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Notes on properties of Shells in TCM

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Hi All,


Here are my notes on the SHELLS in TCM/CM.



The animal shells (Biejia, Guiban) are “Tonic~Build Yin Hbs”.


Most mollusc shells [Muli, Shijueming, Zhenzhu, Zhenzhumu,

Zibeichi] are “Calm LV Yang Hbs”, except Haigeke & Walengzi,

which are “Clear Phlegm+Ease Cough/Calm Asthma~Clear Phlegm



Please feedback any serious errors that you find here.



Best regards,




_Hb Pinyin Name

_Hb Common Name

_Hb Latin Name

_Main Hb Class




_Main Actions

_Combinations & Uses




Turtle Shell

Amydae/Trionycis Sinensis Carapax

Tonic~Build Yin

Salty; Cool


As Soup: 9-30g (decocted first); when used w other Hbs decoct

Biejia first

(1) Tonic/Restorative~Build Yin; Calm Yang; Clear Heat; Antifever;

(2) Soften Hardness in lumps~hard; Reduce Swelling; Reduce

Masses;: abdomen~mass; LV~enlarged; SP~enlarged. It contains

colloid, keratin, iodine & vitamin D. It may inhibit Hyperplasia of

connective tissue & Boost Fx of plasma proteins; (3) Also:

Antifatigue/Antiexhaustion; LV-Protector; Build LV Yin;

Immunostimulant; Antihypoxia (Boost Hypoxic Tolerance);


(1) Steamed Biejia is better to Build Yin/Calm Yang; Biejia w

Shengdihuang, Digupi, Zhimu, Qinghao, Qinjiao, Mudanpi &

Shanzhuyu etc in Yin Xu w Xu Fire Shi/Xue Heat/Xu Heat,

fever~hectic/fever~high at night & subsided in morning & Febrile

Disease~late stage w Yin Fluid Consumed & fever~lingering &

sweat~night, tongue~red & tongue~dry wo coat/infantile

malnutrition w fever; etc; Yin Xu w Heat/Fire Shi & convulsion; Xue

Heat~late stage w Heat Attack lingering on Yingfen & fever~night;

TB w fever, esp fever~hectic* & sweat~night; Xu w Wind Rising

(Wind~Internal) w fever~hectic*/fever~tidal & sweat~night; (2)

Cubiejia (vinegared) is better to Soften Hardness in

lumps~hard/Hard Masses; malaria~chronic, malaria w

SP~enlarged/splenomegaly, amenorrhoea & abdomen~mass, etc;

CI: Pregnancy; Caution in Xu & Cold of SJM-SP-ST/w

appetite~poor & diarrhoea


Guiban; Guibanjia ??? (???); Guijia ?? (??); (See: Cuguijia)

Tortise Shell

Testudinis/Chinemys Carapax+Plastrum

Tonic~Build Yin

Salty; Sour; Sweet; Cool


As Soup: 9-30g; Build Yin; boil before other Hbs are thrown in;

Calcined Hb is used in pills/powder

(1) Tonic/Restorative~Build Yin; Calm Yang; Ease Spasm: (2) Aid

KI; Build KI; Build KI Yin; Build Bone+Sinew/Tendon & Muscle;

Boost growth/bone & cartilage in infants; Sexual Hormone Agonist;

(3) Oxytocic & Uterus~Tonic; Emmenagogue; Haemostat; Rectify

Menstruation; (4) Calm Shen; Build HT; Build Xue; (5) Also:

Strengthen Channels; Antihypoxia (Boost Hypoxic Tolerance);

Antiarteriosclerotic; Hypolipaemic; Immunostimulant;

Bacteriostat~B tuberculosis hominis; Boost Metabolism; Anticancer

(1) Guiban w Huangbai, Zhimu, Shudihuang, etc in Yin Xu w Fire

Shi w fever~hectic, sweat~night, emission~night, vertigo & tinnitus;

also Yin Xu Fever w Fluid Consumed/TB & sweat~night; Guiban w

Tianmendong, Xuanshen, Longgu, Muli, etc in Yin Xu & Yang Shi w

vertigo & Eyesight~blurred; Guiban w Baishao, Maimendong,

Shengdihuang, etc in fever w Yin Xu Heat w muscle spasm &

contracture of hand & foot/ Yin Xu w Wind Shi w convulsion; (2)

