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Mercola's Chlorella summery with metal detox info

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With the confusion of whether chlorella binds to metals or not, I thought

I would post this info from Mercola. I cannot verify what he is saying, but

I find him to be ethical and generally trust his intentions.


The metal detox info is in the second paragraph on.



All the best,



Chlorella: A Natural Wonder Food

Dosing of Chlorella


How Much Should You Take Per Day?

Three grams per day is a good maintenance dosage of Chlorella for a person to

take. With this amount, you will not notice significant changes, however,

your body will get many of the nutrients it must have to function properly such

amino acids (protein), vital minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates and enzymes.

However, a person taking 5-7 grams per day is quite common and at this level

you will notice significant changes in digestion, energy and overall health.

What Results Should You Expect When You Begin Taking Chlorella?

The first thing is better digestion, especially if you have bad breath or

constipation. Both these are readily handled by taking small doses of Chlorella.

However, many of the benefits of Chlorella are subtle and not easily

determined by how a person feels.

For instance, Chlorella has been demonstrated to remove heavy metals and

other synthetics from the body by actually binding with them so they may be


from the bloodstream. However, this result can only be measured if the level

of heavy metals in the bloodstream are known before and after a person starts

taking chlorella.

It takes approximately 3-6 months once starting chloreela for heavy metals to

begin to be removed from the blood depending on the amount of chlorella

taken. If it has been determined that a person does have heavy metals in their

body, they should begin by taking 15-20 grams per day depending on the level of

heavy metals that are present.

What Time Of Day Or Night Should You Take It?

Chlorella can be taken at any time of the day. It can be taken all at once or

it can be taken in small dosages throughout the day, which is preferable.

Morning is also a good time to take chlorella, but never just before or after

drinking coffee or soft drinks since caffeine is extremely detrimental to the

digestive process. (We generally advise people to avoid caffeine anyway).

Chlorella causes the bacteria in our stomachs, the Lactobacilli, to multiply

at 4 times the rate of normal. This is why it is best to take with meals as

chlorella helps provide very good digestion and more importantly, better

assimilation of nutrients.

Can Everyone Tolerate Chlorella?


Because of the fiber content in chlorella's cell wall and other nutritional

factors, when some people begin to take chlorella for the first time they may

go through cleansing reactions, sometimes referred to as a " healing crisis " .

This cleansing reaction comes in the form of intestinal activity such as gas,

cramping, constipation or diarrhea.

This same type of cleansing reaction frequently occurs when people switch

from a low-fiber, " junk-food " diet to a high fiber, natural food diet.

For this reason, some individuals may wish to start out with less than the

suggested amount and gradually increase up to the recommended dose in 1-2 weeks.

Very sensitive individuals may want to start with as little as a single

capsule per day.

If you have not been eating many fresh raw vegetables in your diet, it is

probably a good idea to start out with a single capsule with each meal and

increase by a capsule every 2-3 days.

Rarely cleansing reactions will go on for up to 3 months where one can not

increase the dose beyond a capsule per day.

As long as you are not showing an allergic reaction (such as hives) or

throwing up, you can safely continue the chlorella. In a couple of months, the

reaction should decrease. And as it decreases, you can increase the dose.

Can You Take Too Much Chlorella?

It is best to think of chlorella as a food because that is exactly what it

is: one of the purest, most potent foods on earth. A person can not take too

much chlorella because it is naturally detoxifying. Therefore, the fear of

chlorella accumulating and becoming toxic to the body is not present.

However, there is a " comfort level " with every person where he or she knows

how much Chlorella to take per day. In general, that level will be about 5-8

grams per day.

A person taking 15-20 grams of chlorella per day is not at all unheard of if

someone is trying to combat a disease with the amazing medicinal properties of

chlorella. It is a whole food, not a concentrate or extract, therefore you

can NOT take too much of it because of its detoxifying abilities.

Are There Conditions Where You Should Take Larger Doses of Chlorella?

Many people with chronic viral conditions, such as Epstein-Barr virus or

Herpes virus have shown significant improvements in their condition with larger

amounts of chlorella. Frequently, these individuals will need 10 to 15 grams per

day (two to three teaspoons).

Should a person keep taking vitamins once they start taking Chlorella?

It would not hurt to keep taking multivitamins with chlorella, but, in my

opinion multivitamins are not needed. Chlorella and a proper diet contain a wide

array of vital vitamins, minerals and nutrients and are also much more

economical than most vitamins.

Can Chlorella Be Used Topically?

Yes. Chlorella can be powdered and mixed with water into a paste and applied

over a cut, scrap, rash or serious wound to help effectively heal it. It is

the Chlorella Growth Factor in the chlorella that makes it such an effective

healer of human tissue. After consuming chlorella for approximately one year (at

levels of 5-7 grams per day), a person will notice significant healing

improvement of cuts, scraps, and wounds without the need to apply it topically.

Can Chlorella Be Given To Children?

Absolutely. In fact, chlorella has been shown to promote rapid growth in

children, as well as build in them superior immune systems. In studies with

identical twins, the one given the chlorella grew much faster, much healthier


had much fewer instances of colds, flu, etc. than the twin who was not given

chlorella. Children can take one-half to one-fourth the adult dose described





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