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herb dust, powders, grinders, organic dust dis.

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Peter Borten wrote:

there is a big cloud of herb dust and some of it goes into my lungs.


Grinders and Organic dust diseases


Dear Peter Borton

I am very interested in the process of powdering process of herbs,

and I constantly look for the different methods possible. This

because, I believe any chemical processing of organic matter will

change it structure, and thereby its active compounds. That's why TCM

Patent medicines doesn't work as well as raw herbs. That's why Alfred

Vogel and all the Biodynamical movement folks will grind their own

flour, since vitamins and much of the goodies disappear during

heating etc



So Peter, I would like have details of how you do your Grinding?

What kind of machines, what companies and prices, what kind of herbs

possible to grind, and other expericences (amounts)...


Regarding the problem of herb powder causing lung damage, I would

hold that any source non-common to the body will lead to pathological

changes of significance, when continuous stimulation is in question.


I had a neighbour, a carpenter, who died last week from a pneumonia

at the age of 47, and as most would know, dust is one of the leading

reasons in this field of work.


Maybe you should consider using a mask and other air filtering

methods as a safety installment, especially if you look through below.


Following I found on:





Workers in agriculture, pharmaceuticals, furniture making and food

manufacturing are exposed to ducts of animal and vegetable origin.

Example include antibiotics, cereals flour, milk and egg powder,

spores of fungi and yeasts. In some cases exposure to organic dusts

such as wood dust can lead to toxic effects or can cause cancer. The

biggest problem arises from the provocation of allergic reactions,


Extrinsic allergic alveolitis (or hypersensitivity pneumonia) is a

lung disease caused by breathing in particles of organic dusts which

penetrate into the lungs causing and allergic reaction and leading to

tissue damage (fibrosis) and impairment of lung functions. Some of

the more well-known forms are described in the panel in the next

page. Acute symptoms are usually short lived in the absence of

further exposure. In the chronic form, irreversible pulmonary

fibrosis may develop.


Occupational asthma may occur in susceptible individuals as a result

of exposure to dusts, fumes or vapours. Organic dusts are a major

cause including grains, flour, plant, gum, insects, animal products

and woods. An allergic reaction does not occur on first exposure but

only after an interval which may vary from weeks to years. Once

sensitisation has occurred, symptoms of chest tightness and breathing

difficulties are provoked by re-exposure to the causative agent.


Prevention: the first step must be to change to alternative processes

or materials or to eliminate exposure by enclosure. Where this is not

possible, exposure should be controlled either by exhaust ventilation

or use of respiratory protection. All potential exposure to organic

dust - particularly mouldy material - should be identified before

work starts and appropriate precautions adopted. If symptoms occur,

it is important that these are reported to a doctor while effective

treatment is possible.


Farmer's Lung: this can follow exposure of persons who have

previously become sensitised to the dust generated on moving certain

spoiled vegetable produce, particularly hay and corn. Spoiled hay is

however, only one of the potential sources. The spores are common in

litter and in various stored fodders, including silage. Hardly any

sample of stored grass or grain is likely to be entirely free of

organisms which cause the disease. When such produce is disturbed,

for example, in grinding corn or feeding cattle, the dust containing

the spores may be breathed in. Such an exposure may sensitise people

doing this work and after this, exposure to even quite low

concentrations of the spores will produce symptoms.


Mushroom Worker's Lung: this is caused by exposure to fungi which

grow in compost used to spawn mushrooms, but the precise fungal agent

has net been isolated. Reports of degree or recovery vary



Maltworker's Lung: this is caused by inhaled organic dust


spores of the fungus Aspergillus clavatus which are released into the

air in large concentration during the turning of barley in open floor

maltings. Severity of symptoms varies.


Bird Fancier's Lung: this is well recognised in pigeon breeders


budgerigar fanciers. The causative agent comes for the bird's


protein and the disease results from exposure to dust from bird

dropping and feather dust. Symptoms are similar to those found in

Farmer's Lung. Symptoms have also been noted in poultry workers.


Bagassosis: this is caused by exposure tp spores in the handling of

fibrous cellulose materials from the inner stalk of sugar cane which

has been crushed and the juice extracted. This can be prevented by

treatment with a biocide.


Other causes; other causes or extrinsic allergic alveolitis have been

reported including certain hardwood dusts, mouldy wood products, cork

dust, cheese moulds, coffee bean dust, moulds on preserved meat

products, fish meal, and dry rot dust.




HSE Publication: HSE Books


A55 Farmer's Lung


EH/66 Grain Dust


M5/4 Organic dust surveys


IND(G)95(L) Respiratory Sensitisers


IND(G)140(L) Grain Dust in non-agricultural workplaces.


Organic agents that may cause Occupational Asthma


Agent Occupation(s) affected

Wheat, grain, flour Millers, Bakers, Farmers and Grain Handlers

Hops Brewers

Coffee Beans Coffee Handlers

Castor Beans Gardeners, Bean Baggers, Millers

Gums Printers

Tobacco dust Tobacco Workers

Wool Wool Workers

Beetles, locusts, cockroaches Laboratory Workers

Crickets, grain weevils Millers, Farm workers

Rats and mice Grain Storage, Laboratory Workers

Prawn and oysters Shell Fish Processing

Cedarwood, Boxwood, Redwood, Resin, African Zebrawood Bakers (??)

Farm workers??, Carpenters, Woodworkers and finishers

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