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Global Warming - Realities in Reducing Same ** Was: Rain Forest Fossils Probe

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Hi Ien .. other good folks ..


My comments are not related to what we should or should not do to TRY

to reduce Global Warming .. but merely to point out that the solutions

some " experts " propose to combat Global Warming are not without cost,

nor have they been studied to a point that experts without political

agendas can say for sure that they will be effective or that they will

justify the negative effects of those efforts.


Sometimes we find that a dose of reality is in order. One realism is

that there are agendas left and right of center.


> The whole climate change debate reminds me of Pascal's

> wager: why not believe, since it won't harm you any and

> it just might save your soul. If you are wrong, and

> death is just oblivion after all, you'll never know.


True it is that just believing won't harm us .. unless we get wrapped

around the axle and things don't go the way we believe they should ..

then we can become another of the many disenchanted, frustrated,

unhappy souls on Earth. But believing can be harmful if we take

improper actions based on belief rather than on what is really the

situation. Then we can weaken our country(s) even more than we are

doing now.


> Apart from the fact that ol' Blaise adhered to a form of

> religion that sucked a lot of joy out of life, and that he

> never explained why one should pick his particular form of

> belief, the idea had merit.


> So, when it comes to Global Warming as man-made: Earth and

> Sun have danced a lot of dances and made some interesting

> turns before. It may well be that our input is not the

> deciding factor.


Right! Maybe our efforts will be in vain. But Wrong as it pertains

to the possible repercussions and costs of our actions to do this.


> But what if it is? What do we have to lose by cleaning

> up our act before we choke on our own wastes?


What we (the USA) have to lose is Billions and Billions and Billions

of dollars .. this applies to the EU and other civilized countries ..

plus reducing our nations capability to respond to threats other than

Global Warming. And while we are doing this, other major contributors

to Global Warming (like China and Russia and many others) will have

everything to gain and nothing to lose because they will not spend one

Yuan or one Ruble to combat what may or may not be something we can

affect in the first place. They will just sit back and watch us

reduce our strength while they consolidate theirs.


Contrary to how we wish it were .. equality is a pipe dream. The

civilized world has long critized China on human rights violations,

their test of anti-satellite weapons, their military buildup, their

policy of forced abortion, their support of ruthless regimes, and

repatriation of North Korean refugees in violation of international

law. China plans a 17.8% increase in its military budget for the next

financial year .. not sure who their target is though I could make an

educated guess. I am sure they are not willing to reduce that budget

to fight Global Warming. China will hold on to authoritative Communism

until they are forced to do otherwise. From a pragmatic point they

will smile and do business as required but those who deal with them

must watch their backs .. and their money.


Same goes for the totally authoritarian actions of Russian leadership.

Using fake evidence and testimony from intimidated witnesses to get a

quick guilty verdict on anyone seen as a threat to the " regime " or the

" family " , mysterious deaths of dissidents, hiking energy costs and

cutting off supplies to others in order to intimidate/control,

smashing previously won democratic reforms, centralizing power and

reinstituting authoritarian rule, curtailing freedoms and reclaiming

parts of the economy and all of the media to state control (Russia is

second only to Iraq in the number of journalists killed in the last 5

years), holding corrupt elections, and the above merely touches the

tip of the iceberg. Russian elite authorities have nostalgia for the

pre-bankrupt Soviet era but its not Communism they hold to now .. its

Putinism, which translates to a return to greatness for the Russian



To expect the major behavior changes that would be needed from those

countries to combat Global Warming is unrealistic because they would

be inconsistent with their immediate and long term goals .. they are

not changes we should expect to see. Chinese and Russian leaders

don't care about their own people .. they are both driven by plans to

increase the wealth of their empires .. so should not expect them to

throw money at hypothetical problems when those funds will detract

from their long-term financial plans to achieve goals on the home front.


Is the West willing to play the role of Martyr based on supposition?


I have an article that states a group of scientists (who DO support

the opinion that man is partially responsible for Global Warming) are

very concerned about manmade efforts to combat it and change the

environment. They discuss what some of the downsides to such efforts

would/could be. Basically, they say we should not screw with Mama

Nature in the first place and trying to Unscrew what we have done

might well cause even more problems.


