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*** pdf verción 492kb * **** HISTORY **** DISTILACION **** LIMONENE ****


PROJECTS **** * List of credits * Species Burserea Graveolens Family Bursereace

dry Proveniencia Forests of the pacifica coast of sudamerica used Part firewood

Harvesting of diuréticas, depurativas, antireumaticas, antisepticas June to

January Property antidepressing, diaforetica, anti fungi of the skin. Color of

the Yellow Oil golden intense to fresh Perfume, citricos Warnings None ** Many

of you, when happening through the coast of the Pacific Ocean of South America,

surely felt catched by the perfume of " * P*alo * S * anto " When following the

wake of the perfume is arrived the National Park Machalilla, located in the

Province of Manabí, in the coast of Ecuador; in where one is the Maxima

concentration of * P*alo * S*anto that there is in the South America, prote'ge'e

plants because she is endemic of the Galápagos Islands When walking by the

footpaths of the National Park Machalilla when the sun is in its maximum point,

specially in the months of January to June, the originating brackish air of the

ocean, one fills of the aroma that emanates its resin Which of you, when walking

by the streets or the districts of the city of Guayaquil, has not been with the

salesmen of " * P*alo * S*anto " . Or in the great and modern commercial centers in

where east product is distributed, like repelente for mosquitos. Also when

passing by the small streets or the great seats of the historical center of the

capital, Quito; in the occasion of the Navideñas celebrations, these are

saturated of retailers who to the voice of: " * P*alo * S*anto to clean your

house of the bad energy " , " * P*alo * S * anto for the good luck " , the perfume

that is in the air us embriaga and makes us remember the religious rituals.

Happening through high mountains of the $andes, we still found, to chamanes that

in its rituals of treatment they use * the P*alo * S*anto and we realize of

which is more alive than ever Since its history back began thousands and

thousands of years and that still it has his weight, a reality cannot be only

one fantasy but; because each history that has lived during as much time and

continues living, certainly has its truth inside, mainly if it talks about to a

plant with curativos powers; then it must work, is by that the curiosity invades

to us. When trying to eliminate the mosquitos, yet respect by this living form,

we are able to defend to us with any instrument that we have by hand. However

when speaking of the " bad energy " , all we want to find something to avoid it;

and that we have? That the perfume of * the P*alo * clean S*anto this. But,

really What is the bad energy? In our way by the footpaths of the " * P*alo *

S*anto " we were with a old woman and we asked Lady to him who is the bad energy?

And its answer was: " they are the mosquitos " . It was as well as ignited our

curiosity, therefore, as we could not be in agreement with this argument?

Because perhaps the " bad energy " is not, but another thing that, a mosquito that

annoys to us! Then, if we put ourselves to think that the bad energy is equal to

a mosquito, which we must investigate is the remedy against these, as the old

lady said: " the wood santo is not used so single for the mosquitos, also against

the bad energy " . Certain it is, that the fantastic part of everything, consists

in which this venerable old one I inherit this class of wisdom, but of 2000

years and never, by no reason, I wonder myself that it was what existed within *

the P*alo * S*anto that moved away the insects and at the same time it felt of

better humor. But, for us who we are peculiar and when taking a walk by these

footpaths we watched all this wonder is not sufficient with the wisdom of the

old one; we want therefore to include/understand more just a little bit and we

asked ourselves THAT HABRA WITHIN THIS ARBOL? In order to grant to him as much

that power miraculous and to arrive until the point " to sanctify it " and to

grant the name to him of " * P*alo * S*anto " Our investigation beginning with

these two considerations: " repelente for the mosquitos " and " clean the house of

