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Yo Martin,


> Instead what you get with hunter gathers is a total reliance on

> superstition, unthinking tradition and that " this is the way things

> are and must always be " . I detest that kind of mentality. So who wants

> a world climate change to force us back millions of years.


There are exceptions .. I mean .. a few countries have leaders who

think in this manner and are pushing their people backwards but they

are not hunter gatherers .. like Iran and Libya and Sudan and Saudi

Arabia and a few other backward, ridiculous, autocratic regimes. ;-)


> I am not certain that this global warming is created by humankind, but

> to me what the cause is, must be of less importance than us not

> contributing to make it worse. It is not just us adding carbon

> dioxide to the atmosphere. The problems we are causing are numerous

> and include pollution of the Oceans with wastes. That is in my opinion

> far more of a threat than man-made CO2 emissions. Kill the plankton

> in the sea and you kill a vital food chain and a vital CO2 sink.


Absolutely agree .. its like one of the list members wrote a month or

so ago .. the Black Sea is one of the richest seas in the world, but

along certain coastlines of the Black Sea there are no fish to be

found. This has to do with uncontrolled pollution and fishing year

around. The Mediterranean Sea has long been a lost cause.


> Like Butch said, the planet has always suffered climate change, what is

> different now is the gross pollution with a wide range of activities

> and emissions, particularly of eco persistent man-made chemicals.


And it can be reversed if honest effort is made. Many years ago, the

Izmir Gulf of the Aegean Sea .. being rather slow to recirculate due

to partial enclosure .. was a stinking cess pool. Around the early

1980s the government started fining industries for pollution .. and

began a campaign to clean the years of sludge from the Gulf. A German

firm got a contract to clean it and they worked 24 hours a day X 365

days a year for 20 + years .. today the Izmir Gulf is repairing itself

... fish have returned and it looks like folks will even be able to

swim in it soon.


> The known pollution of breast milk with man-made chemicals is but one

> example of the potential harm we are allowing our industries and the

> politicians backing them to cause.


An unfortunate part of this modernization we embrace. :-(


> That is why I am against the felling of trees to produce essential

> oils. Those trees assist in keeping the CO2 down to reasonable levels

> as well as the jungles providing us with a natural chemical factory.

> The more that jungles are eroded, the more we will need to rely on

> man made polluting chemistry to provide drugs and other products.


True .. but then the Sandalwood and Rosewood trees that are felled are

not cut for the purpose of making EO .. there are dozens and dozen of

more expensive uses for them. The solutions to loss of forest are not

difficult to plan but are very difficult to implement due to political

squabbling and corruption. Stripping forests clean and allowing slash

and burn following logging operations is a recipe for disaster. Even

Third World governments could (if they wanted to) demand that sections

be left during logging operations .. and that a tree be planted for

each one taken out.


When you traveled in Turkey you saw miles and miles of young forests

on the hill sides. The school children and military and many civic

organizations here spend X number of days per year in reforestation

projects .. there are more forests in Turkey today than there were

when I first came here in 1964!


> What we all need to protest about is the incompetent scientific

> community who on the one hand are trying to find ways to reduce global

> warming, while on the other hand allowing other scientists to promote

> technologies that do the reverse. These scientists often rely on the

> tax payer to fund their activities via Universities, therefore you

> have a direct influence via your politicians if you choose to use it.


Today I commented on a blog regarding the interrogation of Kyle

Sampson (Department of Justice) by Sen. Diane Fienstein (D-Cal) ..

I wrote: " Integrity is to politicians as virtue is to whores. It

matters not which political party a politician claims to represent ..

the most we can hope to see from them is an occasional action that is

in the best interests of the USA .. IF .. it is also in their own best

interests. " I'm not sure how we can change this .. too many vested

interests .. even among voters.


> The recent IFRA debate over fragrances is a great example of one group

> of University educated scientists NOT taking into account

> environmental issues. Also, the recent incompetent research claiming

> estrogenic activity from essential oils in products. All coming from

> a research unit partially funded by the drug companies whose only

> interest is pushing synthetic products.


I think the IFRA has openly sold out .. and I think it was easy for

them to do this because it makes their job easier .. its a win-win

situation for them.


> Martin Watt

> http://www.aromamedical.com


Y'all keep smiling. :-) Butch http://www.AV-AT.com



> " Butch Owen " <butchbsi wrote:


>>Maybe the main problem we have in the world today is too many people

>>with too many demands .. and too many others wanting to see that those

> demands are met ...

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