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Mercury-Containing Vaccines Have Salutary Effects in Children

Immunizing infants with vaccines containing the preservative thimerosal

may actually be associated with improved behavior and cognitive

outcomes, according to two British studies published in the September

issue of Pediatrics.

Reuters Health Information 2004





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  • 2 years later...
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Long term use of selenium food supplements may be linked to an increased risk of

developing type 2 diabetes said researchers in a new US study.


The study is published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine.


The discovery was a surprise to the scientists who were doing a follow up to

studies of selenium in animals that showed it helped the body to handle glucose.


Instead they found that long term use of selenium supplements increased the risk

of developing type 2 diabetes, a disorder often linked to obesity which occurs

when the body cannot produce enough insulin to control blood sugar.


Selenium is a trace mineral that is found in the soil and becomes absorbed in

the food chain. The body needs small amounts of it for healthy metabolism. It is

an anti-oxidant and stops cells being damaged by oxygen.


Selenium is included in many multivitamin products and is also available as a

food supplement on its own. Many people take it for their health, and some

studies have suggested it can improve the way the body deals with sugar and

prevent some of the problems of diabetes. Other studies suggest taking selenium

supplements have no effect on diabetes or health.


This study involved 1,202 human patients who were already taking part in a

clinical trial (Nutritional Prevention of Cancer trial, NPC) to assess the

effect of selenium supplementation on skin cancer. None of them had diabetes

when the study started. They were attending dermatology clinics in various parts

of the eastern United States.


The scientists measured the patients' blood selenium and randomly assigned them

to take a daily dose of 200 micrograms of selenium supplement or a placebo.


The participants were monitored for 7.7 years on average. The incidence of

diabetes in the two groups were then compared.


The results showed that 58 of the 600 people in the selenium group developed

diabetes compared with 39 of the 602 in the placebo group.


The researchers calculated that the risk of developing type 2 diabetes over the

7.7 year period was about 50 per cent higher in the selenium group.


The authors said that:


" Selenium supplementation did not seem to confer benefit in terms of risk for

type 2 diabetes in this sample of persons from low-selenium areas in the eastern

United States. Instead, the cumulative incidence of type 2 diabetes was

statistically significantly higher in the selenium group than in the placebo

group. "


The results were independent of baseline age, sex, smoking status and body mass

index (BMI) except for those in the highest 33 per cent of BMI.


More significantly, the risk for type 2 diabetes linked to selenium

supplementation increased with greater blood levels of selenium at the start of

the study.


The researchers concluded that these findings showed no overall benefit of

selenium supplementation in preventing type 2 diabetes, conversely they

suggested that:


" Long-term supplementation with 200 micrograms of selenium daily may adversely

affect glucose metabolism. "


They said this is an important result for public health because selenium

supplements in 30 to 200 microgram doses are used by people throughout the US

and the western world.


However the authors said that despite these findings, there is evidence that

selenium supplementation may help to prevent cancer. Larger randomized clinical

trials are currently looking into this further.


The study also had limitations the researchers conceded. First, the main trial

was not designed to look at diabetes but cancer. Secondly, the diabetes

incidence was self-reported and there is a possibility that some patients may

have been underdiagnosed for diabetes. Thirdly, although some other factors were

taken into account such as age and BMI, there was no in depth analysis of family

history, body fat distribution and physical activity, although these effects

should have been minimized by the randomization.


And fourthly, the participant sample was not representative of the population at

large, consisting of elderly people (mean age was 63.2 years) from low-selenium

parts of the eastern US with a history of non-melanoma skin cancer. Thus these

findings cannot really be generalized to other groups.


Writing in an accompanying editorial, Dr Eliseo Guallar, of Johns Hopkins

University Bloomberg School of Public Health said that people should be getting

enough selenium in their diet and there is no reason to take supplements. The

results of this study don't prove that selenium causes diabetes but they are

worrying, said Guallar.










