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OT: The Future of the United States of America - We Must Decide - LONG Part II

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Hey Dave .. other good folks ..


>>Multiculturalism is a good thing but there are logical limits. I'm as

>>much against dominance of the Christian Right and the Atheist Left in

>>America as I am against the Islamic Fundamentalist movement. Our

>>Nation should not be dominated by religious dogma of any kind. I am

>>totally for the ideas our Founding Fathers set forth in our

>>Constitution and Bill of Rights .. and with the modifications thereto

>>that have put into law concepts and practices that could not have been

>>foreseen by those Founding Fathers.


> [Dave:] Well said, and thank you for saying it. There is only one way

> this country is going to get back on track, and it means shutting

off our

> televisions among other things.


Thanks .. but maybe its not so good to turn the TVs off .. maybe its

better to give more attention to what is being watched. ;-)


>>No matter what spin one wants to put on it, it is stupid and harmful to

>>patronize requests for extreme behavior by people who come to the USA to

>>make a better life for themselves. If they want to benefit from being a

>>part of our system .. they must become a part of the system ..


> [Dave:] Agreed, but we also have the responsibility to be tolerant of

> different cultures. Why? Because it's expedient. There's a huge

> tension here.


Tolerant we should be .. but forced assimilation by foreign interests

is a bit more than we should tolerate .. and that is the plan!


> I have no problem for instance with every schoolchild learning Spanish,

> as long as every schoolchild learns English as well, and as long as


> are conducted in English. I care not whether it's the " official "


> or not, the fact is that it's the common language of our country, and

> if you want to live here you need to speak it. Period.


I have no problem with kids learning Swahili but I don't want to pay

taxes to hire teachers to teach them that language. Agree that folks

gotta speak English if they want to be successful in the U.S.A.


> I think every schoolchild should be required to learn the above two

> languages beginning in kindergarten, plus another elective language,


> Latin and Greek. Yeah, that'll happen.


I think Americans should know more than one language .. but I would

just as soon pay taxes to hire a teacher to teach Swahili as I would

to teach Greek or Latin .. all three are languages that we can do

without. ;-)


> We Americans are some of the most insular people in the world.

> There's nothing like having a common language to break down barriers.


True it is .. and that common language in the U.S.A. SHOULD BE

ENGLISH! Those who want to learn Spanish for business or political

reasons .. or those who want to learn Latin for medical reasons .. go

for it.


The common language world wide for international aviation is English.


>>I have read poll results showing that 90% - 95% of Americans think as

>>I do .. but somehow these poll results don't seem to be getting to

>>those who make the decisions.


> [Dave:] They're getting through, alright, and they're taking names.

> They have an agenda.


No doubt that the politicians have an agenda .. that agenda is kissing

the butts of as many groups as possible to earn their votes. The hard

job for representatives in areas with heavy Moslem populations is that

they have to choose between kissing the butts of the Moslems or

kissing the butts of the Jewish Lobby .. they can't do both .. though

there are a couple now who are trying and they are losing credibility



>>I believe that it is my right and duty (and for Americans in general)

>>to do what we can to counter (by whatever means necessary) those who,

>>with evil intent, wish to interfere with those around them. I have

>>acted to counter such things many times and I will continue to do so.


> [Dave:] I've believed this all my life. There are some uncomfortable

> choices on the horizon. There are some real ugly forces rearing

> their heads in the world.


Yep .. there has always been a reality called EVIL!


Clipped the 9/11 conspiracy business. ;-)


> I can never forget is Christmas, 1993. We woke up and that old

devil that

> had been there all our lives, the Soviet Union was gone. Just gone,


> Of course it didn't happen in a vacuum and there were events leading up

> to it, but as far as the average American was concerned, it was like

> waking up from a dream, or being in one.


Sorta like 9/11 .. it was like being in a dream I reckon.


The biggest problem America had with the USSR was .. the Cold War

drove the need to waste a lot of money on arms and espionage/counter

espionage which tied us up and prevented us from giving attention to

other areas.


The average American and Soviet at that time feared mutual destruction.


> I'm concerned it could happen again.


Me too .. that is why I wrote the original post. This time its not a

matter of mutual destruction .. all the good cards are in the hands of

the Islamic Fundamentalists. We are forced to play with bad cards and

many rules .. they hold the Aces and are not bound by any rules except

that of winning.


