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OT: The Future of the United States of America - We Must Decide - LONG Part II

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I just wanted to stand up for those who are born again Christians and

have a brain, but yet stand up for things like: the environment,

wildlife (and not so wild) dirty politicians, thoughtless people. I

am one of the most active people I know in the realm of politics and

activism and yet i attend I Baptist church on Sundays. I consider

myself to be extremely open-minded and non-judgemental of other

religions. I like that what I do for a living attracts all sorts of

very interesting people from all different backgrounds. I am from an

area of the country where people love to push any liberal agenda they

can. I consider myself to be more " liberal " and yet I have never,

never enjoyed having things pushed on me in aggressive way. I

understand the point of these posts and that they weren't meant to

tear apart Christians. You need to understand that negative phrasing

accomplishes that without your original intentions.


I did not join this group to hear those particular things about the

" Christian Right " . I understand that most people use this term

loosely, but I get a little tired of hearing it because there are

many of us who are Christian and want to stop that slamming. I

signed up to learn from other people in this field. I am a little

insulted by it. I understand and do appreciate the ability to speak

up and out.


If these types of discussions are going to happen here, I would

appreciate that everyone's religion (far right, far left or Religious

" Right " or Left) be respected. This is all I will say on this.

Please just be aware that not everyone feels the exact same way and

no inferences to negative Christian slams, I feel, should be made.



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Nikki Sherritt

4/3/2007 9:22:42 AM


OT: The Future of the United States of America -

We Must Decide - LONG Part II





If these types of discussions are going to happen here, I would

appreciate that everyone's religion (far right, far left or Religious

" Right " or Left) be respected. This is all I will say on this.

Please just be aware that not everyone feels the exact same way and

no inferences to negative Christian slams, I feel, should be made.




One thing that all humans have in common.... They have a tendency to hang

on to the past. Trying to right the wrongs of yester year. Pagan against

Christians, Blacks against white, Muslims against christians (Us against

them... what ever group you are in there is usually a group that is thought

to be " them " )... Until we as humans realize the past is just that.... The

past, quit leaving our consciousness and our emotional energy with the past,

learn from it without getting emotional about it and move forward to more

loving understanding of people and their percieved faults will we all get

along. We are all humans... Lets start there. We all admit we think we

are not perfect, and if someone wants to rant and rave and pitch a fit and

moan about Religious or other wrongs... Let em.. they're wasting their

energy on saying something rather than doing something... Sometimes yelling

gets someones attention, but more often than not doing something has staying

power. Do be tolerant. Do understand that not every one is coming from

where you are coming from and it is there perogative to " piss and moan " if

they want to. You can either ignore it, or let your heavenly spirit

twisted in knots because you do not believe the way they believe, or you

could do something about changing their minds like offering to host a pagan

holiday at your house (just a suggestion... I think Jesus would have loved

to have pagan people at his house.).






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Hey Nikki and all - To tell the truth, I am tired of any and all groups that

would place themselves above and beyond any other group to the other groups

detriment period. It's about time we all recognized that in spite of our

differing faiths and belief systems, we are all only human beings. Let's try

and find the things that join us together rather than separate us.

Namaste, Lynette of Terralyn - Bath, Body, Spirit

Reading Terminal Market

Philadelphia, PA terralyn27



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I Nikki,


I don't think anyone was slamming Christians .. unless they are over the

top fanatics .. and like any over the top fanatic, regardless of the

religion they are fanatical about, they should be slammed. The negative

phrasing is their doing, not the one bringing their negative actions to

the attention of folks. Pointing out that one is talking about a certain

fringe element of a group of people actually keeps the sane ones safe

from being categorized with the loonies!


Now, some folks are probably going to start writing to me about shutting

down this thread .. and I might soon ... but for the moment I'm letting

it go on because while it is off topic, and " political " in nature, it is

an important subject.


Just today I heard about how some schools in Europe aren't teaching the

Holocaust anymore cause it might offend the creeps who deny it happened.

