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Group Subscription to TradiMed for less than 4 US$/year?

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Hi All,


Three lists - CHA, Chinese Medicine and VBMA - can

muster circa 1500 herbalists internationally. Would the ListMasters

of these Lists - <),

Attilio D.Alberto ,<attiliodalberto ) and Susan Wynn

<swynndvm - consider a JOINT approach to

TradiMed to negotiate a GROUP RATE for access?


Unfortunately, access to TradiMed requires payment of an annual

subscription, or use of a Coupon System, whereby single users

pay per page viewed.


I understand that an ACADEMY can get a group rate for <5000

people for 1000 US$/year, whereas an INDIVIDUAL must pay 1500

US$/year for access. See: http://tinyurl.com/3rlz7


I emailed the TradiMed Master <master today to

verify the annual GROUP subscription rate, and that that covers all

search charges during the year of subscriotion.


If we can negotiate a group rate of 1000 US$ for circa 300 users,

this would work out at <4 US$/user/year - a fantastic rate for

access to top quality data.


Susan & Attilio, are you interested?


TradiMed is the the most comprehensive expert herbal database

available on TCHM today. See:



It has an AWESOME - really mind-blowing - wealth of data on

single herbs, formulas, clinical conditions, etc. It outputs the data

in English, plus browser-copyable Hanzi script for each term used,

including medical terms, syndromes, etc.


It covers several Medical Classics, CHINESE (Dan-Xi-Shou-Jing,

Dan-Xi-Xin-Fa, Dan-Xi-Zhi-Fa-Xin-Yo, Mai-Yin-Zheng-Zhi, Shang-Han-

Lun, Shen-Shi-Yao-Han ) and KOREAN (Dan-Gok-Kyong-Heom-

Bang-Cho, Dong-Eui-Soo-Seh-Bo-Won, Dong-Ui-Bo-Gam, Geub-

Yoo-Bang, Go-sa-Chwal-Yo, Go-Sa-Sin-Seo, Gyeong-Hwom-Bi-

Bang-So-A-Bo-Gam, Jeung-Bo-San-Lim-Gyeong, Ma-Gwa-Hoe-

Tong, Ma-Jin-Gi-Bang, Ma-JIN-Pyeon).


It also covers many modern scientific journals and databases.


Best regards,


PS: BioHerb <contact, an associate of Tradimed,

also supplies single herbs, including:


Aiye/Yicao-Artemisiae Argyi Fm;

Baiguoye-Ginkgo Fm;

Chenhao/Yinchenhao-Artemisiae Capillaris Hb;

Cheqianye-Plantaginis Fm;

Cheqianzi-Plantaginis S;

Danggui-Angelicae Gigantis Rx;

Fupenzi-Rubi Fr;

Gouqi/Gouqizi-Lycii Fr;

Jiegeng-Platycodi Rx;

Mudanpi-Moutan Cx-Rx;

Renshen-Ginseng Rx;

Shanyao-Dioscoreae Rz;

Shanzhuyu-Corni Fr;

Shaoyao-Paeoniae Rx;

Shenqiandihuang/Shengdi-Rehmanniae Rx;

Shisixian/Duzhong-Eucommiae Cx;

Suanzaoren-Zizyphi Spinosae S;

Wuweizi-Schisandrae Fr;

Xianlingpi/Yinyanghuo-Epimedii Hb


Best regards,


Email: <


WORK : Teagasc Research Management, Sandymount Ave., Dublin 4, Ireland

Mobile: 353-; [in the Republic: 0]


HOME : 1 Esker Lawns, Lucan, Dublin, Ireland

Tel : 353-; [in the Republic: 0]

WWW : http://homepage.eircom.net/~progers/searchap.htm


Chinese Proverb: " Man who says it can't be done, should not interrupt man doing

it "

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