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Update on Tujingpi

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Hi Doug, & All,


Doug wrote:

> I remember it as an external and the name brings up the imagery of a

> rash ... well, I'll let you imagine the rest... By the way, since I'm

> too lazy to get up and get my Bensky I think it's kind of sad that I

> don't have a computerized Materia Medica and have to go surfing the web

> to do simple searches. Except for the RMHI (?) which I believe is very

> expensive does anyone know of a program? doug


Doug, your mail is a reminder to check the BOOKS! I had searched

Google briefly and found some hits, but did not find the Herb Class then.


PD of CM (Wiseman & Ye) has it under Medicinals for External Use



On p41, it says: Brown blossom lichen (peach-blossom lichen, facial

pityriasis): Apply tincture of Tujingpi (golden larch (root) bark). [see

below: warning on use on face!]


On p 689 it says: Wind lichen (tinea corporis): Apply topical Lichen

Medicinal Water (Xianyaoshui) or Tincture of Golden Larch (root) Bark

(Tujinpi Ding).


Note that both pinyin forms (TuJINGpi and TuJINpi) are used. The Jing

and Jin characters differ in Hanzi.


From further Google searches, my notes now read:


Hb NAME: Tujingpi ŸÆ® (ŸÊ®); Pseudolarix; Cx Pseudolaricis;

(aka: Tujinpi Ÿÿ®; Jinqiansongpi ѱþ; Jingshupi Æ‘® (ʹ®);

Tuqinpi Ÿÿ®)


CLASS: Topical (Avoid oral use)


NATURE: Acrid, Bitter, warm /Warm~slightly, TOXIC


ENTERS: LU, SP; Joe Hing Kwok Chu [ http://tinyurl.com/d3wht ] says it

enters LI;


ACTIONS: Dispel Wind & Dispel Damp (Qufeng Chushi ÛÎäÿ); Kill

parasites (Parasiticide) & ease itch (Shachong Zhiyang ÀëâÒ);

Antifungal**; Clear Toxin & Dry Damp (Jiedu Zaoshi);


USES: Ringworm; athlete’s foot; scabies, mange, itch; Used as wash

/cream / on tampons w other Clear Heat, Disperse Damp & Wind &

antiitch Hbs in vaginitis, proctitis; neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis; As

Topical; 1-2 times/d for 1-2 weeks; In Fufang Tujingpi Ding (¹ŸÆ®

Ê (©¹ŸÊ®Ê); ¹Ÿÿ®Ê (©¹Ÿÿ®Ê)); has benzoic acid,

salicylic acid; used in skin fungal infection (hand, athlete's foot,

ringworm); itch; Ringworm: Hand-foot tinea, Tinea corporis, Tinea cruris:

Fufang Tujingpi Ding as topical, bid/tid;

http://www.itmonline.org/arts/sophora.htm says: Baixiefeng Ding

(Psoriasis Wash): Kushen 40, Shechuangzi 40, Tujingpi 20, menthol 10;

as Topical in psoriasis; Yindoa Chongji (modified Kushen Tang) as

Topical in gynecological disorders (vaginitis, cervicitis): Baibu,

Huangbai, Shechuangzi, Lianqiao, Jingjie, Kufan, Tujingpi & Cangzhu;

reported to be 100% effective as a douche 1-2 times/d, for 6d /course,

repeated as needed.


DOSE: As Topical: qs as powder/wash; [ AVOID ORAL USE: As Dec,

Pill, Powder: 3Þ9g› (Fresh Hb: 15Þ24g); As Oil: Adult 0.8Þ1.2ml;

children: 0.05ml]


CAUTIONS: External use only; CI for oral (internal) use; keep away

from children; very irritant; avoid use on face; avoid contact with body

cavities, esp eye; CI in children; avoid use on skin w sepsis / open

infections; Avoid high dose /overuse /prolonged use; not on empty ST,

avoid use as laxative; CI: in pregnancy & in KI, HT, LV DysFx; in

gastrointestinal ulcer



Best regards,



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" Man who says it can't be done should not interrupt man doing it " -

Chinese Proverb




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