Guiban w Hugu, Shudihuang, Baishao, etc in LV Xu & KI Yin Xu w

of lowback & waist weak/flaccid, limbs~lower & feet weak/flaccid,

Bone & Sinew weak, bone + muscle stiff, delayed ability of

standing & walking, delayed growth of teeth & delayed closure of

fontanel in infants; infantile metopism, etc; (3) Guiban w Baishao,

Huangbai, Chunpi, Xiangfu, etc in Yin Xu w Xue Heat w

menorrhagia, metrorrhagia/metrostaxis, leucorrhoea/leukorrhagia,

etc; Guiban w Yimucao & Niuxi for oxytocic effect in uterus~atony,

parturition delayed, dystocia; (4) Guiban w equal amounts of

Longgu, , Shichangpu & Yuanzhi (grind to powder & make pills w

water; 3g of pills/time, tid) in Shen Disturbed (mental DysFx) w

HT~palpitation, memory~loss, insomnia, etc;

CI: Pregnancy


Haigeke; Haigeqiao; Geqiao ??; Geke ??; Gekefen ???; Haiheke

Sea Clamshell Powder/Clam shell

Meretricis/Cyclinae Sinensis Concha Pulv

Clear Phlegm+Ease Cough/Calm Asthma~Clear Phlegm

Bitter; salty; cold-Cool

LU*; ST*; KI

As Soup: 9-15g powder (crushed) in strainer-bag; discard residue;

As Powder: 1-3g bid/tid

(1) Clear Heat; Clear Phlegm~Cool Hb; Clear Phlegm-Heat; Clear

LU Heat; Ease Cough/Calm Asthma in Phlegm Heat; Expectorant;

(2) Dissolve Phlegm~stubborn; Soften Hardness in lumps~hard; ;

Reduce nodules; Reduce Masses; Reduce Swelling: subcutaneous

nodule, scrofula & goitre; (3) Diuretic; Antioedema: (4) ST~Antacid;

Ease Pain; (5) Vulnerary; Heal Wound; Immunostimulant;

Antiinflammation; Anticancer

(1) Haigeqiao+Haifushi, Baiqian, Sangbaipi, Zhizi, Gualou in

Phlegm Heat w asthma, chest~pain & hypochondriac pain, cough

sputum~thick yellow; cough in LU Heat w thick & sputum~profuse

& dyspnoea; Haigeke w Baiji, Pipaye, etc as oral powder in LU

Heat w LU Bleeding; haemoptysis; (2) Haigeke, Haizao+Kunbu,

Walengzi, Jiangcan, etc in scrofula, TB, subcutaneous nodule &

goitre; tumor; Lymphadenitis; lymph nodules; As Soup in swelling

& pain of testis; (3) Haigeqiao w Fuling, Cheqianzi, Dahuang,

Mutong, etc in Fluid Retention w oedema; dysuria; (4) Haigeke +

another shell (Muli, Shijueming, Zhenzhumu, Duanwalengzi),

Haipiaoxiao, Laifuzi, Tanxiang, Wuzhuyu, Xiangfu in ST~pain/ache

& acid reflux; Haigeke w Baiji, etc in ST Bleeding; haematemesis,

ST~ulcer/SI~duodenal ulcer; (5) Haigeqiao w Zhenzhu/Muli,

Jixuecao, Baishao (/Moyao, Ruxiang), as Topical in

wound~indolent & skin ulcer; Haigeke w Pig LV & Gujingcao in

nebula after measles


Muli; (See: Duanmuli)

Oyster Shell

Ostreae Gigas/Talienwhanensis/Rivularis Concha Pulv; Ostraeae

Cucullatae Concha/Testa

Calm LV Yang

Salty; Astringe; Cool


As Soup: 15-30g (crushed & decocted first); Powder: 2-3g tid;

Topical: qs

(1) Calm LV~Calm Wind~Internal; Expel LV Wind; Expel Wind;

Aid Yin; Calm Yang; Calm LV Yang; Build HT; Calm HT; Calm

Shen~Heavy Settler; Reduce excitement; Ease mental instability;

Astringe; (2) like other salty materials, Soften Hardness in

lumps~hard, Reduce Nodules; Reduce Masses, Reduce Swelling;

Resolve Stasis; Resolve Accumulation; Disperse Congestion; (3)

Build KI; Astringe KI; Guard Jing; (4) ST~Antacid; Rectify acid

secretion; Ease Pain, esp ST~pain; (5) Asringe Wound/ulcer;

