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Now That Summer Is Un-Officially Over ...

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Hehehehe, I'm soaping again after a year and a half away. Since the

word got out that I'm at it again, the stuff's not staying on the

racks long--family, friends, folks who know folks who used to see me

places, seems they're all looking for me again.


Not that that's a bad thing :) But it does give me something to do.


Hope your end of summer's going well,




On 9/5/06, Christine Ziegler <chrisziggy wrote:



> What kind of mischief is our oh so very quiet bunch here getting into?


> *Smile*

> Chris (list mom)

> http://www.alittleolfactory.com <http://www.alittleolfactory.com/>


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Trying to salvage the wreckage of the summer. During the month of August and

July, I was home three whole entire weeks. PERIOD. And when I was home, in

August, the networking system on the pooters went bananas so I was

completely cut off.


As I don't own a laptop, that means a whole summer of being almost

completely incommunicado. It's been a right MESS!


The only consolation I have is that in October, my new Dell Laptop will be

coming to my door. So hopefully it will NEVER happen again. I also hope I

never have a summer where I'm never home again.


Went to Oregon this last time and got zapped by a bodacious Oregon Flu.

Oregon grows good, big strong virus'. >sigh<


Anywho, I hope I'm up and running in fine order. I've got several messes to

clean up and a LOT of catching up to do, plus Christmas Craft season is

nearly upon us and I've got to get cracking there too. ACK!






On 9/5/06, Christine Ziegler <chrisziggy wrote:


> .









Kathleen Petrides

The Woobey Queen





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What kind of mischief is our oh so very quiet bunch here getting into?




[Dave:] The early part of the summer was when kids and grandkids ran our

lives. The last month’s been kind of quiet. Got knocked on the head at

work back in May, which as it turns out did a little number on my neck, so

I’m doing a little physical therapy. Also in May, my wife was sideswiped in

her Mazda by and eighteen-wheeler, so she’s also having PT. Otherwise, it’s

been a nice summer. The last month I’ve been making soaps like crazy. You

can look at some of them here: HYPERLINK

" http://www.flickr.com/photos/67351796@N00/ " www.flickr.com/photos/67351796@N





Woobey, I hope you’re over your flu! And I’m glad to see you back online!








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Hey Chris,

I too have been busy making soaps and stuff using kefir in my soaps and

i must say I like the feel of them

you can view my creations here - for those interested


Thanks for asking


What have you been up to?



Tierra De Cabros Goat Milk Bath Products

Swaim Family Farm

Gladys (Vickie) Swaim


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Getting ready for surgery on my hands. Carpel Tunnel that hasn't gotten

better with therapy and braces so I need to have this taken care of before I

develop permanent nerve damage. Not looking forward to it but that's the

way it goes.





" If God had to give a woman wrinkles, he might at least have put them on the

soles of her feet. " Ninin De Lenclos





Christine Ziegler

9/5/2006 8:26:46 PM


Now That Summer Is Un-Officially Over ...


What kind of mischief is our oh so very quiet bunch here getting into?



Chris (list mom)

http://www.alittleolfactory.com <http://www.alittleolfactory.com/>




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you can view my creations here - for those interested


" http://flickr.com/photos/tierradecabros/sets/1727257/ " http://flickr.-com/ph



[Dave:] I gotta say, your soaps are absolutely gorgeous!








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Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.11.7/438 - Release 9/5/2006





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Thank you David



David Lambert wrote:

> you can view my creations here - for those interested


> " http://flickr.com/photos/tierradecabros/sets/1727257/ " http://flickr.-com/ph

> otos/-tierradecabros/-sets/1727257/


> [Dave:] I gotta say, your soaps are absolutely gorgeous!




Tierra De Cabros Goat Milk Bath Products

Swaim Family Farm

Gladys (Vickie) Swaim


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I was lucky enough to get a space at the Reading Terminal Market four and a half

years ago, here in Philadelphia. Since then, I have been doing business there

from a cart. This Fall, I will be given the opportunity to open a full size

store at the Market. So I have been drawing plans, looking for lighting,

shelving and unusual displays for my handmade soaps and other luscious skin-care

products. I am thinking of expanding to include incense, candles and mineral

make-up. Also, I will be doing gift-wrapping service for the whole Market. I


Namaste, Lynette of Terralyn - Bath, Body, Spirit

Reading Terminal Market

Philadelphia, PA terralyn27



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What kind of mischief is our oh so very quiet bunch here getting into?



Chris (list mom)



[Anita R] Well, after being without a modum, or it not installing

properly for nearly 3 weeks, I'm reading emails. Then to the lye calculator

to calculate some new recipes for soap that I have dreamed up. Also, to

make a few of the Fall/Winter standbys. My next two weeks are going to be

busy busy!

Ya'll have a good start to the un-official end of summer. Must say the

last two days of cooler weather (in the 80's instead of 90's) has really

been nice.





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Hi List Mom!


I am having a guy with a machine over even

as we speak to plant the fence posts for

my new deer fence.

Had NO veggie garden this year, except

for a few things in the greenhouse and

lots of volunteer kale, which for some

reason they did not touch. (yet)


Otherwise: harvesting milk thistle seeds.

Best crop I have ever had, thanks to the

hot summer.

There's got to be a way to do that without

pricking your fingers to bits!


They will be respectfully ground with a

mortar and pestle. Herbs really seem to get

offended if you process them with a machine.

Then combined with Dandelion and Burdock root

for an awesome liver tincture.


Time to buy more Smirnoff!

I have been taking my Echinacea tinc to the farmer's

market and am getting happy repeat customers.


Lots of fun, and please Goddess, restrain Your

critters and let me have a garden next year.

I don't feel right when I have to buy green beans.


love to all,


from the smoky Kootenays.

Time for a raindance.


Ien in the Kootenays




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I was lucky enough to get a space at the Reading Terminal Market four and a

half years ago, here in Philadelphia. Since then, I have been doing business

there from a cart. This Fall, I will be given the opportunity to open a full

size store at the Market


[Dave:] Lynette, that is so cool! Congrats!






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