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Huge study confirms that acupuncture works in humans

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Hi All,


Huge study confirms that acupuncture works in humans.


See details of this GREAT news from Berlin:


http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en & sl=de & u=http://www.m

edizinauskunft.de/artikel/aktuell/28_01_04_akupunkturstudie.php & p





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Alon Marcus

Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:42 PM


>>>Could not open it what did the study say




Below is Google's uncorrected translated text of the message (since

horribly mutilated the original link).

The original German version can be found at



-Tim Sharpe



The world-wide largest randomized Akupunktur study supplies the scientific

proof that this welfare method from the Chinese medicine really helps the

patient. Even when frequent illnesses, like head and Nachenschmerzen as well

as asthma and hay cold, could be achieved substantial improvements with the



Scientists of the Charité in Berlin researched three years long and after

scientific proofs for the effectiveness of thousands of years old Akupunktur

method looked for. With this world-wide largest randomized study with

altogether 250,000 patients and approximately 10,000 established physicians

came out: Akupunktur works reliably and durably also with the large people

suffering headache, chronic neck pain (neck spinal column syndrome) and even

hay cold.


Professor Dr. Stefan Willich presented the results of the study: " we took

the Akupunktur with different study parts from three perspectives thoroughly

under the magnifying glass. Now the scientific proof is finally present that

Akupunktur is in the routine supply effective and safe " , so the project

manager and director of the institute for social medicine, epidemiology and

health economics of the Charité in Berlin.


Nine of ten Allergikern were also six months to the treatment still clearly

better, three from four patients with head or Lendenwirbelsaeulenschmerzen

showed likewise after this period still improvement. Still more highly the

rate was with Arthroseschmerzen (85 per cent), asthma (82 per cent) and

Dysmenorrhoe (85 per cent).


The aufwaendigste study part (over 50.000 patients) planned in each case to

divide the patients according to the coincidence principle in two groups

(randomization). While the one group received Akupunktur additionally to the

conventional therapy, the control's group without Akupunktur remained.

Physicians and patients recorded the treatment results in standardized

questionnaires, which were evaluated afterwards of the Charité.


Was it shown: Only at the Akupunktur group a substantial improvement of the

complaints occurred. " this result is the more important, because the

patients were observed not under the conditions of a clinical study, but

during the routine supply " , said professor Willich.


The largest study part (scarcely 150,000 patients) concentrates on the

investigation of the side effects. Only about each tenth patient reported of

side effects such as Bluterguessen or easy bleedings after the treatment.

Heavy side effects were so far extremely rare.


The third study part (scarcely 900 patients) leaves questions open, which

was converted in co-operation with Munich researcher teams around Dr. Dieter

the Melchart. The patients in comparable groups were stung either at

Akupunktur points or at (after the teachings) ineffective points. Here it

showed up that Akupunktur can work at least with Lendenwirbelsaeulen pain

and migraene also if in the wrong places is stung.


The results of the study are to supply arguments for a decision whether the

Akupunktur is taken up to the regular service catalog of the health

insurance companies. " if one the doors for this careful treatment

alternative opens, can millions of chronically ill humans with Akupunktur be

helped " , stresses Dr. Christoph Straub, member of the board of the

technicians health insurance company, which gave the study in order and with

its model project by 13 further cashes is supported.


Although the first results are present now, the research continues to go,

until 500,000 participants are reached. Thus the co-operation partners want

to clarify again raised questions, which can investigate side effects still

better and meet statements about the economy of the working method. The end

of the study is intended or in former times for October 2008, if Akupunktur

becomes the rule achievement of the legal health insurance companies before

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This sounds good... maybe acupuncturetoday would be interested in prnting a=



And don't you just hate it when your patients Bluterguessen after you've tr=





, " Tim Sharpe " <listserve@d...> wr=



> Alon Marcus

> Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:42 PM


> >>>Could not open it what did the study say

> Alon


> ------------------------------

> Below is Google's uncorrected translated text of the message (since =


> horribly mutilated the original link).

> The original German version can be found at

> www.medizinauskunft.de/artikel/aktuell/28_01_04_akupunkturstudie.php.


> -Tim Sharpe



> The world-wide largest randomized Akupunktur study supplies the scientifi=


> proof that this welfare method from the Chinese medicine really helps the=


> patient. Even when frequent illnesses, like head and Nachenschmerzen as w=


> as asthma and hay cold, could be achieved substantial improvements with t=


> patients.


> Scientists of the Charité in Berlin researched three years long and after=


> scientific proofs for the effectiveness of thousands of years old Akupunk=


> method looked for. With this world-wide largest randomized study with

> altogether 250,000 patients and approximately 10,000 established physicia=


> came out: Akupunktur works reliably and durably also with the large peopl=


> suffering headache, chronic neck pain (neck spinal column syndrome) and e=


> hay cold.


> Professor Dr. Stefan Willich presented the results of the study: " we took=


> the Akupunktur with different study parts from three perspectives thoroug=


> under the magnifying glass. Now the scientific proof is finally present t=


> Akupunktur is in the routine supply effective and safe " , so the project

> manager and director of the institute for social medicine, epidemiology a=


> health economics of the Charité in Berlin.