the bad energy " . The first great discovery of the use of this tree is for

obtaining the essence with the log of the dead bush. What means this, * that the

tree, before being available for its use, must die single without aid *; that is

to say, it must fall to earth and remain there by a time interval of 4 to 10

years. For 4 years we have been studying this phenomenon; Single when we

confront ourselves with other done expressions we will be able to confirm that

the stories of the indigenous population are true. Still we are not in degree to

establish the cause of the death of the trees; for that reason we will make a

hypothesis, which is based on the work of some insects or the same structure of

the plant, by lack by deep roots; but a thing if she is safe, that the tree, or

because of the nature or by the one of the insects; it does not perish before

the 80 or 90 years. Also, * through the study done, we can demonstrate that

destroying a tree and letting dry it by the same time interval any essence is

not obtained *. Therefore, we asked ourselves: Why in the site where were cut

all the other plants, still exists the wood santo? This must to that its wood

does not serve, neither to make houses, nor to make furniture; then: Why to save

a tree that serves so single to repel the mosquitos? Also we would like to think

that he is right to rescue to all the plants of this earth, since, in the name

of " duro " to construct houses or of " smooth " playing roles, this destroying

itself. It would enchant to me to grant to * the P*alo * S*anto a a little

metafórica denomination to him, like the one of the " Bird Fénix " , since he is

the unique one that in its process of rotting becomes remedy; the life that

arrives after the death, a so appropriate noun yet the right, or, by its power

or its name, still continues in history; the same one that comes for a long time

back like: The Culture Manteña, Machalilla, Valdivia, Inca. * In 1605 it is

written down in the registries of the Kings of Spain as plant that has the

following benefits: * * Relation of the government of Guayaquil of the 1605 * *

in notes for the history of Manabí * * SUGUNDA STARTS OFF OF The GUAYAQUIL


the wood santo they call thus by the remedies that of him are taken for the

diseases. It removed from a resin that makes the times and benefits of the

trementina; it cures diseases and pains that come from cold, she and the water

in which it cooks the root and the wood heals the colds; also it serves the

resin by incense for perfumes. * * Diseases and their remedies: the vulgar Earth

diseases are strong tedious fevers and pains in all the body that ordinarily are

of bubas. These cure with bramble and wood santo; the fevers with drains and

purges of mechoacan and cañifístola. * From now on, the great destruction of the

amazonian forest begins; it is cut and one takes of everything, but single some

are saved of the majestic giants, among them the wood santo and ceibo, from

which a fruit is obtained that has a fiber similar to the cotton and it is used

to make mattresses and pillows. Until now the use commonest of the wood santo

only it was against the mosquitos like repelente, but with the arrival of the

new technology it has diminished the use of this remedy, even on the part of

less lucky, reason for which, we make available a greater amount of wood santo

those who wishes to follow the lessons of the nature. When burning the dry log

obtains a fragrance citric, fresh, very similar to the aroma of the flowers of

the orange, the lemon, etc. Our investigation has gone in this direction, the

direction of the " LIMONENE " ; active principle present in the citruses, which

today we know all because it belongs to the family of the solvents or

trementinas; that they are the people in charge of the cleaning, limonene. ariba

returns * " Distillation by Current to Steam " * Each plant has its perfume,

different from time in time, according to this. The perfume and the aromatic

essences are the " soul " of the plant. * the A*ceite * E*sencial comes from the

extraction of the oily glands of the plant. When using a specific processor for

essential oil; making pass the dry firewood through a current to steam the oily

glands are opened, allowing this way that its content is mixed with the steam;

when this, by a cooling system it is condensed, the essential oil and the water

separates of natural form. This type of distillation, does not use then any

class of reliable chemistries; it is to say that the essential oil of * the

P*alo * S*anto is 100% natural one Distilling the dry wood of * the P*alo *

S*anto with the method through the current to steam, it is gotten to obtain to

an essential oil of the color yellow-gold, that emanates a citric intense scent;

with the following active principles: * quimica composition * * of the Wood

essence Santo * analisi GC MS ALFA-PINENE 0,70 0,66 * LIMONENE * 62,88 34,16

MENTOFURANO 0,70 6,07 TERPINEN-4-OLO 0,60 0,54 ALFA-TERPINEOLO 23,53 19,67


GUAYERETICO C.R. 0,007 returns ariba ** * IMMUNIDAD OF the COMMUNITY =

ENVIRONMENTAL PERFUME and * The aromatic plants that contain essential oils have

used for the against-infectious intentions per millenia. The disagreeable scents

of residual waters, the sweepings, the decomposition, ill people, and the

environmental contamination reveal the presence to proliferate microbial toxins.

Without knowing the details that pathogenic agents were present, people have

known whenever where existed bad scents, they were on the lookout of the

diseases. From the 1800 scientific research she has compiled a substantial body

of the evidence that demonstrated that the essential oils have effects

long-range anti-microbes against an ample range of pathogen bacterial, virales,

and fungicidas. He is wise to consider how these curativas plants can be used as

our allies to come up I not only infect and to make personal immunity purifying

the atmosphere around us, also to clear the causes of the diseases within the

communities. One of the recent discoveries of the aromatic investigation is that

the effects essential oil anti-microbes are Most powerful, not when the oil is

used in liquid form, but when the pathogens are exposed to steam of oils. This

means that the most effective way to use essential oils to reduce I infect

atmospheric, airborne diseases and to heighten immunity, is with the use of

diffusers of you ionize and aromatic steam. Also one has been that it is not

necessary to have a high concentration of the oil in the atmosphere so that he

is effective; only one minimum amount of oil that to disper itself of a diffuser

is necessary for optimal the biological effects and immunological. In their

native habitat, the plants grow in communities. They must survive exposed the

natural elements, they must compete with other plants, and must live in means of

the microbial communities and the insects. The essential oils are part of the

immune system of a plant, created by their evolutionary intelligence mainly to

reject the pathogens. Distilling the wood we extract the oil and thus we bring

the immunological energy of the plants to our communities. The primary agents of

the defense of the trees are monoterpenes, these molecules have several

important physiological functions, driving away the hurt insects and healing. **

* Properties of the Monoterpene D-Limonene * * in the Prevention of the Cancer *

When the people by first you see listened to the word monoterpene (MT),

typically the word " terpene " makes decide you imagine like liquids that serve to

clean like the trementinas. Associated to this image it is the idea that is

poisons. While the properties of reliable of monoterpenes were used chemically

to dissolve calculations, monoterpenes is also the center of many investigations

in the area of the prevention of the cancer. Prevention of the cancer,

inhibition and regression are the greater attributions of D-Limonene (DL) so

that it was demonstrated to be quemioprenventiva against the tumors: it sucks,

liver, lungs, skin (UV- you induce) and quemioterapeutica against the tumors: it

sucks and páncreas. Links: http://www.floracopeia.com/article.php?article=38



http://www.herbalgram.org/herbclip/review.asp?i=42328 http://www.nutrition.org/

ariba returns **** * PALOSANTO OIL * COMPOSITION QUIMICA * done without knocking

down àrboles of Wood Santo * * we processed single trees that died in natural

form in the forest * The Chamanes in " the STARED AT " ceremonies of applies * the

