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Ban mercury, mass vaccinations, esp w multiple antigens, or both?

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Hi Guy, & All,


> Dear Phil: The study that I quoted (which was quoted by someone before

> me) indicated that the issues with vaccines appear to be due to

> mercury, not the antigens. The ANOVA study showed that the autism

> incidence was due to mercury , not antigens.


> So, if the autism isn't due to the antigens, but rather to the mercury,

> and if a vaccine is not prepared with mercury, why are you against it?

> Guy Porter


Few if any retrospective studies can examine all possible factors.


In contrast to the prevailing advice of the CDC and UK Government that

MMR is safe, there are many WWW sites that suggest at least TWO

environmental factors in autism - MMR AND mercury. It is likely that

there are several other factors, including genetic factors, involved also.


The study that I cited [ http://www.jpands.org/vol9no3/goldman.pdf ]

and a much more detailed one that I found today [

http://www.jabs.org.uk/frontpage/frontpage.htm ] have a different

conclusion, i.e. that the MMR vaccine IS a trigger in autism.


Most humans vaccines in EU today have mercury removed. However, I

understand that autism still continues to arise in a significantly higher %

of MMR-vaccinated children than was the case before the introduction

of the vaccine.


In the case of my autistic grand-nephew, ONE dose of homeopathic

THUJA 30C (a vaccine-antidote) gave a marked improvement in the

child's clinical condition after some days of marked aggravation, The

child spoke for the first time shortly after the aggravation disappeared.


However, though there was no Hg in his vaccine, he WAS exposed to

Hg in-utero when his mother had several teeth filled in early pregnancy.

I have urged his mother to take the next step - to give the child ONE

DOSE of isopathic 30C mercury.


She is reluctant to do that because the child was very sick between day

+1 and circa day +6 after the Thuja dose. ALL the symptoms that he

had in the days after vaccination returned dramatically after the THUJA

dose. That is a normal occurrence in homeopathic practice and it

usually precedes marked improvement.


The essence of integrative medicine is to address (remove if possible,

or antidote / detoxify) the ROOT cause(S) of the problem. The more

causes one can identify and neutralise / remove, the more secure is the

healing outcome.


Therefore, I am against BOTH the Hg and the mass use of multi-

antigen vaccines. If possible, I prefer to try to boost natural immunity /

Weiqi with more natural methods.


But I would take the risk (and have done so) of having vaccination -

even multi-vaccination - against specific dangerous diseases were I to

travel to areas in which there is high risk that travellers can contract

those diseases.


Best regards,






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In a message dated 3/16/2006 7:24:53 P.M. Central Standard Time,



The study that I cited [ http://www.jpands.org/vol9no3/goldman.pdf ]

and a much more detailed one that I found today [

http://www.jabs.org.uk/frontpage/frontpage.htm ] have a different

conclusion, i.e. that the MMR vaccine IS a trigger in autism.




Dear Phil:


Thanks for the well researched and logically consistent answer.


You mentioned Thuja and a homeopathic dose of Mercury. My understanding of

traditional homeopathy is that there are no cookbook prescriptions; but my

experience with recent developments in the field (Heel Company) indicates that

there may be more standardization between humans and their conditions than

Hahnemann thought.


So, should we have a policy statement for the members of our Academy that if

a vaccine is administered, we would insist that Thuja or Mercury 30C be

administered afterwards?


Guy Porter




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Dear All,


A treatment that has shown some promise here in Australia for some

children with Autistic Spectrum Diosrders is heavy metal chelation

therapy, which must be performed by an MD in this country. Some

children have a markedly good effect from this. Some research into

this has led researchers to believe that these children, rather than

having mercury or heavy metals solely from a single environmental

insult such as a vaccination, rather have more trouble actually

excreting heavy metals than other people, so any environmental

exposure leads to a higher accumulation. Why this then leads to

something such as autism, I dont know.

There are many environmental sources of heavy metals that we are

exposed to, vaccinations aside. One only has to look at information

on lead levels in the last century or so. And mercury levels have

been naturally high in some sources of food such as seafood for a

very long time and are not, as some people think, due to pollution

in all cases. (There are many natural cinnabar deposits in areas of

the oceans, and certain deep water fish accumulate these as they

feed and it accumulates up the food chain, so that higher end

predators such as tuna etc. can build up discernible levels. This

has been backed up by samples taken from the present day oceans, and

compared with samples that have been stored since the turn of the

19thC and earlier, and mercury levels for one, havent changed

noticably in that time. )


, DrGRPorter wrote:



> In a message dated 3/16/2006 7:24:53 P.M. Central Standard Time,

> writes:


> The study that I cited [

http://www.jpands.org/vol9no3/goldman.pdf ]

> and a much more detailed one that I found today [

> http://www.jabs.org.uk/frontpage/frontpage.htm ] have a different

> conclusion, i.e. that the MMR vaccine IS a trigger in autism.




> Dear Phil:


> Thanks for the well researched and logically consistent answer.


> You mentioned Thuja and a homeopathic dose of Mercury. My

understanding of

> traditional homeopathy is that there are no cookbook

prescriptions; but my

> experience with recent developments in the field (Heel Company)

indicates that

> there may be more standardization between humans and their

conditions than

> Hahnemann thought.


> So, should we have a policy statement for the members of our

Academy that if

> a vaccine is administered, we would insist that Thuja or Mercury

30C be

> administered afterwards?


> Guy Porter




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