PVA-L ; traditional_Chinese_Medicine

Cc: ; vBMA

Tuesday, July 17, 2007 9:10 PM

Herbal formulas used in a dog with cervical intervertebral disk




Hi All,


See full-text of this fine case report at



Ayne Murata Hayashi¹,*, Júlia Maria Matera¹, Tatiana Soares da Silva², Ana

Carolina Brandão de Campos Fonseca Pinto¹, Sílvia Renata Gaido

Cortopassi1 Electro-acupuncture and Chinese herbs for treatment of

cervical intervertebral disk disease in a dog. J Vet Sci(2007), 8(1), 95-98.

¹Dept of Surgery, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of São Paulo,

São Paulo, Brazil ²Veterinary Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,

University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. A non-ambulatory dog with

tetraparesis following a pain episode that had evolved over 2 months was

submitted for medical treatment and diagnosed with intervertebral disk

disease at C3-C4 and dorsal extradural compression at C1-C2 and C3-C4

using myelography and computed tomography. The dog experienced

ambulation recovery after 15 days of treatment with only electroacupuncture

and Chinese herbal medicine, with marked improvement occurring after only

10 treatments. Six months of followup demonstrated that the dog was stable

and had no recurrence of symptoms. Therefore, it was concluded that the

combination of electroacupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine was

responsible for motor rehabilitation.


NOTE: The three herbal formulas mentioned in this report were:

(1) Duhuo Jisheng Tang;

(2) Guifu Dihuang Wan;

(3) Guipi Tang.


My notes on these formulas (from WWW today) are:


(1) DUHUO JISHENG TANG (Pubescent Angelica & Loranthus Dec;

Pubescent Angelica & ??Vaeicum Dec); like Bazheng Tang w Rougui

substituted for Baizhu;


FORMULA CLASS: Scatter Wind & Damp; Free Channel Bi dt Damp Cold




Duhuo 9g [scatter Wind Damp Cold from SJL, Bone & Sinew];

Xixin 6g [scatter Wind Cold in Channels, Sinew & Bone; Stop Pain];

Fangfeng 6g [scatter Wind Damp];

Qinjiao 6g [Relax Sinew; Scatter Wind Damp];

Sangjisheng 6g [scatter Wind Damp; Tone LV; Tone KI];

Duzhong 6g [scatter Wind Damp; Tone LV; Tone KI];

Huainiuxi 6g [scatter Wind Damp; Tone LV; Tone KI; Envoy to body ~ lower

(Direct Hbs Down)];

Rougui 6g [Warm Channels; Open Channels; Tone Yangqi];

Danggui 6g [Tone Xue; Quicken Xue];

Chuanxiong 6g [Tone Xue; Quicken Xue];

Shengdihuang 6g [Tone Xue; Quicken Xue];

Baishao 6g [Tone Xue; Quicken Xue];

Renshen 6g [Tone Qi; Tone SP Qi; Scatter Damp];

Fuling 6g [Tone SP Qi; Drain Damp];

Zhigancao / Gancao 6g [Tone Qi; Harmonise other Hbs];


One may substitute Xuduan for Sangjisheng & Dangshen for Renshen;


Grind all Hbs & Dec & use as tea (Shuijianfu);


ACTIONS: Dispel Wind Damp (Qufengshi), Open Jingluo, Scatter Painful Bi

(obstruction) in Jingluo, Stop Bi Pain (Zhibitong), Aid / Tone LV & KI

(Yiganshen), Tone LV & KI Xu, Tone Xue & Tone Qi (Buxueqi), Tone Qixu &



USES: Great formula to Tx Bi ~ chronic (Biju) / Wind Damp Bi Syndrome

pain dt Qizhi & Xueyu, w underlying LV & KI Xu (LV & KI Dual Depletion

(Ganshen Liangkui)), Xue-Qi Insufficiency (Queqi Buzu) w chronic arthralgia,

loin & knee ache & pain (Yaoxi Tengtong), loin & knees weak & cold, loin &

limbs ~ lower heaviness, joint flexibility impaired (Guanjie Qushen Buli) /

numb wo feeling (insensitive / paralysed) (Mamu Buren), joints stiff & numb /

muscles weak & fatigued, Averse to Cold (Weihan) (easily upset by cold

weather / gets cold easily) & loves Warmth (Xiwen), arthralgia ~ chronic,

better in warmth, HT palpitations & breath shortness (Xinji Qiduan); Tongue

(Shedan) & possibly swollen / puffy w Fur white (Taibai); Pulse condition thin

& weak (Maixiang Xiruo) / slippery & rapid; chronic disease is Xu w possible

PFs lodged in body; formula addresses these issues by expelling PFs &

acting to Tone Xu in many diseases, like osteoarthritis, RA, disc disease,

loin pain & sciatica ~ chronic]




