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Seaweed essential oil?

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Hey gang, IS there such a thing as seaweed essential

oil? The therapeutic qualities ascribed to it is

indeed what I would expect from seaweed as an herb

that is in the oriental materia medica, but I find the

idea of seaweed essential oil a bit suspect, not the

least because I have not seen a pharmaceutic name of

the particular seaweed involved, it's always just

" seaweed essential oil " . Thanks, KD






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That would be Kelp (seaweed) oil you are looking for.

Here a few links to the oil.




http://www.google.com/search?q=kelp+essential++oil & rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-Se\

archBox & ie=UTF-8 & oe=UTF-8 & sourceid=ie7 & rlz=1I7GGLJ






Kunzang Dechen

Monday, February 12, 2007 3:27 PM

Seaweed essential oil?



Hey gang, IS there such a thing as seaweed essential

oil? The therapeutic qualities ascribed to it is

indeed what I would expect from seaweed as an herb

that is in the oriental materia medica, but I find the

idea of seaweed essential oil a bit suspect, not the

least because I have not seen a pharmaceutic name of

the particular seaweed involved, it's always just

" seaweed essential oil " . Thanks, KD






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snipped a lot due to tailings...


Thanks, Leslie, and also Marge for your info.


I am familiar with many different forms of seaweed

(and the like) which are used extensively in the

oriental materia medica as herbs.


Kelp (Kun Bu in PinYin) is only one of the herbs so

used. In the OM materia medica one of the primary

uses of seaweed and the like is to dissolve masses. I

was thinking of using an essential oil as an addition

to a castor oil pack for breast masses, but perhaps

seaweed infused oil would also work?


Unfortunately, in that google search link you posted,

if you put quotes around like this " kelp essential

oil " (thereby limiting the search to the exact phrase

and not just to a page that contains those three words

on it in any or no particular order) you will see that

there is not even ONE link that is really essential

oil of kelp.

http://www.google.com/search?as_q=%22kelp+essential+oil%22 & hl=en & rls=com.microso\

ft%3Aen-us%3AIE-SearchBox & rlz=1I7GGLJ & num=100 & btnG=Google+Search & as_epq= & as_oq= & \

as_eq= & lr= & as_ft=i & as_filetype= & as_qdr=all & as_nlo= & as_nhi= & as_occt=any & as_dt=i & a\

s_sitesearch= & as_rights= & safe=images


And neither does " seaweed essential oil " bring up

anyting useful.


Marge may be right. Perhaps it was just a one time

thing, long ago. I did remember it coming out years

ago and so did a friend of mine.



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There is a seaweed absolute which is a perfume trade ingredient but

rarely used. Most of what is written about this product within

aromatherapy is total invented hogwash. It is all based on the known

effects of consuming seasweed as a food or herbal medicine. I have

never seen a single verifiable aromatherapy use. In addition there is

no known safety data and therefore to use such an extract on the skin

is unwise to say the least.


Seaweed essential oil, doubtful, but some people will try to distil

anything to make a buck, particularly certain French suppliers.


Lastly, why use an unknown oily extract when you can use seaweed powder

or water based extracts which have been used for generations?


Martin Watt



, Kunzang Dechen

<kunzang.dechen wrote:


> Hey gang, IS there such a thing as seaweed essential

> oil? The therapeutic qualities ascribed to it is

> indeed what I would expect from seaweed as an herb

> that is in the oriental materia medica, but I find the

> idea of seaweed essential oil a bit suspect, not the

> least because I have not seen a pharmaceutic name of

> the particular seaweed involved, it's always just

> " seaweed essential oil " . Thanks, KD



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Sorry the google search went awry, I hadn't put the " into the search but it

seems to have decided too.

I had a much larger list but as you say there were no real anything that really

had essential oil of kelp in them, just a lot of links using the oil of kelp in

their own search terms.

The few I did find were dead ends.


Hope you find what you need.




Kunzang Dechen





snipped a lot due to tailings...


Thanks, Leslie, and also Marge for your info.


I am familiar with many different forms of seaweed

(and the like) which are used extensively in the

oriental materia medica as herbs.


Kelp (Kun Bu in PinYin) is only one of the herbs so

used. In the OM materia medica one of the primary

uses of seaweed and the like is to dissolve masses. I

was thinking of using an essential oil as an addition

to a castor oil pack for breast masses, but perhaps

seaweed infused oil would also work?


Unfortunately, in that google search link you posted,

if you put quotes around like this " kelp essential

oil " (thereby limiting the search to the exact phrase

and not just to a page that contains those three words

on it in any or no particular order) you will see that

there is not even ONE link that is really essential

oil of kelp.

http://www.google.com/search?as_q=%22kelp+essential+oil%22 & hl=en & rls=com.microso\

ft%3Aen-us%3AIE-SearchBox & rlz=1I7GGLJ & num=100 & btnG=Google+Search & as_epq= & as_oq= & \

as_eq= & lr= & as_ft=i & as_filetype= & as_qdr=all & as_nlo= & as_nhi= & as_occt=any & as_dt=i & a\

s_sitesearch= & as_rights= & safe=images


And neither does " seaweed essential oil " bring up

anyting useful.


Marge may be right. Perhaps it was just a one time

thing, long ago. I did remember it coming out years

ago and so did a friend of mine.





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