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Herb Factsheets: We have detailed factsheets about the medicinal uses of 372

different plants. An example of one of these is {HYPERLINK " maca.html " }Maca.

The factsheets are available via from email {HYPERLINK

" webmaster?subject=FACTSHEET " }webmaster. Please note I

am snowed under with email and it can take over a month to get back to you.

The harsh realities of life mean that {HYPERLINK " ../friends.html " }Friends of

PFAF and those who make a

donation to the project receive things quicker! You can make a credit card

donation to help our project with {HYPERLINK

" https://www.paypal.com/xclick/business=webmaster%%40pfaf.org & item_name=Factshee\

t " }PayPal.

If you ask very nicely I might be able to supply a copy of all the factsheets on


CD-ROM for £10.

Example of Factsheet: Maca - an ideal food for convalescents

Description and History: Maca (botanical name Lepidium meyenii) is a hardy

perennial plant cultivated high in the Andean Mountain at altitudes from 11,000-

14,500 feet. It has one of the highest frost tolerances among native cultivated

species. It has a low-growing, mat-like stem system which at times goes

unnoticed in a farmer's field. Its scalloped leaves lie close to the ground and


produces self-fertile small off-white flowers typical to the mustard family

which it

belongs to. The part used is the tuberous root which is pear shaped, up to 8 cm

in diameter and off-white in colour. Unlike many other tuberous plants, Maca is

propagated by seed. Although it is a perennial, it is grown as an annual, and 7-

9 months from planting are required to produce the harvested roots. The area

where Maca is found high in the Andes is an inhospitable region of intense

sunlight, violent winds and below freezing weather. With its extreme

temperatures and poor rocky soil, the area rates among the world's worst

farmland, yet over the centuries, Maca learned to flourish under these

conditions. Maca was domesticated about 2000 years ago by the Inca Indians

and primitive cultivars of Maca have been found in archaeological sites dating

as far back as 1600 B.C.

To the Andean Indians, Maca is a valuable commodity. Because so little else

grows in the region, Maca is often traded with communities at lower elevations

for other staples like rice, corn, and beans. The dried roots can be stored for


to seven years. Native Peruvians have traditionally utilized Maca since before

the time of the Incas for both nutritional and medicinal purposes. Maca is an

important staple in the diets of the people indigenous to the region since it


the highest nutritional value of any food crop grown there. It is rich in


protein, starches, and essential minerals, especially iodine and iron. The tuber

is consumed fresh or dried. The fresh roots are considered a treat and are

baked or roasted in ashes much like sweet potatoes. The dried roots are stored

and later boiled in water or milk to make a porridge. In addition, they are


made into a popular sweet, fragrant, fermented drink called maca chicha. In

Huancayo, Peru, even Maca jam and pudding are popular. The tuberous roots

have a tangy taste and an aroma similar to butterscotch.

Medicinal Properties.

Maca has been used medicinally for centuries in South America to enhance

fertility in humans and animals. Soon after the Spanish Conquest the Spanish

found that their livestock were reproducing poorly in the highlands. The local

Indians recommended feeding the animals Maca and so remarkable were the

results that Spanish chroniclers gave in-depth reports. Even Colonial records of

some 200 years ago indicate that payments of roughly 9 tons of Maca were

demanded from one Andean area alone for this purpose. Its fertility enhancing

properties were supported clinically as early as 1961, when researchers

discovered it increased the fertility of rats. This energizing plant is also


to as Peruvian ginseng, although Maca is not in the same family as ginseng.

The nutritional value of dried Maca root is high, resembling cereal grains such

as maize, rice and wheat. It has 59% carbohydrates, 10.2% protein, 8.5% fibre

and 2.2% lipids. It has a large amount of essential amino acids and higher

levels of iron and calcium than potatoes. Maca contains important amounts of

fatty acids including linolenic, palmitic and oleic acids. It is rich in sterols


has a high mineral content as well. In addition to its rich supply of essential

nutrients, Maca contains alkaloids, tannins and saponins. A chemical analysis

conducted in 1981 showed the presence of biologically active aromatic

isothiocyanates, especially p-methoxybenzyl isothiocyanate, which have

reputed aphrodisiac properties. Initial analysis of Maca indicate that the


on fertility are a result of the glucosinolates. Alkaloids are also present, but

have not yet been quantified.

