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treatment for irritable bowel syndrome

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Hi everyone-


My name is Roddey Cohn and I am an acupuncturist and herbalist practicing

in Austin, Texas.


I recently began seeing a 21 year old client that had been living with

mucous and blood in her stools for about 3 years. Recently she began to

lose weight and went to a allopathic doctor who placed her on a regimen

of two antiinflammatory enemas a day. She followed this for 6 weeks with

no relief of symptoms. In fact, the medication began to affect her immune

system and she was prone to colds and very fatigued.

Upon examination I found the following:

Pulse:slow and soft

Tongue:swollen, pale body, red spots on tip and sides,thin white coating

enlarged purple veins underneath

C/C: Five bowel movements a day-loose with blood and mucous. No pain.

Poor appetite.Fatigue.Frequent colds.Recent loss of 10 pounds.


DX:Spleen Qi Deficiency(primary) with some accumulated Damp-Heat.

Treat. Prin.:Tonify Spleen, regulate digestive Qi,regulate blood and stop



Rx: Modified Si Jun Zi Tang:Powders 3 grams 3x daily

Dang Shen-12g

Bai Zhu-9g

Fu Ling-9g Qi Tonics

Zhi Gan Cao-6g

Huang Qi-15g


Bai Shao-9g

Dang Gui-6g Blood regulation


Mu Xiang-9g

Sheng Ma-3g Qi Regulation(lift and astringe)

Rou Dou Kou-9g


Gan Jiang-6g

Ce Bai Ye-9g Stop Bleeding



Explanation: Because she had NO PAIN, or burning sensation I did not focus

on the Liver, or too much on heat.


Result: In one week she had completely stopped bleeding. Had no mucous in the


She was having formed bowel movements 1-2x a day. Her energy picked up and so

did her

appetite.She tapered off of the enemas and is doing very well.



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