Antivirus~poliovirus; Immunostimulant; Antifever; Boost

Contraction; Anticancer

(1) Muli w Shijueming, Baishao & Shengdihuang, Nuzhenzi, Juhua,

Niuxi, etc in Yin Xu /LV Yin Xu w LV Yang Shi w vertigo, headache,

tinnitus, Shen Disturbed, irritability & insomnia; excitement; mental

instability; Muli w other Calm Shen Hbs like Yejiaoteng, Longgu,

Suanzaoren, Yuanzhi, etc in LV Yin Xu, Mind Disturbed w

HT~palpitation, fear, terror, vexation, insomnia, etc; LV Yang

Rising/LV Yang Shi w LV Wind Rising w convulsion; Febrile

Disease w Yin Consumed; Muli + Longchi, Taoren, Chenpi +

Huanglian Ejiao Tang wo Huangqin in insomnia in Yin Xu & Yang

Shi, w vertigo, headaches, palpatation, letargy, face~pallor/sallow,

appetite~poor, mouth dry, sometime urine is dark w faeces~dry,

tongue red/light pink wo coat, pulse is stringy & fast/small &

fast/floating/slippery; Muli + Longgu, Baishao, Baiwei, Juhua,

Gouteng, Xuanshen, etc in LV Yin Xu & Yang Floating of Xu-type w

vertigo, Eyesight~blurred, vexation, mania in terror, etc; Muli w

Daizheshi, Longgu, Niuxi, Xuanshen in hypertension in LV Yang

Shi & headache in spasm of cerebral blood vessels; Muli w Guiban,

Tianmendong, Xuanshen, Longgu, etc in Yin Xu & Yang Shi w

vertigo & Eyesight~blurred; Guiban w Baishao, Maimendong,

Shengdihuang, etc in fever w Yin Xu Heat w muscle spasm &

contracture of hand & foot/ Yin Xu w Wind Shi w convulsion; Muli w

Shanzhuyu, Dangshen, Longgu, etc in collapse after

sweat~profuse/after chronic disease; Muli w Longgu, Mahuang &

Shengdihuang in sweat~night; Muli w Mahuang as Topical powder

in sweat~postpartum; (2) Muli w Beimu & Xuanshen (Resolve

Scrofula Pill) in Heat/Heat Toxin/Phlegm Fire w Carbuncle;

Swelling, dermatitis, skin infection, LU abscess,

nodule~subcutaneous, masses/lumps~hard, swelling, scrofula &

goitre; (3) Muli w Longgu, Rz/Rx Dioscoreae, Haipiaoxiao, Fuling,

etc in KI Xu w enuresis, spermatorrhoea, emission, leucorrhoea,

menorrhagia; metrorrhagia, sweat~spontaneous & sweat~night;

Muli w Dangshen, Longgu, Sangpiaoxiao, etc in KI Qi Xu /KI Yang

Xu w urination~frequent & enuresis, esp infantile enuresis,

leukorrhagia; (4) Muli w Baiji in peptic ulcer w ST~pain; ST~Acid

Reflux; Muli + another shell (Haigeke, Shijueming, Zhenzhumu,

Duanwalengzi), Haipiaoxiao, Laifuzi, Tanxiang, Wuzhuyu, Xiangfu

in ST~pain/ache & acid reflux; Haigeke w Baiji, etc in ST Bleeding;

haematemesis, ST~ulcer/SI~duodenal ulcer; (5) Muli w

Zhenzhu/Haigeqiao, Jixuecao, Baishao (/Moyao, Ruxiang), as

Topical in wound~indolent & skin ulcer;



Haliotis Shell Powder, Sea-Ear Shell Powder, Abalone Shell Powder

Haliotidis Concha Pulv, Haliotidis Diversicoloris/Giganteae Concha


Calm LV Yang

Salty; Cold; Mild


As Soup: 3-30g crushed & decocted first; Powder: 2-3g bid/tid;

Topical: qs

(1) Calm LV; Calm Yang; Calm LV Yang, Aid Yin; (2) Clear LV

Heat; Clear LV Fire to Aid Eyes/Sight; Clear Nebula; Calm

LV~Calm Wind~Internal; Expel Wind; Expel LV Wind; Ease

Spasm; Spasmolytic; (3) ST~Antacid; Ease Pain; Haemostat:

ST~pain/ache & reflux;

