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Absoption/Irritation/Toxicity/Photosensitization/Sensitization ** Was: EO information and disinformation and myths

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Hi Wunderbudder ??


>>>Do EO molecules pass through the skin... Some parts of them might,

>>>the majority of them being too large to do so. Do they enter the

>>>blood stream?


>>>Not likely.


>>Can you point me to scientific research backing this up?


Tons and tons and tons of it out and about!!!!!!!!!!!


> Hi Everyone,


> I'm fairly new to this board, and I've been picking and choosing topics

> read. I don't like to get involved in online arguements, because I find

> them a horrible waste of time


They are NOT a waste of time .. perhaps they are rough, even rude, from

time to time .. but rarely are arguments a waste of time .. if we all

sat around and nodded like little dawgs with lighted eyes in the back

of a car window .. there would be no learning. ;-)


There are, however, times when its just not worth busting one's butt to

dispute a hypothesis that is based on extrapolation of known facts ..

even when the proposition presented is flawed. Such a case exists on

another list now .. regarding the safe use of Wintergreen and Sweet

Birch, otherwise known as Methyl salicylate. A couple of folks have

done some fancy math using controlled lab tests on various critters ..

not humans .. and have concluded that certain rates of absorption are

safe (safe from what they don't say) based on the controlled variables

in those studies.


When arguments such as that are presented by folks who many think are

credentialed .. even though the presentation is totally out of line with

the points originally presented, its not worth the effort to try to

bring reason into play because it will upset the continuity of the list

and folks are going to do what they want to do based on their opinion of

the one presenting the information rather than the information itself.

Had to get that off my chest. ;-)


> but I'm curious about this one.


Good .. cause it might start an argument .. from which will come a good

bit of learning. ;-)


> I, too, would like to see some research backing up the statement that oils

> applied topically do not enter the bloodstream.


I have lots of research on lots of subjects .. some I paid for and some

I spent time searching out when I could have been doing something else

more fun .. but its sorta like Martin mentioned in another post .. he

sells his research .. I use mine to back up what I say when I write on

lists like this .. and since it was 4 in the morning when I started

writing this .. and I'm sure most of those who will read it later were

asleep then .. I ain't giving it away easily. ;-)


I give away safety information .. but as for whether or not folks wanna

believe me on the other issues .. it matters not a lot to me. It is not

easy to find much research that answers simple questions .. unless we

search one of the sites that is designed to be used in elementary

classrooms. Most of the research out and about requires us to have a

fair background in chemistry and physiology .. and math .. and we then

have to glean the important answers from all that information that might

appear to be unimportant trivia. Its sorta like trying to get a handle

on the reality of Global Warming when reading an article written by one

who concentrates on describing the results rather than one written by

one who discusses the " real " causes. But what the heck .. we don't

gotta be deep thinkers when it comes to that subject .. all we gotta do

is sit back and watch a movie .. movies are always on target. ;-)


Start by looking up dermal absorption on any search engine. But don't

choose to research Wintergreen or Sweet Birch or Methyl salicylate

because tens of thousands of pages on these can be found on government,

university and various toxicity sites. ;-)


> I read the post about mugwort being inhaled and causing a reaction, but

> that does not prove that oils do not enter the bloodstream from topical

> application.


I'm not going to deal with mugwort now .. it shouldn't be used in AT so

its not worth discussing for the purposes of my presentation.


> It only supports the theory that inhalation can cause reactions,

> which I'm sure that all of us that have used EOs have experienced.


I'll assume that when you write " theory " you mean that inhalation can

cause negative reactions .. because its an " undisputed fact " .. proven

hundreds of times over many years in double-blind tested, peer-reviewed,

properly conducted and supervised scientific tests that inhalation of

any chemical substance causes a reaction of one kind or another .. if

one was hooked up to a brain scan when the olfactory system clicked in

they could see the reaction for themselves.