Maca is growing in world popularity due to its energizing effects, fertility

enhancement and aphrodisiac qualities. Other traditional uses include

increasing energy, stamina and endurance in athletes, promoting mental

clarity, treating male impotence, and helping with menstrual irregularities and

female hormonal imbalances including menopause and chronic fatigue

syndrome. It is used as an alternative to anabolic steroids by bodybuilders due

to its richness in sterols. Today, dried Maca roots are ground to powder and

sold in drug stores in capsules as a medicine and food supplement to increase

stamina and fertility. In Peruvian herbal medicine, Maca is also used as an

immunostimulant, for anemia, tuberculosis, menstrual disorders, menopause

symptoms, stomach cancer, sterility and other reproductive and sexual

disorders as well as to enhance memory.

The cultivation of Maca is increasing in the highlands of the Andes to meet the

growing demand world wide for medicinal uses. In this severely economically

depressed region, the market created for Maca will offer new and important

sources of income for the Indigenous Peoples of the Andes. A new cultivar of

Maca has been identified in the major growing regions of the highlands which

will supply much of this new demand and it has been named Lepidium

peruvianum Chacon sp.


We highly recommend maca for anyone recovering from a debilitating illness. It

is easily digested and its naturally high mineral and sterol content make it


for helping the body to regain weight and vitality. There have, for example,


many reports of it helping people who are recovering from chronic fatigue


Due to its sterol content, maca has also attracted the attention of many health-

conscious athletes who wish to increase endurance, stamina and body mass in

a safe and effective way. The increase is more gradual than that obtained

through using banned substances such as anabolic steroids, but it is a natural

weight gain that does not carry with it potential harm to the health.

Another effect that has been noted by many people is that when taken regularly

maca greatly increases the vitality of the body. This can have quite a marked

effect upon the libido, increasing both the quality and the staying power of

sexual activity. Listed below are the comments of a few American Medical

Practitioners with regard to the plant.

" As maca has become increasingly popular, its use has spread to

medical practices. In the November, 1988 Townsend Letter for Doctors,

physicians commented on the therapeutic uses of maca. Hugo

Malaspina, M.D., a cardiologist practicing complementary medicine in

Lima, Peru, has been using maca in his practice for ten years. He

commonly recommends maca to women experiencing premenstrual

discomfort or menopausal symptoms. " There are different medicinal

plants that work on the ovaries by stimulating them, " he says. " With

maca though, we should say that it regulates the ovarian function. " Dr.

Malaspina further notes that " maca regulates the organs of internal

secretion, such as the pituitary, the adrenal glands, and the pancreas.

I have had perhaps two hundred female patients whose perimenopausal

and menopausal symptoms are alleviated by taking maca.

Dr. Malaspina first found out about maca through a group of sexually

active older men who were taking the herb with good results. " One of

this group started taking maca and found he was able to perform

satisfactorily in a sexual relationship with a lady friend. Soon everyone

in the group began drinking the powdered maca as a beverage and

enjoying the boost that the root was giving their hormonal functions. I

have several of these men as patients, and their improvement prompted

me to find out more about maca and begin recommending it to my

other patients. "

Aguila Calderon, M.D., is the former Dean of the Faculty of Human

Medicine at the National University of Federico Villarreal in Lima. He

says, " Maca has a lot of easily absorbable calcium, plus magnesium

and a fair amount of silica. We are finding it very useful in treating the

decalcification of bones in children and adults. " In his practice, Dr.

Calderon uses maca for male impotence, erectile dysfunction,

menopausal symptoms, and general fatigue.

Chicago physician Gary F. Gordon, former President of the American

College for Advancement in Medicine, is also a maca supporter. " We

all hear rumours about various products like maca, " he says. " But

using this Peruvian root myself, I personally experienced a significant

improvement in erectile tissue response. I call it nature's answer to

Viagra. What I see in maca is a means of normalizing our steroid

hormones like testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen. Therefore it

has the facility to forestall the hormonal changes of aging. It acts on

men to restore them to a healthy functional status in which they

experience a more active libido. "


Since maca is a food, it is used in much higher doses than most other

medicinal herbs and can also be used over a long period of time without harmful

effects. A minimum of 10g per day of the dried root is required for you to


any real benefit, with 25g being the recommended amount and you can

increase this considerably if you so desire. We normally mix the powder with a

fruit juice and drink it between meals. You can also sprinkle it over food or


it to cooked foods such as soups and stews.

