Guest guest Posted February 28, 2000 Report Share Posted February 28, 2000 Wil and others Thank you for your responses. I am re-posting hoping to offer greater clarity. ABDOMEN DISTENTION My Dx: Spleen Yang Xu female age 54 very active not sedentary menopausal 1 1/2 years ago. still hot flashes occasionally little overweight, tongue mostly swollen tooth marked + white. pulse deep and but strong regular suffers long term constipation, few times a week. Bloated past 6 months Hard feeling epigastic region just after eating More of discomfort not sharp pain. gas and belching Treated previously with acupuncture bilateral Ki 16 bilateral St 27 bilateral St 37 Ren 10, 12, 6 Also herbal decoction variation of D Cheng Qi Tang Reported feeling better, released more gas Was also seeing a M.D. who prescribed drugs and laxatives. Which she was taking. Stopped treatment as she felt better Symptoms re-appeared and the doctor just diagnosed as " Colon Inertia: a condition where the colon does not properly contract " Questions: would Da Cheng Rx / Da Huang and Fu Zi, be suitable or too harsh. Would Tonifying Rx be too cloying Ginseng & Longan Formula, Ginseng & Astragalus Formula, Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang and Run Chang I am also considering Triphala, Thank you for your consideration. To Your Health, Ed Kasper LAc. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 21, 2000 Report Share Posted March 21, 2000 is a belated response to your question about constipation. It sounds as though drawing from the formulas for Qi Xu and Qi stagnation are appropriate.........Ed's question is tagged at the end. Sincerely, Will Morris Constipation Bian Bi © 1996 William R. Morris, D.O.M. Copy and distribution permitted only with permission and acknowledgement of the author. Bowel function is a common issue and is extremely important for practitioners to consider. The digestive system is the first region that herbs contact and must be considered continually throughout therapy. Constipation may be defined as difficult or infrequent bowel movements. Difficult stool passage may involve straining, small and/or hard stools, infrequent defecation, or a feeling of incomplete evacuation. Frequency should be at least once daily for optimal health according to the Naturopathic tradition. Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment shows that normal stools can range between three and twelve stools per week. While these may fall into the realm of normal, a frequency of three stools a week is not necessarily " healthy. " Reduced bowel transit time increases risk of all diseases due to bowel toxicity. Acute etiology requires a recent distinct change in bowel habits. This is usually due to an alteration in diet and/or lifestyle, strong stress, or an organic cause. Patients with no obvious cause and with a recent onset of constipation should be investigated for a mechanical bowel obstruction. Causes of acute constipation according to biomedical standards: 1.traumatic injury 2.pharmaceutical treatment side-effects (esp. aluminum hydroxide, iron salts, bismuth salts, cholestyramine, anticholinergics, opiates, sedatives and tranquilizers) 3.colonic tumors (persistent constipation that gradually worsens) 4.anorectal pathology: a herpes simplex outbreak, fissure, etc. 5.pregnancy 6.parasites Diagnosing chronic constipation requires a history of more than three months. The various etiologies include: diet, cultural attitudes, individual colonic health and activity, insufficient dietary fiber and roughage, a sedentary lifestyle, ignoring defecation urges, and frequent traveling. Causes of chronic constipation: 1. depression 2. decreased colonic motility (e.g., scleroderma, spinal cord injury, Hirschsprung's disease) 3. anorectal pathology (e.g., hemorrhoids, fissures, abscesses, strictures, carcinomas, hernia, diverticulitis) 4. metabolic abnormalities (e.g., hypothyroidism, hypokalemia, dehydration, hypercalcemia) 5. neurologic disorders (e.g., spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, senility) 6. psychological disorders Symptoms may include: headaches, abdominal cramping, fatigue, skin problems, decreased appetite, anxiety over a poor bowel function, laxative abuse, abdominal distension, abdomen tender to palpation, feces palpable in the colon, changes in bowel sounds, melanosis coli (psychogenic constipation), an ampulla full of soft feces, a non tender abdomen (atonic constipation), and anorectal pathology: e.g., fissures CHINESE DIAGNOSIS By the principle one disease . . . many diagnoses and one diagnosis . . . many diseases, we examine the possible differentials for constipation to be as follows: 1.Excess heat of the Stomach and Large Intestine 2.Qi stagnation of the Liver and Spleen 3.Deficient Qi of the Lung and Spleen 4.Defiient Yang of the Spleen and Kidney 5.Deficiency of Blood and Yin (Liver-Kidney) 6.Dryness of the Large Intestine also consider Food Stasis and Xiao Yang-Yang Ming involvement Herbal medicine must first traverse the digestive tract, therefore, consideration of digestion including bowel function is basic to treatment. Five questions are specifically related to the evaluation of constipation. They include shape, color, moisture, pain, and effort. Stool qualities: Shape Small pebbles: if dry are due to heat, if moist are due to Liver Qi Stagnation Long and thin: Spleen Qi Deficiency, Spastic Colon (Qi Stasis), carcinoma No shape: Spleen Qi Deficiency, Spleen Yang Deficiency or Kidney Yang Deficiency Color Green may show: cold factors, while common in children, it may also be the presence of Cold due to antibiotic exposure Pale, tan or grey may show: blockages of the common bile duct, pancreatic insufficiency, or steatorrhea; this finding frequently shows Damp collecting such as Gallbladder Damp Heat Dark-Black may show: heat and possible upper GI bleeding Red may show: lower bowel bleeding. Moisture Content Dry: this shows presence of heat, deficiency of yin or deficiency of blood. Loose: Spleen Qi Deficiency, difficulty in defecation shows Liver Qi Stasis complicating Watery explosive: Damp Heat (odorous, yellow and frothy) or Damp Cold Pain Abdominal pain may be due to Qi Stasis in which case it is distended and undefined. Pain due to cold is spastic and intense. Pain due to food stasis is distended and full (hard). Effort Great effort shows deficiency of Qi or Yang, especially if there is fatigue afterwards. Cramping after defecation shows Cold Stagnation or Qi Stagnation. SINGLE MEDICINALS Tonic herbs have representatives from each category for treatment of constipation. If the problem is chronic, the implication is defacto standard that there is a deficiency pattern involved. Deficiency of: Qi use Polygonati (Huang Jing), Astragalus (Huang Qi) Blood use Angelica sinensis (Dang Gui), Polygoni multiflori (He Shou Wu) Rehmannia (Shu Di) Yang use Cistanches (Rou Cong Rong) or Cynomorii (Suo Yang) Yin use Rehmannia both prepared and unprepared (Shu Di and Sheng Di), Ophiopogonis (Mai Men Dong), Black Sesame (Hei Zhi Ma) Qi regulating herbs to consider are the green citrus peels Pericarpium citri reticulatae viride (Qing Pi) and Aurantii immaturis (Zhi Shi). While Aurantii immaturis (Zhi Shi) is specifically indicated for clearing the bowels, the unripe fruits and peels cause purging of the bowels as a rule. Pericarpium Areca catechu (Da Fu Pi) increases peristalsis and facilitates the downward movement of Qi in the presence of food stasis. Blood regulating herbs are generally used with caution when there is a Spleen deficiency with loose stool. Sm Persica (Tao Ren) is used specifically for moistening and unblocking the intestines. Diuretics usually treat diarrhea except Semen Abutili (Dong Kui Zi) which is used for blocked urine with painful, bloody or stony urination (Lin syndromes). Moistening Laxatives are an obvious choice based on the categorical inference. Semen Linum (Hua Ma Ren) moistens the intestines, mildly