> Nine of ten Allergikern were also six months to the treatment still clear=


> better, three from four patients with head or Lendenwirbelsaeulenschmerze=


> showed likewise after this period still improvement. Still more highly th=


> rate was with Arthroseschmerzen (85 per cent), asthma (82 per cent) and

> Dysmenorrhoe (85 per cent).


> The aufwaendigste study part (over 50.000 patients) planned in each case =


> divide the patients according to the coincidence principle in two groups

> (randomization). While the one group received Akupunktur additionally to =


> conventional therapy, the control's group without Akupunktur remained.

> Physicians and patients recorded the treatment results in standardized

> questionnaires, which were evaluated afterwards of the Charité.


> Was it shown: Only at the Akupunktur group a substantial improvement of t=


> complaints occurred. " this result is the more important, because the

> patients were observed not under the conditions of a clinical study, but

> during the routine supply " , said professor Willich.


> The largest study part (scarcely 150,000 patients) concentrates on the

> investigation of the side effects. Only about each tenth patient reported=


> side effects such as Bluterguessen or easy bleedings after the treatment.=


> Heavy side effects were so far extremely rare.


> The third study part (scarcely 900 patients) leaves questions open, which=


> was converted in co-operation with Munich researcher teams around Dr. Die=


> the Melchart. The patients in comparable groups were stung either at

> Akupunktur points or at (after the teachings) ineffective points. Here it=


> showed up that Akupunktur can work at least with Lendenwirbelsaeulen pain=


> and migraene also if in the wrong places is stung.


> The results of the study are to supply arguments for a decision whether t=


> Akupunktur is taken up to the regular service catalog of the health

> insurance companies. " if one the doors for this careful treatment

> alternative opens, can millions of chronically ill humans with Akupunktur=


> helped " , stresses Dr. Christoph Straub, member of the board of the

> technicians health insurance company, which gave the study in order and w=


> its model project by 13 further cashes is supported.


> Although the first results are present now, the research continues to go,=


> until 500,000 participants are reached. Thus the co-operation partners wa=


> to clarify again raised questions, which can investigate side effects sti=


> better and meet statements about the economy of the working method. The e=


> of the study is intended or in former times for October 2008, if Akupunkt=


> becomes the rule achievement of the legal health insurance companies befo=


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I contacted Dr Richard Hammerschlag, about this study. He is the research

director at the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine, & is one of the

preeminent researchers in the field. He gave me the following info:


" The results were published in English last summer in a German complementary

medicine journal. The journal is listed on Medline so if you'd like to

check out the articles and read the Abstracts, here are the references:


Brinkhaus B, Becker-Witt C, Jena S, Linde K, Streng A, Wagenpfeil S, Irnich

D, Hummelsberger J, Melchart D, Willich SN.

Acupuncture Randomized Trials (ART) in patients with chronic low back pain

and osteoarthritis of the knee - design and protocols. Forsch

Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd. 2003 Aug;10(4):185-91.


Melchart D, Linde K, Streng A, Reitmayr S, Hoppe A, Brinkhaus B, Becker-Witt

C, Wagenpfeil S, Pfaffenrath V, Hammes M, Willich SN, Weidenhammer W.

Acupuncture Randomized Trials (ART) in patients with migraine or

tension-type headache--design and protocols. Forsch Komplementarmed Klass

Naturheilkd. 2003 Aug;10(4):179-84. "

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, " Tim Sharpe "

<listserve@d...> wrote:



> " The results were published in English last summer in a German


> medicine journal. The journal is listed on Medline so if you'd like to

> check out the articles and read the Abstracts, here are the references:





those abstracts only detail the study design. there are no results

listed as the studies had not yet been completed when those articles

were published. are they now completed. were the results reported

somewhere? I missed that post.



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, " "

<@e...> wrote:

> Hi All,


> Huge study confirms that acupuncture works in humans.


> See details of this GREAT news from Berlin:



you know this study also showed sham acupuncture works as well as

acupuncture done according to TCM theory. in other words, it doesn't

matter where you put the points. how good is that news?


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All I've seen is the google translation posted earlier, & the medline



- Tim Sharpe





Friday, February 27, 2004 3:00 PM


those abstracts only detail the study design. there are no results listed as

the studies had not yet been completed when those articles were published.

are they now completed. were the results reported somewhere? I missed that


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At the last Society for Acupuncture Research conference there were a couple

of German researchers presenting, I think they were part of the same

group. One part of the study that had finished related to shoulder pain.

They found acupuncture was more effective than PT, drug therapy

and one other treatment which I can't remember, I have the info back at my

office. One of the points the presenter was keen to make was that frequency

of treatment made all the difference. I think they treated 2-3 times per

week. If I remember correctly the migraine headache part is on-going.


Friday, February 27, 2004 4:07 PM

Re: Huge study confirms that acupuncture works in humans



, " "

<@e...> wrote:

> Hi All,


> Huge study confirms that acupuncture works in humans.


> See details of this GREAT news from Berlin:



you know this study also showed sham acupuncture works as well as

acupuncture done according to TCM theory. in other words, it doesn't

matter where you put the points. how good is that news?






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board approved continuing education classes, an annual conference and a free

discussion forum in Chinese Herbal Medicine.








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