This leaflet is not intended to be used as a substitute for treatment by a

qualified practitioner. You would be well advised to inform your practitioner


you are taking this herb and, should you experience any adverse reactions,

immediately contact your practitioner for further guidance.

This leaflet was prepared for Plants For A Future by Ariadne Fern BSc, DThD. If

you have any specific queries on this leaflet, or would like advice on health

matters, please write to Ariadne c/o PFAF. General advice is free but Ariadne

also gives personal and postal consultations on how to treat disease through

natural means. Costs of these services are available on request.

This is an example of one of 300 {HYPERLINK " index.html " }factsheets covering

different medicinal plants.

These are abvailable for free to {HYPERLINK " ../friends.html " }Friends of PFAF.

Herb Factsheets

We have detailed factsheets about the medicinal uses of 372 different plants.

An example of one of these is {HYPERLINK " maca.html " }Maca.

The factsheets are available via from email {HYPERLINK

" webmaster?subject=FACTSHEET " }webmaster. Please note I

am snowed under with email and it can take over a month to get back to you.

The harsh realities of life mean that {HYPERLINK " ../friends.html " }Friends of

PFAF and those who make a

donation to the project receive things quicker! You can make a credit card

donation to help our project with {HYPERLINK

" https://www.paypal.com/xclick/business=webmaster%%40pfaf.org & item_name=Factshee\

t " }PayPal.

If you ask very nicely I might be able to supply a copy of all the factsheets on


CD-ROM for £10.

Available factsheets

This list is only approximate and some factsheets maynot be available.

AconiteAconitum napellus for the relief of neuralgic pain.

Agnus-CastusVitex agnus-castus the Woman's Herb.

AgrimonyAgrimonia eupatoria a gentle remedy for all ages.

AlderBuckthorn Rhamnus frangula for the treatment of constipation.

AlfalfaMedicago sativa for maintaining and promoting good health.

AlmondPrunus dulcis.

Aloevera Aloe vera for the skin and the digestion.

AmericanArbor-Vitae Thuja occidentalis an effective antiviral and


AmericanMandrake Podophyllum peltatum.

AngelicaAngelica archangelica for the digestion and respiratory system.

AniseedPimpinella anisum for the digestion and respiratory system.

ApricotPrunus armeniaa for the treatment of dry coughs.

ArjunaTerminalia arjuna for the heart.

ArnicaArnica montana an external treatment for bruises and sprains.

AsafoetidaFerula assa-foetida for the lungs and digestive system.

AshwagandhaWithania somnifera the Indian Ginseng.

AsthmaWeed Euphorbia hirta for relieving asthma.

Ba Ji Tian Morinda officinalis a tonic for the kidneys.

Bai Jiang Patrinia scabiosifolia for the liver.

Bai Shao Yao Paeonia lactiflora the woman's herb.

Bai Zhi Angelica dahurica for the relief of headaches.

Bai Zhu Atractylodes macrocephala a tonic for the spleen and digestion.

Balmof Gilead Populus x jackii for treating respiratory complaints.

BalmonyChelone glabra a digestive tonic.

Bay Laurus nobilis for the digestion.

BayberryMyrica cerifera.

Bei Sha Shen Glehnia littoralis for the respiratory system.

BenzoinStyrax benzoin an effective expectorant.

Barberrybark Berberis vulgaris an effective antibacterial..

BetelPalm Areca catechu to rid the body of parasites.

BethRoot Trillium erectum a woman's herb.

BilberryVaccinium myrtillus for the circulation.

BiotaThuja orientalis for the respiratory system.

BistortPolygonum bistorta for the control of bleeding.

BitterGourd Momordica charantia a new treatment for AIDS and cancer?.

BitterOrange Citrus aurantium for the digestion.

BlackCatechu Acacia catechu a powerful and effective astringent.

BlackCohosh Cimicifuga racemosa for treating rheumatism and the


BlackHaw Viburnum prunifolium for the relief of pain in the uterus.

