the drug; or keep

Sheng Jiang, raw ginger, a Jia Biao Yao warming drug, that counteract garlic

in the Liver raise of fire; or take Astragalus membranaceus, Huang Qi, Bu Xu

Yao, in order to incease Wei Qi, so preventing infective deseases; in this

case I suggest in the recipe to take it gradually, up to prevent excess in

warming Shao Yang Level). No more. Many thanks because of this link!













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Da: Chinese Medicine

Chinese Medicine Per conto di Andrea

Beth Damsky

Inviato: mercoledì 29 aprile 2009 7.02

A: TCM List; Chinese Herbal Medicine; alumni PCOM

Oggetto: Swine Flu article by Dr. Mercola






Hi All-


Here's a link to a pretty comprehensive article on swine flu by Dr. Mercola,

including some things we can all do to avoid it.




x> mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/04/29/Swine-Flu.aspx


Andrea Beth


Traditional Oriental Medicine

Happy Hours in the CALM Center

635 S. 10th St.

Cottonwood, AZ 86326

(928) 274-1373



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