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Health Facts Are Often Temporary in Nature ** Was: Howdy Newbie

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Hi Lynn,


Another one from early July.


>Hello to all,

>I joined about 2 months ago and have been a lurker. I did try to post

>twice, but wouldn't come through.


does that often .. keep trying .. and if it happens again ..

please lemme know Butch Owen <ButchBsi off line and I

will check the list to see what's happening .. you can also notify the

List Mom Christine Ziegler <chrisziggy


>Anyway, wanted to say thanks for all the great information I've read,

>and the apparent level of expertise running through the group.


Lotsa smart folks on here fer'shur.


>I am an ED nurse by trade, became interested in holistic medicine

>through treating patients that came through the ED. I figure anyone

>over 80 who has never seen a Doc, and uses grandmas recipes must have

>something going.


If you are describing yourself .. I'd say you gotta lot going for you ..

and you come from the very deepest end of the gene pool. ;-) Except

for seeing a Chiropractor every 3-4 years .. I've not taken an OTC or

prescription medication since 1995 .. but I'm still a baby .. age 64.


>I worked for 25 yrs at a University based Center, and grew up in a

>scientific/educator family. I breathe the scientific method...if

>you can't prove it, it ain't real.


Then you have to stay on top of day to day news to know what is real and

what is fiction .. and if you are paying attention to the new drugs

being released by the major multi-national, multi-buck, FDA approved

pharmaceutical companies .. and their application to us human guinea

pigs, then you'll find that what's true today .. ain't .. tomorrow.


And .. likely it is you don't believe in a Supreme Being .. or in the

existence of an honest politician. ;-)


The fact that something has not been proven does not make it unreal.

We have just begun to scratch the surface of knowledge of the human

brain and its ability to heal .. and the collective traditional healing

methods of various categories of natural healers for thousands of years

have not all been exposed to scientific testing.


The fact that something is not proven .. scientifically .. means exactly

nothing to me. If it is proven to be unsafe .. then it matters .. if it

is not proven to be unsafe due to a lack of desire to research it ..

that too matters not to me if there is a continuing tradition of use.


> So have really enjoyed the lively discussions of late.


Good it is .. and hoping I am that we can get a few more started ..

cause when folks sit around and nod their heads like little dawgs with

their eyes lit up .. like them in the back of some cars .. very little

learning occurs. I don't know a helluva lot .. but I'm smart enough to

know the difference twixt that I know and that I don't know .. and as it

stands now .. the time I have left to devote to this industry is a

helluva lot shorter than it has been .. so whatever I know that don't

get dumped in the next 18 months or so .. is gonna go with me and I

doubt them Large Mouth Bass gonna give a crap about hearing it. ;-)


>I make lotions, and massage oils for specific skin types and problems,

>most unscented because scents or particulate matter from herbs or EO's

>can cause a plethora of problems. I do add some EO's to some massage

>oils, based on chemical makeup and known research on effect.


What reference do you use to obtain this " known research " on effect?


>I have some friends who would like scents but won't add anything I think

>may cause a problem, and there, as a group you all have been invaluable!


My recommendation .. don't just avoid things you " think " might cause a

problem .. and don't avoid EO at all. Do avoid things that you " know "

can cause problems .. and use the other EO in a dilution that has been

proven to be safe .. at least based on the degree of scientific testing

that has been conducted on that particular EO.


Where you gonna git that info? Same place all the smart folks in this

industry get it .. from THE Safety Manual on scientifically proven safe

dilution for dermal application, Martin Watt's Plant Aromatics, the URL

is below. The old edition was $75 .. I published the new, revised

edition and offer it for $44.90 .. it can be seen and ordered at URL

http://www.av-at.com/plantaromaticsavnp.html The revised edition came

out in November 2001 and is now in the Fifth Printing. I am exclusive

dealer for North and South America.


This manual reports the safety information used in Aromatherapy and in

the commercial cosmetics and perfumery industries.


>Regarding labeling issues.

>We have an " Old Farts Dinner " once a month...you have to have had at

>least 15 years in Emergency Medicine to attend...We award prizes for

>the best warning labels found. If you get the inclination, read the

>warnings in the owners manual for your Vacuum cleaner (Absolutely

>pornographic) or lawn mower, or for that matter, your coffee grinder,

>it has blades to.


There are many jokes out and about about the need to be ridiculous in

these warnings .. due to the lawsuit crazy mentality in the USA.

Another reason this is for folks to take prudent action to ensure they

have a copy of a scientific reference on hand when making blends.


>In my biz, " If it sounds to stupid to possibly be true, it is, and

>someone has done it " , and I or a colleague, has most likely taken care

>of the fruits of their labor. The warning label issue is directly

>related to who has done something stupid with what, and....sued, don't

>you just love the litigious society we live in, and now governs

>everybodys actions.


Yep .. I spent a lotta years in military law enforcement .. and I hear

you on the " too dumb to be true " means it happened. ;-) We all must be

wary of Big Brother .. he is normally not as smart as we are .. but in

almost all cases he thinks he is smarter.


>Thanks for all you do,



Thank you ma'am for this post .. its a perfect spring board from which I

can launch some words that will hopefully generate some discussion

because of late .. the list has been kinda low key. ;-)


Y'all keep smiling. :-) butch http://www.AV-AT.com


PS: The fact that something ain't proved don't mean it ain't .. and the

fact that it is proved .. don't mean it is. This statement is about as

shallow as it is deep .. and a stone cold fact it is too!

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The fact that something has not been proven does not make it unreal.

We have just begun to scratch the surface of knowledge of the human

brain and its ability to heal .. and the collective traditional healing

methods of various categories of natural healers for thousands of years

have not all been exposed to scientific testing.


[Dave:] Glad I am that ya said that, Butch! To think otherwise marks the

difference between science and scientism.








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