nourishes Yin and Clears Heat. Semen Pruni (Yu Li Ren) moistens the intestines while promoting urination. Mel (Feng Mi) moistens the Lung and Intestines while tonifying the Spleen. All medicinals that contain essential oils will help constipation due to dryness some examples include Semen Persica (Tao Ren), Semen Linum (Huo Ma Ren), Honey/Mel (Feng Mi), Semen Pruni (Yu Li Ren), Semen Biota (Bai Zi Ren), Semen Trichosanthes (Gua Luo Zi), and Radix Angelica sinensis (Dang Gui). Downward Draining Medicinals inherently purge stool. They are cold and can damage the upright Qi when used for extended periods. Rhubarb (Da Huang) Drains Damp Heat, Activates Blood, Cools Blood Heat, and Reduces Fire Toxicity. Mirabolitum (Mang Xiao) reduces swellings and purges accumulations. Folium Senna (Fan Xie Ye) is used for Summer Heat. Herba Aloes (Lu Hun) kills parasites, drains fire and cools the liver. The powdered Aloe can be harsh, the liquids from health food stores are generally ineffectual, a good technique is to soak three inches of leaf in water overnight and drink it. This whole category can cause cramping and griping, therefore, include spicy agents such as Rhizoma Zingiberis (Gan Jiang) or Radix Saussurea (Mu Xiang). Interior Warming When a warming function is required in a dry type of constipation, use Cortex Cinnamon (Rou Gui) as it is the only interior warming agent that moistens. To get a warming effect for stagnant cold type constipation Rz Rhei (Da Huang) is combined with Rx Aconiti (Fu Zi). Dissolve Phlegm Stop Cough, the seed of Gleditsiae (Zao Ci Zi) moistens the intestines and relieves constipation. Calm the Spirits has a representative in Semen Biotae orientalis (Bai Zi Ren). Prognosis: unless the patient changes the lifestyle factors that underlie constipation, the prognosis is for chronic, persistent constipation with associated symptoms, or a patient who will become dependent on laxatives. 1.Excess heat of the Stomach and Large Intestine requires one of the three Rhubarb formulas: Major Rhubarb Combination (Da Cheng Qi Tang), Minor Rhubarb Combination (Xiao Cheng Qi Tang), or Rhubarb and Mirabolite Combination (Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang). This pattern may be due to the penetration of external pathogens with Yang Ming symptoms of the four bigs: big pulse, big sweat, big thirst and big fever. The tongue will be red with a dry thick yellow coat. The pulse may be full and overflowing, forceful and/or rapid. The abdomen may be full and there may be pain with pressure. Chronic Heat of the Stomach and intestines requires Linum Combination (Ma Zi Ren Wan). Da Cheng Qi Tang Rhizoma Rhei (Da Huang) Mirabolitum (Mang Xiao) Cortex Magnolia (Hou Po) Citrus Aurantii Signs and symptoms: Constipation and flatulence, tenesmus, abdominal fullness and distention, abdominal pain worse with pressure, tidal fevers, sweating, thirst, delirious speech, and profuse sweating from the palms and soles with cold legs and arms. Tongue: Dry, yellow or dry, black tongue coating with prickles. Pulse: deep, an excessive pulse, or flooding excess. Xiao Cheng Qi Tang Rhizoma Rhei (Da Huang) Cortex Magnolia (Hou Po) Citrus Aurantii Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang Rhizoma Rhei (Da Huang) Mirabolite (Mang Xiao) Radix Glycyrrhizae uralensis (Gan Cao) Apricot Seed and Linum Formula (Ma Zi Ren Wan) Semen Linum (ma zi ren) Radix Peonia Alba (bai shao yao) Semen Armeniaca (xing ren) Fructus Aurantii seu Ponciri (zhi shi) Rhizoma Rhei (Da Huang) Cortex Magnolia (Hou Po) Modifications: for severe weakness, remove Rhizoma Rhei (Da Huang) and add Mirabilitum (Mang Xiao) for severe Dryness of the Fluids, add Semen Biota (Bai Zi Ren) and Semen Trichosanthes (Gua Lou Zi) for severe Heat accumulation with a yellow tongue coating and a rapid pulse, increase the dosage of rhubarb (da huang) and add mirabilitum (mang xiao). - for painful hemorroids, add persica (tao ren) and Chinese angelica (tang kuei) (dang gui). - for bleeding hemorroids, add sophora flower (huai hua mi) and sanguisorba (di yu). - for Spleen Qi Xu (Deficiency) causing hemorrhoids, take with Ginseng and Astragalus C. (Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang). 