(2) GUIFU DIHUANG WAN (Cinnamon, Aconite & Rehmannia Pill


FORMULA CLASS: Tone Qi & Tone KI Qi, esp KI Yang in KI Yangxu



Rougui / Neigui / Guizhi 3.7-3.8% [Calm & Composed (Zhenjing), Stop Pain;

Warm Channels; Open Channels; Tone Yangqi];

Fuzi (Pao) 3.7-3.8% [strengthen HT (Qiangxin), Reduce Inflammation

(Xiaoyan), Ease Pain (Zhentong)];

Shudihuang / Gandihuang 29.6-30.8% [Nourish Xue];

Shanzhuyu 14.8-15.4%,

Mudanpi 11.1-11.5%,

Zexie 11.1-11.5%,

Shanyao 14.8-15.4%,

Fuling 7.8-11.2%;


Grind Hbs & bind w honey as pills; Taste: Sweet-Sour & Acrid; Astringent



DOSE: Oral dose (Koufu): 8 Pills /time (Yici 8 Wan 8) TID (Yiri 3 Ci

3); [8 Pills correspond w (Xiangdang) 3g of original Hbs; 24 pills / d = 9g

original Hbs / d; a Chinese source says to take 9g of pills BID]; take before


w food / take w wine;


ACTIONS: Warm & Tone KI Qi (Wenbu Shenqi)


USES: to address KI Yangxu & Depletion (Shenyang Xuruo) / KI Yang

Insufficiency (Shenyang Buzu) w Loin & Knees weak & Cold (Yaoxi

Suanleng), loin & knees pain dt Cold, lower abdomen restriction urgency

(Shaofu Juji), loin & legs tired & Cold (Yaotui Suanruan), lower body

(Xiabanshen) usually (Changyou) has cold sensation (Lenggan) as part of KI

Yang Xu Pattern; limbs & trunk oedema (soggy & swollen) (Zhiti Fuzhong) /

urinary frequency, oedema ~ facial, urinary impairment (dysuria) (Xiaobian

Buli), Phlegm ( & Fluid) Retention w asthma & cough (Tanyin Chuanke) &

other discomfort / indisposition (Bushi), incl sputum ~ profuse w dyspnoea dt

Phlegm Fluid Retention in Interior; OK in chronic bronchial asthma & chronic



CAUTIONS: CI in Yinxu Fire w Yang Exuberance; CI in pregnancy (Yunfu

Jifu); AVOID (Buyi, not suitable) w simultaleous use (Tongshi Fuyong) of

Hbs that influence Exterior (He Waigan Yao); AVOID w simultaneous use of

Chishizhi / its preparations; Rougui is Warm-Hot Hb, unsuitable for case w

thirst, mouth dry (parched) & tongue dry (Kougan Shezao),agitation /

fidgety (Fanzao, vexation & impetuousity), breath urgent (Qiji),faeces dry w

urine yellow Pattern (Biangan Niaohuang Zheng) symptoms (Zhengzhuang)

as in diabetes (Tangniaobing, glucosuria), chronic nephritis (Manxing

Shenyan), hypertension (Gaoxueya), HT disease (Xinzang Bing); go for

hospital treatment if S & Ss not much better after two weeks / appetite ~ poor

w headache, ST cavity discomfort (Weiwan Xiashu);


NOTE: Formula is like Jingui Dihuang Wan; based on Shenqi Wan (Jingui

Shenqi Wan), using Liuwei Dihuang Wan + Fuzi & Rougui; Liuwei Dihuang

Wan has 3 Yin & 3 Yang (Sanyin Sanyang), 3 Tonics & 3 Draining Hbs

(Sanbu Sanxie), used in LV & KI Yin Depletion (Ganshen Yinkui) & similar

various diseases (Gezhong Jibing); Fuzi & Rougui are main Hbs to Warm &

Tone Yin within Yang (Wenyang Yin Zhongzhi Yang), Warm & Tone KI

Yang** (Wenbu Shenyang) & Augment Yuan-Source Fire (Yihuo Zhiyuan) to

Reduce Yin Shadow / Opacity (Xiao Yinyi)]




