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Useful article on Cupping and the points used in common conditions

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Hi Al,


“DIRECTION OF 12 CUPS” is a useful article on cupping at



For full details, see the URL. The following points were listed in the



I could not identify point “Shenjue” (used in measles), nor could I

find any other reference for it on WWW. It is not listed in “Grasping

the Wind”, nor in my AP textbooks or notes. Do any of you know

the location and uses of that point?


_Code-Ap Pt; ??-Shenjue; BL10-Tianzhu; BL11-Dashu; BL12-

Fengmen; BL13-Feishu (Yu); BL15-Xinshu (Yu); BL17-Geshu (Yu);

BL18-Ganshu (Yu); BL19-Danshu (Yu); BL20-Pishu (Yu); BL21-

Weishu (Yu); BL22-Sanjiaoshu (Yu); BL23-Shenshu (Yu); BL25-

Dachangshu (Yu); BL28-Pangguangshu (Yu); BL37-Yinmen; BL40-

Weizhong; BL52-Zhishi; BL56-Chengjin; BL57-Chengshan; BL60-

Kunlun; CV04-Guanyuan; CV06-Qihai; CV12-Zhongwan; CV14-

Juque; CV15-Jiuwei; CV17-Tanzhong (Shanzhong); CV22-Tiantu;

GB14-Yangbai; GB20-Fengchi; GB25-Jingmen; GB30-Huantiao;

GB31-Fengshi; GB34-Yanglingquan; GB39-Xuanzhong; GV03-

Yaoyangguan; GV04-Mingmen; GV09-Zhiyang; GV12-Shenzhu;

GV14-Dazhui; HT01-Jiquan; KI01-Yongquan; KI12-Dahe;

L_29/NL19-Shenxi; LI04-Hegu; LI10-Shousanli; LI11-Quchi; LI18-

Futu; LI20-Yingxiang; LU01-Zhongfu; LU05-Chize; NX04-

Dingchuanxue; NZ27/NZ28-Anmian; PC06-Neiguan; SI09-Jianzhen;

SI11-Tianzong; SI15-Jianzhongshu (Yu); SI19-Tinggong; SP06-

Sanyinjiao; SP09-Yinlingquan; SP10-Xuehai; SP15-Daheng; ST04-

Dicang; ST06-Jiache; ST07-Xiaguan; ST21-Liangmen; ST25-

Tianshu; ST28-Shuidao; ST29-Guilai; ST34-Liangqiu; ST36-Zusanli;

ST37-Shangjuxu; ST40-Fenglong; TH05-Waiguan; TH06-Zhigou;

TH14-Jianliao; TH17-Yifeng; TH23-Sizhukong; Z_09-Taiyang


For locations of these points, see http://www.yinyanghouse.com or



These points were used in the following conditions:


_Clinical Condition [_Symptoms] _Acupuncture points

Arthritis~limb~lower [joints painful & swollen, numb & difficult to

curve/stretch] GB30, GB34, ST36 & kunlun

Arthritis~limb~upper [joints painful & swollen, numb & difficult to

curve/stretch] GV14, TH14, LI11 & TH05

Arthritis~vertebral [joints painful & swollen, numb & difficult to

curve/stretch] GV12, GV14 & GV03

BL~cystitis [urinary frequency/urgency, urodynia, dysuria,

abdomen~distended] ST28, SP09, BL28 & SP06

BL~enuresis~pediatric [bed wetting~esp night] CV04, CV06, GV04

& SP06

Deafness & tinnitus [hearing difficult & ears ringing] TH17, SI19,

BL18, BL19, GV14, KI01 & Z_09

Diabetes mellitus [Hyperglycaemia, glucosuria, fatigue & weight-

loss, thin, overeating & overdrinking, polyuria & sweat~excessive ]

