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I'm glad to hear that it was a hoax. I'm concerned about the red flag the AAOM

is waving. I received a newsletter from them on Friday about the FDA and it's now

posted on the web site of the AZ Integrated Acupuncture Alliance at

http://www.lauclinic.org/aziaa/riskmngmt.htm .


I'm interested in the thoughts of other folks on this issue.




> Message: 2> Sun, 4 Feb 2001 00:17:27 -0700> "Stephen Morrissey" <stephen> RE: Re:HMO Bill> > > Regarding the supposed Congressional action on an HMO Bill, I inquired about> it from a colleague in the know and got the following response:> > Hi Stephen,> The message forwarded from Jack is "hooey" - no such bill exists. I have> been in> touch with the at least hyperbolic, perhaps paranoid originator of this> unfortunately widely distributed misinformation, who now has the audacity to> credit himself in pressuring an "unnamed" Congressman to withdraw the odious> (though nonexistent) legislation that is the subject of this drivel....have

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, " Joseph Balensi " <jlb@t...> wrote:

> I'm glad to hear that it was a hoax. I'm concerned about the red flag the


> is waving. I received a newsletter from them on Friday about the FDA and it's


> posted on the web site of the AZ Integrated Acupuncture Alliance at

> http://www.lauclinic.org/aziaa/riskmngmt.htm .


> I'm interested in the thoughts of other folks on this issue.



The AAOM is dominated by supporters of completely unfettered trade. I

was advised by AAOM correspondence to vote republican this past fall or

be prepared to suffer the consequences of over regulation of our field.

However the republicans now control the FDA and all three branches of

federal government, so it seems unclear what all the fuss is about. My

suspicion is that certain corporate interests want to maintain their

direct access to the public without the intermediary of licensed px.

Licensed px tend to support smaller companies and foreign suppliers.

We generally do not send our patients to GNC to fill their rx. Since

the AAOM is ostensibly a px organization, they seem to have chosen

strange bedfellows.


I feel strongly that completely unregulated access to herbs hurts our

field and this is the real threat over time. We should participate in

the crafting of reasonable regulation to protect both ourselves and

consumers. I must admit that I believe the AAOM is misguided not by

malice but by blind adherence to the principles of libertarianism. I

associated with the libertarians in Oregon and they believe with almost

a religious fervor that all government is bad except that which

protects us from physical violence. They are willing to dismantle all

federal regulatory agencies, including FDA and EPA, betting that people

(read corporations) will do the right thing once freed from such

restraints. I think history tells us otherwise.


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In Chapter 18 of Lao Zi, it says,

" If the Great Dao is lost,

Humanism and justice appear. "


In Chapter 54, it says,


" The well established cannot be uprooted. "


There's a couple of thoughts.




I'm glad to hear that it was a hoax.  I'm concerned about

the red flag the AAOM

is waving.  I received a newsletter from them on Friday

about the FDA and it's now

posted on the web site of the AZ

Integrated Acupuncture Alliance at

<A TARGET= " Link "

href= " http://www.lauclinic.org/aziaa/riskmngmt.htm " >http://www.lauclinic.org/azi\

aa/riskmngmt.htm</A> .


I'm interested in the thoughts of other folks on this



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I think we're mixing up two situations. One was a note forwarded to this

list from Jack Miller of PCOM. This one that you mentioned is a real

issue. The FDA issue is real. The Congressional/HMO issue appears not

to be so.




> Joseph Balensi wrote:


> I'm glad to hear that it was a hoax. I'm concerned about the red flag

> the AAOM

> is waving. I received a newsletter from them on Friday about the FDA

> and it's now

> posted on the web site of the AZ Integrated Acupuncture Alliance at

> http://www.lauclinic.org/aziaa/riskmngmt.htm .


> I'm interested in the thoughts of other folks on this issue.




> > Message: 2

> > Sun, 4 Feb 2001 00:17:27 -0700

> > " Stephen Morrissey " <stephen

> > RE: Re:HMO Bill

> >

> >

> > Regarding the supposed Congressional action on an HMO Bill, I

> inquired about

> > it from a colleague in the know and got the following response:

> >

> > Hi Stephen,

> > The message forwarded from Jack is " hooey " - no such bill exists. I

> have

> > been in

> > touch with the at least hyperbolic, perhaps paranoid originator of

> this

> > unfortunately widely distributed misinformation, who now has the

> audacity to

> > credit himself in pressuring an " unnamed " Congressman to withdraw

> the odious

> > (though nonexistent) legislation that is the subject of this

> drivel....have



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