(1) Shijueming w Muli, Baishao, Shengdihuang, Nuzhenzi, Juhua,

Niuxi, Gouteng, etc Yin Xu /LV Yin Xu w LV Yang Shi, causing LV

Yang Rising w headache, vertigo, tinnitus, vexation, irritability &

insomnia; Shijueming w Xiakucao, Juhua, Huangqin, etc in LV

Yang Shi/LV Yang Rising (hypertension) w arteriosclerosis,

hypertension, headache, irritability, restlessness, fidget, eyes red,

mouth~Bitter taste, etc & face flushed & tongue~red w

coat~yellow; ; Shijueming w Daizheshi, Xiakucao, Niuxi, etc LV

Yang Shi, headache & vertigo; Shijueming w Muli, Baishao &

Shengdihuang, Nuzhenzi, Juhua, Niuxi, etc in Yin Xu /LV Yin Xu w

LV Yang Shi w vertigo, headache, tinnitus, Shen Disturbed,

irritability & insomnia; excitement; mental instability; Shijueming w

Yejuhua, Mudanpi, Rendongteng, etc in hypertension &

arteriosclerosis; (2) Shijueming w Yejuhua, Xiakucao, Huangqin,

etc in LV Yang Shi/LV Fire Rising w restlessness; insomnia;

Shijueming w Clear LV Heat Hbs, like Longdancao, Lihui, Gouteng,

etc in LV Heat w LV Wind Rising w fever~high & persistent,

convulsion, etc; Shijueming w Juhua, Gujincao, Shetui, Xiakucao &

Juemingzi, Cangzhu etc in LV Fire/Heat w conjunctivitis; night

blindness, nebula*, cataract*, optic atrophy; Another method in

optic atrophy is to put Shijueming powder into sheep LV, bind LV w

thread, cook LV in a clay pot & eat LV every day (10g/time);

Shijueming w Gouqizi & Tusizi in LV Xu w eyesight~blurred;

Shijueming as Topical ointment in nebula; (3) Shijueming + another

shell (Haigeke, Muli, Zhenzhumu, Duanwalengzi), Haipiaoxiao,

Laifuzi, Tanxiang, Wuzhuyu, Xiangfu in ST~pain/ache & acid reflux;


Walengzi; ??Walongzi; (See: Duanwalengzi)

Ark Shell

Arcae Inflatae/Subcrenatae/Granosae Concha Pulv

Clear Phlegm+Ease Cough/Calm Asthma~Clear Phlegm

Sweet; Salty; Mild


As Soup: 9-30g (crushed before decocting); Powder: 3-6g bid/tid

(1) Clear Phlegm+Ease Cough/Calm Asthma;; Move Xue Stasis,

Soften Hardness in lumps~hard; Resolve Nodules: (2) ST~Antacid;

Ease Pain; (3) Topical; Other Uses

(1) Walengzi w Haizao+Kunbu, Haigeke, Jiangcan, in Phlegm

Stasis/Xue Stasis w lumps~hard; nodules~subcutaneous,

Lymphadenitis, lymph nodules, abdomen~mass; scrofula, TB,

goitre, tumor, etc; As Soup in swelling & pain of testis; (2)

Walengzi (Duanwalengzi is better) 20g/d w Baihe (Zhi (honey

baked)) & Gancao (simmer till 300ml Take 100ml/time for 4 weeks)

/ Duanwalengzi + another shell (Haigeke, Muli, Shijueming,

Zhenzhumu, Duanwalengzi), Haipiaoxiao, Laifuzi, Tanxiang,

Wuzhuyu, Xiangfu in ST ulcer w Hyperchlorhydria, ST~pain/ache &

ST~acid reflux/emesis;


Zhenzhu; Zhenzhufen ???; (See: Zhenzhumu)

Pearl Powder, Margarita

Margaritiferae Concha Pulv

Calm LV Yang

Sweet; salty; Cold


Avoid Soup; as pills/powder: 0.1-0.3g/dose; Topical: qs as

extremely fine powder by puffing to cover pharyngitis, dress ulcers;

for use in eye

(1) Calm LV; Expel Wind; Expel LV Wind; Expel Wind

Anticonvulsion; Calm Shen~Heavy Settler; Build HT; Calm HT;

Calm Fright; (2) Purge LV Heat; Expel Wind; Aid Eyes; Clear

Nebula; (3) Clear Toxin; Granulate ulcers~indolent;

