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Here's some additional information from some of my resources




• Chronic pain syndrome develops as a result of having chronically negative

attitudes and/or unconscious emotional response mechanisms that keep a person

continually in stress. Chronic attitude problems are so much a part of a

person's self-image that he or she does not recognize them as separate from the

personality. Nothing is more difficult to identify than our assumed 'natural'

ways of being in the world that are essentially patterns we have developed to

help us cope. Certain body parts susceptible to chronic negative patterns

include the spine, the stomach (as in ulcers), and the head (tension and

migraine headaches). (Shealy, p. 256-266)


• 6:1 in females; 25-50 years old, who tend to present as stressed, tense,

depressed, anxious, striving


• Stiffness represents thinking in a rigid, stiff manner. (Hay, 1984, p. 184)


• Low intensity exercise may improve fibromyalgia symptoms, and patients who

exercise regularly suffer less severe symptoms than patients who remain

sedentary. (Wilke, W, p. 153-170; Carette, S, p. 590-594; Mengshail, AM, et al,

p. 345-349)


• Inflammation: fear; inflamed thinking; seeing red; anger and frustration about

conditions in one's life. (Hay, 1984, p. 170-171)


• Overwhelming life circumstances. (Epstein, p. 103)


• Emotional needs repeatedly violated; in unproductive relationship patterns

where needs not met; " sick and tired of whole situation " feel incapable of

challenging source through which anxiety is generated, primarily due to fear of

rejection; dynamic of emotional violation; insecurity, inability to challenge,

followed by inability to speak up followed by more violation. (Shealy, p. 212)


• Resistance, boredom; lack of love for what one does. (Hay, 1984, p. 164)




Chinese psychophysiology:


• Liver ~ Gan is the home of the Hun (Ethereal Soul); it relates to

decisiveness, control, and the principle of emergence; stores and cleanses the

Xue (Blood); maintains smooth flow of Qi and Xue (Blood); controls the muscles,

ligaments, and tendons, especially the contractility of the muscles and

moistening of the sinews; and reflects emotional harmony and movement.


» Healthy expressions are kindness, spontaneity, and ease of movement.


» Liver Xu (Deficiency) signs include impotence; frigidity; pain in thighs,

pelvic region, and throat; ready tendency to " the blahs " (Seem, p. 28);

timidity; depression; irritability; vertigo; pruritus; dry eyes, skin, and/or

tendons; asthma; aching at the waist; hernia; and difficulty raising head up and

down. Liver Xue Xu (Blood Deficiency) predisposes to Xue Yu (Blood Stasis).


» Liver Qi Stagnation reflects and accentuates emotional constraint as the

Liver's function of facilitating smooth flow in the body is constricted.

Stagnation is associated with frustration, irritability, tension, and feeling

stuck. With time this pattern tends to produce a gloomy emotional state of

constant resentment, repressed anger or depression, along with tightness in the

chest, frequent sighing, abdominal tension or distension, and/or a feeling of a

lump in the throat with difficulty in swallowing. (Maciocia, p. 216) Xue Yu

(Blood Stasis) often begins with Qi Stagnation.


» Mental signs of Liver channel disorders include irritability; difficulty

developing ideas; depression; and lack of energy. (Seem, p. 28)




• Gall Bladder ~ Dan is the source of courage and initiative, and is responsible

for decision-making as the bodily Minister of Justice; controls circulation of

the nourishing and protecting energies [Ying Qi and Wei (Protective) Qi]; and

expresses itself through the sinews (ligaments and tendons). Its channel

purifies Yang energy in the body.


» Healthy expressions are kindness, decisiveness, control, and spirit of



» Gall Bladder Xu (Deficiency) signs include insomnia; wandering pains; chest

and side pains; swollen breasts (Seem, p. 29); weakness in muscles and tendons

of the legs; difficulty standing; asthenia; vertigo; chills; timidity;

cowardice; indecisiveness; and excessive sighing.




