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Teacher in Chinese Medicine and/or Taoism?

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Hi Listers,


See this note from Parlan Fritz.


If you can recomend a good teacher in and/or

Taoism who would teach at the Festival mentioned below, please

contact <parlan.fritz ASAP and OFF-






------- Forwarded message follows -------

Date sent: Sat, 07 Dec 2002 00:54:59 +0100

Experience Festival <information

Teacher in


Send reply to: parlan.fritz


Teacher in at the Experience Festival,

Madras/India, February 9th-15th. 2003




My name is Parlan Fritz and I contact you on behalf of the

project-team in Sweden that stand behind the upcoming Experience

Festival outside Madras in India, February 9th-15th.


I would like to ask you if you could recommend me a teacher within

that you believe would add to the rest of the

programme at the festival and at the following university?


The purpose of the Experience Festival is to provide an opportunity

to learn about the inexhaustible well of knowledge and wisdom

residing in the ancient cultures. Examples of subjects are: Ayurveda

(India), Vaastu (India), Feng Shui (China), Mayan Calendar

(Central-American), Ayurveda (India), Kabbalah (Jewish), Native

American Spirituality, Yellow Bamboo (Bali), African Spirituality and

much more. Our ambition is to have all continents and as many as

possible of the important cultures represented with warm and

dedicated teachers.


The festival is arranged in collaboration with The Golden Age

Foundation, an organisation working to support the enlightenment of

mankind. The Golden Age Foundation will contribute in topics like

Enlightenment, Mysticism, Women's Movement, Srishti - the

Science of Parenting etc. The campus is located in a very beautiful

and serene area just at the foot of some mountains right on the

border to a national park. The area is said to be a very powerful

place of energy that attracted sages and saints for all times.

Immediately after the festival will the first set of courses start at The

World University, which will become a centre where all the branches

of ancient science from around the globe will be studied,

documented and taught.


Our intention is to have as many non-dogmatic ancient cultures and

belief systems as possible represented. We would like to add to the

programme one or several more teachers that could contribute

within the vast field of . Ayurveda will be

thoroughly represented and we would like the participants to learn

the differences between the two systems and how they are relating

to each other. I am open to all suggestions from you.


We are also right now in the process of finding teachers within

Taoism. We would appreciate very much names and topics and how

to get in contact with the person in mind. We would also appreciate

if you have any other comments or suggestions!


Warm regards, Parlan Fritz Stockholm / Sweden

parlan.fritz You can visit our website for

more info about the festival: www.experiencefestival.com





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Best regards,



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