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Vitamin K & food

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Hi All,


While the USDA database is a good reference for the nutritional contents of

foods, it doesn't list the Vitamin K

contents. They do however provide a separate Vitamin K file which I have sorted

by both Vitamin K content and food

name. You can find the file here:



I have also attached the Vit K file to this message.


Here is the USDA Vitamin K data in PDF form:



Adequate Vit K is essential for helping to regulate calcium, keeping it from

building up in our tissues and keeping it

in our bones, it's also a stronger antioxidant than either vitamin E or coenzyme



Vitamin K is not stored in the body, and is therefore non-toxic in high amounts.

Forty-five milligrams a day were used

in osteoporosis studies without any ill effect. Vitamin K has been approved in

Japan for the treatment of osteoporosis

since 1995. Several thousand times more than what people are currently getting

in their diet has been taken without any

toxicity. Dosage depends on an individual's diet, age, whether they are taking

drugs, and what stressors are present.

Generally, 10 mg/day is recommended.


This LEF paper on Vitamin K really deserves your read:




Good Health & Long Life,

Greg Watson,





Milligrams of Vit K per 100 g of selected foods


Sorted by Amount

1510 Coriander leaf, cooked

1428 Tea leaves, green

1385 Algae, purple laver

1140 Amaranth leaf, raw

900 Parsley, cooked

860 Mint leaf, cooked

830 Swiss chard leaf, raw

817 Kale leaf, raw

700 Nightshade leaf, cooked

620 Nightshade leaf, raw

540 Parsley,raw

438 Brussels sprouts, top leaf

400 Spinach leaf, raw

381 Purslane, raw

360 Cucumber skin, raw

350 Chrysanthemum, garland, raw

310 Coriander leaf, raw

270 Broccoli, cooked

270 Chayote leaf, cooked

262 Tea leaves, black

251 Turnip greens, raw

250 Watercress, raw

231 Endive, raw

230 Mint leaf, raw

210 Lettuce leaf, raw

207 Onions, spring

205 Broccoli, raw

200 Chayote leaf, raw

193 Soybean oil

190 Chives, raw

177 Brussels sprouts, raw

170 Mustard greens, raw

145 Cabbage, raw

141 Canola oil

122 Lettuce, butterhead, raw

81 Mayonnaise

80 Squash, peel

70 Pistachio nuts, dried

60 Apple peel, green

57 Coleslaw

51 Margarine, regular, hard stick, mainly soybean oil

49 Olive oil

47 Beans, snap, raw

47 Soybeans, dry

44 Cabbage, red, raw

40 Asparagus, raw

40 Avocados, raw

37 Soybeans, dry, roasted

36 Peas, raw

26 Pickles, dill

25 Kiwifruit, raw

25 Pea pods, raw

25 Sauerkraut, solids and liquids, canned

23 Abalone, mixed species, raw

23 Peas, green, cooked

22 Lentils, dry

22 Malabar gourd leaf, raw

20 Apple peel, red

19 Cucumber, whole, raw

19 Kidney beans, dry

18 Carrots, cooked

17 Peppers, sweet, raw

16 Pumpkin, canned

15 Walnut oil

14 Artichoke, raw

14 Leek, raw

12 Celery, raw

12 Plums,raw

11 Miso, dry

11 Safflower oil

10 Cauliflower, boiled, drained, cooked

10 Coffee, brewed

10 Peanut butter

10 Pinto beans, dry

10 Potato chips

10 Sesame oil

9 Sunflower oil

8 Sesame seeds, dried

7 Almond oil

7 Buckwheat flour, whole groats, cooked

7 Butter

7 Tomato sauce, canned

6 Blueberries, canned, heavy syrup pack

6 Lima beans, dry

6 Meatloaf

6 Spinach stalk, raw

6 Tomatoes, ripe, raw

5 Apricots, canned, water pack, with skin

5 Carrots, raw

5 Cauliflower, raw

5 Cowpeas, common, raw

5 Mackerel, Atlantic, raw

5 Potatoes, french fries, prepared

