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herb safety, was placebo effects

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Alon Marcus wrote:

" For example, Digxin is safer than the herbal verity in equivalent

therapeutic dose and Sudafed has less side-effects than Ma Huang (on

equivalent effective dose). "


Well not really. While it is true that digitalis (foxglove) needs to be

assayed because the plant is variable in concentration, the so-called

side effects of herbal digitalis (headache, etc.) were a warning sign

that the narrow therapeutic window was being exceeded. It probably saved

lives. With the drug, the warning sign has been lost and it is easier to

induce fatalities. In any event there are better formulas for cardiac



If you compare Ma huang to extracted ephederine, which was used for

asthma for a number of years you will find that it fell out of favor

because the drug caused racing of the heart. Ma huang contains compounds

that slow the heartbeat as well as those which speed it up, so includes a

buffering mechanism.


And historic formulas and dosing, which account for most uses of these

plants, have been adequately vetted for most conditions. I know of no

evidence that Sudafed is superior to ma huang tang, a far better



Karen Vaughan



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Ma huang contains compoundsthat slow the heartbeat as well as those which speed it up, so includes abuffering mechanism. >>Yes but not for increasing blood pressure which ma huang does more than psudoephedrine. All I am saying is that there is two much dogmatic statements going on. I truly believe that it is better to include all available information before making obsolete statements. What may look one way when viewed from one perspective may look very different from another. It is just as foolish to engorge OM as it is to ignore other system including modern medicine.





Karen S Vaughan

Saturday, September 16, 2000 12:46 PM

Re: herb safety, was placebo effects


Alon Marcus wrote:" For example, Digxin is safer than the herbal verity in equivalenttherapeutic dose and Sudafed has less side-effects than Ma Huang (onequivalent effective dose)."Well not really. While it is true that digitalis (foxglove) needs to beassayed because the plant is variable in concentration, the so-calledside effects of herbal digitalis (headache, etc.) were a warning signthat the narrow therapeutic window was being exceeded. It probably savedlives. With the drug, the warning sign has been lost and it is easier toinduce fatalities. In any event there are better formulas for cardiacuse.If you compare Ma huang to extracted ephederine, which was used forasthma for a number of years you will find that it fell out of favorbecause the drug caused racing of the heart. Ma huang contains compoundsthat slow the heartbeat as well as those which speed it up, so includes abuffering mechanism. And historic formulas and dosing, which account for most uses of theseplants, have been adequately vetted for most conditions. I know of noevidence that Sudafed is superior to ma huang tang, a far bettercomparison. Karen VaughanCreationsGarden***************************************Email advice is not a substitute for medical treatment.Man, surrounded by facts, permitting himself no suprise, no intuitiveflash, no great hypothesis, no risk, is in a locked cell." -LillianSmith______________YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET!Juno now offers FREE Internet Access!Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit:http://dl.www.juno.com/get/tagj.The Chinese Herbal Medicine, a voluntary organization of licensed healthcare practitioners, matriculated students and postgraduate academics specializing in Chinese Herbal Medicine, provides a variety of professional services, including board approved online continuing education.

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