Now personally I find THAT not only offensive but dangerous!



When we forget the mistakes of the past we are doomed to repeat them ..

and boy oh boy we are freakin' doomed - and its by choice!



Chris (list mom)




Nikki Sherritt wrote:

> I just wanted to stand up for those who are born again Christians and

> have a brain, but yet stand up for things like: the environment,

> wildlife (and not so wild) dirty politicians, thoughtless people. I

> am one of the most active people I know in the realm of politics and

> activism and yet i attend I Baptist church on Sundays. I consider

> myself to be extremely open-minded and non-judgemental of other

> religions. I like that what I do for a living attracts all sorts of

> very interesting people from all different backgrounds. I am from an

> area of the country where people love to push any liberal agenda they

> can. I consider myself to be more " liberal " and yet I have never,

> never enjoyed having things pushed on me in aggressive way. I

> understand the point of these posts and that they weren't meant to

> tear apart Christians. You need to understand that negative phrasing

> accomplishes that without your original intentions.


> I did not join this group to hear those particular things about the

> " Christian Right " . I understand that most people use this term

> loosely, but I get a little tired of hearing it because there are

> many of us who are Christian and want to stop that slamming. I

> signed up to learn from other people in this field. I am a little

> insulted by it. I understand and do appreciate the ability to speak

> up and out.


> If these types of discussions are going to happen here, I would

> appreciate that everyone's religion (far right, far left or Religious

> " Right " or Left) be respected. This is all I will say on this.

> Please just be aware that not everyone feels the exact same way and

> no inferences to negative Christian slams, I feel, should be made.


> Nikki


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I understand the point of his post as a whole. I was talking

specifically about the use of " bull shit " and " Christian Right " and

other negative terms that aren't necessary when trying to get a point

like this across (and it is an important topic). I am a member of

ACLU, Environmental Defense Fund, International Fund For Wildlife,

HSUS and many other Orgs. This is how I rant: through these

organizations and through my Senator and Reps. I just thought that

if we are going to get into these types of discussions that

respecting everyone who might be reading is important (people confuse

respect and fear of insulting too much these days). I think we all

just have to be careful in that we really , really want a forum to be

heard, but yet we don't check how negatively things are said. We can

say things intelligently and without having to walk on egg shells. I

don't muzzle myself, but I sure do pick and choose the places I rant

because sometimes it is just ranting and doesn't win over anyone.

Whether you are Pagan, Atheist, Baptist, Catholic. It doesn't matter

to me here. I just want to learn from other people in my field and I

thought that this forum was about that.....not mainly politics.

There are many, many other places to talk about these issues

respectfully and positively. My point was to not " shut down " someone

else's opinion; just thought maybe it could be done elsewhere while

we talk about how to grow our businesses and learn great things!


I am a newbie here and I am not the moderator. Just my 2 1/2 cents.

I am done with this topic and look forward to info on other's

businesses, oils, herbs, etc. Thank you Chris!



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Chris, You are showing so much thought and wisdom for such a young

woman! Some do need to get their wakeup call in a different fomat

occasionally - nix the ostrich synderome of buring your head in the

sand til its over. Nowadays.......that may be too late. Thanks for

not shutting this thread down too soon. Deb


, Christine Ziegler

<chrisziggy wrote:


> I Nikki,


> I don't think anyone was slamming Christians .. unless they are

over the

> top fanatics .. and like any over the top fanatic, regardless of


> religion they are fanatical about, they should be slammed. The


> phrasing is their doing, not the one bringing their negative

actions to

> the attention of folks. Pointing out that one is talking about a


> fringe element of a group of people actually keeps the sane ones


> from being categorized with the loonies!


> Now, some folks are probably going to start writing to me about


> down this thread .. and I might soon ... but for the moment I'm


> it go on because while it is off topic, and " political " in nature,

it is

> an important subject.