4 Algae, green laver

4 Potatoes with skin, baked

4 Potatoes, sweet, canned

4 Spaghetti sauce, meat-based

4 Tomato juice, canned

3 Beet, raw

3 Bread, assorted types

3 Cheese, cheddar

3 Corn oil

3 Grapes, European-type (adherent skin), raw

3 Oatmeal, instant, dry, plain

3 Peaches, raw

3 Soy milk

3 Squash, without skin, raw

3 Top shell, raw

2 Bran flakes

2 Cabbage, turnip,raw

2 Chili con carne

2 Crackers, saltines

2 Cucumber, without skin, raw

2 Egg yolk, raw

2 Milk, dry, whole

2 Navy beans, dry

2 Onions, raw

2 Puffed wheat, plain

2 Tofu, regular, raw

1 Barley flour

1 Cranberry sauce, canned, sweetened

1 Cream, sour, cultured

1 Melon, cantaloup, raw

1 Parsnips, raw

1 Pretzels, hard

1 Rice, white, uncooked

0.9 Millet, uncooked

0.8 Fruit cocktail, canned, water pack

0.8 Potatoes, flesh, raw

0.7 Peanut oil

0.7 Pineapple juice, canned

0.7 Shredded wheat

0.7 Total

0.7 Yogurt, fruit

0.6 Prune juice, canned

0.6 Rice cake, brown rice, plain

0.6 Wheat flour, all-purpose

0.5 Apple sauce, canned

0.5 Bananas, raw

0.5 Beef, ground, regular, raw

0.5 Corn, sweet, raw

0.5 Crackers, graham

0.5 Eggplant, raw

0.5 Fruit spread, assorted flavors

0.5 Pears, canned, water packed

0.4 Apple without skin, raw

0.4 Milk, chocolate, lowfat

0.4 Salmon, pink, raw

0.3 Milk, whole (3.3% fat)

0.3 Potato skin, baked

0.3 Yogurt, lowfat, plain

0.2 Butterfly bream, raw

0.2 Clam, mixed species, raw

0.2 Grape juice, canned or bottled

0.2 Grapefruit juice, canned

0.2 Lemon peel, raw

0.2 Peanuts, raw

0.2 Spaghetti, dry

0.1 Apple juice, canned or bottled

0.1 Chicken meat, raw

0.1 Orange juice, raw

0.1 Oranges, raw

0.1 Oyster, eastern, wild, raw

0.1 Pineapple, raw

0.1 Radishes, raw

0.09 Sardine, raw

0.09 Turnips, raw

0.08 Puffed rice

0.08 Yellowtail, mixed species, raw

0.07 Octopus, common, raw

0.07 Pork meat, raw

0.05 Tea, brewed

0.04 Corn flakes

0.04 Rice flour

0.03 Lemonade, frozen concentrate

0.03 Shrimp, mixed species, raw

0.03 Tea, decaffeinated, brewed

0.03 Tuna, bluefin, raw

0.02 Eel, mixed species, raw

0.02 Grapefruit, raw

0.02 Honey

0.02 Milk, skim

0.02 Mushrooms, raw

0.02 Pacific saury, raw

0.02 Squid, mixed species, raw

0.02 Turkey meat, raw

0.01 Egg white, raw

0.01 Ginger ale, regular

0.005 Cola, diet

0.005 Cola, regular

0.005 Cranberry juice cocktail

0.005 Ginger ale, diet

0.005 Sake

0.005 Wine, table


Sorted by Name

23 Abalone, mixed species, raw

4 Algae, green laver

1385 Algae, purple laver

7 Almond oil

1140 Amaranth leaf, raw

0.1 Apple juice, canned or bottled

60 Apple peel, green

20 Apple peel, red

0.5 Apple sauce, canned

0.4 Apple without skin, raw

5 Apricots, canned, water pack, with skin

14 Artichoke, raw

40 Asparagus, raw

40 Avocados, raw

0.5 Bananas, raw

1 Barley flour

47 Beans, snap, raw

0.5 Beef, ground, regular, raw

3 Beet, raw

6 Blueberries, canned, heavy syrup pack

2 Bran flakes

3 Bread, assorted types

270 Broccoli, cooked

205 Broccoli, raw

177 Brussels sprouts, raw

438 Brussels sprouts, top leaf

7 Buckwheat flour, whole groats, cooked

7 Butter

0.2 Butterfly bream, raw

145 Cabbage, raw

44 Cabbage, red, raw

2 Cabbage, turnip,raw

141 Canola oil

18 Carrots, cooked

5 Carrots, raw

10 Cauliflower, boiled, drained, cooked

5 Cauliflower, raw

12 Celery, raw

270 Chayote leaf, cooked

200 Chayote leaf, raw

3 Cheese, cheddar

0.1 Chicken meat, raw

2 Chili con carne

190 Chives, raw

350 Chrysanthemum, garland, raw

