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Wintergreen & the Gummint

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On Behalf Of Butch Owen

Tuesday, June 27, 2006 6:17 PM

Wintergreen & the Gummint




I don't see it as being a bad thing. I expect the same thing applies


Pennyroyal .. which is totally safe UNLESS ingested .. and while I'm

checking it out .. I've told my folks to stop selling it.


Chris said:

> I wonder if they would give such a notice to a shop selling oils


> " curios " . When I worked at the little magick shop many years ago,


> sale of comfrey herb was being restricted, but we could still sell


> because everything in that shop was sold as a " curio " .


Hi Marge, Butch, Chris . . .


I'm with Butch on this one . . . Consumer safety is and should be of primary

concern to anyone selling essential oils, and Marge has been diligent in

that regard. Regulations that protect the consumer are a good thing, so

long as they are sensible. I've removed both Birch (drat, just got a lovely

new batch, tested and verifiably a true distilled product) and Wintergreen

from our website and I'm reviewing many other oils that I know will fall

into this category. Perhaps the answer will be that we only sell safe

dilutions of these oils. This is probably only the beginning of closer

scrutiny, could be because of the $ being spent on alternative medicine and

the influence of big pharma giants waking up to potential revenue loss, or

simply government agencies doing their jobs. Whatever it is, we have to

deal with it. Rob and I both spent considerable time on the CPSC website

and we couldn't find specific labeling requirements, either. I don't

suspect we will easily find child proof caps for eurodropper bottles -

there's an entrepreneurial idea for someone to run with. I've long worried

that safety information that won't fit on our small labels, but is either

banded to the bottle or included in a separate flyer when it goes to the

customer, wouldn't suffice if it were to come to a legal challenge, so this

is a good nudge for all of us to come up with solutions that meet the legal



And, Chris, I suspect that if the curio shop you mention had been visited by

these folks, their definition of Comfrey would have prevailed and the shop

would have gotten the same warning as Marge, or perhaps worse. But, you

know that, just mentioning it for newbies who might think they can avoid

compliance by ignorance of the law, feigned or real.


Be Well,

Marcia Elston http://www.wingedseed.com

" Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot. " Hausa Saying from


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Thought I'd post this list to help keep this topic in perspective. After

almost 15 years in business, I have yet to have a customer report any

mishap, adverse reaction or misuse of an essential oil.




Be Well,

Marcia Elston http://www.wingedseed.com

" Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot. " Hausa Saying from


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>After almost 15 years in business, I have yet to have a customer

>report any mishap,


Oh dear Marcia, you should know me well enogh to know I am not going to

let a comment like that one go unchallenged!!


Aromatherapy suppliers will rarely hear of such reactions because 99

times out of a 100 the user will not have a clue as to what is causing

their skin problems. If they suspect it is an oil or other product the

most likely scenario is they will stop using it and possibly not go

back to the supplier again.


There is no reporting system within the whole of aromatherapy to report

such reactions. I am sick of the number of times I have heard

suppliers say " I have been in business for xxx and never had a customer

report a reaction. That may be accurate, but more likely it is just

marketing hype. That has no real meaning and is why properly researched

safety data is the only way for ethical trading. If you know what the

hazards can be, and label accordingly, then the customer at least has

guidelines on how to use the product safely.


Martin Watt


, " Marcia Elston " <samara



> Thought I'd post this list to help keep this topic in perspective.


> almost 15 years in business, I have yet to have a customer report any

> mishap, adverse reaction or misuse of an essential oil.


> http://www.dangerousmedicine.com/


> Be Well,

> Marcia Elston http://www.wingedseed.com

> " Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot. " Hausa Saying from

> Nigeria


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Hey Chris,


> Crikey! That's not good!


I don't see it as being a bad thing. I expect the same thing applies to

Pennyroyal .. which is totally safe UNLESS ingested .. and while I'm

checking it out .. I've told my folks to stop selling it.


And thankee Marge for posting on this.


> Hmmm, just " thinking out loud " here ... I wonder if we are to start

> listing the LD50 on oils that we sell? What about the LC50? Is this

> exclusively rules for Wintergreen EO or all volatile oils?


Afore some of the Nawthen members start asking what they be .. mebbe

thinking that LC 50 be a Gud Ol Boy named L.C. whut is 50 years old ..

reckon I'll tell'em.


LD50 means the Lethal Dose .. using animals .. then extrapolating the

results to humans because we're not allowed to use humans in the tests

ceptin I can think of a few that would make good subjects .. like Osama

Yo Mama and that little fat freak whut is screwing over his own folks in

North Korea. When 50% of the critters given a one time dose of this or

that die .. its called the LD50 .. and its measuring acute toxicity.


LC50 means Lethal Concentration .. using animals .. but for our purposes

its not ingestion unless they are testing chemicals in water .. its all

about inhalation in this case. What concentration of chemicals of a

sort in the air does it take to kill 50% of the critters tested ..

within a four hour time frame.