BlackHorehound Ballota nigra for relieving nausea.

BlackRoot Veronicastrum virginicum for the liver.

BlackberryRubus fruticosus an astringent tonic.

BlackcurrantRibes nigrum a cleansing herb.

BloodRoot Sanguinaria canadensis a powerful expectorant.

BlueCohosh Caulophyllum thalictroides to facilitate birth and treat

menstrual irregularities.

BlueFlag Iris versicolor an effective detoxifier.

BogbeanMenyanthes trifoliata for the digestion.

BoldoPeumus boldus for the liver..

BonesetEupatorium perfoliatum for the treatment of colds.

BorageBorago officinalis to drive away depression.

BrahmiBacopa monnieri food for the brain.

BroomCytisus scoparius for the heart.

BuchuAgathosma betulina a urinary antiseptic.

BuckthornRhamnus cathartica a strong laxative.

BuckwheatFagopyrum esculentum for the circulation.

BugleAjuga reptans for wounds and bruises.

BugleweedLycopus virginicus for an overactive thyroid.

Bur Marigold Bidens tripartita an effective astringent.

BurdockArctium lappa an effective detoxifying herb to treat skin


ButterburPetasites hybridus.

ButternutJuglans cinerea a gentle and effective laxative.

CalamusAcorus calamus for the digestion.

CalifornianPoppy Eschscholzia californica.

CalumbaJateorrhiza calumba for the digestion.

CangZhu Atractylodes lancea for the digestive system.

CannabisCannabis sativa bringing relief from many diseases.

CarawayCarum carvi for the digestion

CarrotDaucus carota for the urinary system.

CascaraSagrada Rhamnus purshianus for the treatment of constipation.

CastorOil Ricinus communis a potent laxative.

CatmintNepeta cataria for treating childhood fevers.

Cat'sClaw Uncaria tomentosa and Uncaria guianensis.

CatuabaErythroxylon catuaba for the nervous and reproductive systems.

CeleryApium graveolens to cleanse the system and treat arthritis.

CentauryCentaurium erythraea for the digestion.

ChaiHu Bupleurum chinense medicine for the liver.

ChaparralLarrea tridendata.

ChickweedStellaria media for treating itchy skin conditions.

ChicoryCichorium intybus for the liver.

ChineseAsparagus Asparagus cochinchinensis for the lungs.

Chinesemotherwort Leonurus heterophyllus for regulating menstruation.

ChinesePrivet Ligustrum lucidum to restore vitality.

ChirettaSwertia chirayita, though better known under its old name of

Swertia chirata .

ChrysanthemumDendranthema x grandiflorum a Chinese tonic tea.

ChuanBei Mu Fritillaria cirrhosa for the lungs.

ChuanXiong Ligusticum wallichii for treating absent and painful periods.

CinerariaSenecio cineraria for the treatment of cataracts.

CinnamonCinnamomum zeylanicum a warming herb for the digestion.

CleaversGalium aparine to Detoxify the Body.

ClovesSyzygium aromaticum for effective pain relief.

ClubMoss Lycopodium clavatum for the kidneys.

CockleburXanthium strumarium.

ColaCola acuminata for increased mental and physical alertness.

ColeusPlectranthus barbatus but probably still best known under its old

name of Coleus forskohlii for the treatment of glaucoma, asthma and

heart diseases.

ColtsfootTussilago farfara for soothing and treating coughs.

ComfreySymphytum officinale for cuts and bruises.

CommonCockscomb Celosia argentea cristata for the eyes.

CopaibaCopaifera lansdorffii an effective antiseptic.

CordycepsCordyceps sinensis one of the most powerful Chinese tonics.

CorianderCoriandrum sativum for the digestion.

CornsilkZea mays for the urinary system.

CostusSaussurea costus for the digestion.

CouchGrass Agropyron repens for the kidneys and bladder.

CowslipPrimula veris for the respiratory system.

CranesbillGeranium maculatum for all forms of bleeding and digestive


CuminCuminum cyminum for the digestion.

DamianaTurnera diffusa aphrodisiaca to lift the spirits.

Dan Shen Salvia multiorhiza for the heart and blood circulation.

DandelionTaraxacum officinale detoxifying and replenishing the body.

