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All Medicine is evolving!

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> I tell my students there are differing opinions on various things,

> but ultimately one has to settle on something. At the basic

> level, it is good to know there are options out there, but also to

> know what is general consensus. ...one of the values of modern TCM

> is that it is ... a summary of past experience, a general consensus.

> It is not the last word, but supposedly a pretty thorough summary.


I agree 100% and go further: TCM teaches that the Ultimate Law,

the one on which all others are based, is the Law of Change!


Ergo, what is called Modern TCM [or Modern Western Med!] is

EVOLVING all the time! A century or a millemmium from now, some

of our present-day deeply-held beliefs in all aspects of medicine will

have been shown to be untrue, ineffective or, worse, adverse for our



I look forward to the evolution of a truly Holistic Medicine that will

incorporate the BEST from all available medical systems, eastern

and western, material and energetic, allopathic, isopathic and

homeopathic, etc.


The medical (and OMD) students of today have a hard task ahead -

a lifetime of study - to work towards such an holistic system.


And we must all recognise that many (in the OMD as well as the

Western Med " camps " ) will be too lazy, too proud, or too biassed to

even try to learn the skills and thought processes of the " other " ways

of healing.



Best regards,



WORK : Teagasc Staff Development Unit, Sandymount Ave., Dublin 4, Ireland


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Tel : 353-; [in the Republic: 0]


HOME : 1 Esker Lawns, Lucan, Dublin, Ireland

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