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Digest Number 1807 - applie cider vinegar

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Rhavda, good morning,


Whether or not the apple cider vinegar and honey work all the time I am not

prepared to say, but I know it works with me. I have also used it on some

Brushtail Possums (not Oppossums!) which have had limbs broken and the healing

process was such that there was no indication where the break was (when an

experienced Vet looked) and the animal could run up and down the wire in my



I must go on the drink again - I use it to keep the calcium in my bones and not

leeching into the bloodstream.


I do agree that the dark, green leafies are also of major importance along with

some extra minerals (which I take in the form of green clay when I feel I need

it). Once a disease has progressed too far it is probably impossible to stop

it, but I doubt you'd go astray using the drink.


I am treating my mother-in-law who had persistent leg ulcers - that is, she used

to have them. Almost total success! I have added Brahmi oil into my clay

mixture as she has developing Dementia. Hard to take when she was such a

knowledgeable and fascinating lady.


If what you are doing works - keep on with it and good luck.








If all else fails, cry!






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Dear Merlinda,

Thank you for answering. What do Brushtail Possums look like? I've

not heard of them before. We have regular oppossums here that come regularly

and steal our outside cats' catfood. We have even named them. They are grey

and not very pretty.

For years I have used acv, honey, lemon, and water for a cleansing

diet but to use it for the bones and it's calicum was the first for me. It

is so good to learn what other parts of the world use in one way that we

have used in another. Obviously great minds work in similar ways.

Yes, it is hard to watch people, like my mom and your mother-in-law.

My mother, too was and still is knowledgeable (on some days) and it is very

hard to watch her go downhill. She taught me to read and to be inquisitive

and to ask questions and to try again and again until you succeeded. The

tincture that I made to help her was made with the idea to help slow down

the Alzheimer's and it has worked well for doing that. A year ago last

September she was not able to follow her beloved soap operas (which I only

can tolerate) so that was the final straw I had to do something. I took that

tinctures that I had been working on for over a year, muscle tested for her

condition and came up with a formula. (Of course, this didn't magically

happen overnight but after several years of research. It is amazing what

love can accomplish as another person on the list said earlier.) I knew that

I wanted to clear out the toxins and any inflammation or viral/bacterial

problems, rebuild the pathways, balance the hormones, and regenerate new

cells along with rebuilding her ability to focus. I had already looked at

our eos and our herbs closely before I put something together. I decided to

use Rose, Helichrysum, Melissa, Oak Moss, Rosemary, Sage, Oatstraw, Goto

Kola, and one other herb that I can't think of at this moment. I used the

rose to help balance the hormones & the body's systems, depression &

dementia, cell regenerate, fight any infection whether it be viral or

bacterial. I used sage for focusing and hormone balancing. I used Rosemary

for focusing and muscle rebuilding. Oatstraw was used as an

anti-inflammatory, for rebuilding calicum, removing the plaque that builds

up on the neuron pathways. Oak Moss was used to rebuild the veins and for

vein interguity in general. Melissa is also a cell regenerator, good for

depression & dementia, and an anti-viral & anti-inflammatory herb among

other uses. Helichrysum was used for it's anti-inflammatory abilities and

cell regeneration as well as for depression & dementia. I started her on the

formula on January 1, 2004 and by the end of February, 2004 she was able to

follow her soap operas again. I gave her only 9 drops of the formula per day

in her iced tea which she drinks daily and still enjoys. I slowed down on

giving her the formula in April and until recently only had to give it to

her as needed. I am going to have to start her back on it in January because

I am now seeing loss in focusing again. I think the hardest thing for me to

take is that she can't read books any longer. She can read the newspaper but

forgets it in a short time. I still believe as I told Christa Maria in

another post that it will be people like you and me who come up with a cure

or at least a way to help make the Alzheimer's victims quality of life

easier. We are willing out of love to find the best possible methods for

making their lives more enriched. I'm still doing research on Alzheimer's

and I will continue to do so. I decided on using a tincture because it is

the easiest way to deliver the formula to someone. Anyway my mom gets

suspicious when I try to give her a massage with one of my new-flangled

formulas. ;-D I'm posting what I am using in hopes that someone out there

may be able to come up with something better and run with it.

If anyone else has any ideas on an Alzheimer's formula, please post

it for all. We do not know who is going to " come down " with this disease but

we can sure put our group minds together to help build a better quality of

life for these people. We have to remember that the journey of a thousand

miles begins with the first step and that is where we are in dealing with

this disease. Who knows, maybe one of us will find one of the cures that has

to be out there.

Take care and have a Happy New Year!



Scents of Success (http://www.scentsofsuccess.com)


>Rhavda, good morning,


>Whether or not the apple cider vinegar and honey work all the time I am not

prepared to say, but I know it works with me. I have also used it on some

Brushtail Possums (not Oppossums!) which have had limbs broken and the

healing process was such that there was no indication where the break was

(when an experienced Vet looked) and the animal could run up and down the

wire in my cages.


>I am treating my mother-in-law who had persistent leg ulcers - that is, she

used to have them. Almost total success! I have added Brahmi oil into my

clay mixture as she has developing Dementia. Hard to take when she was such

a knowledgeable and fascinating lady.


>If what you are doing works - keep on with it and good luck.





>If all else fails, cry!


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