(3) GUIPI TANG (Strengthen SP ( & HT) Dec; Ginseng & Longan Dec


FORMULA CLASS: Tone Qi-Xue (Both); Tone Qi-Xue for Dual Qixu &




Huangqi 6-12g [Tone SP Qi, Tone Xue];

Renshen 3-6g (/Dangshen 7-15g )[Tone SP Qi];

Baizhu 6-12g [Tone SP Qi, Dry Damp];

Fushen / Fuling 6-12g [Calm Shen, Tone SP];

Danggui 6-9g [Tone Xue, Rectify Menses];

Muxiang 3-6g [Rectify Qi];

Longyanrou 6-12g [Tone Xue, Calm Shen];

Suanzaoren 6-12g [Calm Shen];

Yuanzhi 3-6g [Calm Shen, Nourish HT Qi];

Zhigancao 3-6g [Tone SP Qi];


Grind all Hbs & use 12g /time as Dec / Tea, adding:


Shengjiang 5pcs 12g [Release Exterior ~ Warm+Acrid; Warm Interior; Expel

Wind Cold; Warm / Tone / Rectify SJM-SP-ST*; Stop Emesis; Haemostat*;

Quicken Xue; Tone HT];


+ Dazao 1pcs 12g [Tone Qi; Nourish Xue; Tone SP; Tone HT; Calm Shen;

Harmonise other Hbs]


Alternatively, take all those Hbs in chicken soup (Jitang) as powerful Tonic;


ACTIONS: Tone Qi & Support SP (Buqi Jianpi), Tone / Strengthen SP Qi &

HT Xue, Digestive, Tone Xue; Nourish Xue (Yangxue, correct anaemia),

Calm Shen (Anshen); Tx Xu dt overthinking, which damages SP Qi &

creates HT Xuexu;


USES: HT & SP Dual Xu (Xinpi Liangxu) w Panic (Zhengzhong), irritability,

anxiety & fear, fright palpitations (Jingji) & night sweat (Daohan),

forgetfulness (Jianwang) , memory poor, insomnia (Shimian), dreams

frequent & heavy, withdrawal, fatigue, weakness, appetite lack / low

(Shishao) & skinny / underweight (Tishou), weight loss / gain, diarrhoea,

obsession (Silu Guoduo, thinking too much), SP Xu (Pixu) cannot (Buneng)

Retain Xue (Shexue) & causes Xue uncontrolled motion (Zhi Xuewangxing),

Xue Irritabilty / instability, bleeding ~ chronic, female (Furen) menses

irregular (Yuejing Butiao), menses early / prolonged / scanty, menses

copious & pale-coloured (Liangduo Sedan), metrorrhagia (Benglou, collapse

& leak), leucorrhoea (Daixia), Qi-Xue Insufficiency (Qixue Buzu) w fever ~

low grade dt Xuexu (Xuexu w emission of Heat (Xuexu Fare)), face yellow

(Mianse Huang) / face pale; Tongue pale w swollen body; Fur thin & white;

Pulse wiry, slippery, deep / thin & frail;


NOTE: SP Generates Xue for HT; obsession / prolonged deliberation easily

damages SP; SP damage can cause HT Xuexu; SP stores intelligence & HT

stores Shen; in SP & HT Xu, Shen is disturbed & patient cannot concentrate





Best regards,

1 Esker Lawns, Lucan, Dublin, Ireland

Tel: (H): +353-(0);

VOIP Number: +353-1482-7068;

Tel: (M): +353-(0)


" Man who says it can't be done should not interrupt woman doing it " -

Chinese Proverb


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Ya know, I'm surprised, but I'm not surprised. Western medicine is always

looking for a magic bullet to knock out diseases, particularly those related to

poor lifestyle choices. Yet, diabetes is an extremely complicated syndrome

related to so many organs and metabolic functions, besides the pancreas, that to

simply say that an isolated mineral taken in pill form, such as selenium is

going to balance or support pancreatic function is suspiciously oversimplistic

at best. If a person's been eating, pizza, ice cream french fries and

hamburgers and they come down with diabetes, antioxident minerals might become

deficient from their lifestyle excesses, but their supplementation certainly

won't solve anything--and in this case will put them more out of balance.