(1) Zhenzhu alone/w other Calm Shen Hbs in epilepsy,

HT~palpitation in fright, acute febrile convulsion~infantile, etc;

Zhenzhu w honey in restlessness; panic; (2) Zhenzhu oral/topical

(eye drops) w other Aid Eyes Hbs in conjunctivitis, pterygium,

nebula; Astringe eye~pain; (3) Zhenzhu w Quicken Xue or

Vulnerary Hbs in unhealing ulcers

Avoid unless Fire Shi/Heat Stasis are present


Zhenzhumu; (See: Zhenzhu);

Mother-Of-Pearl, Nacre

Margaritiferae/Hyriopsis/Pinctadae Martensii/Cumingii Concha Usta

Calm LV Yang

Sweet; Salty; Cold


As Soup: 15-30g (crushed; decocted first); Powder: 2-3g tid;

Topical: qs

(1) Calm LV; Calm Yang; Calm LV Yang; Aid Yin; Expel Wind;

Expel LV Wind; Anticonvulsion (2) Aid Yin; Clear LV Fire; Aid

Eyes/Sight; Clear Nebula/cataract; (3) Rectify ST~acid secretion;

ST~Antacid; Ease Pain; Haemostat; (4) Build HT; Calm HT; Calm

Fright; Calm Shen~Heavy Settler; Diuretic; (5) Deprive Damp;

Astringe; Heal Wounds; (6) Also: Reduce SI-LI tone;

(1) Zhenzhumu in Yin Xu w Yang Shi/LV Yang Shi w vertigo,

headache, tinnitus, irritability; (2) Zhenzhumu as Topical eye

ointment in LV Xu w LV Fire/LV Heat w conjunctivitis,

blindness~night, eyesight~blurred, Nebula/cataract,

keratoleukoma/ Zhenzhumu oral w Baishao, Nuzhenzi,

Mimenghua, etc in LV Xu; Zhenzhumu w Mimenghua, Chantui, etc

in nebula; Zhenzhumu w Huanglian & Luganshi in conjunctivitis,

blepharitis, photophobia, lacrimation, nebula & pterygium; (3)

Zhenzhumu Zhenzhumu + another shell (Muli, Shijueming,

Haigeke, Duanwalengzi), Haipiaoxiao, Laifuzi, Tanxiang, Wuzhuyu,

Xiangfu in ST~peptic ulcer w ST~pain/ache, ST~bleeding,

hyperchlorhydria, acid reflux, (4) Zhenzhumu w other Build HT &

Calm Shen Hbs + Build Yin Hbs in Yin Xu w LV Yang Shi, Shen

Disturbed, Fright; HT~palpitation, insomnia, memory~loss;

dementia, neurasthenia, mental retardation, oligophrenia~infantile;

Zhenzhumu w Huanglian, Zibeichi & Lingyangjiao in HT Disturbed &

Shen Disturbed w HT~Palpitation, irritability, insomnia,

sleep~dream-disturbed; fever~high w convulsion~infantile; (5)

Zhenzhumu as Topical in Wind/Damp/Damp Heat w skin lesions,

eczema, prurigo~exudative; Wounds; Zhenzhumu w ?? in

LV~hepatitis infectious; (6) Also: SI-LI~hypertonia;


Zibeichi; Zibei ?? (??)

Arabic Cowrie Shell

Mauritiae Arabicae Concha, Cypraeae Concha

Calm LV Yang

Salty; neutral


10-15g/d; Cook before other herbs

(1) Calm HT; Calm Shen; (2) Calm LV; Calm LV Yang; Clear LV

Heat; Calm Wind; Brighten Eyes;

(1) Zibeichi w Huanglian, Zhenzhumu & Lingyangjiao in HT

Disturbed & Shen Disturbed w HT~Palpitation, irritability, insomnia,

sleep~dream-disturbed; fever~high w convulsion~infantile; (2)

Zibeichi w Juhua, Sangye & Gouteng in LV Channel Wind & Heat w

eyes~red, swelling & pain/eyesight poor/obstructed; LV Yang Shi

w vertigo & headache;


Best regards,


Email: <


WORK : Teagasc Research Management, Sandymount Ave., Dublin 4, Ireland

Mobile: 353-; [in the Republic: 0]


HOME : 1 Esker Lawns, Lucan, Dublin, Ireland

Tel : 353-; [in the Republic: 0]

WWW : http://homepage.eircom.net/~progers/searchap.htm

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