Aromatherapy is ALL about Inhalation .. Execution in the gas chamber is

about Inhalation .. neither are about Absorption. If anyone wants URLS

on MANY studies showing wondrous things about the magnificent sense of

smell and the workings of the olfactory system .. I can tell them where

to find them .. ASAP. Might be of value to those who want to learn a

bit about olfactory interpretation/expectation and olfactory memory.


Aromatherapy Massage is about Inhalation .. Massage is not necessarily

about Inhalation .. its about all those good things Sharon (who works at

the Naval Academy) and a couple of other massage therapist folks hit on.

Massage works with or without essential oils .. the benefits of massage

have been known for thousands of years.


When essential oils in a carrier oil are used in a massage .. two things

happen .. one is .. the hands slide easier over the body .. the second

is .. there is one heckuva lotta inhalation going on and the one getting

the lion's share of the volatile molecules that have vaporized is the

one standing up .. the one who is giving the massage .. not the one who

is receiving. Oh yea .. hair dressers are known to be at great risk of

suffering multiple chemical sensitivity for the same reason.


> If topical applications do not enter the bloodstream, why are certain

> oils not recommended to be used on the skin?


Because .. there are four potential hazards to using some oils dermally.


1. Irritation .. some oils are known irritants. Irritation is the

least problematic of the four potential hazards .. when the irritant is

removed .. or shortly thereafter, the problem fixes itself.


2. Toxicity .. though we generally think of ingestion when we discuss

toxicity .. we must also touch on dermal application. Most oils are

potentially dangerous when used on broken skin (wounds, cracked skin,

etc.), but SOME of the chemical components of SOME oils have the ability

to penetrate to a depth that they can enter the blood stream .. in such

cases the variables as to why and when it happens are too numerous to

mention here but it can happen .. as is the case with Wintergreen and

Sweet Birch (otherwise known as Methyl salicylate) .. and these two oils

are NOT Natural Essential Oils from a plant .. they are chemicals that

are created via a laborious process .. they are better classified as

artifacts .. and they are in fact drugs and the FDA does have some

control on them when used at certain percentages .. and some of those

chemical components (like Methyl salicylate) are not eliminated from the

body rapidly .. there can be a build up depending on frequency of use

and in such cases this can cause problems with the liver .. especially

if the user does not have a very healthy liver in the first place.


3. Photosensitivity .. there are certain oils, generally cold pressed

citrus oils .. but others that are not cold pressed .. some that are

distilled .. that WILL .. I say WILL .. not might .. cause us to have

some serious burns when used on the skin prior to exposure to direct or

even indirect sunlight.


4. Sensitivity .. the previous three potential hazards mentioned are

Mickey Mouse compared to this one .. this one can put us in an emergency

room in a heart beat .. and once we become sensitized to a chemical

component or combination of chemical components, odds are great we will

remain sensitized for life. We can avoid the oil that might have caused

the sensitization but we might have difficulty avoiding the particular

chemical component within the oil that caused it because the lion's

share of the EO produced are not used in AT .. they are used in the food

and cosmetics/perfumery industries.


If y'all wanna know about the safe percentages of this and that oil ..

tested by professionals .. who did what test and when .. then get

yourself a copy of Martin's Safety Manual, " Plant Aromatics. " If a

person is selling or using essential oils or blends that will be applied

to the skin .. and they don't have this Safety Manual .. they are

playing Russian Roulette. The original manual sold for $75 .. the

revised edition (in the 5th printing now) is $44.90. Check it out at

http://www.av-at.com/plantaromaticsavnp.html .. and ORDER IT. ;-)


> And why in the allopathic world are there " patches " for various conditions?


The skin is the largest protective organ of the body .. it protects the

body against injury, microorganisms, and chemical agents of all kinds ..

the Great Spirit was wise when the decision was made to give us skin.