BL13, BL20, BL23, CV12, ST25, SP10 & ST36, SP06, GB25 &


Dysmenorrhoea [abdomen~pain & wait before, during & after

menstruation, sometimes unbearable, affecting work/study] CV04,

CV06, BL23 & SP06

Elbow~lateral epicondylitis [Tennis elbow-pain in outer side of

elbow joint, radiating toward forearm; tenderness on pressing elbow

lateral epicondyle] LI11, LI10, TH05, LI04 & Ahshi on periosteum


Eye~conjunctivitis [blood congestion in conjunctiva, itch w feeling

of foreign bodies] GV14, BL18, BL19, BL22, LI04 & Z_09

Face~neuralgia, trigeminal~neuralgia prosopalgia [recurring short

acute pain in trigeminal nerve area, mostly in lips, nose wing &

orbit] GB20, TH23, ST07, ST04 & ST06

Face~paralysis, prosopidiplegia [unilateral paralysis w wrinkles on

forehead disappearing & oral~canthus twisted] ST04, ST06, GB20,

GV14 & LI04

Fever [Fever] GV14 w puncturing cupping

Gyn~Menopausal syndrome [lassitude, feeling dizzy w ringing of

ears, cold sweating & easy to flare up] BL15, BL23, CV04, SP09,

CV12, GB25 & SP06

Headache [Head~pain & distention, like to close eyes] GB20,

GV14 & Z_09

Heel~pain [heels ache, difficult to walk] BL23, KI01 & Ahshi

Herpes zoster~face [Diseased part assumes shape of a strip,

stabbing pain w local skins turning red & clusters of blisters,

distributed along peripheral nervous system, often occurring on one

side w neurosis] GB14, ST07, ST06, LI04, TH05 & GV14

Herpes zoster~loin & abdomen [Diseased part assumes shape of a

strip, stabbing pain w local skins turning red & clusters of blisters,

distributed along peripheral nervous system, often occurring on one

side w neurosis] BL19, GV14, ST36, BL22; Cup diseased part

HT~angina pectoris [Chest~pain/post-sternal pain, extending to HT

area & left upper arm, lasting for several minutes; symptoms ease

after rest/sublingual nitroglycerol] BL15, CV14, CV17 & GV09

Hypertension [headache & dizziness, head distension, ringing of

theears, easy to flare up, feeling bitterness in mouth & dry throat]

GV14, BL18, BL15, BL23, LI11, BL10, ST36 & SP06

Influenza [Nose~congestion, sneezing, throat sore, cough,

headache, aching pain of body & sensitive to cold.] GV14, BL12,

BL13, LI11, LI04 & Z_09.

Insomnia [difficult to fall asleep, dizziness, amnesia & weakness]

BL15, BL23, BL20, PC06, SP06 & NZ27/NZ28

KI~nephritis [Loin~ache/pain, oedema, proteinuria & hematuria]

BL52, GB25, GV03, ST25, SP15, CV06, ST36 & SP06

LI~constipation [dry stool/difficulty in defecation, dejecting once

two days/several days] ST25, TH06, BL25 & ST37

Limb~lower paralysis after HT/brain vascular disease (CHD, CVD,

stroke, etc) [Limb~upper paralysis w mouth & eyes twisted,

difficult to speak, slow in movement & conscious obstruction]

GB30, GB31, GB34, ST36, BL40 & SP06

Limb~upper paralysis after HT/brain vascular disease (CHD, CVD,

stroke, etc) [Limb~upper paralysis w mouth & eyes twisted,

difficult to speak, slow in movement & conscious obstruction]

GV14, TH14, LI11, SI09, TH05 & LI04

loin sprain~acute; lumbago~acute [Loin~acute pain, cannot stretch

& difficult to lie either flat, face down/sideways] GV03, BL40, BL23

& Ahshi

loin sprain~chronic; lumbago~chronic [sustained faint pain in

lumbar, more serious when tired/exposed to cold] GV04, BL23,

BL40 & BL52

LU~bronchial asthma [cough w wheezing & respiratory dyspnea]

