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Subject:Cut the cord spoil the child

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Hi Doug & All,


Doug wrote:

> Wait till they hear about placenta..... doug


Do you mean using placental cells as sources of stem-cells, Doug?


A few comments.


1. We have heard of scandals in which hospital staff, without the

permission of the parents, removed tissues from stillborn babies, or

babies that died in hospital. IMO, this amounts to theft and a

breach of respect for the baby and the parents, whether the tissues

were to be used for research, or for sale to specialised companies

extraction of hormones or other metabolites.


2. The idea of harvesting placental / umbilical blood as a substitute

for bone marrow donation could lead to another scandal. It used to

be advised to massage ( " milk " ) the cord towards the umbilicus,

and to delay clamping & severing the cord of newborn babies or

animals, in order to allow the maximum amount of blood to pass

into the neonate before severing the cord.


If umbilical/placental blood becomes " a commodity " , the delivery

team may feel pressurised into clamping off the umbilical vessels

as soon as possible in order to harvest the maximum amount of

blood cells for the hospital's coffers. This, of course, would deny

that blood to the neonate.


3. As regards using placenta for oral ingestion (as in Ziheche), I am

uneasy, and do not think I could swallow that!. [see WWW data

from one Chinese site today, below!]


I know that this is irrational, because blood transfusion and

transplantation of a very wide range of organs and tissues are

accepted in medicine, and stem-cell research will almost certainly

increase this trend. But does EATING of human tissue not

represent a form of cannibalism?


Best regards,







×Ϻӳµ (×ϺÓ܇)|Ziheche; Rendeganzaotaipan È˵ĸÉÔïÌ¥ÅÌ

(È˵ÄǬÔïÌ¥±P); (Humankind Dried Placenta)|Placenta

Hominis|Human Placenta (dried)|Sweet; Salty; Warm; HT; LU;

KI|(1) Build Qi + Nourish Xue (Buqi Yangxue ²¹ÆøÑøѪ): Qi Xu &

Xue Xu; Weakness; Anaemia: (a) LU Qi Xu w cough~chronic,

breath~short w feeling Cold & heavy; (b) SP Qi debilitated,

appetite~poor inappetance; emotion~drained w neurasthenia; ©

Xu Xu / Qi Xu / both; face~sallow (yellow); dizziness,

HT~palpitation, insomnia, amnesia; (2) Aid Yang+Increase

Sperm+sperm fluid in LV & KI Debilitation w impotence,

libido~loss; (a) LV+KI Yin Xu, Steaming Bone Exhaustion Heat

(Guzheng Laore ¹ÇÕôÀÍÈÈ), Syndromes w sweat~night (Daohan

Dengzheng µÁº¹µÈÖ¢); (b) KI Yang Debility, Jing+Xue Depletion /

Xu, Loin-Knee~pain+weakness, dizziness, tinnitus, amnesia,

impotence, ejaculation~premature, etc; © Female Chongmai+CV

Xu / Emptiness, amenorrhoea, uterus~cold, infertility +

hypogalactia~postpartum w Qi-Xue Xu; geriatric diseases, senility,

diseases~chronic, constitutional weakness, etc; |Dose: 1.5-3g,

ground to powder & taken in capsule / pellet / powder bid / tid (3-6g

in severe cases); As broth, 1 measure of fresh placenta boiled in

water each time; Avoid use on its own in Yin Xu Heat / Fire


Æê´ø Qidai (aka: Kanqi ¿²Æø)|Umbilical Cord (See: Placenta)|

Sweet; Salty; Warm; Build KI Fx of Grasping Qi; Restrain Sweat;

¹¦Äܲ¹Ki Xu & Male weakness / impoence / libido~poor,

breath~short w cough, sweat~night, etc; Dose: 1-2 strips after

cooking in water; As powder: 1.5-3g bid/tid




The Associated Press


Umbilical cord blood, now used mostly to treat children with

leukemia, could save thousands of adults with the disease each

year who cannot find bone marrow donors, two large studies

indicate. A European study found that those who got cord blood

were just as likely to be free of leukemia two years later as those

who got marrow. A United States study looking at three- year

survival yielded results almost as promising.