Alon Marcus <alonmarcus wrote: Long term use of selenium food

supplements may be linked to an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes

said researchers in a new US study.


The study is published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine.


The discovery was a surprise to the scientists who were doing a follow up to

studies of selenium in animals that showed it helped the body to handle glucose.


Instead they found that long term use of selenium supplements increased the risk

of developing type 2 diabetes, a disorder often linked to obesity which occurs

when the body cannot produce enough insulin to control blood sugar.


Selenium is a trace mineral that is found in the soil and becomes absorbed in

the food chain. The body needs small amounts of it for healthy metabolism. It is

an anti-oxidant and stops cells being damaged by oxygen.


Selenium is included in many multivitamin products and is also available as a

food supplement on its own. Many people take it for their health, and some

studies have suggested it can improve the way the body deals with sugar and

prevent some of the problems of diabetes. Other studies suggest taking selenium

supplements have no effect on diabetes or health.


This study involved 1,202 human patients who were already taking part in a

clinical trial (Nutritional Prevention of Cancer trial, NPC) to assess the

effect of selenium supplementation on skin cancer. None of them had diabetes

when the study started. They were attending dermatology clinics in various parts

of the eastern United States.


The scientists measured the patients' blood selenium and randomly assigned them

to take a daily dose of 200 micrograms of selenium supplement or a placebo.


The participants were monitored for 7.7 years on average. The incidence of

diabetes in the two groups were then compared.


The results showed that 58 of the 600 people in the selenium group developed

diabetes compared with 39 of the 602 in the placebo group.


The researchers calculated that the risk of developing type 2 diabetes over the

7.7 year period was about 50 per cent higher in the selenium group.


The authors said that:


" Selenium supplementation did not seem to confer benefit in terms of risk for

type 2 diabetes in this sample of persons from low-selenium areas in the eastern

United States. Instead, the cumulative incidence of type 2 diabetes was

statistically significantly higher in the selenium group than in the placebo

group. "


The results were independent of baseline age, sex, smoking status and body mass

index (BMI) except for those in the highest 33 per cent of BMI.


More significantly, the risk for type 2 diabetes linked to selenium

supplementation increased with greater blood levels of selenium at the start of

the study.


The researchers concluded that these findings showed no overall benefit of

selenium supplementation in preventing type 2 diabetes, conversely they

suggested that:


" Long-term supplementation with 200 micrograms of selenium daily may adversely

affect glucose metabolism. "


They said this is an important result for public health because selenium

supplements in 30 to 200 microgram doses are used by people throughout the US

and the western world.


However the authors said that despite these findings, there is evidence that

selenium supplementation may help to prevent cancer. Larger randomized clinical

trials are currently looking into this further.


The study also had limitations the researchers conceded. First, the main trial

was not designed to look at diabetes but cancer. Secondly, the diabetes

incidence was self-reported and there is a possibility that some patients may

have been underdiagnosed for diabetes. Thirdly, although some other factors were

taken into account such as age and BMI, there was no in depth analysis of family

history, body fat distribution and physical activity, although these effects

should have been minimized by the randomization.


And fourthly, the participant sample was not representative of the population at

large, consisting of elderly people (mean age was 63.2 years) from low-selenium

parts of the eastern US with a history of non-melanoma skin cancer. Thus these

findings cannot really be generalized to other groups.


Writing in an accompanying editorial, Dr Eliseo Guallar, of Johns Hopkins

University Bloomberg School of Public Health said that people should be getting

enough selenium in their diet and there is no reason to take supplements. The

results of this study don't prove that selenium causes diabetes but they are

worrying, said Guallar.











