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(Fwd) Supplement Wars Update: South Africa Complains

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Chinese Medicine

" ykcul_ritsym "

Date sent: Sat, 12 Jun 2004 22:03:21 -0000

Supplement Wars Update: South Africa Complains

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11 Jun 2004 20:48:03 -0000


South Africa Lodges Official Complaint With Codex

Commission Exposing Massive Corruption at Codex


IAHF Webmaster: Breaking News, Whats New, All Countries,

Codex, EU FSD, What to Do


IAHF List: Please read the complaint & comments below from the

South African Codex Delegation to the Codex Committee on Food

Labeling and to the Committee on Nutrition and Foods For Special

Dietary Uses.


The Complaint demands that Codex not finalize the draft guideline

for Nutrition and Health Claims which is currently at the final stage

(step 8) in the process of acceptence.


In a nutshell- South Africa is demanding that health claims be

allowed to be made in the finalized standard under joint

development by the Codex committees on Food Labeling and the

Committee on Nutrition for foods and for dietary supplements

because there is overwhelming scientific evidence attesting to the

fact that dietary supplements CAN be used successfully in the

treatment and prevention of numerous diseases AND that this fact

does NOT " make them into drugs. "


South Africa's complaint to Codex underscores what I've been

telling the public about CODEX since 1996 when I was the first to

call it to global attention- that a VAST GLOBAL SCREWING is in

the works to destroy consumer access to dietary supplements and

to truthful health information about them unless we all work

together to OPPOSE IT on EVERY LEVEL.


South Africa has lodged this complaint in the aftermath of being

kicked in the TEETH at the Codex meeting on Food Labeling in

Montreal a few weeks ago. If you missed my report on that, you'll

find it on the IAHF website at http://www.iahf.com/20040517.html



1) Forward this alert to more people and urge them to sign onto the

IAHF email distribution list for updates at http://www.iahf.com


2) If you need help " connecting the dots " on the Codex issue, see




3) Make a donation to the ANH lawsuit to overturn the EU Food

Supplement Directive at http://www.alliance-natural-health.org The

ANH lawsuit is KEY to monkeywrenching CODEX. ANH CAN WIN

with enough grass roots support.


4) Copy South Africa's Comments to Codex (Below) and email

them to: A) Your Countries Codex Delegates for the Codex

Committees on Food Labeling and the Committee on Nutrition and

Foods for Special Dietary Uses.


Americans should email comments to Robert.Lake

and to mary.cutshall [iAHF will be providing a form

letter in a future email alert if you would rather send one I generate]



For other countries Get the email addresses for your countries

delegate from the list at




Comments from South Africa to the Codex Commission (2004) CL



Draft Guideline for Use of Nutrition and Health Claims at step 8 for

adoption by the Commission South Africa is concerned that a Draft

Guideline is presented for adoption at Step 8 that contains a

section that is no longer sustainable because of overwhelming

scientific evidence that contradicts the message of this section.

Since Codex adopted the principle that Standards and Guidelines

should be based on scientific evidence, the above-mentioned

Guideline should not be adopted at Step 8 with this section still in



In the following documents, the WHO, acknowledges the role of

" diet and nutrition in the prevention of chronic diseases " ', and the

" promotion of optimal nutrition amonq consumers throuqh adequate

labellinq and the use of health claims, to assist them in makinq the

riqht choices " z:


1. " WHO Technical Report on Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of

Chronic Diseases " (2003)


2. WHO's Director-General's report of the Joint FAO/WHO

evaluations of the work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission

(Fifty sixth World Health Assembly Provisional agenda 14.19,

reference A 56/34, dated 3 April 2004), paragraph 23. In paragraph

17 the Director-General noted that the Codex Commission

recommends that the scope of the Commission should also fully

cover health-related aspects of food standards.


In our opinion two Codex Committee's failed to implement this

policy recommendation of science-based decisions, namely

CCNFSDU 2003 and CCFL 2004 by not acknowledging - 1. In the

case of CCNFSDU 2003: The use of the wording " prevention of

chronic diseases " in the preamble to the document Proposed Draft

Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral supplements " , based on an

outdated clause in the Codex general Guidelines on Claims

(CAC/GL 1-1979 (Rev. 1-1991) which prohibits claims as to the

suitability of a food for use in the prevention, alleviation, treatment

or cure of a disease; and 2. In the case of CCFL 2004: The revision

of the Codex general Guidelines on Claims (CAC/GL 1-1979 (Rev.

1-1991) to update the abovementioned clause to reflect the latest

scientific evidence that nutrients can heal nutritional deficiency

diseases and certain metabolic disorders, can prevent chronic

diseases and can be used as an alternative option in the treatment

of some diseases.


WHO finds it acceptable to use the word " diseases " when referring

to diet and nutritional policies which are within the scope of Codex

Alimentarius. In other words, the fact that foods and nutrients can

prevent diseases and some cases cure diseases (e.g., classical

deficiency diseases and certain metabolic disorders) do not make

these foods and nutrients medicines from a scientific point of view.

Dictations from national legislation should not be permitted to

influence and allow incorrect statements in a global Guideline.


South Africa recommends that the Draft Guideline for Use of

Nutrition and Health Claims not be adopted at step 8 by the

Commission and that section 3.4 of the Codex general Guidelines

on Claims (CAC/GL 1-1979 (Rev. 1-1991) which prohibits claims as

to the suitability of a food for use in the prevention, alleviation,

treatment or cure of a disease be For Health Freedom, John C.

Hammell, President International Advocates for Health Freedom

556 Boundary Bay Road Point Roberts, WA 98281-8702 USA

http://www.iahf.com jham 800-333-2553 N.America 360-

945-0352 World



Best regards,


Email: <


WORK : Teagasc Research Management, Sandymount Ave., Dublin 4, Ireland

Mobile: 353-; [in the Republic: 0]


HOME : 1 Esker Lawns, Lucan, Dublin, Ireland

Tel : 353-; [in the Republic: 0]

WWW : http://homepage.eircom.net/~progers/searchap.htm


Chinese Proverb: " Man who says it can't be done, should not interrupt man doing

it "

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