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My name is Lizzie. I am a preschool teacher and mother to two boys, 7

and 8 years old. I started making soap a year and a half ago. It was

supposed to be a project for the boys and me, but I was quickly

addicted. I have a few questions regarding essential oils. I only

use eo's in my soap, and I have been trying to only add eo's as I

learn about them. But almost nothing you read about aromatherapy and

eo's relates to soap. So I am hoping that maybe someone here can help.


1. I have been asked to make a FL soap (I live in Tampa). I was

thinking either orange or lime. But, I know both fade. If I add

Listea (thats the anchor, right) will it take away the orange smell?

Any ideas?


2. I have been trying to make a ginger orange soap. this time i

tried .5 oz ginger to 1 oz orange, and still the ginger is predominate.

once, long ago I had a ginger orange soap(before I was making soap)and

I loved it, but I am not coming close.


3. I have been slowly adding eo's as I learn about them. If an eo is

to be

avoided during pregnancy(rosemary), does that mean pregnant women

should not use rosemary soap? And, if lime makes you sensitve to

sunlight should my patchouli lime be avoided anyone that plans to go

in the sun? Or if I made a soap that was only scented with lime

(again for the Florida soap, would one need to avoid the sunlight?


4. I have bought 2 books on aromatherapy, neither which I like very

much. Can anyone reccomend a good book to learn from?


Thanks. I am looking forward to searching the archives,where maybe

all my questions have already been answered, but if anyone can help,

thanks so much.



Lizzie's Kitchen Made Soap

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