2.Qi stagnation of the Liver and Spleen has an emotional involvement, there may be subcostal fullness, chest fullness, breast distension, possibly nausea and vomiting. Pulse: is tense (wiry is the standard term), due to stagnation of Qi in the chest, the distal pulses may be inflated (sensation of lifting off a balloon). Also the diaphragm position between the middle and distal positions may be inflated. The tongue is pink with a thin white coat This requires the use of Liu Mo Tang Lignum Aquilaria (Chen Xiang) Radix Saussurea (Mu Xiang) Pericarpium Areca (Da Fu Pi) Lindera (Wu Yao) Citrus Aurantii seu Ponciri (Zhi Ke) Rhizoma Rhei (Da Huang) 3.Deficient Qi of the Lung and Spleen this type of person has constipation and a weak voice, a pale face, prolapse-like sensations, easy sweating, retreat and fatigue after defecation. Note that fiber is contraindicated with Qi Deficient constipation. Tongue: pale, thin white coat, teeth marks on sides Pulse: yielding, feeble or empty in the middle positions Ginseng and Astragalus C. (Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang) Rhizoma Atractylodes alba (Bai Zhu) Radix Astragalus (Huang Qi) Radix Panax ginseng (Ren Shen) Radix Angelica sinensis (Dang Gui) Radix Bupleurum (Chai Hu) Radix Glycyrrhizae (Zhi Gan Cao) Radix Cimicifuga (Sheng Ma) Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae (Chen Pi) plus Mel (Feng Mi) and sesame oil or: Huang Qi Tang Radix Astragali (Huang Qi) Fructus Citri exocarpium (Chen Pi) Semen Cannabis (Huo Ma Ren) Mel (Feng Mi) 4.Deficient Yang of the Spleen and Kidney with clear copious urine, low back pain, back and or knees feel cold to the touch tongue: pale with visible moisture or bubbles, possible teeth marks for Spleen pulse: deep, proximal positions deep and or feeble, slow Cong Rong Ren Chong Wan (Cistanches Moisten the Intestines Pill) Herba Cistanches (Rou Cong Rong) Lignum Aquilaria (Chen Xiang) Ji Chuan Jian Radix Angelica sinensis (Dang Gui) Herba Cistanches (Rou Cong Rong) Radix Achyranthes (Niu Xi) Rhizoma Alismatis (Ze Xie) Fructis Citri seu Ponciri (Zhi Ke) Rhizoma Cimicifuga (Sheng Ma) modifications: Qi Xu (Deficiency): add Radix Panax ginseng (Ren Shen) Internal Fire: add Radix Scutellaria (Huang Qin) Severe Deficiencies: remove Fructus Citri seu Ponciri (Zhi Ke) Dryness of the Intestines: add Semen Linum (Huo Ma Ren) Severe lower back pain: remove Rhizoma Alisma (Ze Xie) and add Fructus Lycium (Gou Qi Zi) and Cortex Eucommia (Du Zhong) 5.Deficiency of Blood and Yin (Liver-Kidney) has constipation that is difficult to eliminate and may happen once every one-two weeks. The mouth tends to be dry. The skin tends to be pale and dry. There may also be palpitations and dizzyness. Tongue: may be pale to red depending on the Blood-Yin deficient continuum, there is a thin or maybe no coat Pulse: thin, feeble, tense, wiry Yong Xue Ren Chang Radix Angelica sinensis (Dang Gui) Radix Rehmannia glutinosae praeperatum (Shu Di) Herba Schizonepetae (Jing Jie) Fructus Aurantii (Zhi Ke) Semen Linum (Huo Ma Ren) Semen Armeniaca ( Herba Cistanches (Rou Cong Rou) Herba Perilla acutae (Zi Su Ye) Exocarpium Citri Grandis (Zhu Pi) Gelatinum Asini (E Jiao) 6.Dryness of the Large Intestine signs and symptoms: Constipation, lusterless skin that is dry and nails, vertigo, palpitations, dry mouth, thirst. Supplementation with essential fatty acids can be helpfull (EPA or flax oil). Large Intestine dryness may be due to deficiency of Yin or Blood, external dryness and foods may be a factor. The following two formulas require a differentiation between Yin Deficiency and Blood deficiency. tongue: Dry is common to both and pale is Blood Deficient while red is Yin Deficient. There may be a thin white coat with Blood Deficiency