P*alo * S*anto for " cleaning the house of the bad energy " , if we thought to *

the house * like room we can think that it moves away the insects to us, if we

want to consider them like bad energy; if we thought to * the house * like the

body where we lived we can take in consideration the old rituals with * P*alo *

S*anto, this so that the ancestors did not have knowledge of the diseases, for

them all was produced of the bad energy. The ancestors before the arrival of the

Spaniards thanked for this wood that allowed to heal many classes him of

diseases so the Spaniards named Santo. At the moment chamanes uses it to heal to

the people who feel unfortunate or are convinced that its suffering comes from

outside and have an idea of bad luck. * AROMATERAPIA: * it is the system of

similacion of contained active principles in a fragrancia (essence) by means of

the nose * ** download 169 instructions kb ** * * Influenza - Asthma - Allergies

- Stress - Badly humor * USE MODALITY: to put some drops of " Palosanto Oil " in

the chest at level of the heart, in the nose and the cervical one. - * It

induces to the meditation * - * It induces to the psicofísico relaxation * USE

MODALITY: To dilute some drops of " * P*alosanto * O*il " in water and to dissolve

steam to the atmosphere with a diffuser by essence to candle * Situations of

Panic and Labor Anxiety * USE MODALITY: FOR EMERGENCY: half an hour to put some

drops of " * P*alosanto * O*il " in the chest at level of heart 7-8- times to the

day or each. FOR PREVENTION: to put some drops of " * P*alosanto * O*il " in the

chest at level of the heart 3 times to the day by 6 weeks. * Situations of I am

annoying is of sea as of air * USE MODALITY: to put some drops of " * P*alosanto

* O*il " in the chest at level of the heart. * Jaqueca * USE MODALITY: single

when it needs, to put some drops of " * P*alosanto * O*il " in the chest at level

of the heart, in sienes and the cervical one. * MASSAGES * ** * Artritis and

Artrosis * USE MODALITY: single when there is pain, to directly put 3 times to

the day a drop of " * P*alosanto * O*il " in the pain point sobando the part until

the absorbed product not this. To protect the part with a savannah of red color,

so that the red one increases the radiant flux corporal. * Cervical pain * USE

MODALITY: single when it needs, to put some drops of " * P*alosanto * O*il " in

the part that hurts sobando the part until the absorbed product this does not



A WOOD TREE SANTO - * Our nonsingle foundation distills the Wood Santo to

extract the essence if not that we also worked in the botanical part in which it

talks about projects to produce plants. For six years we have been investigating

and to the moment we can say that we are surely as opposed to three botanical

Wood species Santo: Bursera Graveolens or Palo Santo; nonsafe the presence of

the Bursera Microphylla or Bursera Gumbolino. What we can say surely is that the

male of the Bursera Graveolens has a crust sure gray color and that after dies

by natural causes, in its wood it can find an amount minimum of essence (5%),

while in the female, that has a crust mulberry color we found 95% of essence in

the wood. The male can live more than 250 years, whereas the female begins to

die from the 50 years in ahead. As for the resin and to its extraction we make

it single with wood that already is dead naturally in the forest. For which one

talks about the botanical part we agree very on the problems that there are to

reproduce it by means of seeds or by stakes, the result is negative. For three

years we have been using successfully of the 100% wild transplant. We selected

some areas of the forest where is a Wood concentration Santo of more than 50

plants by hectare where in a small period of time (maximum two weeks) the young

plantitas and new born in the forest are food for some animal classes (deer, I

inform, rabbit wild, etc.) they are transplanted our breeding ground where

single now, later three years, we can give a totally positive estimate in which

one talks about the growth of the plantitas: diseases = 0; died plants, also in

conditions of stress = 0. When producn the seeds and when are born plantulas of

Wood Santo, these are 90% of the food of the animals of the forest (deer, I

inform, rabbit wild, etc.) In breeding ground the Wood Santo behaves very well,

also in form of bonsái. As for 2007 in the months of February and March very we

are interested to find financing to develop to a breeding ground adapted to the

raising of Wood trees Santo. * Thanks to Inc. Floracopeia. by its donations * *

If quire can make a donation to aydar the reforestation project or a new project

to make a well of water * * The donations can be made single in our account of


CODE: PICHECEQ * * I number of Account: 4379249900 * * Ecuador * * despues sends

an email to inform to us * returns ariba



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