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The brain in the gut

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>>>>That is why many antidepressants have digestive effects. Serotonin, like

many other catacholamins have binding sites in many tissues from blood vessels

to the gut. That is also why emotions have somatic and visceral effects. Much

deferring 5HT (serotonins) are also produced in the brain.



You guys are so great. You go running into your heads to tell you about your

gut, and the answers are still there. Astonishing. The Chinese have always

just observed what was in front of them, seeing what happens to a person, not a

part. This makes things clear enough, actually, but that is not the whole

story, as Western medicine will tell you. However, all Western medicine is doing

with its analyses is confirming what the Chinese saw all along. How could it

not? The facts have not changed. Bodies have not changed. The gut affects one's

serotonin levels, one's lungs, one's heart, one's worldview. This is why using

an herb such as Celandine or Yu Jin, or many others, can, under the right

circumstances, turn a wack job into a happy camper. What you really need to do


understand this is to relax your gut completely and pay attention to it. Then

you will know for yourself. Your head is going in the right direction. Just

lead with your heart. That's all there is to it.


By the way, I blanked on Ken's name the other day when I was tossing off CHA

Rat Pack names and herbs to go with them. I guess Ken is, oh, Ye Jiao Teng?

Sorry for everyone I didn't mention. I just wanted people to get the idea.

Yehuda is, I think, foxglove or something like that, only he doesn't know it

yet. I

don't mean to sound mysterious at all. There's nothing mysterious to anything

I say anymore, only in the minds of some listeners. In my world,

mysteriousness is a hanging offense.





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Dear Yehuda,




> How fascinating. I also find that many sympathetic hypertonic patients

> respond dramatically well to work done in the lower abdominal cavity, or

> pelvic diaphragm. I always felt that there must be some kind of

> biochemical relay station causing the deep relaxation response obviously

> manifested as a tremendous release of serotonin.




Can you translate the above passage into Chinese medicine, please:-)

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>>>Sadness has been shown to relate to lung function and asthma through

cholinergically mediated airway constriction




Here's what happens. People get uptight about whatever and that constricts

the muscles around their lungs, which incudes the diaphragm, the major cause of

breathing. When the diaphragm (all channels are affected by this) is tense, it

does not relax properly, and thus it stops squishing the abdominal organs and

massaging them sweetly the way it had been doing. Probably the person has

been uptight somehow all their life and has never breathed properly in the first

place anyway. When we relax our guts, all takes care of itself. You can

breathe, you can relax, you can think straight, you know what to do--it is


If you're really hip, you'll see God. Or maybe Einstein in your case.





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>>>>That is why many antidepressants have digestive effects. Serotonin, like

many other catacholamins have binding sites in many tissues from blood vessels

to the gut. That is also why emotions have somatic and visceral effects. Much

deferring 5HT (serotonins) are also produced in the brain.




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Of course, and sorry! I am referring to feeling for an awareness of qi

stagnation, (which I have observed as therapeutic pulse) on the ren (from

ren2-6), stomach (st 27-30), spleen (sp12-14), liver(lv12-13),

kidney(ki11-14), and gall bladder(gb27-28). I have not been exposed yet

to Japanese acupuncture, other than anecdotally, but because, from what

I have heard its focus is on the area surrounding ren 8, I would suspect

that its proponents and would also be able to relate a significant

relationship between this area and a relaxation of extreme tension in

" fight or flight " patients, those who are jumping out of their skin.(By

sympathetic hypertonicity I refer to a condition of inbalance where the

patient is unable to relax, and the sympathetic branch of the autonomic

nervous system, like a broken thermostat, doesn't turn off appropriately.

The sympathetic hypertonic patient will respond with an extreme, often

irrational response to any simple and non-volatile stimulus).


This will be manifested as liver qi stagnation transforming into heat,

and at times overacting on stomach, weakening spleen, creating dampness

and phlegm, weakening liver blood and eventually kidney yin. Sounds like

the strung out, burned out Angelino I described previously, doesn't it?


Best wishes de norte,





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, acugrpaz@a... wrote:

What you really need to do to understand this is to relax your gut

completely and pay attention to it. Then you will know for yourself.

Your head is going in the right direction. Just lead with your

heart. That's all there is to it. >>>




Oh, please. Wrong chakra, dude. You're so 60s. It's better to try

and be informed. Open your mind---these states are not mutually




Jim Ramholz

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