and no coat or a slight yellow quality due to heat from a Yin Deficient dryness of the Large Intestine. pulse: The Yin deficient pulse exhibits more tightness while the Blood Deficient pulse exhibits more thinness, together they may be feeble, thready and rapid. Run Chang Wan (Moisten The Intestines Pill From Master Shen's Book): for Yin-Blood Deficiency Semen Linum (Huo Ma Ren) Semen Persica (Tao Ren) Radix Angelica sinensis (Dang Gui) Radix Rehmannia glutinosa (Sheng Di Huang) Fructus Citri seu Ponciri (Zhi Ke) modifications: Internal Heat due to Blood Deficiency: add Scrophularia (Xuan Shen), Polygonum multiflorum (He Shou Wu) and Rhizoma Anemarrhena (Zhi Mu) Dr Wang adds the following to make Yong Xue Ren Chuang Wan Herba Schizonepetae (Jing Jie) Gelatinum Asini (E Jiao) Fructus Citrus Reticulatae (Zhu Pi) Folium Perillae acutae ( Herba Cistanches (Rou Cong Rong) Zeng Ye Tang (Increase the Fluids Decoction) for a dry pattern without pale skin, a thin pulse, and a pale tongue. Radix Scrophularia ninpoensis (Xuan Shen) Tuber Ophiopogonis japonici (Mai Men Dong) Radix Rehmannia glutinosae (Sheng Di Huang) if constipation is severe or doesn't resolve in twelve hours, add Rhizoma Rhei (Da Huang) and Mirabilitum (Mang Xiao) to create Zeng Ye Cheng Qi Tang modifications: peeled tongue with a shiny coating and parched mouth and lips due to severe Stomach Yin Deficiency: add Radix Adenophora (Sha Shen), Rhizoma Polygonatum odoratum (Yu Zhu) and Herba Dendrobium (Shi Hu) 7.Cold Stagnation Internal Cold: abdominal pain, constipation due to over-consumption of cold food. signs and symptoms: Abdominal pain, constipation, low-grade fever and chills, cold hands and feet; hernia. tongue: white, greasy tongue coating pulse: deep, tight or wiry (due to pain) pulse. Rhubarb and Aconite Combination (Da Huang Fu Zi Tang): Rhizoma Rhei (Da Huang) Radix Aconite praeperatum (Fu Zi) Herba Asarum (Xi Xin) modifications: Severe abdominal pain: Ramulus Cinnamon (Gui Zhi) and Peonia alba (Bai Shao Yao) Severe distention and a thick, dirty tongue coating: Fructus Aurantii seu Ponciri (zhi shi) and Massa Fermantata (Shen Qu) Abdominal fullness: Cortex Magnolia (Hou Po) and Radix Saussurea (Mu Xiang) Weak constitution: add Radix Pseudostellaria (Tai Zi Shen) and Radix Angelica sinensis (Dang Gui) 8. Food acumulation with Epigastric or abdominal distention, indigestion, foul-smelling belching, acid regurgitation, nausea and vomiting, aversion to food, sometimes diarrhea. tongue: yellow, greasy tongue coating pulse: slippery or full and overflowing globally or in the right middle position and rolling distal or proximal from there. Citrus and Craetagus Combination (Bao He Wan or Preserve Harmony Pill) Fructus Craetagus (Shan Zha ) Semen Raphanus (Lai Fu Zi) Massa Fermentata (Shen Qu) Rhizoma Pinellia (Ban Xia) Poria cocos (Fu Ling) Fructus Forsythia (Lian Qiao) Pericarpium Citrus (Chen Pi) plus Rhizoma Rhei (Da Huang) Seman Areca (Bing Lang) modifications: Halitosis: add Radix Scutellaria (Huang Qin) and Rhizoma Coptis (Huang Lian) Severe abdominal distention: add Fructus Aurantii (zhi shi) and Cortex Magnolia (Huo Po) 9. Xiao Yang-Yang Ming involvement The Xiao Yang portion presents with any one of lack of appetite, nausea, bitter taste in the mouth, continuous vomiting, despondency or irritability, alternating chills and fever, chest distension or hypochondriac pain. The Yang Ming portion is constipation. These are found in a strong patient with possible obesity. tongue: yellow tongue coating pulse: tense (wiry), full overflowing, flooding excess Major Bupleurum Combination (Da Chai Hu Tang) Radix Bupleurum (Chai Hu) Radix Scutellaria (Huang Qin) Fructus Aurantii seu Ponciri (Zhi Shi) Rhizoma Rhei (Da Huang) Rhizoma Pinellia (Ban Xia) Peonia alba (Bai Shao Yao) - with constipation, add Mirabilitum (Mang Xiao) Li Dong-yuan references for the treatment of constipation Whenever there is increased sweat or urination altering fluid dynamics, Stomach Qi