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MIT scientists promote FDA agenda to regulate herbs

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MIT scientists promote FDA agenda to regulate herbs


Two scientists at MIT, Shiladitya Sengupta and Ram Sasisekharan, have discovered

that there are chemical constituents of ginseng that have opposing effects on

blood vessel growth. One isolated constituent promoted blood vessel growth,

which is beneficial wound healing, but which they suggest may be problematic in

cases of cancer. Another isolated constituent inhibited blood vessel growth - an

antiangiogenesis factor that might be useful in cases of cancer. Moreover, the

relative ratios of these two constituents varied, depending upon the preparation

methods used to process the ginseng before sale.


They admit that the problem is more complex, as the action of each of these

compounds may be modulated by the presence of sugar groups attached as side

chains to these molecules, and the specific modulatory effect depends upon the

location of attachment.


Based on these discoveries, the two MIT researchers have concluded that the FDA

should regulate ginseng as a drug, because many herb businesses are selling

ginseng to the public with various health claims. Moreover, they have developed

what they claim is a rigorous method for standardizing herbal supplements and

intend to convince the FDA to mandate their process as a means of quality

control in the manufacturing of herbal supplements.





While Sengupta and Sasisekharan should be congratulated for their discoveries

regarding ginseng, their conclusion that ginseng should be regulated by the FDA

requires a gigantic leap of logic that goes far beyond considerations of



Traditional Chinese herbalists have long recognized that ginseng is indicated in

a wide range of debilitated conditions, as long a specific criteria are met - a

significant number of the following symptoms must be present: fatigue;

dehydration; weak pulse; pale complexion and tongue; withdrawn, quiet behavior;

poor resistance to infections; low stamina and stress tolerance. Moreover,

ginseng is specifically contraindicated in such conditions as high blood

pressure, irritability and agitation, and abdominal bloating.


Ginseng is classified as an adaptogenic herb by most herbalists. Adaptogens

typically have complex chemical constituents with multiple effects, many of them

regulatory in nature or of a dual nature. The effects on blood vessel growth

that Sengupta and Sasikharan have discovered is typical of such a dual effect.

Adaptogens may often manifest paradoxical effects in different individuals - for

example, lowering blood sugar in individuals with high levels, but increasing

levels if they are too low.


Attachment of sugar side chains to complex biomolecules is a common means for

the body to alter their cell wall permeability. A chemical without such a side

chain may not be able to penetrate the cell wall, but with the sugar group

attached, it may pass through easily. Without the ability to penetrate cell

walls, many chemicals will show much reduced physiologic activity. The human

body is capable to a great degree of accepting, rejecting, or altering the

chemical constituents of foods and herbs for its own needs. Alteration,

breakdown, and reconstitution of ingested molecules are routine aspects of

digestive and cellular metabolism.


To suggest that merely because the effects of ginseng are variable with respect

to blood vessel growth, it must be regulated by the FDA is a non sequitur

unworthy of scientists supposedly guided by logic and reason. Let's examine this

chain of logic to see where it leads.


According to an article in Biochemistry (Moscow), " The dietary constituents

selenium, N-acetylcysteine, vitamin

D3, curcumin, flavonoids, and several

fatty acids (i.e., eicosapentaenoic acid) have all

been shown to inhibit angiogenesis in vitro and/or in vivo. "

These constituents are found in a wide range of common foods - vegetables,

spices (turmeric), fish oils, flax seed, etc.


Copper, arginine, and glycine are pro-angiogenic dietary constituents and play

an important role in normal tissue repair.


Simply because something has an anti-angiogenic effect does not mean that it

will be healthy - thalidomide is a potent anti-angiogenic drug, and it had truly

horrible effects on developing fetuses. The body requires angiogenic factors to

promote normal tissue growth and repair, yet anti-angiogenic factors are also

beneficial in the diet to keep this necessary process under control. For almost

every biochemical process in the body, there are complementary or opposing

processes that regulate it and keep it in balance.


In summary, the mere fact that two MIT scientists have discovered both

anti-angiogenesism and pro-angiogenesis factors in ginseng is no

earth-shattering discovery. Such compounds have been found in a wide variety of

foods. This should not be surprising; foods are foods because they contain the

fuel and building blocks of life. If ginseng is such a danger to the public that

it needs to be regulated, then fish, wine, vegetables, flax seed, liver, and

shellfish are equally dangerous. Must we have corrupt FDA officials invade our

food shops and kitchens too?


The FDA has a hypocritical double standard with respect to safety. Deaths from

prescription medications barely merit an eye blink in the media, even though

non-error, adverse effects of medications are the fourth leading cause of death

(106,000 deaths/year). Yet a single death or negative effect from an herbal

product often results in shrill demands by the FDA for increased regulation.


In summary, I suggest that researchers Sengupta and Sasisekharan stick to herbal

research and refrain from comments on herbal politics and regulation until they

have properly informed themselves on how the American system of drug and food

regulation really works. For starters, how about reading the following?



Orwellian schemes for maximizing health-care industry profits

- How these endanger the practice of herbal medicine


Note especially the section in the preceding article on the various types of

official mischief that can result from mandatory biochemical standardization of

herbal products, in contrast to voluntary certification, which may help to

increase herbal product quality:



Promote adoption of regulatory standardization of biochemical profiles

for herbal products.



Sengupta and Sasisekharan may hope to patent their method, and their profits may

be huge if the FDA mandates their scheme to regulate herbal products. The public

should be aware of the biases in scientific research arising from such obvious

self-interest. Now that herbal products have become a multi-billion dollar

industry, corporate sharks and their corrupt FDA cronies are being assisted by

scientists hoping to share some of the profits, at the expense of the public's

freedom of choice.




---Roger Wicke, PhD, TCM Clinical Herbalist

contact: www.rmhiherbal.org/contact/

Rocky Mountain Herbal Institute, Hot Springs, Montana USA

Clinical herbology training programs - www.rmhiherbal.org

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