BL12, BL13, BL23, NX04, CV04, CV17, LU01, CV22 & ST40

LU~bronchitis [cough w sputum profuse w chest/sternum~pain,

chest distress, breath shortness] CV22, GV14, LU01, BL13, LU05

& ST40

LU~bronchitis~chronic [cough w sputum~white & foaming w

shortness of breath] BL13, BL20, BL23, LU01, CV17, ST36 & ST40

LU~cough~whooping~pediatric [Cough~worse at night] GV14,

BL13 & BL20

LU~pneumonia~pediatric [fever, cough, short of breadth w

whooping sound] GV14, BL12, BL13, LI11 & ST40

Menstruation~irregularity [menstrual disorder w blood colours

abnormal / menstruation either scanty/profuse] CV06, ST25, ST29,

SP10, ST36 & SP06

Neck~stiff; torticollis [neck stiff, ache, cannot rotate head] GV14,

BL12, SI15, TH05 & Ahshi

Nose~rhinitis [nose stuffed, sneezing] GV14, BL13, GB20, LI20,

KI01 & LU05

Obesity [over-weight, weak, short of breath, like to sleep,

heat~aversion] ST25, SP15, CV06, CV04, ST36 & ST40

Pharyngitis~chronic [throat dry & painful w feeling of foreign body,

sometimes w nausea] CV22, LI18, GV14, BL13 & LI04

Phrenospasm & hiccups [Hiccups~frequent, affecting food intake &

speech] BL17, GB25, CV12 & PC06

Prostatitis, BPH [frequency of micturition, distension in small

abdomen & incontinence of urine] CV04, KI12, SP09, SP06, GV04

& KI01

Scapulohumeral periarthritis [pain in shoulders, more serious at

night, sometimes movements are limited] TH14, SI11, HT01 &

Ahshi Pt

Sciatica [radiative, burning/needle prickling pain on lumbar, right

side of legs, outer side of shanks & outer side of feet] BL23, GB30,

BL37, BL40, GB39 & Ahshi

Sexual neurosis~male [spirit low, dizziness, insomnia, erectile

DysFx/impotence & nocturnal emission] BL15, BL23, GV04, CV04,

SP06 & BL52

Skin~eczema [Common skin sensitivity, skin disease~chronic,

itch] GV14, SP06, ST36 & SP10

Skin~folliculitis [infection of hair follicle & cortical gland to form

papule & comedo] GV14, BL13, BL21, ST36, SP06 & SP10

Skin~German measles [rash w itch~skin] LI11, GV14, BL13, SP10

& shenjue

Skin~neurodermatitis [itch~local w skin thickening] BL12, GB20,

GB31, SP10, BL20 & BL23

Spondylopathy~neck/cervical [Neck~ache & neck~stiff w pain

reaching forearm & fingers until it numbs at tips. Headache, dizzy,

& nausea] GV14, BL11, SI15, SI11, LI11 & LI04

ST/duodenal ulcer [Abdomen~upper pain; ST-ulcer often occurs

on1h after meal & ST-duodenal ulcer often occurs at night/before

meal; symptoms are relieved after meal, but w ST~acid reflux &

ructus] BL18, BL20, BL21, CV12, ST34 & ST36

ST~emesis & emesis~neurogenic [sudden nausea & emesis]

BL18, BL15, ST36 & PC06

ST~gastritis~acute [discomfort/aching in upper abdomen, nausea

& omitting & weak appetite] CV12, ST21, ST36 & PC06

ST~gastritis~chronic [Pain & extension in upper abdomen, ructus

& loss of appetite] BL20, BL21, BL18, CV12 & ST36.

ST~gastrospasm & emesis [sudden & acute pain in upper

abdomen w nausea & emesis, often w a history of ST~gastritis

acute/chronic, ST/duodenal ulcer & ST~neurosis] CV12, CV15,

ST36, ST25 & PC06

ST~indigestion~pediatric [distension in abdomen w sound of loose

bowel] CV12, ST25, CV04 & ST36

ST-SI-LI~gastroenteritis~acute [Abdomen~pain, diarrhoea,

abdomen distension w sound of loose bowel, sticky stool & loss of

appetite] BL20, BL25, CV12, ST25, ST36 & ST37

Systremma [Calf/leg cramp/spasm w local pain & projection w legs

unable to stretch straight] BL40, BL57 & BL56

Toothache [teeth ache w gum swollen] GB20, ST06, BL21 & LI04



Best regards,


Email: <


WORK : Teagasc, c/o 1 Esker Lawns, Lucan, Dublin, Ireland

Mobile: 353-; [in the Republic: 0]


HOME : 1 Esker Lawns, Lucan, Dublin, Ireland

Tel : 353-; [in the Republic: 0]

WWW : http://homepage.eircom.net/~progers/searchap.htm


Chinese Proverb: " Man who says it can't be done, should not interrupt man doing

it "

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