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Blue Cypress (Callitris intratopica) - Assessment Certificate

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Hey Virginia,


> Hi Butch,

> It is my understanding Blue Cypress is TGA registered (for use in

> arthritis I think), but I can't seem to find the details.

> Here are some links that may (or may not) be of interest.


Thanking you I am for this information. :-)


> http://tinyurl.com/3y25mb


For the Americans .. TGA means Therapeutic Goods Association, a part

of the Australian Department of Health.


As for the above URL .. the Assessment .. this is better than nothing

and they did good by submitting for it .. but it is also a document

that doesn't tell us a lot .. not sure if anything will tell us a lot

without actual skin testing using human subjects.


And since this data is 10 years old .. I wonder if they have not been

able to narrow it down a bunch since then. If its used in commercial

cosmetics, etc., then odds are there is real world data available.


Comments on the Assessment:


Evaluation of Toxicological Data .. the LD 50 rate is acceptable ..

skin irritation is also .. skin sensitization, however, is something

that needs to be narrowed down .. like narrowed way down.


A guinea pig is more likely to show different effects from an oil than

would a human .. and the method of application was such that one would

normally expect a problem .. 50% on a shaved area and then covered

with a gauze patch .. this is asking for problems and I'm not sure

what they hoped to show by that? If they were looking to see if

Absorption would occur and result in Toxicity .. then the test was a

good one.


As for Irritation .. their conclusion was that Blue Cypress is a Skin

Irritant .. and effects diminish after x number of days, etc., which

is the classic description of all irritants .. the effects will

diminish after the irritant is removed.


As for Sensitization .. the test tells us little (in my opinion)

because of the method of application. Neat application applied on a

patch to abraded skin? Then 40% of the group developed Sensitization.

That is not a surprising result .. odds are that if applied in the

same manner, sensitization would also occur with many EO that are

considered low of non-sensitizing.


Paragraph 9.4 .. The conclusions show that the oil " would be

classified as Hazardous in relation to Skin Irritation and Skin

Sensitization " according to method of test conducted. I don't see

this data as being applicable to real world because nobody would even

consider applying it in such a manner. But it is good Gummit CYA.


Paragraph 12 .. (second portion) is a typical Gummit CYA statement ..

means little in the real world!


Paragraph 13 .. (first seven bullet sub-paragraphs) are even more

standard Gummit CYA.


Paragraph 13 .. Department of Health and Human Services recommendation

on notification for products exceeding 1% dilution .. a typical

totally useless, cover the butt type Gummit statement .. we could

maybe get the same recommendation from a drunk in an alley and it

would be just as accurate. It means .. " we don't know what to say so

we are going to cover our butt with this statement. " ;-)


Paragraph 15 .. this says that the monkey is still on the back of the

one submitting the data and if any problems occur they gotta start

over from Step One.


> http://tinyurl.com/2ze2og


The above is a 161 page document from the Australian Rural Development

branch of the government .. and though I didn't take the time to read

it, I'm pretty sure they are into promotion of agricultural products

rather than dealing with safety issues .. I think they leave that up

to other government agencies to deal with.


> http://www.bluecypress.com/products_uses.htm


The above is private and commercial. We can draw from it what we want.


> Virginia


I like the odor of Blue Cypress .. and I thank you for this information.


My take on this is .. I would like to offer Blue Cypress EO (Callitris

intratopica) and might offer it .. but if I do, in the absense of more

information I would have to go with a recommendation that it not be

used in dilution larger than 1%.


If anyone has more info on this oil .. it would be appreciated.


Y'all have a good one .. and keep smiling. :-)


Butch http://www.AV-AT.com

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