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Still a few seats left! NYC Master Tung Acupuncture and Herbal Class! Next week March 13-14!

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Dear colleague,


We have a few seats left for this seminar. If you are a NY, NJ, CT

acupuncturist and want to learn herbals and prescribe them for your

patients, this class has it all. The essential herbals, patent

prescriptions, and Master Tung acupuncture points for what is most commonly

seen in the clinic!


Learn the formulations and how to combine them and then give great

acupuncture treatments with the herbal formulas you prescribe.


*Practical Clinical Chinese Herbal Rx’s with Master Tung’s and Optimal

Acupuncture *


*Saturday-Sunday, March 13 - 14, 2010 9 am – 5:30 pm at:*


*The clinic of Dr. Norman SuHu*


*1 Union Square West, Suite 715

New York, NY* *10003 *




*15 Category One CA CEU's Approved (7.5 CEU's per day)*


* *


These classes are open to Acupuncturists of all levels! **




In the past, clinicians had a working knowledge of 100

herbals, 100 herbal prescriptions and 100 acupuncture points.




· Learn which Single Herbals are necessary for the success of a





· Matrix herbal prescriptions for all complex cases.




· Have the necessary acupuncture points you need based on signs and

symptoms and channel diagnosis.




· Special section on Cancer prevention and treatment protocols




· Point location and demonstration will be a part of this class.




· Increase your Clinical Effectiveness!




· Open to Acupuncturists and Herbalists of all levels, as well as





Robert Chu, PhD, L.Ac., QME specializes in Master Tung, Yi Jing and Optimal

Acupuncture for treating pain, Neuromusculoskeletal disorders, and internal

medicine problems. An exciting and dynamic speaker, has been studying the

Martial and Chinese healing arts since childhood. In mid 2005, he founded

ITARA (International Tung's Acupuncture Research Association), a

non-political organization devoted to the preservation, standardization,

education, and research of Tung's Acupuncture, offering classes for the

spread and advancement of Classical Acupuncture systems.


In July of 2004, Dr. Chu was the Acupuncturist to Olympic athletes at the

Olympic Trials held in Sacramento, CA. He has lectured throughout the United

States, Canada and Europe on Master Tung's Acupuncture and the Yi Jing

Acupuncture of Chen Chao.


To Register, please call *(626) 487 -1815* or email chusauli




$325/2 days, students $250/2 days, $25 discount for early registration by

March 8, 2010, No refunds. Seating is limited!






Robert Chu, PhD, L.Ac. QME



NEW!! See my webpages @: http://acuchu.com




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