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the process of onco-genesis

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Dear Friends and colleagues,


It is long been my feeling that cancer (and all auto-immune diseases for

that matter) are a " shift to the left " (to quote a term by one of my

professors) in the body's Ph, manifesting itself as more acid Ph, less

oxygen in the blood, and an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system,

becoming much more sympathetically hyper-tonic. Also, remember, cancer

doesn't just appear one day, rather it is a long metamorphological

process, which slowly and insidiously alters the DNA. Also, remember

that cancer cell are anaerobic. Therefore it would seem to me, that

therapies which promote a shift toward parasympathetic calming, alkalize

the body, and oxygenate the blood would be very efficacious. Yet, there

have been mixed review on the use of hyperbaric Oxygen and generally the

cancer-control diet emphasizes anti-oxidents. Any comments on this

apparent paradox? One of our members whose practice is primarily with

breast cancer patients, confided to me that:


" As far as the onco-genic herb dilemma...I have corresponded with Subhuti

Dharmananda on the issue of giving herbal formulas to people with

estrogen-dependant tumors. (Take a look at his article on " ESTROGEN


How Modern Conditions Change Traditional Practices " on www.itmonline.org)

Since the majority of my patients have breast cancer, and the majority

of my training was in Chinese Herbal Medicine - I am obviously in a

tricky position here. Right now, one of the primary adjunctive therapies

for controlling the growth of breast cancer is by " starving " it of

estrogen. Whether or not this is in fact the best strategy I do not know

- but it is still used as a main therapy. Therefore, giving a patient an

substance that may significantly alter hormonal balance may in fact cause

an increase in estrogen...even if the herbs themselves are not classified

as phytoestrogens. (I refer you to your insightful post about antiviral

herbs on CHA...) (In sum), Subhuti advised that I refrain, for now, from

prescribing herbs for breast cancer patients. Call me a wimp, but I have

stopped doing so for the time being. (But they do get LOTS of

acupuncture....) "


Anyway, that would explain the beneficial effect that acupuncture and

craniosacral therapies have with cancer, and as was posted previously on

CHA, would explain the mechanism by which qing hao, would benefit by

flooding the cells with oxygen. There is one other important factor I

feel can't be underestimated, and that is the role that emotional trauma

plays on programming DNA. In my limited experience treating patients

with cancer, ( I have treated 3) they all have had significant traumas as

children. By " dialoguing " with the patients' " inner-physicians, " cells

and organs (the somatoemotional release process) much surpressed trauma

can be released and, I believe, a reprogramming can take place to promote

healthy cell formation.


Any comments?





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I have now tried such a re-programming that Yehuda talk about, on my cancer

patients during one year.

The results have been exciting.

In 1984 I first tried out a new method in treating cancer, with very promising

results in a Dachshund (Thoresen 2002). The dog had mammary cancer (multiple

tumours along the nipple line) and had begun to develop dyspnoea - it probably

had several lung metastases. I treated LV03 (see rationale below), and in a few

weeks the tumours had disappeared almost completely. The dog died several years

later from a kidney deficiency.


Also, in 1995 I treated a horse with Equine Sarcoid with good results, published

in the Journal of the Norwegian veterinary Sosiety, " Norsk Veterinærtidsskrift "

(Thoresen 1995).


Since 1984, I have treated about 500-600 patients with all kinds of cancer. Due

to the possibility to make an exact meridian diagnosis (on which acupuncture

meridian the cancer is situated or started) as required according to the method

described in this article, the results were very good in mammary cancer. For the

same reason, the results also were very good in melanosarcoma. Results in

lymphosarcoma and brain cancer were good, but not as good as in mammary cancer

and melanosarcoma. However, my results in liver cancer were not good; the

healing rate was zero in the few liver cancers that I have treated.



Are Simeon Thoresen





yehuda l frischman

Sunday, June 06, 2004 7:33 PM

the process of onco-genesis



Dear Friends and colleagues,


It is long been my feeling that cancer (and all auto-immune diseases for

that matter) are a " shift to the left " (to quote a term by one of my

professors) in the body's Ph, manifesting itself as more acid Ph, less

oxygen in the blood, and an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system,

becoming much more sympathetically hyper-tonic. Also, remember, cancer

doesn't just appear one day, rather it is a long metamorphological

process, which slowly and insidiously alters the DNA. Also, remember

that cancer cell are anaerobic. Therefore it would seem to me, that

therapies which promote a shift toward parasympathetic calming, alkalize

the body, and oxygenate the blood would be very efficacious. Yet, there

have been mixed review on the use of hyperbaric Oxygen and generally the

cancer-control diet emphasizes anti-oxidents. Any comments on this

apparent paradox? One of our members whose practice is primarily with

breast cancer patients, confided to me that:


" As far as the onco-genic herb dilemma...I have corresponded with Subhuti

Dharmananda on the issue of giving herbal formulas to people with

estrogen-dependant tumors. (Take a look at his article on " ESTROGEN


How Modern Conditions Change Traditional Practices " on www.itmonline.org)

Since the majority of my patients have breast cancer, and the majority

of my training was in Chinese Herbal Medicine - I am obviously in a

tricky position here. Right now, one of the primary adjunctive therapies

for controlling the growth of breast cancer is by " starving " it of

estrogen. Whether or not this is in fact the best strategy I do not know

- but it is still used as a main therapy. Therefore, giving a patient an

substance that may significantly alter hormonal balance may in fact cause

an increase in estrogen...even if the herbs themselves are not classified

as phytoestrogens. (I refer you to your insightful post about antiviral

herbs on CHA...) (In sum), Subhuti advised that I refrain, for now, from

prescribing herbs for breast cancer patients. Call me a wimp, but I have

stopped doing so for the time being. (But they do get LOTS of

acupuncture....) "


Anyway, that would explain the beneficial effect that acupuncture and

craniosacral therapies have with cancer, and as was posted previously on

CHA, would explain the mechanism by which qing hao, would benefit by

flooding the cells with oxygen. There is one other important factor I

feel can't be underestimated, and that is the role that emotional trauma

plays on programming DNA. In my limited experience treating patients

with cancer, ( I have treated 3) they all have had significant traumas as

children. By " dialoguing " with the patients' " inner-physicians, " cells

and organs (the somatoemotional release process) much surpressed trauma

can be released and, I believe, a reprogramming can take place to promote

healthy cell formation.


Any comments?





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Chinese Herbal Medicine offers various professional services, including board

approved continuing education classes, an annual conference and a free

discussion forum in Chinese Herbal Medicine.



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