DangGui Angelica sinensis for the Female system.

DangShen Codonopsis pilosula a tonic for the whole body.

DeadlyNightshade Atropa belladonna.

DevilsClaw Harpagophytum procumbens for the relief of pain and arthritis.

Devil'sClub Oplopanax horridus the Alaskan Ginseng?.

Di Huang Rehmannia glutinosa a famous Chinese tonic.

DillAnethum graveolens for the digestion.

CurledDock Rumex crispus a cleansing and laxative herb.

EchinaceaEchinacea purpurea to Boost the Immune System.

EcliptaEclipta prostrata.

ElderSambucus nigra the medicine chest of country people.

ElecampaneInula helenium for treating chest complaints.

SiberianGinseng Eleutherococcus senticosus for the Mentally or

Physically active.

EucalyptusEucalyptus globulus a powerful antiseptic.

EyebrightEuphrasia officinalis for bright eyes.

FalseJasmine Gelsemium sempervirens for the effective relief of pain.

FalseUnicorn Root Chamaelirium luteum a woman's herb.

FangFeng Ledebouriella seseloides an antidote to several poisons.

FennelFoeniculum vulgare for the digestion.

FenugreekTrigonella foenum-graecum for restoring health.

FeverfewTanacetum parthenium for the Relief of Migraine.

FigwortScrophularia nodosa, though S. umbrosa can also be used for the

treatment of skin diseases.

FrankincenseBoswellia thurifera an ancient herb.

FringetreeChionanthus virginicus for the liver and gallbladder.

Fu Ling Wolfiporia cocos a Chinese tonic herb.

FumitoryFumaria officinalis to support the liver.

GalangalAlpinia officinarum for the digestive system.

Gan Cao Glycyrrhiza uralensis for the adrenal glands.

GarlicAllium sativum for all round health.

GentianGentiana lutea, though several other species can also be used A

tonic for the liver and the digestion.

GermanChamomile Matricaria chamomilla a safe and gentle treatment for

the digestion.

GingerZingiber officinale for the stomach and blood circulation.

GinkgoGinkgo biloba the Memory Tree.

GinsengPanax ginseng the ancient Chinese Herb.

GlobeArtichoke Cynara scolymus for the liver.

Goat'sRue Galega officinalis for the treatment of high blood sugar.

GoldenRod Solidago virgaurea.

GoldensealHydrastis canadensis for the treatment of infections.

GotuKola Centella asiatica an Ancient Indian Herb.

Gou Teng Uncaria rhynchophylla.

Grainsof Paradise Aframomum melegueta for the digestion.

GrapeVitis vinifera more than just a fruit.

GravelRoot Eupatorium purpureum for treating kidney and bladder stones.

GreaterCelandine Chelidonium majus for the removal of warts.

GroundIvy Glechoma hederacea for the removal of catarrh.

GuaranaGuarana the Safe and Effective Stimulant.

GuelderRose Viburnum opulus for easing painful cramps.

Gum Arabic Acacia senegal for its soothing qualities.

GumplantGrindelia camporum for respiratory complaints.

GuttaPercha Eucommia ulmoides for strong bones and muscles.

GipsywortLycopus europaeus for an overactive thyroid.

HawthornCrataegus laevigata for the heart and circulation.

He Huan Albizia julibrissin to strengthen the mind and emotions.

He Shou Wu Polygonum multiflorum a Famous Chinese Tonic.

HeartseaseViola tricolor a soothing and cleansing herb.

HennaLawsonia inermis.

HerbRobert Geranium robertianum an effective astringent.

HibiscusHibiscus sabdariffa a gentle and tasty tonic for the digestion.

HolyThistle Cnicus benedictus a tonic for the digestion.

HopsHumulus lupulus a safe and effective sedative.

HorseChestnut Aesculus hippocastanum a safe and effective treatment for

varicose veins.

HorseradishArmoracia rusticana for the digestive system.

HorsetailEquisetum arvense for the control of bleeding.

Hua Jiao Zanthoxylum bungeanum for getting rid of tapeworms.

HuaiNiu Xi Achyranthes bidentata for the relief of joint pain.

HuangBai Phellodendron amurense a potent antimicrobial.

HuangJing Polygonatum sibiricum for the lungs and spleen.

