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Effective Levels Of Essential Oils

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Hi Susan,


> First, thank you both for your answers and Butch, your answer is quite

> informative despite your lack of sleep!


Thankee ma'am .. and welcome you are. :-P


> Anyway, my questions did refer to skin issues people might want to heal

> with the use of essential oils in a cream, lotion or soap.


Then .. the percentages shown in Plant Aromatics are the safe bet ..

even though they do put their finger on the scales a bit .. the reason

for that is valid and you can't be sure how often a buyer is going to

use your product.


> I suppose I was trying to apply the same theory behind medicines to


> i.e., if someone wanted to use eo's for burns or other skin issue what

> level is too low to do any good.


For burns and minor skin problems, I would say the level is too low if

the application does not cover the area one wants to heal. Having the

correct percentage of dilution at times can be a luxury. There comes

a time when risk is acceptable .. leastways to me there does. For a

burn I would immediately splash on Neat Lavender (L. angustifolia

preferred .. if none handy .. then L. stoechas) .. and more than one

time I have used Neat Origanum on a wound .. used it dozens of times a

day back in August 1999 when I was doing search and rescue when we had

the big quake that killed 22,000 +. In order to get into the area

quickly I convinced the Ankara Governor that I could deal with first

aid issues .. so I had a Red Cross on the windshield of my car. Cops

and other rescue personnel came to me often for EO .. they all feared

disease as the temperature was in the upper 90s. So .. again, each

person must decide if they want to accept a risk under certain



In this case .. I accepted double risk .. Neat use and use of EO on

open wounds. Both are no-no's under normal circumstances.


As for not using enough .. the question is next to impossible to

answer because we just don't know .. but we do know how much is

probably too much and with use of EO .. more is never better. If the

percentages shown in Plant Aromatics were not sufficient then they

would not be reported as such .. remember, those facts and figures

were not presented for the benefit of folks on this list .. they were

compiled by the IFRA, etc., for use by commercial companies and such

companies avoid production of products that are not effective.


> Since nit picking sometimes makes things easier to answer I'll have

> to ask about therapeutic value Butch refered to:


First .. lemme say that nit picking probably was not the best choice

of wording .. but it seemed to be OK at 0355 this morning. ;-)


When folks ask broad questions it generally means that they are not

ready for broad answers. Its like asking someone to tell you how to

fly an airplane. Better it is to narrow the subject matter and watch

what goes down. Better even still is to get the correct reference

materials. Then one will have answers for maybe 90% of the questions

that might pop into their mind .. after that its just a matter of

refining data and building upon what one already has learned.


Better it is to start out with good/correct information than it is to

later try to unlearn bad/incorrect information. That's why I still

highly recommend Martin Watt's AT Course .. I'm no longer connected to

this .. have nothing to gain .. except feeling good about folks

reaching out for good, safe education on the use of EO.


>>(Butch wrote) If one is sniffing an oil there is no problem anyway ..

>>we can sniff neat or diluted .. matters not. We will gain therapeutic

>>value from the sniffing. Again .. one would need to know what

>>benefits you want. As for inhalation .. just a little bit will do

>>you. There is no way one will not gain therapeutic value from

>>sniffing. (clipped) Most of the cremes and such folks make are nice

>>smelling products that might cure some outer skin problem or make the

>>skin smoother, etc. Any other gain from those products is the same

>>gain one gets from using EO in massage .. the violatile oils rise ..

>>the olfactory system takes in those molecules and wham .. change

>>occurs due to therapeutic properties of the oils.


Lemme add that .. therapeutic benefit comes in many different forms ..

physiological, psychological and emotional .. and often there is an

overlap between these three.


> SO MANY things I've read about aromatherapy claim oils have SO MANY

> healing properties physically, emotionally and mentally.



Basically .. the three terms I used above are down to earth terms for

the " mind, body and spirit " humma-humma used in AT, which is probably

better terminology for marketing purposes. Esoteric beats the crap

out of science every time. ;-)


> I can believe claims regarding emotional and mental changes when using

> eo's which could then help physical issues like high blood pressure


Good it is that you believe this because you are absolutely correct.

But there are more direct results to be had with a number of EO for

prevention and cure of certain problems .. and for rather immediate

changes in psychological or mental attitude.


> but therapeutic like combating arthritis or kidney problems, etc.?


Some EO are extremely effective for temporary relief for arthritis,

rheumatism, etc. I mentioned them last night .. Wintergreen and Sweet

Birch .. but they are dangerous enough that I won't/don't sell them.

They, like alcohol to an alcoholic or a shot of heroin to a druggie

are effective to pull them out of the dump .. but they do nothing at

all to remedy the problem beyond temporary and immediate relief from a

problem that they are helping to continue.


Kidney problems .. that is in there with the dozens and dozens of

other physical ails that some sellers claim to be able to fix with EO

... in almost all such cases the seller knows absolutely nothing about

what they are selling .. about aromatherapy .. or about human

physiology. In some other cases .. they are copying text regarding

the use of herbs and trying to apply the text to use of essential oils

... which is dumber than dirt and also very dangerous.


Lemme close by saying that cleaning up this industry .. forcing truth

in advertising and quality control of products sold .. is as difficult

as solving the problems of hatred in Iraq .. or of cleaning up graft

and corruption found in most elected bodies. This is not only true of

the USA .. if one wants to surf web sites in Europe they can also find

such claims .. and even find folks selling products that don't exist

in nature.


The best folks can do is learn for themselves .. don't accept a damn

thing anyone says just because they claim to be knowledgeable .. this

includes what I am saying now. Get the best references you can ..

stay away from the Gurus and question the claims of the Gud Ol' Boys &

Gals in the AT industry .. many of them have been around 25 years but

that does not make them experts .. many have 1 year of experience 25



Those of us who have been in the business a while are either totally

straight or fairly straight or crooked as a dawg's hind laig. And

each of us .. matters not which category we fit in .. knows where the

others fit. But few of us are into the Ralph Nader mentality .. we

are not investigative reporters .. and if we were to drop dimes on

those who probably deserve to have dimes dropped on them .. many folks

would say we were jealous and trying to slam the competition .. Young

Living makes these claims often when folks tell the truth about them.

But the reason we are more willing to drop a dime on YL is because

YL puts out totally unsafe information .. and I think those in this

industry who have no skeletons in their closest will come out damn

fast when they see unsafe information being spread. There are others

who are either afraid to rock the boat .. or don't give a crap. ;-)


> Susan


Y'all keep smiling. :-) Butch http://www.AV-AT.com

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