And wiser still when it was determined that man was more likely to come

into contact with dangerous substances via skin contact with the hands

and feet .. thus, they have the thickest layer of skin. (So much for

putting garlic on the feet, etc.) ;-) We can put garlic on our butt

and get the same results because we are inhaling the volatile molecules

through our olfactory system.


The skin is water resistant (not waterproof) and good it is or we could

maybe drown easily in the bath tub. The protective layer of the skin is

called the stratum corneum, a thin membrane of mostly dead cells that's

rich in a protein called keratin and coated with sebum, an oil secreted

through hair follicles. Together they create a water resistant barrier

that protects the dermis, where the capillaries and sweat glands lie.


Our skin does NOT inhale .. but it sorta exhales .. it allows metabolic

wastes to escape in the form of perspiration. I have just stated that

the pores are NOT designed to INHALE .. they are for elimination.


On patches .. SOME chemical components can absorb (generally the harmful

ones .. those that can cause sensitization) .. but luckily, most can't.

If we have one that can't absorb on its on .. it needs some help .. and

that's what skin patches are all about. These penetration/ absorption

enhancers help deliver a certain amount of a particular chemical that

the pharmaceutical folks have decided is good for us. There are other

ways to assist absorption of SOME chemicals .. warm, moist heat pads

will do the trick .. so will exercise .. but when one is trying to quit

smoking its not too convenient to be running around the office with a

hot water bottle attached to their bod. ;-)


Lemme also touch on this .. some essential oils are known to be

penetration enhancers .. but I ain't going there now cause its way

beyond the scope of this pitch .. its all about chemistry and lipophlic

and hydrophilic constituents and leventy-leven other variables that have

an impact and can work as penetration enhancers.


I will give you one reference that touches on transdermal products.



And I will say that any of us can find references for dang near any

question we might have .. IF .. we want to take the time to look. That

statement is gonna get me sidetracked for a minute because its rubbing

against something I have noticed for the last 12 + years. That is ..

folks coming on Newsgroups like this and making demands. Being a List

Momma or List Pappa is a thankless job .. no way would I take it on ..

and the List Mama on this list is running a company and taking care of a

husband and two little boy younguns .. and keeping her home in order at

the same time. Nobody is charging for the information here and nobody

owes us Jack Schidt! When information is presented its because someone

is concerned enough to want to edumocate the public .. or they wanna

show how smart they are .. or they wanna peddle their products .. or

maybe a combination of the three or even some other reasons .. but they

don't owe us a thing .. so we should be glad and be grateful for what we

get cause the price is pretty damn cheap. ;-)


> I'm not saying I know for sure that they do enter the bloodstream by using

> them topically, I'm just saying it's counterintuitive for me to think they

> don't.


I hope maybe you have started to change your mind by now. ;-)


Its not an issue of whether or not ESSENTIAL OILS absorb .. but rather

which CHEMICALS can or can't absorb and how far they absorb. Skin

absorption is NOT possible with all chemicals. SOME of the chemicals in

an EO can absorb to some depth .. but not all chemicals in the EO. So

we either must admit that we don't need pure, unadulterated, WHOLE EO

(get away from Nature's synergism and such) to get total therapeutic

value .. or .. we admit that we get absolutely NO value from partial

absorption of SOME chemicals from SOME EO. The reality is that those

chemicals that do absorb are generally the harmful ones .. those that

can cause sensitization. And again, I'll preface what I write by saying

it only applies to healthy, undamaged skin .. damaged skin and/or wounds

can absorb any and all chemicals and often take'em directly to the blood



But .. even then the quantities that make it through to the bloodstream.

are generally very minute. An example: " Peak concentrations reach

around 0.00000003 g/ml). There is no evidence of whether or not this

minute absorption has any real effects. (Journal of the Society of

Cosmetic Chemists, Vol. 48, No. 6, p. 277) "


The above study probably has no relevance for massage because of the low

dilution used in the controlled study .. it was a test of the chemical

l-carvone (main component in spearmint oil) absorption through the skin.