HuangLian Coptis chinensis for the control of fevers.

HuangQi Astragalus membranaceus a famous Chinese tonic herb.

HuangQin Scutellaria baicalensis for cooling the body and treating


HyssopHyssopus officinalis for treating chest complaints.

IcelandMoss Cetraria islandica.

IndianTobacco Lobelia inflata for the respiratory system.

IpecacuanhaCephaelis ipecacuanha for treating coughs.

JamaicanDogwood Piscidia erythrina a sedative herb that relieves pain and


JambulSyzigium cumini for the treatment of diabetes.

JapaneseHoneysuckle Lonicera japonica.

JapanesePepper Zanthoxylum piperitum for getting rid of tapeworms.

JapaneseQuince Chaenomeles speciosa for the stomach and lower limbs.

JasmineJasminum grandiflorum for the relief of anxiety.

JiaoGu Lan Gynostemma pentaphyllum the perfect tonic herb?.

Jie Geng Platycodon grandiflorus for the lungs.

Job'sTears Coix lacryma-jobi to balance water metabolism.

JujubeZiziphus jujube a famous Chinese tonic.

JuniperJuniperus communis an effective diuretic.

KatukaPicrorrhiza kurroa for the liver and immune system.

KavaKava Piper methysticum for relaxation without drowsiness.

KudzuVine Pueraria montana lobata a safe treatment for alcoholism.

Lady'sBedstraw Galium verum.

Lady'sMantle Alchemilla xanthochlora for cuts and the female reproductive


LavenderLavandula angustifolia the healing herb.

LemonBalm Melissa officinalis to boost the spirits.

LemonGrass Cymbopogon citratus for mild fevers.

LemonVerbena Aloysia triphylla.

LianQiao Forsythia suspensa to treat acute infectious diseases.

LignumVitae Guaiacum officinale for treating rheumatic complaints.

Lilyof the Valley Convallaria majalis for the heart.

Limeflowers Tilia cordata, though several other species are also

sometimes used gently soothing for the nerves, digestion and lungs.

LinseedLinum usitatissimum for the digestive and respiratory systems.

LiquoriceGlycyrrhiza glabra for the liver and hormonal system.

LonganEuphoria longan a traditional Chinese blood tonic.

LovageLevisticum officinale for the digestion.

LungwortPulmonaria officinalis for treating chest complaints.

Ma Huang Ephedra sinica for the respiratory system.

MacaLepidium meyenii an ideal food for convalescents.

Mai Men Dong Ophiopogon japonicus for the digestive and respiratory


MaleFern Dryopteris filix-mas to get rid of tapeworms.

Mao Dong Qing Ilex pubescens for the blood circulation.

MarigoldCalendula officinalis for the skin.

MarjoramOriganum majorana for the digestive system.

MarshCudweed Gnaphalium uliginosum for getting rid of catarrh.

MarshmallowAlthaea officinalis for soothing the mucous membranes.

MatéIlex paraguariensis energy for the whole body.

PersonalHealth, Planetary Health The Value of Minerals in the Diet.

MeadowsweetFilipendula ulmaria for the relief of pain and rheumatism.

MelilotMelilotus officinalis for thinning the blood.

MilkThistle Silybum marianum to Protect and Stimulate the Liver.

MistletoeViscum album for convulsive diseases.

MotherwortLeonurus cardiaca for the heart and nerves.

MugwortArtemisia vulgaris a digestive tonic.

MuiraPuama Ptychopetalum olacoides for the central nervous system.

MulleinVerbascum thapsus for the treatment of respiratory complaints.

MyrrhCommiphora molmol a potent antimicrobial.

MyrtleMyrtus communis an effective antiseptic.

NeemTree Azadirachta indica a pharmacy in its own right.

NerveRoot Cypripedium calceolus pubescens to strengthen the nervous


NettlesUrtica dioica an excellent tonic for the whole body.

Nutmegand Mace Myristica fragrans for the digestion.

Nux-VomicaStrychnos nux-vomica for the treatment of paralysis.

Oak bark Quercus robur and Q. petraea an effective astringent.

OatsAvena sativa for the nervous system and convalescents.

OliveOlea europaea.

OnionAllium cepa a food and medicine.