> Just today I heard about how some schools in Europe aren't

teaching the

> Holocaust anymore cause it might offend the creeps who deny it


> Now personally I find THAT not only offensive but dangerous!




> When we forget the mistakes of the past we are doomed to repeat

them ..

> and boy oh boy we are freakin' doomed - and its by choice!


> *Sigh*

> Chris (list mom)

> http://www.alittleolfactory.com



> Nikki Sherritt wrote:

> > I just wanted to stand up for those who are born again

Christians and

> > have a brain, but yet stand up for things like: the


> > wildlife (and not so wild) dirty politicians, thoughtless

people. I

> > am one of the most active people I know in the realm of politics


> > activism and yet i attend I Baptist church on Sundays. I


> > myself to be extremely open-minded and non-judgemental of other

> > religions. I like that what I do for a living attracts all

sorts of

> > very interesting people from all different backgrounds. I am

from an

> > area of the country where people love to push any liberal agenda


> > can. I consider myself to be more " liberal " and yet I have


> > never enjoyed having things pushed on me in aggressive way. I

> > understand the point of these posts and that they weren't meant


> > tear apart Christians. You need to understand that negative


> > accomplishes that without your original intentions.

> >

> > I did not join this group to hear those particular things about


> > " Christian Right " . I understand that most people use this term

> > loosely, but I get a little tired of hearing it because there


> > many of us who are Christian and want to stop that slamming. I

> > signed up to learn from other people in this field. I am a


> > insulted by it. I understand and do appreciate the ability to


> > up and out.

> >

> > If these types of discussions are going to happen here, I would

> > appreciate that everyone's religion (far right, far left or


> > " Right " or Left) be respected. This is all I will say on


> > Please just be aware that not everyone feels the exact same way


> > no inferences to negative Christian slams, I feel, should be


> >

> > Nikki

> >


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Chris, You are showing so much thought and wisdom for such a young

woman! Thanks for

not shutting this thread down too soon. Deb


[Dave:] I just wanted to echo that. I know this thread can only go so far,

but you’re right: it’s an important topic.



> Nikki Sherritt wrote:

> > I just wanted to stand up for those who are born again

Christians and

> > have a brain,

> > I

> > am one of the most active people I know in the realm of politics


> > activism and yet i attend I Baptist church on Sundays. I


> > myself to be extremely open-minded and non-judgemental


[Dave:] Nikki, it sounds like you’re one of the ones that gets it. In

every Faith there are wonderful and appalling people and schools of thought.

For all the discussion of the dangers of extremist Islam, extremists are in

every Faith and they are all dangerous. Torching women’s clinics is also a

form of terrorism. I don’t think anyone was talking smack about all

Christians or all Muslims. I think they were trying to bring up important

points about the stuff that’s going on in the world today. I want to

apologize if anything I said offended you. My only thought about other

religions is, if you’re a Christian, be the best you can be, ditto if you’re

Muslim or Buddhist or Zoroastrian or whatever.






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Let's try and find the things that join us together rather than separate us.

Namaste, Lynette


[Dave:] The amazing thing is, when we do this we discover that what we have

in common is more than what keeps us apart.






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(..-. I think Jesus would have loved

to have pagan people at his house.).


[Dave:] I do, too.






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Okay I am going to chime in here - I am new to this group, following this thread

and have to mention that Jesus made it a point to hang out with the sinners,

prostitutes and such - they were/are the ones who need Him most! All we can do

is love one another no matter what our differences, as difficult as that may be

at times, and continue to pray for peace for all nations.


Happy day! Heidi


-------------- Original message ----------------------

" David Lambert " <dlmbrt

> (..-. I think Jesus would have loved

> to have pagan people at his house.).


> [Dave:] I do, too.



> --



> Version: 7.5.446 / Virus Database: 268.18.25/743 - Release 4/2/2007

> 4:24 PM




> --



> Version: 7.5.446 / Virus Database: 268.18.25/745 - Release 4/3/2007

> 12:48 PM





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