This is the first time the U.S.A. has been directly threatened by a

foreign enemy .. on our own ground .. since the early beginnings of

our Nation .. when we fought the British. We were not in great danger

when the Spanish-American and Mexican-American Wars were fought .. or

during World Wars I or II .. or the Korean War .. or the Vietnam War.

Granted it is that the first wars against Spain and Mexico were a part

of the mentality of Nation Building at that time .. and the World Wars

we could not have stayed out of and still maintained our good will

with those nations that were under attack .. and the Korean War was in

response to a United Nations appeal .. but in none of those wars was

the U.S.A. directly threatened. The Vietnam War was all about better

to be Dead than Red .. or something like that.


The ending of the World Wars changed the history of the world for the

better .. and the fact that the Korean War was not won is the primary

cause of North Korea's idiotic antics even today .. but when the

U.S.A. pulled out of Vietnam and left those who had supported us to

the mercy of the North Vietnamese .. we started asking for trouble ..

and we continued to ask for it during the last 30 years .. more so

during the last 15 years (prior to 9/11) when we were hit over 25

times and did absolutely nothing to show Islamic Terrorists that they

could not hit American interests and soldiers whenever they felt like

it .. we tolerated too much and all of this has been repeated more

than once by Osama and others as proof that the U.S.A. is easy .. so

they decided to test us a bit more on 9/11 and it backfired on them ..

and on us.


Now they are testing us further .. they are testing to see just how

far they can go in legally making changes to American society!

Penetrations of this sort are a typical and classical military

strategy! The less we do .. the more danger we will face and the

stronger will become Militant Islam!


Some European countries are waking up now .. they have had to make

some tough calls because they were tested and could not allow those

who were testing to succeed. Some made (in my opinion) bad calls ..

Spain folded under pressure when they were told to not play in

Afghanistan and Iraq and the terrorists would not harm them on their

homeland. Austria and Germany and England were likewise threatened

but they did not fold.


On 19 March 2007, the AP reported that in response to a complaint on

Islamic dress in school, " The British government said Tuesday that

schools can ban students from wearing Muslim veils if teachers believe

they affect safety, security or pupils' learning. " This was a result

of " Britain's highest appeals court ruled a year ago that a school

acted properly in refusing to allow a student to wear a jilbab -- a

long, flowing gown covering all her body except her hands and face.

The school said the clothing item was not permitted under school policy. "


I read the German newspapers on line .. many German journalists are

warning of the Islamization of Germany. One recently wrote an article

that is not different than many others being written there .. he

stated, " Germany is turning Moslem. Young Europeans who love freedom

had better emigrate. Europe as we know it will no longer exist 20

years from now. " He urged young folks to move to Australia or New



He went on .. " The number of Muslims in contemporary Europe is

estimated to be 50 million. It is expected to double in twenty years.

By 2025, one third of all European children will be born to Muslim

families. Today Mohammed is already the most popular name for

new-born boys in Brussels, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and other major

European cities. "


Another wrote.. " When faith collapses, civilization goes with it.

That is the real cause of the closing of civilization in Europe.

Islamization is simply the consequence. The very word Islam means

" submission " and the secularists have submitted already. Many

Europeans have already become Muslims, though they do not realize it

or do not want to admit it. People who are not prepared to resist and

are eager to submit, hate others who do not want to submit and are

prepared to fight. They hate them because they are afraid that the

latter will endanger their lives as well. In their view everyone must



This is why they have come to hate Israel and America so much, and the

small band of European " Islamophobes " who dare to talk about what they

see happening around them. West Europeans have to choose between

submission (Islam) or death. I fear that they have chosen submission

- like in former days when they preferred to be red rather than dead. "


Another wrote .. " The number of emigrants leaving the Netherlands and

Germany has already surpassed the number of those moving in. One does

not have to be prophetic to predict that Europe is becoming Islamic.

Just consider the demographics. "


Three articles from the German Spiegal ..






France's five million Muslims make up 8% of the French population,

Europe's largest Islamic minority. The French are finally waking up

but it took a few nights of " Burn Baby Burn " for them to accept that

they had a problem. Then following on to that was the vicious attack

of a male gynecologist by a French Moslem .. because he examined the

man's wife after she had given birth. Another test of the system but

a Paris Court jailed the man for six months.