• San Jiao ~ Triple Warmer regulates the relations among the three regions

roughly delimited by the chest, abdomen, and pelvis; influences the supply of

Xue (Blood), Qi and Fluids; is the source of Wei (Protective) Qi; and relates to

the function of heat regulation.


» Mental signs of Triple Warmer channel disorders include emotional upsets

caused by breaking of friendships or family relations; depression; suspicion;

anxiety; poor elimination of harmful thoughts. (Seem, p. 28)




• Spleen ~ Pi governs digestion and manifests in the muscle tissues; transforms

food into Qi and Xue (Blood); governs the Xue (Blood); resolves Dampness, and

relates to the ability to assimilate, stabilize, and feel balanced and centered.


» Healthy expressions are fairness, openness, deep thinking, and reminiscence; »

Spleen Xu (Deficiency) signs include slightness (deficient " form " ); abundant

elimination; morning fatigue; cold, wet feet (Seem, p. 28); abdomen taut and

distended like a drum; craving for sweets; flatulence; nausea; mild edema;

memory failure; heavy feeling in legs; easy bruising; pale lips; loose stools;

and muscular weakness.


» The excessive use of the mind in thinking, studying, concentrating, and

memorizing over a long period of time tends to weaken the Spleen. This also

includes excessive pensiveness and constant brooding. (Maciocia, p. 241)

Likewise, inadequate physical exercise, overexposure to external Dampness, and

excess consumption of sweet and/or Cold foods will also deplete the Spleen.


» Mental signs of Spleen channel disorders include mental sluggishness; vertigo;

melancholia; obsessions turned toward the past; fixed and rigid ideas;

sleepwalking; agitated sleep; and nightmares. (Seem, p. 27)




• Kidney ~ Shen stores Jing (Essence) and governs birth, growth, reproduction,

development, and aging; houses the Zhi (Will) and supports the core vitality;

expresses ambition and focus; produces the bone marrow and thereby much of the

immune system; and displays the effects of aging, chronic degenerative

processes, and extreme stress.


» Healthy expressions are gentleness, groundedness, and endurance.


» Kidney Xu (Deficiency) signs include indecisiveness; confused speech; dreams

of trees submerged under water; cold feet and legs; abundant sweating (Seem, p.

28); hearing loss; fearfulness; apathy; chronic fatigue; discouragement;

scatteredness; lack of will; negativity; impatience; difficult inhalation; low

sex drive; lumbago; sciatica; and musculoskeletal irritation and inflammation,

especially when worse from touch.


» Intense or prolonged fear depletes the Kidney. Often chronic anxiety may

induce Xu (Deficiency) and then Fire within the Kidney. (Maciocia, p. 250)

Overwork, parenting, simple aging, and a sedentary or excessively indulgent

lifestyle all contribute significantly to Kidney Xu (Deficiency).


» Mental signs of Kidney channel disorders include anxiety; fear in the pit of

the stomach; sadness; mental and physical fatigue; antisocial tendencies; and

laziness. (Seem, p. 28)







< wrote:

Hi Brian,


This is pretty comprehensive. However, even though fibromyalgia is considered a

rheumatic condition, when I went to see a rheumatologist, he told me

rheumatologists don't treat it. Also, the information I have seen states that

there is no inflammation involved in fibromyalgia. Like everything else with

fibrymyalgia, contradictions abound.




Brian Hardy wrote:

Here's additional infomation for fibromyalgia that may be helpful for you and

your patients:


Fibromyalgia is a soft tissue Musculoskeletal Syndrome that is similar to

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (it differs from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) in that

the primary symptom of Fatigue that is experienced by CFS patients is replaced

with Musculoskeletal Pain in Fibromyalgia patients).


Prevalence research

Fibromyalgia affects approximately 3.5% of women and 0.5% of men. Some research

indicates that Fibromyalgia may affect 2% to 6% of the population.

Approximately 85% of Fibromyalgia patients are young women and 90% of

Fibromyalgia patients are women.

