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I want to update you all on ' son, Killian, who has suffered

severe head injuries after a fall. There is so much love on all these lists

for Phil you all need to know.


I have just spoken to the family in Ireland, and Killian is still extremely

critical. They do not know if he will make it. They ask for your prayers.

Things are desperate, and they ask for your prayers to help Killian to make

the journey safely back to this world and health or to gently pass over to

the next.


Phil is by Killian's bedside in Australia.


God be with you Phil, how desperatly helpless you must feel.







Jimmy Symmonds BSc BVSc MRCVS


Holistic Animal Care Centre

125 Magdalen Road




Tel: +44 (0) 1865 453570

Fax: +44 (0) 1865 423183

Mobile: 07884 438583


Email: jimmy

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  • 6 years later...

--- On Sat, 2/21/09, <

wrote:TCM is great but we need top westrern medicine / surgery also! Am

fine and am back treating horses. Best regards,


Oh Absolutely, after formal Ac school I was accepted for pre-med at Hahnemann

University hospital. They were interested in training people for GP, as opposed

to specialists. I thought, if I can't see a marriage of east and west in the

world, at least I might in my own practice, to start with. And I've always had a

fascination and admiration of surgical skill, the inside of the body doesn't

shock or repulse me, and I've learnt in messy situations I can keep focused on

helping. I know I would be good at it. Even reading a lot by top, yet modest

surgeons about their frame of mind etc. And the best seem in a meditative yet

alert mind, that people all over the world, and in many professions, have - 

'singlemindedness', or are gifted. And I have a tested real appreciation of my

own dexterity. Have to be realistic.

  However there was not a stable enough home life at the time. Ok.

  Phil,  I've done seminars and rounds with veterenarians who practice

acupuncturist on them too. That seems like a really satisfying scene too. I'm

overly cautious of horses' power, I feel I have to ask them if I can ride them,

yet my 14 yr old daughter is at the point in her equestrian training where

besides the basics and teaching others, she's starting to learn racing them, or

at leasty running them. She loves horses, walking them, brushing them, cleaning

their stalls, everything.

 For fun Phil, this story really impressed me, hope you enjoy it, from my

perpective. I asked a local vet, who I know had acupuncture background too, if I

might accompany and observe her on rounds to various farms, stables some day.

She said ok, and I met her and travelled a day with her.  

 We came to a nice farm, outside Philadelphia, pa., and she was visiting a horse

that kind of was in pain but more, was favoring walking to the left almost in

circles a lot. She said the rel problem was that it was a stabled horse that

didn't get enough attention and walk around work. She was about 5' 3 " tal,

slightly but strongly built, and was very comfortable around the animal. It was

fun because I could see how much she enjoyed this. so, she talks to the horse

travels a hand down the neck and puts a couple needles in. The horse raised it's

head and looked forward like it was thinking to itself, 'Hmm, wow cool'.

 The needles came out, and she was stroking the horse a little and reached over

its neck and gently to forcefully put the head down and twisted and I heardthe

crack crack crack of her adjusting the horse's neck and upper spine. Again the

horse wsn't offended, just raised it's head majestically and breathed like it

was refreshed. And I'm thinking, damn this chickster is too cool, what a touch,


 As we were leaving, driving out the dirt road along the pasture, that horse

came and ran and followed along the fence with us until we were gone. That was a

beautiful day.

Peace Phil. 


































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