I know that the first comback some folks will think of is like " what

is difficultor dangerous about reducing emissions " , etc. If the

answer is that simple then we would have to assume that this group of

scientists are blooming idiots!


Also .. though the next post I will send (on rice) is new and this

group of scientists might not have considered it .. odds are that each

week we are going to see more and more evidence of various things that

contribute to Global Warming .. things that we are not really prepared

to deal with.


Bottom line .. long have military folks known that simple solutions to

difficult problems are usually wrong solutions. Mama Nature has ways

of working things out .. might be we don't like the way She does it

but She does NOT care what we think .. mankind is but a single grain

of sand on a timeless beach. Humans (as we are now) will pass just as

all before us have passed .. and we will be studied by some form of

intelligent life someday .. a form that will most likely not resemble

us in any way.


I'll search for that article .. its maybe 3-4 months old and is

somewhere in my enormous archive of Humma-Humma.


Finally, though the initial push for fighting Global Warming was a

left of center thing .. we can see some other issues that were first

championed by those left of center .. like Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

and such. But now we see that the little left leaning folks still

speak with the same tongue they started with .. but the elected left

leaners are modifying their positions to fit various polls we see out

and about .. a norm in representational forms of government .. the

point is .. there are still many scientists who have not bought into

the claim that man can do a lot to combat Global Warming .. and as

these folks get their scientific thoughts together they will present

new information that will counter many of the hypotheses that are now

considered to be Sacred Cows .. at that time, we will see whatever

government that is in power .. in the USA and in Europe .. paying more

attention to the polls and giving less attention to those who claim

the Earth is doomed!


> Ien in the Kootenays

> http://freegreenliving.com


Y'all keep smiling. :-) Butch http://www.AV-AT.com

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Butch wrote:


I have an article that states a group of scientists (who DO support

the opinion that man is partially responsible for Global Warming) are

very concerned about manmade efforts to combat it and change the

environment. They discuss what some of the downsides to such efforts

would/could be. Basically, they say we should not screw with Mama

Nature in the first place and trying to Unscrew what we have done

might well cause even more problems.>


Good Earth yes! The idea that scientists start messing around

with sensitive feedback systems that we only half understand is

terrifying. Franken-planet!



Ien in the Kootenays




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The idea that scientists start messing around

with sensitive feedback systems that we only half understand is

terrifying. Franken-planet¶


[Dave:] Well, they’re doing it. What do you think the effect of 7 or 8

years of chemtrail spraying will be in the long run? I don’t know what

they’re spraying or why, but I’ve taken over 1,200 photos of jets spraying

those drippy oily clouds. Who knows what the long-term results of

genetically modifying out food crops will be? The residues from

antibacterial soaps alone are starting to destroy the food chain from the

bottom up in our creeks and lakes. I think our grandkids will live in a

very different world.







Version: 7.5.467 / Virus Database: 269.6.2/787 - Release 5/3/2007 2:11







Version: 7.5.467 / Virus Database: 269.6.2/787 - Release 5/3/2007 2:11






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, " David Lambert " <dlmbrt



> The idea that scientists start messing around

> with sensitive feedback systems that we only half understand is

> terrifying. Franken-planet¶


> [Dave:] Well, they're doing it. What do you think the effect of

7 or 8

> years of chemtrail spraying will be in the long run? I don't know


> they're spraying or why, but I've taken over 1,200 photos of jets


> those drippy oily clouds. Who knows what the long-term results of

> genetically modifying out food crops will be? The residues from

> antibacterial soaps alone are starting to destroy the food chain

from the

> bottom up in our creeks and lakes. I think our grandkids will

live in a

> very different world.




Yes Dave, if they can live at all...

Have you already heard of Global Deeming?

Well, this is the new fashion in Ecological disaster we produce.

Google it ans you'll see. It is astonishing.

It makes me want to know Venice,

Amsterdam Recife and other coastal cities as quick as possible.

I watched a documentary in Discovery Channel on Earth's Day and I

was shocked.

What shall we do?


Enjoy yourself during the weekend anyway

Ane* (from Brazil)
















> Version: 7.5.467 / Virus Database: 269.6.2/787 - Release Date:

5/3/2007 2:11

> PM






> Version: 7.5.467 / Virus Database: 269.6.2/787 - Release Date:

5/3/2007 2:11

> PM





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