Leukemia patients often undergo radiation or chemotherapy to kill

their cancerous white blood cells, a treatment that wipes out their

immune systems, too. To restore their immune systems, doctors

give these patients an infusion of bone marrow or umbilical cord

blood, both of which contain stem cells capable of developing into

every kind of blood cell. Cord blood offers an important advantage

over marrow that makes it particularly valuable for use in

transplants: its stem cells are less likely to attack the recipient's

body. That allows a wider margin of error in matching up donors

and recipients.


Up until now, though, cord blood has been considered suitable only

for children because each donation has only about one-tenth the

number of stem cells in a marrow donation. The two new studies,

published yesterday in The New England Journal of Medicine,

suggest that is not a serious impediment. In the European study,

involving 682 patients, about a third of both those who got matched

marrow and those who got cord blood that did not quite match their

own tissues were alive after two years. In the American study of

601 patients, about a third of those who got matched marrow were

leukemia-free after two years, compared with about one- fifth of

those who got cord blood or unmatched marrow.



Best regards,


Email: <


WORK : Teagasc, c/o 1 Esker Lawns, Lucan, Dublin, Ireland

Mobile: 353-; [in the Republic: 0]


HOME : 1 Esker Lawns, Lucan, Dublin, Ireland

Tel : 353-; [in the Republic: 0]

WWW : http://homepage.eircom.net/~progers/searchap.htm


Chinese Proverb: " Man who says it can't be done, should not interrupt man doing

it "

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Phil, my comment about the placenta should have been followed by a smiley face.

I guess I

find it funny that Modern science seems to be surprised at using natural cures

like these.

As to the political economic forces I too am uneasy about the pressures that may


about with wide use, although I'm not sure that there are that many leukemia and


marrow patients that would cause wide spread abuse. But is important you bring

up the





, " " <@e...>


> Hi Doug & All,


> Doug wrote:

> > Wait till they hear about placenta..... doug


> Do you mean using placental cells as sources of stem-cells, Doug?


> A few comments.


> 1. We have heard of scandals in which hospital staff, without the

> permission of the parents, removed tissues from stillborn babies, or

> babies that died in hospital. IMO, this amounts to theft and a

> breach of respect for the baby and the parents, whether the tissues

> were to be used for research, or for sale to specialised companies

> extraction of hormones or other metabolites.


> 2. The idea of harvesting placental / umbilical blood as a substitute

> for bone marrow donation could lead to another scandal. It used to

> be advised to massage ( " milk " ) the cord towards the umbilicus,

> and to delay clamping & severing the cord of newborn babies or

> animals, in order to allow the maximum amount of blood to pass

> into the neonate before severing the cord.


> If umbilical/placental blood becomes " a commodity " , the delivery

> team may feel pressurised into clamping off the umbilical vessels

> as soon as possible in order to harvest the maximum amount of

> blood cells for the hospital's coffers. This, of course, would deny

> that blood to the neonate.


> 3. As regards using placenta for oral ingestion (as in Ziheche), I am

> uneasy, and do not think I could swallow that!. [see WWW data

> from one Chinese site today, below!]


> I know that this is irrational, because blood transfusion and

> transplantation of a very wide range of organs and tissues are

> accepted in medicine, and stem-cell research will almost certainly

> increase this trend. But does EATING of human tissue not

> represent a form of cannibalism?


> Best regards,

> Phil


> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


> http://home.njenet.net.cn/njsf/17buxu/ziheche.htm


> ×Ϻӳµ (×ϺÓ܇)|Ziheche; Rendeganzaotaipan È˵ĸÉÔïÌ¥ÅÌ

> (È˵ÄǬÔïÌ¥±P); (Humankind Dried Placenta)|Placenta

> Hominis|Human Placenta (dried)|Sweet; Salty; Warm; HT; LU;