OpiumPoppy Papaver somniferum for the relief of pain.

OreganoOriganum vulgare a natural antiseptic.

OregonGrape Mahonia aquifolium for the liver.

OrrisRoot Iris germanica florentina.

ParsleyPetroselinum crispum for the kidneys.

ParsleyPiert Aphanes arvensis for removing kidney stones.

PasqueFlower Pulsatilla vulgaris for treating pain in the reproductive


PassionFlower Passiflora incarnata a Gentle Sedative.

Pau D'Arco Pau D'Arco for treating a wide range of infections.

Pellitoryof the Wall Parietaria diffusa for the kidneys.

PennyroyalMentha pulegium for the digestion.

PeppermintMentha x piperita for the Digestion.

PeriwinkleVinca major to control bleeding.

PeruvianBark Cinchona pubescens an effective treatment for malaria.

PfaffiaPfaffia paniculata the Brazilian Ginseng.

PilewortRanunculus ficaria for the treatment of haemorrhoids.

PlantainPlantago major an effective astringent.

PleurisyRoot Asclepias tuberosa for the respiratory system.

PokerootPhytolacca americana for the immune and lymphatic systems.

PoppyPapaver rhoeas a gentle sedative.

PricklyAsh Zanthoxylum americanum for treating rheumatic conditions.

PricklyPoppy Argemone mexicana a mild pain killer.

PsylliumPlantago psyllia for the safe treatment of constipation.

PygeumPygeum africanum for the prostate.

QingHao Artemisia annua.

QuassiaPicrasma excelsa a bitter tonic for the digestion.

RadishRaphanus sativus for the digestion.

RaspberryRubus idaeus for an easy labour and birth.

Red Clover Trifolium pratense a cleansing herb for skin complaints.

RhubarbRheum palmatum a safe laxative for all age groups.

RomanChamomile Chamaemelum nobile a safe and gentle treatment for

the digestion.

RooibosAspalathus linearis a health-promoting drink from South Africa.

RoseGeranium Pelargonium graveolens.

RosehipsRosa canina health for all the family..

RosemaryRosmarinus officinalis a gentle restorative and stimulant.

RoserootRhodiola rosea for the relief of stress.

Rou Cong Rong Cistanche deserticola for the kidneys.

Rue Ruta graveolens.

SageSalvia officinalis an effective antiseptic.

San Qi Panax pseudoginseng notoginseng to control all forms of bleeding.

SandalwoodSantalum album.

SarsaparillaSmilax ornata a cleansing, tonic herb.

SassafrasSassafras albidum a spring tonic and blood purifier.

SavorySatureja hortensis for the digestion.

Saw Palmetto Serenoa repens to Protect the Prostate.

SchisandraBerries Schisandra chinensis an Effective Ginseng for the


Sea Squill Urginea maritima for the heart and lungs.

SelfHeal Prunella vulgaris an ancient wound herb.

SenecaSnakeroot Polygala senega for the treatment of respiratory


SennaCassia angustifolia an effective laxative for occasional constipation.

SerpentwoodRauvolfia serpentina for the central nervous system.

SesameSesamum indicum a nutritious tonic food.

SevenBarks Hydrangea arborescens for kidney and bladder stones.

ShanYao Dioscorea batatas a gentle tonic for the liver and kidneys.

ShanZha Crataegus pinnatifida major for the heart and circulation.

ShanZhu Yu Cornus officinalis a tonic for the kidneys.

ShatavariAsparagus racemosus for Feminine Fertility.

She Chuang Zi Cnidium monnieri to enhance the libido.

Sheep'sSorrel Rumex acetosella.

ShengMa Cimicifuga foetida a Chinese detoxifying herb.

Shepherd'sPurse Capsella bursa-pastoris for the control of bleeding..

Shi Hu Dendrobium nobile to restore moisture to the body.

SichuanAconite Aconitum carmichaelii.

SkullcapScutellaria lateriflora a safe and effective nerve tonic.

SkunkCabbage Symplocarpus foetidus for the treatment of chest


SlipperyElm Ulmus rubra a soothing and healing herb.

SnakeGourd Trichosanthes kirilowii for the lungs.

SoapBark Quillaja saponaria an effective anti-dandruff wash.

