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fleas in house and on pets

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Wash cats and your rugs/house/clothes/yourselves

with Miracle 2 soap. Melts the little buggers. Works

wonders for the cat's/dog's fur and insides and your

house will be cleaner than ever!! And NOT TOXIC!!


Jan Jenson

TheWELLth Coach



If you would like to order Miracle 2 products:





TOLL FREE order line: 1-888-236-2108

Use Affiliate ID #364



" A wise man should consider that health is the greatest

of all human blessings "


- Hippocrates





We would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to

what may be the single most important concept in

hygiene and health to come about in the past several

decades. What you are about to discover is fact. The

facts behind how a few, simple common sense product

changes incorporated in one's daily hygiene regimen

can have a profound and lasting impact on one's



The simple changes to one's regimen include

substituting Miracle II Soap for your shampoo and bath

products, substituting Miracle II Neutralizer for your

toothpaste and as an additive to your drinking water,

consuming at least 2 liters of pure water a day. The

cost to you may only be pennies more than you already

spend, and then again, it may be less. In the long run, it

will be substantially less. We invite you to try the

products and see the results for yourself. However

corny you may think this sounds, the truth is, you cannot

afford not to try it.



When you see it on the label of the soap you're using.


It doesn't make any difference what soap you use,

common ingredients are animal fats, deodorants

loaded with aluminum compounds, toxic perfumes and

petrochemicals galore. Certainly not the best way to

clean your body, in fact, that squeaky clean feeling you

get from them is because all your natural oils have

been washed away and what's left is a film that blocks

your pores, making a CLEAN BODY DIRTY AND A

DIRTY BODY DIRTIER. Even many of the " so called "

natural soaps often sneak up on you with chemicals

despite their claim to be " pure " .


About 20 years ago, all that began to change when a

quiet man from Calhoun, Louisiana discovered a

formula and complete directions on how to make a

special kind of soap that is the ultimate detoxifier of a

dirty planet. The man, Clayton Tedeton, says that God is

the author of the formula and helped him begin his

crusade to distribute this miraculous product.




This unique formula will clean every part of you - your

body, hair, eyes, teeth; every part of your home - the

floors, carpets, walls, windows; every part of your

garage - it even degreases dirty garage floors and

takes the road film and tar off your car. AND, TAKEN




Whoa! Why would anyone, who was not caught using

naughty words, eat soap?





Brushing your teeth with it kills all of the bacteria in your

mouth and continued brushing has prevented cavities

and root canals. Skin problems such as psoriasis,

dandruff, and cradle cap are disappearing when people

shampoo with it. Bathing in this soap is cleaning out

years of toxic chemicals and animal fat, allowing the

skin to regenerate and resulting in PEOPLE LOOKING



THE MIRACLE 2 SOAP - The body gets loaded down

with toxins from the many foods we eat that have been

sprayed with all kinds of poisons. The toxins go into the

body and they cannot get out of the body because the

pores of the skin are stopped up from the many oils,

chemicals and soaps that are made from animal fat.

Miracle Soap is the only body cleanser that will clean all

of the sweaty, waxy residue from the pores of the face,

body and scalp.

When this happens, the body works the way God made

it to work, to detoxify itself.


Sounds too good to be true ... an industrial-strength,

multi-purpose cleanser that will meet all you personal

care and household needs. This God-given,

concentrated formula, made from all-natural

ingredients, will clean, degrease and deodorize

anything, from your glass and mirrors, carpet and

upholstery and even heavy cleaning such as grease

traps and oil spots on the concrete garage floor to your

baby's bottom.


Ingredients: Electrically engineered, energized and

stabilized oxygenated water, calcium, potassium,

magnesium, ash of dedecyl solution (foaming agent)

and vegetable gum.



Miracle 2 Soap formula with moisturizer added

especially for dry skin and hair. It gently washes away

dirt and impurities leaving skin fresh and clean. No


fats, alcohol or petroleum products are used in this

soap, or any of the Miracle 2 products.


Cold pressed avocado, almond, olive and coconut oils,

as well as vitamin E are added to this soap to help

moisturize those extra dry spots.


Ingredients: Electrically engineered, energized and

stabilized oxygenated water, calcium, potassium,

magnesium, ash of dedecyl solution (foaming agent),

cold pressed avocado, almond, olive & coconut oils,

and vitamin E.


Check out the successes others are having. . .


" Two months ago an ophthalmologist examined my

eyes and

quickly recommended surgery for removal of 'mature

cataracts'. I signed the pre-op forms and began


days until the surgery. For the next 3 weeks I began


2 drops of Neutralizer into each eye twice a day.


my regular optometrist examined me solely for

cataracts and

said that they were so small that I had nothing to be

concerned about for the next 30 years. . . "

Carl Robertson,

New Castle PA


" I use Miracle products in my home and my dog

grooming shop.

One of my regulars, Mandy, a sweet little shiatsu was in


her last grooming as she was full of cancer. When I put


in the tub she could not stand. I bathed her with 1/2 oz.


Miracle Soap and 1/2 oz Neutralizer diluted in 16 oz.


I turned her over to lather the other side and she stood


her energy returned and she danced in the tub. Then, I

squirted Neutralizer into her mouth before she went



" About 15 minutes later the owner called to say that she


eating for the first time in 2 weeks. The owner returned,

bought all the neutralizer I had and went to Florida.


daughter told me the other day that Mandy is still very


alive. Miracles never cease. . . "

Roberta Bennett,



THE MIRACLE 2 NEUTRALIZER - Have a healthier

body and mind by removing damaging toxins in your

body and neutralizing the yeast acids in your stomach.

