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strange reflux s/s

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I have a patient, 55 yo male., with what he calls reflux, but it doesn't

sound nor does it react like typical reflux. I was hoping for some other

opinions on the pathomechanism(s) so I can make some herbal recommendations.


There are three parts to it: one is a lump in the throat (doesn't respond to

the normal plum-pit qi points), then he has excessive saliva that is usually

white and frothy and causes nausea if he swallows too much of it. Last is

dryness in the throat. He goes back and forth through all of these. This has

gotten better in the last week when he began a low-carb diet. Someone had

suggested that it could be a proliferation of bacteria. I was thinking it

might be a wheat allergy. Also, he often gets a metallic taste in his mouth

when he has the excess saliva and dryness.


More details:


1) sciatic pain…starts in the sacral/buttock area and can go down lateral

thigh, wrap across the top of the quad to inner thigh near and into shin.

Can go down into the arch if really bad. Began a few months after a car

accident. Was just affecting left leg when it did travel; now can affect

both and switches spots. Has had tests done. No disc involvement found.

Pt has excessive external hip rotation. I think the prime culprit from a

musculo-skeletal aspect is the piriformis and pelvis/sacrum movement…pelvic

blocking can change the sensations almost instantly. Just doesn’t last.

Aggravated most by too much walking and standing. Also can be triggered if

on the table in certain positions for longer than 10-15 minutes.


2) Anxiety: the above reflux issue causes anxiety about not being able to

breath. He is extremely cautious about eating and drinking anything if he

thinks it might trigger the symptoms. Pt reports that he’s always been

anxious/excitable. Was a hyper child. Easily emotional (still is).

Anxiety can be accompanied with the physical s/s: increased heart rate,

chest pain, shaking hands, sweaty palms.


3) Decreased libido: first mentioned as difficult and painful ejaculation

for 10 yrs. Actual libido seems to cycle (he can’t tell what the cycle is,

though) through normal with thoughts/desire/actual erection to nothing.


Other s/s: high cholesterol (dropped significantly at check-up 2 weeks ago),

OA in wrists with aches and pains in other joints, restless sleep, fatigue,

gets hot easily, sweats a lot easily, actual reflux…typical triggers of

citrus, chocolate, wine, coffee. Dizzy & light-headed, previous episodes of

low blood pressure (but not in a long while). Phobia of bridges, started in

the last 10-12 years…will go out of his way to avoid them. Thick & yellow

urine until late afternoon when it changes to clear despite all the water



Pulse: almost always tight. Typically moderate pace (70s). Slightly thin

bilaterally. Lv and K xu at times. Wiry and/or slippery depending on the



Family history: cancer (father, mother, brother…all different types).

Possible alcohol abuse…my interpretation…mom and brother “like their

drinks.” Everyone has low blood pressure.


Dad died 15 years ago. Mom disconnected from family; she just died last

week. Two siblings. Not married, currently without girlfriend.


Meds: Nexium and a new statin drug


I had thought it was damp accum, possible damp-heat causing most of the s/s,

but the " reflux " reacts differently. He has also told me that the best thing

to make it go away is either salty french fries/potato chips or a water and

whiskey! Leaning toward a phlegm-fire with H-K issues.


He also has a phobia of bridges that just came up in the last 10 years. Not

sure if that means anything to anyone, but I thought i'd throw it in there.


I am looking at herbs for him. Just need to nail down what’s going on. I

think I'm getting bogged down with little details and might be missing the

forest for the trees. Thanks in advance for your help!


Kris G. Sandberg, MS, LAc, RAc

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