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OT/AD :Rainforest Chocolate, Buy 1 Get 1 free!

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The divine ChocaMaca is on special till June 15th.

Then it won't be available till September.

It freezes perfectly fine, so I will be stocking up

now for Christmas.


If chocolate be the food of love...


Eating it should be joyful and guilt-free!


Theobroma Cacao means Cacao, Food of the Gods.

For good reason.

Pure dark chocolate is actually a health food

that has been proven to improve blood circulation!



* more anti-oxidants per gram than broccoli

* rich source of magnesium

* rich source of the brain food PhenylEthylAmine,

the molecule of happiness.


Chocolate has received a bad health rap because

of the company it has been forced to keep.

Refined sugar,commercial dairy and additives

are the main culprits.


Amazon Herb Company's heavenly " ChocaMaca "

treats Chocolate right, like a health food.


It starts with organically grown fair-traded cacao.

Did you know that much of the chocolate grown in

West Africa uses slave-like child labor?


It is sweetened with organically grown whole cane

juice. Whole cane does not cause cavities.


Then it receives company worthy of its royal origins:


Maca, the superfood of the Andes

Kiwicha, an ancient Inca grain

Aquazon, a combo of wild whole green super-foods

and a supporting cast of Rainforest herbs.


Each green-wrapped ball is a powerhouse of nutrition

and a sensuous explosion of satisfying taste,

all for 30 calories.


What people are saying about ChocaMaca:


" For me, losing the weight, curbing the appetite,

having tons of energy and knowing the herbs are

in there makes me feel good about it.

For a lot of my clients this is a dream come true.

We love ChocaMaca. "

Amy Lidman, Botanical Day Spa, Clearwater, Fl


" Ordinary chocolate leaves me feeling irritable.

ChocaMaca leaves me satisfied and energized.

Feeling a ChocaMaca melt in my mouth quite

literally makes me moan with pleasure. "

Ien van Houten, Reflexologist, Nakusp, B.C.


" I love it because there is no guilt.

I love it when I am doing something wonderful

for myself. There is only health, balance,

being completely satisfied and energetic.

How perfect nature is when it is pure. "

Veronique Corbett, Dunedin, Fl.


And did we mention that every bottle sold helps

to save the Amazon rainforest?


To Order ChocaMaca go here:



Ien in the Kootenays


Healing Body, Mind and Planet

with Wild Whole Foods





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