I am not justifying or condemning LD50 or LC50 testing .. so afore those

who feel a need to do so come on line .. just accept that it has been

done since the early 1920s and if folks don't like it this list is not

the place to protest. ;-)


> I wonder if they would give such a notice to a shop selling oils as

> " curios " . When I worked at the little magick shop many years ago, the

> sale of comfrey herb was being restricted, but we could still sell it

> because everything in that shop was sold as a " curio " .


Who knows?


> Well whatever the case may be, that sux! Please keep us posted Marge.

> I'm rooting for ya!


Marge is not in danger .. she has handled it well .. she is not opposing

their conclusions or going to reclama .. she just stopped selling the

Wintergreen (and I expect Sweet Birch too) so that's the end of it.


> *Smile*

> Chris (list mom)

> http://www.alittleolfactory.com


Y'all keep smiling. :-) Butch http://www.AV-AT.com




>>you are NOT going to believe this!!!!


> <http://www.naturesgift.com>

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On Behalf Of aromamedical2003

Tuesday, June 27, 2006 2:40 PM

Re: Wintergreen & the Gummint




>After almost 15 years in business, I have yet to have a customer

>report any mishap,


Oh dear Marcia, you should know me well enogh to know I am not going


let a comment like that one go unchallenged!!


Aromatherapy suppliers will rarely hear of such reactions because 99


times out of a 100 the user will not have a clue as to what is


their skin problems. If they suspect it is an oil or other product


most likely scenario is they will stop using it and possibly not go

back to the supplier again.


There is no reporting system within the whole of aromatherapy to


such reactions. I am sick of the number of times I have heard

suppliers say " I have been in business for xxx and never had a


report a reaction. That may be accurate, but more likely it is just

marketing hype. That has no real meaning and is why properly


safety data is the only way for ethical trading. If you know what


hazards can be, and label accordingly, then the customer at least


guidelines on how to use the product safely.


Martin Watt


My comment wasn't intended as marketing hype, you know me better than that .

.. . Hope you haven't forgotten to recognize irony, Martin. The point was

that even without reporting and good collection of data for adverse

reactions using essential oils, the record of gross, sometimes deadly

reactions to pharmaceuticals and medical procedure is gargantuan in

comparison. The article that Butch just posted only reiterates what most of

us already know about pseudo-science, phony research and

corporate/government corruption that now exists to shore up and addict

citizens to Big Pharma. Another topic, but do I believe that most of us can

change our diets and lifestyles and avoid most prescription medications and

the growing epidemics of diabetes, heart disease, etc.? Yes!! And, I don't

fool myself that essential oils are the panacea, but they are one of the

tools. Most of us here have a personal relationship with our customers . .

.. We communicate with them, provide information and cautious advice, at the

cost of sales, as Butch points out. We are more likely to hear back from

our customers than some anonymous purchaser at Wal-Mart . . .


Always good to have you keeping us on our toes, however, and your points are



Be Well,

Marcia Elston http://www.wingedseed.com

" Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot. " Hausa Saying from


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Hi Marcia,

For the benefit of newbies Marcia and myself have been around on

other groups for years. Time and time again I have tried to warn what

would happen if US aromatherapy suppliers did not treat the safety of

what they sell as 100% top priority. Since then we have had hundreds

of know nothing suppliers popping up creating fancy websites selling

every dangerous oil going. Few people dare challenge what they are

doing which has the potential to destroy the business of many.


I may be wrong, but I strongly suspect the gummit has come out of his

box and you lot are going to feel the consequences.




, " Marcia Elston " <samara





> On Behalf Of


> Tuesday, June 27, 2006 2:40 PM


> Re: Wintergreen & the Gummint




> >After almost 15 years in business, I have yet to have a


> >report any mishap,


> Oh dear Marcia, you should know me well enogh to know I am

not going

> to

> let a comment like that one go unchallenged!!


> Aromatherapy suppliers will rarely hear of such reactions

because 99


> times out of a 100 the user will not have a clue as to what is

> causing

> their skin problems. If they suspect it is an oil or other



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Also for the benefit of those new to this list, Martin's urging and others

taking the lead here in the U.S. has led to position papers (i.e., The White

Paper http://www.wingedseed.com/RDT/RDTFinalDraft.PDF and Dr. Eva Briggs

postings on Quackwatch) and more prominent safety information from reliable

suppliers (i.e., http://www.wingedseed.com/Information/BE_SAFE_AND_SMART.htm

and http://www.naturesgift.com/warnings.htm )


If you are thinking about starting an essential oil business, please be

concerned safe use - for your own protection as well as the rest of us also

in business.


Be Well,

Marcia Elston http://www.wingedseed.com

" Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot. " Hausa Saying from







On Behalf Of aromamedical2003

Wednesday, June 28, 2006 11:58 AM

Re: Wintergreen & the Gummint




Hi Marcia,

For the benefit of newbies Marcia and myself have been around on

other groups for years. Time and time again I have tried to warn


would happen if US aromatherapy suppliers did not treat the safety


what they sell as 100% top priority. Since then we have had hundreds


of know nothing suppliers popping up creating fancy websites selling


every dangerous oil going. Few people dare challenge what they are

doing which has the potential to destroy the business of many.


I may be wrong, but I strongly suspect the gummit has come out of


box and you lot are going to feel the consequences.



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