PVA-L ; traditional_Chinese_Medicine

Cc: ; vBMA

Tuesday, July 17, 2007 9:10 PM

Herbal formulas used in a dog with cervical intervertebral disk



Hi All,


See full-text of this fine case report at http://www.vetsci.org/2007/pdf/95.pdf


Ayne Murata Hayashi¹,*, Júlia Maria Matera¹, Tatiana Soares da Silva², Ana

Carolina Brandão de Campos Fonseca Pinto¹, Sílvia Renata Gaido

Cortopassi1 Electro-acupuncture and Chinese herbs for treatment of

cervical intervertebral disk disease in a dog. J Vet Sci(2007), 8(1), 95-98.

¹Dept of Surgery, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of São Paulo,

São Paulo, Brazil ²Veterinary Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,

University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. A non-ambulatory dog with

tetraparesis following a pain episode that had evolved over 2 months was

submitted for medical treatment and diagnosed with intervertebral disk

disease at C3-C4 and dorsal extradural compression at C1-C2 and C3-C4

using myelography and computed tomography. The dog experienced

ambulation recovery after 15 days of treatment with only electroacupuncture

and Chinese herbal medicine, with marked improvement occurring after only

10 treatments. Six months of followup demonstrated that the dog was stable

and had no recurrence of symptoms. Therefore, it was concluded that the

combination of electroacupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine was

responsible for motor rehabilitation.


NOTE: The three herbal formulas mentioned in this report were:

(1) Duhuo Jisheng Tang;

(2) Guifu Dihuang Wan;

(3) Guipi Tang.


My notes on these formulas (from WWW today) are:


(1) DUHUO JISHENG TANG (Pubescent Angelica & Loranthus Dec;

Pubescent Angelica & ??Vaeicum Dec); like Bazheng Tang w Rougui

substituted for Baizhu;


FORMULA CLASS: Scatter Wind & Damp; Free Channel Bi dt Damp Cold




Duhuo 9g [scatter Wind Damp Cold from SJL, Bone & Sinew];

Xixin 6g [scatter Wind Cold in Channels, Sinew & Bone; Stop Pain];

Fangfeng 6g [scatter Wind Damp];

Qinjiao 6g [Relax Sinew; Scatter Wind Damp];

Sangjisheng 6g [scatter Wind Damp; Tone LV; Tone KI];

Duzhong 6g [scatter Wind Damp; Tone LV; Tone KI];

Huainiuxi 6g [scatter Wind Damp; Tone LV; Tone KI; Envoy to body ~ lower

(Direct Hbs Down)];

Rougui 6g [Warm Channels; Open Channels; Tone Yangqi];

Danggui 6g [Tone Xue; Quicken Xue];

Chuanxiong 6g [Tone Xue; Quicken Xue];

Shengdihuang 6g [Tone Xue; Quicken Xue];

Baishao 6g [Tone Xue; Quicken Xue];

Renshen 6g [Tone Qi; Tone SP Qi; Scatter Damp];

Fuling 6g [Tone SP Qi; Drain Damp];

Zhigancao / Gancao 6g [Tone Qi; Harmonise other Hbs];


One may substitute Xuduan for Sangjisheng & Dangshen for Renshen;


Grind all Hbs & Dec & use as tea (Shuijianfu);


ACTIONS: Dispel Wind Damp (Qufengshi), Open Jingluo, Scatter Painful Bi

(obstruction) in Jingluo, Stop Bi Pain (Zhibitong), Aid / Tone LV & KI

(Yiganshen), Tone LV & KI Xu, Tone Xue & Tone Qi (Buxueqi), Tone Qixu &



USES: Great formula to Tx Bi ~ chronic (Biju) / Wind Damp Bi Syndrome

pain dt Qizhi & Xueyu, w underlying LV & KI Xu (LV & KI Dual Depletion

(Ganshen Liangkui)), Xue-Qi Insufficiency (Queqi Buzu) w chronic arthralgia,

loin & knee ache & pain (Yaoxi Tengtong), loin & knees weak & cold, loin &

limbs ~ lower heaviness, joint flexibility impaired (Guanjie Qushen Buli) /

numb wo feeling (insensitive / paralysed) (Mamu Buren), joints stiff & numb /

muscles weak & fatigued, Averse to Cold (Weihan) (easily upset by cold

weather / gets cold easily) & loves Warmth (Xiwen), arthralgia ~ chronic,

better in warmth, HT palpitations & breath shortness (Xinji Qiduan); Tongue

(Shedan) & possibly swollen / puffy w Fur white (Taibai); Pulse condition thin

& weak (Maixiang Xiruo) / slippery & rapid; chronic disease is Xu w possible

PFs lodged in body; formula addresses these issues by expelling PFs &

acting to Tone Xu in many diseases, like osteoarthritis, RA, disc disease,

loin pain & sciatica ~ chronic]