> KI|(1) Build Qi + Nourish Xue (Buqi Yangxue ²¹ÆøÑøѪ): Qi Xu &

> Xue Xu; Weakness; Anaemia: (a) LU Qi Xu w cough~chronic,

> breath~short w feeling Cold & heavy; (b) SP Qi debilitated,

> appetite~poor inappetance; emotion~drained w neurasthenia; ©

> Xu Xu / Qi Xu / both; face~sallow (yellow); dizziness,

> HT~palpitation, insomnia, amnesia; (2) Aid Yang+Increase

> Sperm+sperm fluid in LV & KI Debilitation w impotence,

> libido~loss; (a) LV+KI Yin Xu, Steaming Bone Exhaustion Heat

> (Guzheng Laore ¹ÇÕôÀÍÈÈ), Syndromes w sweat~night (Daohan

> Dengzheng µÁº¹µÈÖ¢); (b) KI Yang Debility, Jing+Xue Depletion /

> Xu, Loin-Knee~pain+weakness, dizziness, tinnitus, amnesia,

> impotence, ejaculation~premature, etc; © Female Chongmai+CV

> Xu / Emptiness, amenorrhoea, uterus~cold, infertility +

> hypogalactia~postpartum w Qi-Xue Xu; geriatric diseases, senility,

> diseases~chronic, constitutional weakness, etc; |Dose: 1.5-3g,

> ground to powder & taken in capsule / pellet / powder bid / tid (3-6g

> in severe cases); As broth, 1 measure of fresh placenta boiled in

> water each time; Avoid use on its own in Yin Xu Heat / Fire


> Æê´ø Qidai (aka: Kanqi ¿²Æø)|Umbilical Cord (See: Placenta)|

> Sweet; Salty; Warm; Build KI Fx of Grasping Qi; Restrain Sweat;

> ¹¦Äܲ¹Ki Xu & Male weakness / impoence / libido~poor,

> breath~short w cough, sweat~night, etc; Dose: 1-2 strips after

> cooking in water; As powder: 1.5-3g bid/tid


> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


> The Associated Press


> Umbilical cord blood, now used mostly to treat children with

> leukemia, could save thousands of adults with the disease each

> year who cannot find bone marrow donors, two large studies

> indicate. A European study found that those who got cord blood

> were just as likely to be free of leukemia two years later as those

> who got marrow. A United States study looking at three- year

> survival yielded results almost as promising.


> Leukemia patients often undergo radiation or chemotherapy to kill

> their cancerous white blood cells, a treatment that wipes out their

> immune systems, too. To restore their immune systems, doctors

> give these patients an infusion of bone marrow or umbilical cord

> blood, both of which contain stem cells capable of developing into

> every kind of blood cell. Cord blood offers an important advantage

> over marrow that makes it particularly valuable for use in

> transplants: its stem cells are less likely to attack the recipient's

> body. That allows a wider margin of error in matching up donors

> and recipients.


> Up until now, though, cord blood has been considered suitable only

> for children because each donation has only about one-tenth the

> number of stem cells in a marrow donation. The two new studies,

> published yesterday in The New England Journal of Medicine,

> suggest that is not a serious impediment. In the European study,

> involving 682 patients, about a third of both those who got matched

> marrow and those who got cord blood that did not quite match their

> own tissues were alive after two years. In the American study of

> 601 patients, about a third of those who got matched marrow were

> leukemia-free after two years, compared with about one- fifth of

> those who got cord blood or unmatched marrow.


> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> Best regards,


> Email: <@e...>


> WORK : Teagasc, c/o 1 Esker Lawns, Lucan, Dublin, Ireland

> Mobile: 353-; [in the Republic: 0]


> HOME : 1 Esker Lawns, Lucan, Dublin, Ireland

> Tel : 353-; [in the Republic: 0]

> WWW : http://homepage.eircom.net/~progers/searchap.htm


> Chinese Proverb: " Man who says it can't be done, should not interrupt man

doing it "

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, " "




> Phil, my comment about the placenta should have been followed by a

smiley face.>


> , " "

<@e...> wrote:

But does EATING of human tissue not

> > represent a form of cannibalism?

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Phil

> >



You do bring up a point Phil. I remember previous posts by you

talking about the danger of prion transmission and how they are not

destroyed by sterilization techniques. I think it would'nt be

prudent to eat members of your own species. Also I believe the HIV

virus is easily destroyed but not Hepatitus C and god knows what

else. Zi he che is not brain tissue but you won't catch me

prescribing it or ingesting it knowingly.

From what I have read though a woman could and probably should eat

her own as 'soup after birth':).

Any other opinions?

Jill Likkel

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