Stagnation with fluids collapsing with constipation, modify your formula with Radix Angelica sinensis (Dang Gui), Semen Pruni persicae (Tao Ren), Semen Linum (Huo Ma Ren), Semen Pruni (Yu Li Ren), Semen Gleditsia sinensis (Zao Jiao Ren). If there is difficult defecation of dry stool goes for one or two days with reduced appetite, it is due to Blood Deficiency and Fire Hidden Within causing dryness. Add Radix Angelica sinensis (Dang Gui), Radix Rehmannia (Sheng Di Huang), and Semen Linum (Huo Ma Ren) and Pruni Persica (Tao Ren) stop as soon as stools are regulated. When there is chronic constipation, add no other medicianls but Radix et Rhizoma Rhei (Da Huang). Chronic constipation is not due to Blood Dryness (Binding), but rather Stasis (Blockage). There is also Heat which never fails to generate Wind. In this case discontinue primary formula and use Radix et Rhizoma Notopterygium (Qiang Huo) and Radix Ledebourielae sesloides (Fang Feng), use one dose to loosen the stool. Caution: for constipation or abdominal urgency with rectal heaviness and sitting to stool several times unproductively or a small amount of pus or blood in the stool. Do not purge the bowels, it will make the disease more serious causing stagnation, binding and blockage. Instead, use Sheng Yang Chu Shi Fang Feng Tang Rz Atractylodes (Cang Zhu) Radix Ledebouriella (Fang Feng) Rhizoma Atractylodes macrocephalae (Bai Zhu) Sclerotium Poria cocos (Fu Ling) Radix Peonia alba (Bai Shao) when the bowels become relaxed, then use bowel relieving medicinals. Long term weakness with satiated sensation, inability to take food, thin stools and constipation or diarrhea is Deficient Stomach Qi. Constant administration of this formula Harmonizes the Center, Rectifies the Qi, Disperses Phlegm, Eliminates Damp, Thickens the Stomach and Intestines and Increases food intake. The pulse is yielding (Hammer) or relaxed-moderate and indicates that the Spleen and Stomach channels are suffering damage by damp evils, use the following formula: Radix Saussurea seu Vladimiriae (Mu Xiang) Fructus Immaturis Citri Seu Ponciri (Zhi Shi) stir fry with wheat bran Radix Glycyrrhizae uralensis praeperatum (Zhi Gan Cao) Semen Areca Catechu (Bing Lang) Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae (Chen Pi) Rhizoma Pinellia ternata (Ban Xia) Cortex Magnolia Officinalis (Hou Po) Rhizoma Atractylodes macrocephalae (Bai Zhu) Ed Kasper wrote: > Ed Kasper <edkasper > > Wil and others Thank you for your responses. I am re-posting hoping to offer > greater clarity. > > ABDOMEN DISTENTION > My Dx: Spleen Yang Xu > > female age 54 > very active not sedentary > menopausal 1 1/2 years ago. > still hot flashes occasionally > little overweight, > tongue mostly swollen tooth marked + white. > pulse deep and but strong regular > suffers long term constipation, few times a week. > Bloated past 6 months > Hard feeling epigastic region just after eating > More of discomfort not sharp pain. > gas and belching > > Treated previously with acupuncture > bilateral Ki 16 > bilateral St 27 > bilateral St 37 > Ren 10, 12, 6 > > Also herbal decoction variation of D Cheng Qi Tang > Reported feeling better, released more gas > > Was also seeing a M.D. who prescribed drugs and laxatives. > Which she was taking. > > Stopped treatment as she felt better > Symptoms re-appeared and the doctor just diagnosed as > " Colon Inertia: a condition where the colon does not properly contract " > > Questions: > would Da Cheng Rx / Da Huang and Fu Zi, be suitable or too harsh. > Would Tonifying Rx be too cloying Ginseng & Longan Formula, Ginseng & > Astragalus Formula, Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang and Run Chang > > I am also considering Triphala, > > Thank you for your consideration. > To Your Health, > Ed Kasper LAc. > > > Chronic Diseases Heal - Chinese Herbs Can Help Attachment: vcard [not shown] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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