The Miracle 2 Neutralizer will help your immune

system be more effective in its fight against free

radicals; the way God originally intended. And since

your body will be running more efficiently, regular use of

the neutralizer may also promote healthy weight loss.


Ingredients: Electrically engineered, energized and

stabilized oxygenated water, calcium, potassium,

magnesium, and ash of dedecyl solution.



process by reducing fine lines and wrinkles with the

Miracle 2 Neutralizer Gel. An effective skin-repair gel

that may also promote speedy recoveries from minor

cuts, burns and sore muscles.


Ingredients: Electrically engineered eloptic energized

stabilized oxygenated water, calcium, potassium,

magnesium (carbopol) 940, and ash of dedecyl




This product was made especially for those who may

need that extra battle power to fight against those free

radicals! Three times stronger than regular Neutralizer!


" These products are phenomenal and are really

the missing link to any nutritional program. Although

they are not nutritional, they bring up the pH which

allows the body to absorb more nutrition.


To give you an example, my wife was anemic most

of her life and couldn't get her iron levels up. She

tried everything you could imagine.. black strap

molasses, chlorophyll and other natural methods.

She also used all of the best and most expensive

supplements that she could buy. Nothing would work,

but since she started bathing in the Miracle 2

Soap and drinking the Neutralizer, she actually quit

taking the iron supplements and now her iron levels

are high normal, so it is incredible how this is working! "

_John Austin, Nutritional Consultant


" John, all I can say is WOW!!!! and thank you.

I received your sample of the Miracle 2

Products. My left elbow has been hurting me for

sometime. When I pick up anything heavy it

would hurt and it stayed sore. Today I put some

of the Miracle Soap on it and rubbed it in. Most

of the pain left, so then I put one drop of the

neutralizer and the pain is totally gone. I ordered

the 5 product pack from your website and I wish

my products were here right now.....Have a

Blessed day. " _Trudy Elkins


" I am 69 years old and have been using the

Miracle 2 products since March 2003. I brush

my teeth twice a day with the gel and 1 drop

of soap, and my receding gums have come

up over 2 mm. My teeth are much whiter and

the plaque is almost all gone. I never expected



I also use the gel twice a day on my big toenails,

and the fungus I had for about 10 years is on its

way out. No more brown toenails! I wash my hair

with the moisturizing soap and use a few drops of

the lotion after towel-drying it and new hair is coming

in and all of my natural curl has come back. No more

chemicals on my hair for me.


Also, my circulation has greatly improved. And so

has my eyesight! I put 1-2 drops of Neutralizer in

each eye every morning and no longer wear glasses

for everyday chores and I am looking forward to my

next eye exam in August. I take a 30-40 minute bath

almost every day and drink 1/2 oz of Neutralizer in a

warm glass of Crystal Geyser water first thing in the

morning. Needless to say, I clean my house with MM

soap. " _Rose Bunning


Now, let's get this straight. Neither the soap nor it's

by-products are curing anything, only your body can do

that. What these products do is help create A TOXIN

FREE ENVIRONMENT for the body, internally and

externally, allowing it to heal itself, naturally. The

neutralizer, Miracle 2's second product, is like nothing

else anywhere in the world. It carries an extremely high

vibrational energy and is also highly alkaline which

helps to increase the pH levels in your body. Viruses,

bacteria, cancer, yeast and many other torments can't

live in a pH of under alkaline conditions. That's the

main reason the side benefits are so positive.




As you might have guessed, there is an opportunity to

make money associated with these unusual products.

It's a great opportunity because everyone uses soap

and this soap is used on humans, plants, animals and

farmland. The company is young and growing rapidly.

Since these amazing products are priced so low there

are projections of total growth well into the billions.


The Miracle 2 products are the most " premiere "

products ever to hit network marketing. They combine to

make a powerful health program. Of course you're

skeptical. We were too. You have to experience the

products for yourself to really know. Ralph's story in the

first few weeks.


" Improved mental clarity, generally more alert - irregular

and elevated heart beats, normalizing - slow healing


cut, gone over night - loose and painful teeth, improved

over night and all pain gone within 3 days - more restful

sleep, reduced need to get up to urinate. " Ralph

Hartwig, Phoenix AZ.


You will need to try some of the products, but don't

worry, there is little or no risk involved.


Of course it's easy to get excited about the new

" whatever " gadget or " newly discovered product " that

will " cure your disease " and a lot tougher to get excited

about soap, but think about it.


1. Soap is a huge industry! Next to food itself, soap is

the single most used commodity in the world. Ask a

room full of people how many take vitamins and a few

will raise their hands. Ask if they use soap and the

whole room will respond. Even in third world countries,

everybody uses soap for cleanliness and hygiene.


2. You don't have to teach people that they need soap or

how to use it. Soap will be the last thing people quit

buying, long after they quit using nutritional

supplements, etc.


3. Miracle 2 products are cost effective (in many cases

saving money over all the products you now buy) and

they give you benefits that you will get NO OTHER




If you would like to order Miracle 2 products

go to:




TOLL FREE order line: 1-888-236-2108

Use Affiliate ID #364


Jan Jenson


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