(2) GUIFU DIHUANG WAN (Cinnamon, Aconite & Rehmannia Pill


FORMULA CLASS: Tone Qi & Tone KI Qi, esp KI Yang in KI Yangxu



Rougui / Neigui / Guizhi 3.7-3.8% [Calm & Composed (Zhenjing), Stop Pain;

Warm Channels; Open Channels; Tone Yangqi];

Fuzi (Pao) 3.7-3.8% [strengthen HT (Qiangxin), Reduce Inflammation

(Xiaoyan), Ease Pain (Zhentong)];

Shudihuang / Gandihuang 29.6-30.8% [Nourish Xue];

Shanzhuyu 14.8-15.4%,

Mudanpi 11.1-11.5%,

Zexie 11.1-11.5%,

Shanyao 14.8-15.4%,

Fuling 7.8-11.2%;


Grind Hbs & bind w honey as pills; Taste: Sweet-Sour & Acrid; Astringent



DOSE: Oral dose (Koufu): 8 Pills /time (Yici 8 Wan 8) TID (Yiri 3 Ci

3); [8 Pills correspond w (Xiangdang) 3g of original Hbs; 24 pills / d = 9g

original Hbs / d; a Chinese source says to take 9g of pills BID]; take before /

w food / take w wine;


ACTIONS: Warm & Tone KI Qi (Wenbu Shenqi)


USES: to address KI Yangxu & Depletion (Shenyang Xuruo) / KI Yang

Insufficiency (Shenyang Buzu) w Loin & Knees weak & Cold (Yaoxi

Suanleng), loin & knees pain dt Cold, lower abdomen restriction urgency

(Shaofu Juji), loin & legs tired & Cold (Yaotui Suanruan), lower body

(Xiabanshen) usually (Changyou) has cold sensation (Lenggan) as part of KI

Yang Xu Pattern; limbs & trunk oedema (soggy & swollen) (Zhiti Fuzhong) /

urinary frequency, oedema ~ facial, urinary impairment (dysuria) (Xiaobian

Buli), Phlegm ( & Fluid) Retention w asthma & cough (Tanyin Chuanke) &

other discomfort / indisposition (Bushi), incl sputum ~ profuse w dyspnoea dt

Phlegm Fluid Retention in Interior; OK in chronic bronchial asthma & chronic



CAUTIONS: CI in Yinxu Fire w Yang Exuberance; CI in pregnancy (Yunfu

Jifu); AVOID (Buyi, not suitable) w simultaleous use (Tongshi Fuyong) of

Hbs that influence Exterior (He Waigan Yao); AVOID w simultaneous use of

Chishizhi / its preparations; Rougui is Warm-Hot Hb, unsuitable for case w

thirst, mouth dry (parched) & tongue dry (Kougan Shezao),agitation /

fidgety (Fanzao, vexation & impetuousity), breath urgent (Qiji),faeces dry w

urine yellow Pattern (Biangan Niaohuang Zheng) symptoms (Zhengzhuang)

as in diabetes (Tangniaobing, glucosuria), chronic nephritis (Manxing

Shenyan), hypertension (Gaoxueya), HT disease (Xinzang Bing); go for

hospital treatment if S & Ss not much better after two weeks / appetite ~ poor

w headache, ST cavity discomfort (Weiwan Xiashu);