0.2 Clam, mixed species, raw

10 Coffee, brewed

0.005 Cola, diet

0.005 Cola, regular

57 Coleslaw

1510 Coriander leaf, cooked

310 Coriander leaf, raw

0.04 Corn flakes

3 Corn oil

0.5 Corn, sweet, raw

5 Cowpeas, common, raw

0.5 Crackers, graham

2 Crackers, saltines

0.005 Cranberry juice cocktail

1 Cranberry sauce, canned, sweetened

1 Cream, sour, cultured

360 Cucumber skin, raw

19 Cucumber, whole, raw

2 Cucumber, without skin, raw

0.02 Eel, mixed species, raw

0.01 Egg white, raw

2 Egg yolk, raw

0.5 Eggplant, raw

231 Endive, raw

0.8 Fruit cocktail, canned, water pack

0.5 Fruit spread, assorted flavors

0.005 Ginger ale, diet

0.01 Ginger ale, regular

0.2 Grape juice, canned or bottled

0.2 Grapefruit juice, canned

0.02 Grapefruit, raw

3 Grapes, European-type (adherent skin), raw

0.02 Honey

817 Kale leaf, raw

19 Kidney beans, dry

25 Kiwifruit, raw

14 Leek, raw

0.2 Lemon peel, raw

0.03 Lemonade, frozen concentrate

22 Lentils, dry

210 Lettuce leaf, raw

122 Lettuce, butterhead, raw

6 Lima beans, dry

5 Mackerel, Atlantic, raw

22 Malabar gourd leaf, raw

51 Margarine, regular, hard stick, mainly soybean oil

81 Mayonnaise

6 Meatloaf

1 Melon, cantaloup, raw

0.4 Milk, chocolate, lowfat

2 Milk, dry, whole

0.02 Milk, skim

0.3 Milk, whole (3.3% fat)

0.9 Millet, uncooked

860 Mint leaf, cooked

230 Mint leaf, raw

11 Miso, dry

0.02 Mushrooms, raw

170 Mustard greens, raw

2 Navy beans, dry

700 Nightshade leaf, cooked

620 Nightshade leaf, raw

3 Oatmeal, instant, dry, plain

0.07 Octopus, common, raw

49 Olive oil

2 Onions, raw

207 Onions, spring

0.1 Orange juice, raw

0.1 Oranges, raw

0.1 Oyster, eastern, wild, raw

0.02 Pacific saury, raw

540 Parsley,raw

900 Parsley, cooked

1 Parsnips, raw

25 Pea pods, raw

3 Peaches, raw

10 Peanut butter

0.7 Peanut oil

0.2 Peanuts, raw

0.5 Pears, canned, water packed

23 Peas, green, cooked

36 Peas, raw

17 Peppers, sweet, raw

26 Pickles, dill

0.7 Pineapple juice, canned

0.1 Pineapple, raw

10 Pinto beans, dry

70 Pistachio nuts, dried

12 Plums,raw

0.07 Pork meat, raw

10 Potato chips

0.3 Potato skin, baked

4 Potatoes with skin, baked

0.8 Potatoes, flesh, raw

5 Potatoes, french fries, prepared

4 Potatoes, sweet, canned

1 Pretzels, hard

0.6 Prune juice, canned

0.08 Puffed rice

2 Puffed wheat, plain

16 Pumpkin, canned

381 Purslane, raw

0.1 Radishes, raw

0.6 Rice cake, brown rice, plain

0.04 Rice flour

1 Rice, white, uncooked

11 Safflower oil

0.005 Sake

0.4 Salmon, pink, raw

0.09 Sardine, raw

25 Sauerkraut, solids and liquids, canned

10 Sesame oil

8 Sesame seeds, dried

0.7 Shredded wheat

0.03 Shrimp, mixed species, raw

3 Soy milk

193 Soybean oil

47 Soybeans, dry

37 Soybeans, dry, roasted

4 Spaghetti sauce, meat-based

0.2 Spaghetti, dry

400 Spinach leaf, raw

6 Spinach stalk, raw

80 Squash, peel

3 Squash, without skin, raw

0.02 Squid, mixed species, raw

9 Sunflower oil

830 Swiss chard leaf, raw

262 Tea leaves, black

1428 Tea leaves, green

0.05 Tea, brewed

0.03 Tea, decaffeinated, brewed

2 Tofu, regular, raw

4 Tomato juice, canned

7 Tomato sauce, canned

6 Tomatoes, ripe, raw

3 Top shell, raw

0.7 Total

0.03 Tuna, bluefin, raw

0.02 Turkey meat, raw

251 Turnip greens, raw

0.09 Turnips, raw

15 Walnut oil

250 Watercress, raw

0.6 Wheat flour, all-purpose

0.005 Wine, table

0.08 Yellowtail, mixed species, raw

0.7 Yogurt, fruit

0.3 Yogurt, lowfat, plain

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