Some experts claim that Fibromyalgia is the second most common rheumatic


Women afflicted with Fibromyalgia are usually aged 20 - 60 (most commonly 45 to


Although Fibromyalgia is less prevalent in men, men experience more severe

symptoms of Fibromyalgia.

These Substances Alleviate Fibromyalgia


Capsaicin (applied topically) alleviates the Musculoskeletal Pain associated

with Fibromyalgia. research

Amino Acids

5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan) (50 - 300 mg per day (or night)) alleviates

Fibromyalgia. research

Fibromyalgia patients have significantly lower levels of Creatine than healthy

people (and supplemental Creatine Monohydrate may help to restore endogenous

Creatine levels to normal in Fibromyalgia patients) - studies to determine

whether supplemental Creatine Monohydrate could alleviate Fibromyalgia have not

yet been performed. research

Fibromyalgia patients generally exhibit significantly lower plasma Histidine

levels compared to normal subjects.

Phenylalanine (L-Phenylalanine form) improves the condition of Fibromyalgia

patients (according to anecdotal reports). research

Supplemental S-Adenosylmethionine (SAM) (800 mg per day or more) alleviates

Fibromyalgia: research

- Specific improvements in the symptoms of Fibromyalgia caused by SAM therapy

include a significant reduction in the number of trigger points, reduction in

Fatigue, reduction in morning stiffness and improvements in Mood.

Fibromyalgia patients generally exhibit significantly lower plasma Serine levels

compared to normal subjects. research

Fibromyalgia patients usually exhibit decreased Tryptophan transport mechanisms

and usually exhibit significantly lowered Tryptophan levels (indicating that

supplemental Tryptophan may be of benefit to Fibromyalgia patients). research


Ascorbigen alleviates the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. research

Preliminary reports indicate that Indole-3-Carbinol may alleviate some of the

symptoms of Fibromyalgia.


Hyaluronic Acid (consumed orally) is claimed to alleviate Fibromyalgia.


NADH alleviates some cases of Fibromyalgia. research

Growth Factors

Approximately 33% of Fibromyalgia patients exhibit low levels of Insulin-like

Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) - this occurs most likely as a result of insufficient

release of Human Growth Hormone): research


DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) alleviates many of the symptoms of Fibromyalgia.


Supplemental, exogenous Human Growth Hormone (administered under professional

guidance) causes significant improvement in the condition of Fibromyalgia

patients. research

Melatonin helps to correct the impairment of Slow Wave Sleep (deep Sleep)

experienced by Fibromyalgia patients. research

Progesterone alleviates many cases of Fibromyalgia (according to many anecdotal

reports). research

Relaxin alleviates the symptoms of Fibromyalgia and Relaxin depletion is

speculated to be an underlying cause of Fibromyalgia. research

One theory of the cause of Fibromyalgia states that it occurs as a result of a

state of hypometabolism in the body’s Cells that can be corrected by

supplementation with exogenous Triiodothyronine (T3) combined with regular

Aerobic Exercise. Clinical studies have demonstrated that 75 - 150 micrograms

per day of exogenous Triiodothyronine sometimes cures Fibromyalgia. research


Cetyl Myristoleate (CMO) alleviates the Inflammation of the Joints associated

with Fibromyalgia. research


Magnesium deficiency within Muscle Fibers is speculated to be a factor in the

development of Fibromyalgia: research

- Daily supplementation of 300 - 600 mg of Magnesium (especially from the

Magnesium Malate form) has resulted in significant improvements in the number of

tender points in Fibromyalgia patients.

- Some researchers speculate that this improvement results from the Malic Acid

content of Magnesium Malate rather than the Magnesium content, although there is

also evidence that Magnesium contributes significantly to the effectiveness of

Magnesium Malate.

Fibromyalgia patients are generally found to have low Phosphorus (Phosphate)

levels. research


Insufficient production of Serotonin has been speculated to be a cause of

Fibromyalgia. research

Organic Acids

Malic Acid ((2,400 mg per day combined with 600 mg of Magnesium) has caused

significant improvement in the number of tender points in Fibromyalgia patients.