NOTE: Formula is like Jingui Dihuang Wan; based on Shenqi Wan (Jingui

Shenqi Wan), using Liuwei Dihuang Wan + Fuzi & Rougui; Liuwei Dihuang

Wan has 3 Yin & 3 Yang (Sanyin Sanyang), 3 Tonics & 3 Draining Hbs

(Sanbu Sanxie), used in LV & KI Yin Depletion (Ganshen Yinkui) & similar

various diseases (Gezhong Jibing); Fuzi & Rougui are main Hbs to Warm &

Tone Yin within Yang (Wenyang Yin Zhongzhi Yang), Warm & Tone KI

Yang** (Wenbu Shenyang) & Augment Yuan-Source Fire (Yihuo Zhiyuan) to

Reduce Yin Shadow / Opacity (Xiao Yinyi)]




(3) GUIPI TANG (Strengthen SP ( & HT) Dec; Ginseng & Longan Dec


FORMULA CLASS: Tone Qi-Xue (Both); Tone Qi-Xue for Dual Qixu &




Huangqi 6-12g [Tone SP Qi, Tone Xue];

Renshen 3-6g (/Dangshen 7-15g )[Tone SP Qi];

Baizhu 6-12g [Tone SP Qi, Dry Damp];

Fushen / Fuling 6-12g [Calm Shen, Tone SP];

Danggui 6-9g [Tone Xue, Rectify Menses];

Muxiang 3-6g [Rectify Qi];

Longyanrou 6-12g [Tone Xue, Calm Shen];

Suanzaoren 6-12g [Calm Shen];

Yuanzhi 3-6g [Calm Shen, Nourish HT Qi];

Zhigancao 3-6g [Tone SP Qi];


Grind all Hbs & use 12g /time as Dec / Tea, adding:


Shengjiang 5pcs 12g [Release Exterior ~ Warm+Acrid; Warm Interior; Expel

Wind Cold; Warm / Tone / Rectify SJM-SP-ST*; Stop Emesis; Haemostat*;

Quicken Xue; Tone HT];


+ Dazao 1pcs 12g [Tone Qi; Nourish Xue; Tone SP; Tone HT; Calm Shen;

Harmonise other Hbs]


Alternatively, take all those Hbs in chicken soup (Jitang) as powerful Tonic;


ACTIONS: Tone Qi & Support SP (Buqi Jianpi), Tone / Strengthen SP Qi &

HT Xue, Digestive, Tone Xue; Nourish Xue (Yangxue, correct anaemia),

Calm Shen (Anshen); Tx Xu dt overthinking, which damages SP Qi &

creates HT Xuexu;


USES: HT & SP Dual Xu (Xinpi Liangxu) w Panic (Zhengzhong), irritability,

anxiety & fear, fright palpitations (Jingji) & night sweat (Daohan),

forgetfulness (Jianwang) , memory poor, insomnia (Shimian), dreams

frequent & heavy, withdrawal, fatigue, weakness, appetite lack / low

(Shishao) & skinny / underweight (Tishou), weight loss / gain, diarrhoea,

obsession (Silu Guoduo, thinking too much), SP Xu (Pixu) cannot (Buneng)

Retain Xue (Shexue) & causes Xue uncontrolled motion (Zhi Xuewangxing),

Xue Irritabilty / instability, bleeding ~ chronic, female (Furen) menses

irregular (Yuejing Butiao), menses early / prolonged / scanty, menses

copious & pale-coloured (Liangduo Sedan), metrorrhagia (Benglou, collapse

& leak), leucorrhoea (Daixia), Qi-Xue Insufficiency (Qixue Buzu) w fever ~

low grade dt Xuexu (Xuexu w emission of Heat (Xuexu Fare)), face yellow

(Mianse Huang) / face pale; Tongue pale w swollen body; Fur thin & white;

Pulse wiry, slippery, deep / thin & frail;


NOTE: SP Generates Xue for HT; obsession / prolonged deliberation easily

damages SP; SP damage can cause HT Xuexu; SP stores intelligence & HT

stores Shen; in SP & HT Xu, Shen is disturbed & patient cannot concentrate





Best regards,


1 Esker Lawns, Lucan, Dublin, Ireland

Tel: (H): +353-(0);

VOIP Number: +353-1482-7068;

Tel: (M): +353-(0)




" Man who says it can't be done should not interrupt woman doing it " -

Chinese Proverb



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