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Safety of New Essential Oils ** Was: Lemon Tea Tree and Lemon Myrtle and Boomer

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Howdy Holly,


> Hi Virginia, Butch and everyone,


> Your right, new Australian essential oils are popping up left, right

and centre!

> Hopefully over the years to come there will be more testing and

safety data!


Good Lawd Willing .. cause I would like to offer some of them .. and

even prior to dermatological and toxilogial testing .. if there comes

a time that there is enough empiracal evidence to support safety .. I

will offer some of them. Truth is, few new oils will add to the

therapeutic armory we have .. most will duplicate other tested and

proven safe oils. But they are great for perfumers or for diffusing

and such.


> Firstly I would like to state this is not an ad, nor am I affiliated

with the

> following company. The following website may be of interest, a

Western Australian

> company (Paperbark Oils) specialising in some of our native local


> I'm not sure if they sell directly to the public, however I have a

number of their

> oils purchased from good health food shops. Their Honey Myrtle is

delicious and

> reminds me of wandering through sand dunes on my way to the beach.

The Fragrant

> Agonis is simply lovely! Butch, Paperbark Oils state they have GCMS


> available for their oils.

> http://www.paperbarkoils.com.au/index.html


Thanks .. I might get a few samples from someone who deals in EO in

Oz. As for a GC/MS (Gas Chromatographic/Mass Spectometry) test ..

good it is and its my opinion that all oils should have this analyusis

to ensure purity and quality .. all of mine do but (for new folks who

might not know) few can tell us a thing about safety from a GC/MS.


As for MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) .. purely a CYA document ..

nothing can be learned about safe use from this generic sheet of

paper. It is designed to tell firefighters and transporters how to

take care of accidental spills and/or fires, etc.


Neither of these documents are intended to provide such information

but we will often read someone saying they know this and that about an

oil because they have a copy of the MSDS. The CYA folks in the EU and

most hospitals and such in the USA require that one be on file. If

there is a spill then it can be of some assistance .. if a fire breaks

out folks are not gonna run to the filing cabinet to pull out an MSDS,

shuffle through the documents, find one that pertains to a particular

oil (that might be burning) and figure out how to fight it. ;-)


Since we know we're not gonna run around looking for an MSDS if we get

splashed by an EO .. we wash the eyes with copius amounts of fresh

water and we do NOT .. do NOT .. use milk or vegetable oil. If its on

the skin .. we wash with lots of soap and water. If its ingested ..

as with any other chemical that has any degree of toxcity .. we do NOT

induce vomiting. We drink water and seek medical advice. If spilled,

we don't sop it up without using gloves .. if the odor is heavy in the

air we get the heck out of the area and breath fresh air. We continue

to use Common Sense and after we are finished .. we go get the MSDS

and read it. If we don't have an MSDS we then oughta copy one of the

many generic ones all over the Net .. just in case the EPA or OSHA or

some other Monday Morning Quarterback with little to do decides to

come around and try to mess with us. End of Class on MSDS 101. ;-)


> Also, the following book is well recommended:

> Mark A Webb, Bush Sense, Australian Essential Oil's & Aromatic


> Grigffin Press, Adelaide. http://www.bush-sense.com/


I know Mark .. I like Mark .. Mark is a smart feller .. and Mark has

some opinions that I can't share. This is true with anyone who has

published anything .. including my Limey buddy, Martin Watt. ;-)


> Funnily enough when I had a quick search for Mark Webb's website, I


> across this website of Tony Burfield's which I thought might be of

interest -

> Tony's corrections with regard to many well known Aromatherapy books.




It is easier to critique a book or film than it is to write or create

one .. but when one does publish they must be prepared for critiques.

Tony was being kind .. or he hasn't had enough time to get to them all

yet. ;-) Some are missing that should be condemned .. there is no way

to go through them page by page and correct them. I started with one

on Hydrosols and had 4 pages written up prior to getting to page 40.

Then I decided that since the misinformation was just that .. and in

no way was it harmful .. I didn't really give a crap .. so I went to

the Pub and had a few beers. ;-)


> Warm regards

> Holly

> (another West Aussie!)


Yes ma'am .. and you .. y'all have a good one.


And keep smiling. :-) Butch http://www.AV-AT.com



>>On the subject of Aussie oils - have you sniffed Blue Cypress -

>>Callitris intratropica. Absolutely beautiful oil.


> .. there are new oils popping up here and there .. the problem is ..

> there is no safety data on them. New oils are popping up cause folks

> found that an aromatic will produce an EO .. which I reckon is good

> for perfumery, etc., but its kinda tricky to sell something that folks

> might put on their skin in the absense of any safety data. If someone

> writes me about such as oil I can't give them any warm fuzzies. ;-)


> Was a time we could count on the IFRA to eventually collect or

> generate safety data but now that they are selling out to the

> synthetic folks and the EU is trying to restrict so many oils it looks

> like there might be a slow down in that area.

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On this note of Indigenous plants.

I wonder if anyone can give me any idea about the big truffles I find around

here. They are only in a small area that I have noticed around the base of

certain spruce looking trees I gather might be indigenous she oak or as I

had thought a second species of mistletoe.

These truffles are uncovered by Wildlife generally.

The first one I found I had brought home for some reason thinking it was

actually a ball of dung. I realised it wasn't and left it on he veranda for

quite a while, broken open, trying to remember what I was looking at.

Much larger than the white truffle or even the black truffle I have seen

from Europe and worked with, in food.


Some research has shown that there is an native truffle and it is the sole

food of the Numbat (I think it is) which are dwindling in numbers rapidly

due to development.


Anyway I babble, I wonder if I could get truffle oil!









" Butch Owen " <butchbsi


Saturday, April 21, 2007 1:19 PM

Safety of New Essential Oils ** Was: Lemon Tea

Tree and Lemon Myrtle and Boomer



> Howdy Holly,


>> Hi Virginia, Butch and everyone,


>> Your right, new Australian essential oils are popping up left, right

> and centre!

>> Hopefully over the years to come there will be more testing and

> safety data!



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