Oleoeuropein alleviates Fibromyalgia (according to the observations of many


Smart Drugs

Gamma-Hydroxybutyric Acid (GHB) alleviates Fibromyalgia. research

Sulfuric Compounds

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is speculated to be a valuable treatment for

Fibromyalgia. research


Fibromyalgia patients generally have abnormally low Vitamin B12 levels

(indicating that supplemental Vitamin B12 may be useful for the treatment of

Fibromyalgia). research

These Foods/Herbs Alleviate Fibromyalgia


Chlorella decreases the Pain associated with Fibromyalgia and improves the

“quality of life” of Fibromyalgia patients. research


Aloe vera (consumed orally) alleviates the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. research

Olive Leaf alleviates many of the symptoms of Fibromyalgia (primarily due to the

Oleoeuropein content of Olive Leaf) (according to the observations of some

physicians). research

Saint John’s Wort alleviates some of the symptoms (Pain) of Fibromyalgia

(primarily due to the ability of Saint John’s Wort to increase Brain Serotonin

levels). research

Other Factors that Treat Fibromyalgia


Regular Aerobic Exercise provides positive (but short term) benefits to

Fibromyalgia patients. research

Physical Therapies for Fibromyalgia

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) is a popular means of

treatment for Fibromyalgia.

Orthodox Medical Treatment of Fibromyalgia

Pharmaceutical Drugs

Ibuprofen is sometimes prescribed to Fibromyalgia patients (although clinical

studies have shown that Ibuprofen is no more effective than placebo for the

treatment of Fibromyalgia). research

Amitryptyline is sometimes prescribed to Fibromyalgia patients (although

Amitryptyline provides some relief from Fibromyalgia symptoms, its long term use

is discouraged due to the severe side effects associated with long term use of

Tricyclic Antidepressants).

These Substances May Cause Fibromyalgia

Amino Acids

Fibromyalgia patients are generally found to have elevated Homocysteine levels

(suggesting that elevated Homocysteine could be a possible underlying cause of

Fibromyalgia). research


High levels of Reverse T3 are common in Fibromyalgia patients. research


Prior infection by the Influenza Virus Type A has been speculated to predispose

humans to Fibromyalgia at a later stage (i.e. after the initial Influenza caused

by this Virus, Fibromyalgia may occur at a later date). research

These Ailments May Cause Fibromyalgia (Underlying Cause of Fibromyalgia)

Digestive System

Intestinal Permeability is an underlying cause of some cases of Fibromyalgia.

Immune System

Overactivity of TH2 Helper T-Cells (known as TH2 Helper T-Cells Dominance) is

one of the features of Fibromyalgia.


A decrease in Energy available for Muscle contractions and an inability of the

Muscles to relax after contraction has occurred is presently believed to be the

underlying cause of Fibromyalgia. With time the plasma membrane (Sarcolemma)

that surrounds groups of Muscle Fibers becomes tight and thick, causing further

Muscle Pain.

Hypothyroidism is a possible precipitating factor (and possibly a direct cause)

of Fibromyalgia. research

Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

A diagnosis of Fibromyalgia requires fulfillment of the following major criteria

and four or more minor criteria:



Fibromyalgia patients have been found to have a high incidence of damage to the

Mitochondria of their Cells. research

Musculoskeletal System

The primary symptom of Fibromyalgia is chronic Musculoskeletal Pain (particlarly

Muscle Pain) characterized by: peer-reviewed research

- Generalized Pain or stiffness of at least three anatomic sites for at least

three months.

- 11 or more typical, reproducible Tender Points (the American College of

Rheumatology describes 18 points over Muscles and Tendons).

- Exclusion of other ailments that can cause similar symptoms.

- A feeling that the Muscles and/or Joints are being “glued down”, gelling when

the body is in one position for any period of time.

