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character workbooks

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I think such a practical study of characters woven into existing classes

is largely doable. I do not think there would be any resistance in the

herbology and OM departments at PCOM. Half the teachers are already

chinese. Half the rest already read chinese. The few that don't could

easily learn to incorporate some characters fairly easily. For example,

each week, I present about 2 categories of herbs and no more than 4-5

herbs on average. An internal med professor might talk about 2 diseases

and half dozen pattern names in a weekly lecture. this vocabulary

building won't let you be able to read, per se, but it will let you read

product and package labels and even access certain chinese books in a very

rudimentary fashion (look up a disease, a pattern, the formula name and

modifications -- all requiring just some basic medical vocabulary). A

book like Flaw's Teach yourself.... would be a good basis for all the

necessary intro to begin building some vocabulary this way. The basics

could be taught in a weekend or even a day, I think. And Wiseman's

Character books could be used for practical work throughout the program.

I think Wiseman's CMC: Grammar... is more appropriate for a yearlong study.

As such, it will have to be left to the DAOM program or future entry

level doctorate to tackle this. I will propose at PCOM that since the

master's level chinese classes always get cancelled, students should be

allowed to take the doctoral level chinese classes. this will give

interested students access to a more in depth study of chinese while in





Chinese Herbs



" Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre

minds " -- Albert Einstein

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Good suggestions, Todd. I like them all.



On Sunday, January 26, 2003, at 01:45 PM, wrote:


> I think such a practical study of characters woven into existing

> classes is largely doable. I do not think there would be any

> resistance in the herbology and OM departments at PCOM. Half the

> teachers are already chinese. Half the rest already read chinese.

> The few that don't could easily learn to incorporate some characters

> fairly easily. For example, each week, I present about 2 categories

> of herbs and no more than 4-5 herbs on average. An internal med

> professor might talk about 2 diseases and half dozen pattern names in

> a weekly lecture. this vocabulary building won't let you be able to

> read, per se, but it will let you read product and package labels and

> even access certain chinese books in a very rudimentary fashion (look

> up a disease, a pattern, the formula name and modifications -- all

> requiring just some basic medical vocabulary). A book like Flaw's

> Teach yourself.... would be a good basis for all the necessary intro

> to begin building some vocabulary this way. The basics could be

> taught in a weekend or even a day, I think. And Wiseman's Character

> books could be used for practical work throughout the program. I

> think Wiseman's CMC: Grammar... is more appropriate for a yearlong

> study. As such, it will have to be left to the DAOM program or future

> entry level doctorate to tackle this. I will propose at PCOM that

> since the master's level chinese classes always get cancelled,

> students should be allowed to take the doctoral level chinese classes.

> this will give interested students access to a more in depth study of

> chinese while in school.




> Chinese Herbs


> voice:

> fax:


> " Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre

> minds " -- Albert Einstein

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