SoapwortSaponaria officinalis for getting rid of catarrh.

SouthernwoodArtemisia abrotanum an effective emmenagogue.

SpearmintMentha spicata for childhood fevers.

SpeedwellVeronica officinalis.

SpikenardAralia racemosa a cleansing herb.

Spirulinaspirulina the Green Superfood..

SquawVine Mitchella repens for easing childbirth and regulating


St. Johns Wort Hypericum perforatum an Effective Antidepressant.

StarAnise Illicium verum for the digestion.

StillingiaStillingia sylvatica a cleansing herb.

StoneRoot Collinsonia canadensis for the kidneys.

SundewDrosera rotundifolia for easing coughs and asthma.

SweetViolet Viola odorata for the respiratory system.

TangerineCitrus reticulata for the digestion.

TansyTanacetum vulgare for expelling parasites.

Tea Camellia sinensis for protecting the heart and teeth.

Tea tree Melaleuca alternifolia a natural and very effective antiseptic.

ThymeThymus vulgaris an antiseptic and antioxidant..

TienMa Gastrodia elata for the treatment of convulsions.

TianNan Xing Arisaema amurense for the respiratory system.

TormentilPotentilla erecta a safe and very effective astringent.

Tu Fu Ling Smilax glabra for removing toxins.

Tu Si Zi Cuscuta chinensis a Chinese tonic for the kidneys.

TurmericCurcuma longa for the whole body.

Uva Ursi Arctostaphylos uva-ursi for a healthy urinary system.

ValerianValeriana officinalis the strong sedative.

VarunaCrataeva nurvula for the effective removal of kidney and bladder


VervainVerbena officinalis to strengthen the nervous system.

VisnagaAmmi visnaga for the safe treatment of asthma and kidney stones.

WallGermander Teucrium chamaedrys for the treatment of gout.

WalnutJuglans regia for the kidneys and lungs.

WaterPlantain Alisma plantago-aquatica an effective diuretic.

Wax Gourd Benincasa hispida.

Wei Ling Xian Clematis chinensis for the treatment of rheumatic


WhiteHorehound Marrubium vulgare for treating chest complaints.

WhiteMulberry Morus alba for the respiratory tract.

WhiteMustard Sinapis alba for the respiration.

WildCherry Prunus serotina for dry, irritant coughs.

WildGarlic Allium ursinum for all round health.

WildIndigo Baptisia tinctoria an anti-bacterial that boosts the immune


WildLettuce Lactuca virosa a safe sedative.

WildStrawberry Fragaria vesca a gentle astringent.

WildYam Dioscorea villosa for the relief of muscle pains and inflammation.

WillowSalix alba for the relief of pain and arthritis.

WitchHazel Hamamelis virginiana for treating cuts, bruises etc.

WolfberryLycium chinense a famous Chinese tonic for the kidneys and


WoodBetony Stachys officinalis for treating headaches.

WoodruffGalium odoratum for the health of your veins.

WormseedChenopodium ambrosioides an effective treatment for internal


WormwoodArtemisia absinthum for weak and underactive digestive


Wu Zhu Yu Euodia ruticarpa.

Xie Bai Allium macrostemon for the respiratory system.

Xin Yi Magnolia liliiflora for relieving nasal complaints.

XuanShen Scrophularia ningpoensis.

Yan Hu Suo Corydalis yanhusuo for the effective relief of pain.

YarrowAchillea millefolium an ancient wound herb.

YerbaSanta Eriodictyon californicum for the respiratory system.

Yin Yang Huo Epimedium sagittatum to treat impotence and infertility.

Yu Xing Cao Houttuynia cordata for the treatment of respiratory tract


YuanZhi Polygala tenuifolia a famous Chinese tonic herb.

Ze Lan Lycopus lucidus hirtus to treat menstrual disorders.

Zhi Mu Anemarrhena asphodeloides for treating feverish conditions.



Best regards,


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WORK : Teagasc Research Management, Sandymount Ave., Dublin 4, Ireland

Mobile: 353-; [in the Republic: 0]


HOME : 1 Esker Lawns, Lucan, Dublin, Ireland

Tel : 353-; [in the Republic: 0]

WWW : http://homepage.eircom.net/~progers/searchap.htm

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