On 22 March 2007, Reuters reported that the French courts decided

against a group who had sued media for publication of the so-called

" Mohammed Cartoons. " They wrote: " The court said the cartoons

published by the weekly Charlie Hebdo were covered by freedom of

expression laws and did not constitute an attack on Islam in general

but fundamentalists. " I salute the French for this decision!


A clip was recently shown on the web site of The Middle East Media

Research Institute of a video cartoon produced in Iran that shows a

Nazi Swastika growing into the Jewish Star of David. No complaints

have been made .. at least none that I am aware of.


One writer wrote: " A British study reported in January states,

" Research by Policy Exchange (an independent think tank) found that

young British Muslims were much more likely to be influenced by a

political form of Islam than by their parents. " And .. " The study

found 37 percent of 16-24-year-old Muslims would prefer to live under

Islamic Sharia law than under British law compared to just 17 percent

of those aged over 55. " And .. " There was far greater support for

exhibiting their religious identity in public with 74 percent of young

Muslims preferring women to wear a veil or hijab compared to 28

percent of the older generation. " And .. " Thirteen percent of those

aged 16-24 also agreed with the statement that they " admire

organizations like al Qaeda that are prepared to fight the West " as

opposed to just 3 percent in the 55 and over age bracket. " WOW!!!!


A poll reported on 26 February 2007 .. " The Gallup poll (which

surveyed 10,000 Muslims in 10 different countries) revealed that the

wealthier and better educated Muslims are, the more likely they are to

be politically radical. So if you believe that anti-Western sentiment

is an expression of poverty and deprivation, think again. Even more

perplexingly, Islamists are more supportive of democracy than Muslim

moderates. **** The richer these people get, the more they favor

radical Islamism. And they see democracy as a way of putting the

radicals into power. "


That poll went on to say .. " One in four Indians, two out of five

Egyptians and one out of every two Pakistanis favor a nuclear-armed

Iran. A third of Britons, half of all Indians and three quarters of

Egyptians welcomed the success of Hamas in last year's Palestinian

elections. "


The Australians have been extremely clear in their position that they

will not tolerate the hate speeches by the top Islamic clerics in Oz.


The British have fought a war with Choudary and Al-Mahajiroun and

those other clerics who spoke out against democracy and advocated

Sharia Law for Britain .. and who attempted to recruit young British

Moslems by promising them great things in the Hereafter if the

martyred themselves in the name of Islam.


Beginning this past February, Canada has softened somewhat on their

anti-Terror measures .. but they are still alert to the potential

dangers because shortly after their lawmakers allowed an anti-Terror

law to expire, they were tested by an 11 year old girl who demanded to

play football while wearing her hijab. It is doubtful that this young

girl was too concerned about that .. she was being used by those who

have plans to test the systems.


Even Egypt cracked down on the Muslim Brotherhood after they began to

test the system there.


Italy, on the other hand, has created a precedent by releasing 5

Taliban in exchange for an Italian journalist, Daniele Mastrogiacomo,

held hostage by the Taliban. Italian Prime Minister Roman Prodi was

quoted as saying it was a simple issue of saving a life. Such

concessions to Terrorists are bound to result in more kidnappings.


Back to the Koran and Political Islam .. you might wanna check this

out: Islam: The Facade and the Facts by Abdullah Al Araby .. at this

link http://www.islamreview.com/articles/facade.shtml


Particularly, pay attention to some of the lessor known teachings of

Islam .. teachings that Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the creator of the

modern Republic of Turkey outlawed when he built the nation from the

ashes of the Ottoman Empire .. the previous seat of Islam.


I will close by saying that:


1. There are probably as many Moderate Moslems as there are

Westerners who fear Radical Political and Fundamental Islam.


2. I don't understand how a logical person could believe that there

will be a peaceful ending to the attempts by Political and Fundamental

Islamists to convert and control the West!


I fear their sly, covert moves more than I do a direct attack on the

U.S.A. .. because the former is happening on a grand scale even now in

Europe .. and though to a lessor degree in the conservative U.S.A., it

will continue unless folks wake up and smell the coffee. The latter,

on the other hand, would be a very costly wake up call .. but it would

get folks off their butts .. again.


Y'all keep smiling. :-) Butch

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