- This Musculoskeletal Pain is often at its worst first thing in the morning

(and is therefore known as Morning Stiffness) and usually lasts for more than

thirty minutes.


Digestive System

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is one of the minor symptoms of Fibromyalgia. 70% of

Fibromyalgia patients experience Irritable Bowel Syndrome which is characterized

by alternating Diarrhea and Constipation, Intestinal Cramps, Flatulence and

Nausea. research


Generalized Fatigue (similar to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) is one of the minor

symptoms of Fibromyalgia. 85% of Fibromyalgia patients experience overwhelming

tiredness accompanied by an inability to perform physical tasks. This Fatigue

occurs without any precipitating events. research

Musculoskeletal System

Joint and other soft tissues Inflammation (swelling) is one of the minor

symptoms of Fibromyalgia.

Nervous System

Anxiety is one of the minor symptoms of Fibromyalgia - 62% of Fibromyalgia

patients experience Anxiety, Irritability and overconcern without any specific

precipitating events causing these feelings.

Depression is one of the minor symptoms of Fibromyalgia.

Chronic Headache or Migraine is one of the minor symptoms of Fibromyalgia -

approximately 70% of Fibromyalgia patients experience Headaches or Migraines.

Insomnia and other Sleep Disorders are one of the minor symptoms of Fibromyalgia

(and are speculated to be the underlying primary cause of Fibromyalgia):


- 80% of Fibromyalgia patients have severely disrupted and insufficient

quantities of Slow-Wave Sleep. Fibromyalgia patients’ Slow-Wave Sleep is often

of the type known as Alpha/Delta Sleep (characterized by a mixture of Delta

Waves and Alpha Waves instead of purely Delta Waves). research

- It often takes Fibromyalgia patients one or two hours to fall asleep and any

noise, smell or other sensory stimuli may arouse them.

- Fibromyalgia patients generally sleep restlessly, waking 2 - 29 times per

night and they awaken feeling stiff, sore and fatigued.

- Muscles usually maintain a high level during rest and breathing continues

shallow and erratic.

Numbness is one of the minor symptoms of Fibromyalgia.

Variation in symptoms associated with activity, Stress and weather changes is

one of the minor symptoms of Fibromyalgia.

Vertigo is one of the minor symptoms of Fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia Increases the Risk of these Ailments

Musculoskeletal System

Fibromyalgia patients have a greater risk of Osteoporosis. research

Mis-Diagnosis of Fibromyalgia?

Some experts believe that some cases of Fibromyalgia have been mis-diagnosed and

that many people diagnosed with Fibromyalgia are actually afflicted with

Osteomalacia. references

Forms of Fibromyalgia

The symptoms of both forms of Fibromyalgia are identical.

Primary Fibromyalgia is Fibromyalgia where the origin is uncertain.

Post-Traumatic Fibromyalgia occurs as a result of a physical injury such as a

fall or whiplash.


In-Tele-Health © 2002 (from Hyperhealth Pro CD-ROM)


krhkempo wrote:

Could anyone tell me whether they have had a similar experience:

I have a couple of diagnosed fybromyalgia patients, each of whom

are reporting the experience of regressing through their illness

after 4 treatments. They initially feel better and then get worse.

One actually reported that she felt as if she were back at the time

of the onset of her illness which began after 2 consecutive car

accidents. They have made no other change in their routines nor


It is very disconcerting yet seems almost appropriate to their

initial presentation. However, I don't want to arrogantly ignore this

progression. I have been using shallow needling with a minimum of

small gauge needles. I have avoided herbs due to their apparent

intense response to gentle treatment.

Has anyone had this experience and if so how have you seen it

progress?What treatment methods have you employed?Anything out of the



Ken Hoffman, D.Ac, L.Ac, CCH

Arcadia Health Center

499 Federal Rd

Brookfield, CT 06804







Chinese Herbal Medicine offers various professional services, including board

approved continuing education classes, an annual conference and a free

discussion forum in Chinese Herbal Medicine.







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