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Herb Of The Week - Vitex - Oil Study By Barbara Lucks

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The other info I posted was about the HERB - this is a specific study

done about the Essential Oil (because as we know - the actions of herbs

and their corresponding essential oil are not always the same!)



Chris (list mom)







<http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6WCT-49093R6>

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Vitex agnus castus essential oil and menopausal balance: a research

update [Complementary Therapies in Nursing and Midwifery 8 (2003)




Barbara Chopin Lucks RA <almasol


Available online 3 July 2003.









The first trial of two essential oils (derived separately from leaf and

fruit) of Vitex agnus castus for menopausal balance was conducted in the

summer of 2000 by the author. Surveys completed by the 23 participants

in that trial indicated strong symptomatic relief of common menopausal

symptoms.2 This research update details the result of the second round

of trials, which were conducted in the summer of 2002 with 52 additional

subjects under the supervision of 12 diverse health practitioners. The

second trial appears to support the finding of the first trial, as well

as identifying some important contraindications to use of the essential





Original publication: Lucks, Barbara; Sorensen, J.; Veal, L.


Vitex agnus-castus Essential Oil and Menopausal Balance: A Self-Care

Survey, " Complementary Therapies in Nursing and Midwifery " . Volume 8,

Number 3, Pages 148-154. Elsvier Science, London. August, 2002



Possible side effects from use of Vitex agnus castus



a.. Headache

b.. Nausea

c.. Rash or sensation of ants crawling on skin

d.. Increased hot flashes or night sweats

e.. Nightmares

f.. Emotional crises, exacerbation of depression, suicidal ideation

g.. Unwanted or unexpected vaginal bleeding

h.. Reduction of the efficacy of birth control pills



Known & Possible Interactions relating to use of essential oil Vitex

agnus castus:



NOTE: This list should not be assumed to be comprehensive or conclusive,

as information regarding response to the essential oil is relatively new

and derived in most cases from non-clinical data. The author has listed

herb/drug interactions that are noted in referenced texts, or that have

been suggested by information from the case studies. It should also be

noted that action of a whole herb and action of the essential oil do

differ from time to time.



a.. Any form of progesterone, either natural or synthesized, when used

in combination with e.o. vitex, may potentiate activity and lead to

elevated progesterone levels. Breakthrough bleeding was consistently

noted when these substances were used in combination.



b.. Oral contraceptives. Possibility that use of any form of the herb

can reduce efficacy.



c.. Hormone replacement therapy. See note above regarding progesterone.

Case studies indicate several instances of successful combination of

estrogen (either plant derived or animal derived) with e.o. vitex. Any

such use should be professionally managed.



d.. Neuroleptic medications (haloperidol, thioridazine) may weaken or

block effects of the herb or oil. Research strongly suggests that the

oil acts as a dopamine-receptor agonist. Additionally, a few reports

both from the case studies and more informal communication indicate a

possible positive effect on seizure-type disorders.



Practitioners should be aware of potential for the following:



.. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

.. Exacerbation of depression (esp. if estrogen levels fall dangerously).







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