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[Fwd: FW: Contamination's in Patent Herbs (from AAOM)http://aaom.org/patent.asp]

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Boycott announcement from the AAOM for requesting all Oriental Medicine

practitioners using Chinese Patent medicines to avoid specific products




While most practitioners who use Chinese patent medicines are aware

that there is a contamination problem with heavy metals and conventional

Over The Counter and pharmaceutical drugs appearing in some of the herbal

food compounds presently available on the market, few are aware of which

formulas these are. The AAOM doesn't have the resources to have all patent

medicines tested with state of the art equipment such as Atomic Absorption

Spectroscopy. We do, however, have access to enough data to lead us to have

concern for the public.


The following page will provide specific patents that have been

reported to be adulterated with contaminants of some sort. While the

companies involved may have already started to remedy this problem, we

would ask you to require Spectrographic proof before you use them. We feel

that boycotting those products which have contaminants will be beneficial

to our patients. It will hopefully stimulate manufacturers to work with us

to insure the quality and purity of our supplies. It is imperative to show

that our profession can act responsibly and professionally in order to have

continued access to Chinese herbs and formulations in the future. After

all, we are the only profession that has accredited and certified training

in the use of Chinese herbs and formulas.


The following Patents have the indicated contaminant(s). We have not

listed levels at this time, but suffice it to say that they were above what

is considered safe or ethical limits, with the exception being when

complete disclosure made to the patient with regard to the OTC medications.

This list does not generally include tinctures, granules, powders, or raw

herbs singly and in formulas, which have not been found to have

contamination. This is not an all inclusive list. We plan to update all

practitioners as new information becomes available.


Patent Medicine Manufacturer Contamination(s) An Gong Nu Huang Wan Tung Jen

Tan Pharm Factory Arsenic Mercury Da Huo Luo Wan Guangzou Chen Li Ji Pharm

Mercury Dendrobum Moniliforme Night Sight Pills Tientsin Pharmaceutical

Manufactory Mercury Niu Huang Chiang Ya Wan Tianjin Pharmaceutical

Manufactory Mercury, Lead Niu Huang Chiang Ya Wan Tianjin Pharmaceutical

Manufactory Lead Niu Huang Chiang Ya Wan Tiantsin Pharmaceutical

Manufactory Mercury, Lead Niu Huang Chiang Ya Wan Peiking Tung Jen Tang

Mercury, Lead Ta Huo Lo Tan Beijing Tung Jen Tang Mercury, Lead Bi Tong

Pian Guangzhou Medicine and Health Chlorpheniramine Bi Yan Pian Chung Lien

Pharmaceutical Works Acetaminophen Farfunpeiminkam Wan Foshan United

Pharmaceutical Chlorpheniramine Farfunpeiminkam Wan Bai Yun Shan Herb

Factory Chlorpheniramine Gan Mao Ling (Yang Cheng) United Pharmaceutical

Acetaminophen, Caffeine Chlorpheniramine High Strength Yin Chiao United

Pharmaceutical Acetaminophen, Pulegone Chlorpheniramine Huang Lien Shang

Ching Pian Tianjin Pharmaceutical Manufactory Pulegone Ma Hsing Zhe Ke Pian

China National Native Products Ephedrine Marguerite Acne Pills(Peacock)

Foshan United Pharmceutical Manufactory Sophoridane Pe Min Kan Wan (Chu

Kiang) United Pharmaceutical Acetaminophen, Chlorpheniramine,

Phenylporpanolamine hydrochloride Pe Min Kan Wan (Yan Jiang) United

Pharmaceutical Acetaminophen, Chlorpheniramine, Phenylporpanolamine

hydrochloride Shen Ling Bai Zhu Pian Tianjin Pharmaceutical Manufactory

Isoborneol Yin Chiao Chieh Tu Pian (Yang Cheng) Tianjin Medicine and Health

Isoborneol Yin Chiao Chieh Tu Pian (Plum Flower) Tianjin Medicine and

Health Pulegone Zhi Sou Ding Chuan Wan Tienjin Medicine and Health

Ephedrine, Pseudoephedrine Zhong Gan Ling Tianjin Medicine and Health

Aminopyrine, Dipyrone


The Effects of the Pharmaceutical Drugs are as Follows:


Acetaminophen - Analgesic, antipyretic; Possible s/e=liver damage

Aminopyrine - anitpyretic, antiinflammatory; possible s/e = fatal bone

marrow toxicity, agranulocytosis Caffeine - Stimulant; possible s/e =

insomnia, restlessness, tachycardia, tense muscle, emesis Chlorpheniramine

- Antihistamine; possible s/e drowsiness, light-headedness Dipyrone -

analgesic; possible s/e agranulocytosis Ephedrine - Stimulant,

Decongestatn, Bronchodialator; possible s/e= palpitation, tachycardia,

arrythmia, seizure and convulsion Isoborneol - an artificial isomer of

Borneol Phenylpropanolamine - Expectorant; possible s/e similar to

ephedrine, such as palpitation, tachycardia, and increasedblood pressure

Pseudoephedrine - Decongestatn; possible s/e similarto ephedrine, such as

palpitation,tachycardia, and increased blood pressure Pulegone - mint tea;

also used as insecticide against Chagas' disease; possible s/e liver

failure, cerebral edema, epilepticencephalopathy Sophoridane - unknown





Lead poisoning:

astringency, thirst and metallic taste; nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain;

black stool; diarrhea or constipation; shock; CNS symptoms such as pain and

muscle weakness; acute hemolytic crisis; kidney damage; and possible death.



weakness, chills, metallic taste, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dyspnea,

cough, a feeling of chest tightness; pneumonitis, neurological effects such

as tremor, depression, irritability, insomnia, emotional instability,

forgetfulness, confusion.



burning lips, constriction of the throat, difficulty swallowing,

excruciating gastric pain, projectile vomiting, severe diarrhea, oliguria,

proteinuria, hematuria, anuria, muscle cramps, severe thirst, shock,

convulsion, and death.



Counter = 7


American Association of Oriental Medicine

433 Front St.

Catasauqua, PA 18032






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