But they used a 20% solution of carvone in a peanut oil and most massage

therapists use about a 2% solution. The conclusion of the study was

that the 56 kg human subject had absorbed one nanogram or 1 billionth of

a gram of carvone. What that meant wasn't determined.


What they didn't do but should'a done .. was follow this up with a test

after the chemical was inhaled and look for physiological changes, but

it gets a point across.


One of the reasons there is no great amount of study on which EO can or

can't penetrate is because .. scientists don't really give a crap. They

are into individual chemicals .. not essential oils. And the only way

one can get an effective result from a test on absorption would be via

blood work or some similar testing .. but the test would be useless

unless we could TOTALLY isolate the head from the body during the test

because the volatile vapors would be taken in by the human olfactory

system and would show up in the results. Such tests are rare because,

as I mentioned earlier .. scientists don't give a crap .. there is no

useful information to be gained that is worth the time/effort/cost.


Even tests using rats (they have a rough time fer'shur) are often easy

to challenge because even if they find chemicals in the body after the

dermal application .. they would have had to suffocate the poor critter

during the test in order for it to be a valid test. ;-)


A short Recap:


1. Research is not easy .. that's why some folks tend to act like a Pit

Bull and grab onto the unproved and normally erroneous data presented in

many of the AT novels .. and fight you like a Wampus Cat if you dare to

try to burst their balloons because they're comfortable in the knowledge

they think they have acquired and don't want it taken from them.


2. The 4 potential hazards of dermal application of ANY chemical .. and

this includes combinations found in essential oils .. are Irritation,

Toxicity, Photosensitization and Sensitization. Sensitization is the

one that will kick the holy crap out of us.


3. Aromatherapy is about Inhalation .. Aromatherapy Massage is about

Inhalation and manipulation of body tissue .. the manipulation alone is

sufficient for one to gain therapeutic value from a massage.


4. The skin protects our body from absorption of almost all foreign

substances .. gaining therapeutic value from the absorption of essential

oils is a Fig Newton of the imagination .. and a great marketing tool

for those who are either ignorant, lazy or crooked.


5. Tests to determine which chemicals can be absorbed are generally not

conducted unless a company wants to sell a product with that particular

chemical component in it. The less than professional tests are often

flawed because they don't prevent inhalation during the testing.


Even taking it normatively, a person who believes essential oils absorb

and we can gain benefit from that absorption will present a much shorter

argument in support of their beliefs than will the one opposing that



6. Martin's take on Skin Absorption and Essential Oils is at this URL



7. Rats catch Hell!


If you think this post is long you are dead wrong. Its short compared

to what I could (should?) write .. but I reckon its long enough to

convince folks who don't have their minds made up and who are willing to

look at some facts that might make them feel less secure. ;-)


There is enough on olfaction (its almost a science unto itself) out and

about .. even on the net .. and I mean scientific .. not marketing ..

that it could fill the average hard drive.


I been a busy Redneck lately .. no time for writing or arguing or much

else aside from confirming orders. I hit the sack at 2 this morning and

got up again at 4 cause I gotta very important mission to accomplish

today and I wrote this because I wanted some distraction. ;-)


Y'all have a good one .. and keep smiling. :-)


Butch http://www.AV-AT.com


Wholesale/Retail GC Tested EO, Rose Products, Tested Hydrosols, and

other nice things sent to you from our warehouse and store in Downtown

Friendsville, MD. Population 597


PS: Those who are not on the waiting list for Rose Hydrosol and Rose

Wax need to get the lead out. ;-)

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No one could say it better. No one can force knowledge on the




, Butch Owen <butchbsi but

I reckon its long enough to

> convince folks who don't have their minds made up and who are

willing to

> look at some facts that might make them feel less secure. ;-)


> There is enough on olfaction (its almost a science unto itself) out


> about .. even on the net .. and I mean scientific .. not marketing ..

> that it could fill the average hard drive.


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