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Global Warming – Prevention or Preparedness?

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From Earth Changes Media


Global Warming – Prevention or Preparedness?


By Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media



Feb 7, 2007 - 3:49:00 PM




The current conviction of thought coming from the global warming

enthusiast is that global warming can be prevented or lessened. Their

logic tells us if we just reduce or eliminate pollution---all will be



In fact, the global warming army wants you to spend billions (with a

b) on the theory of " no pollution – no global warming " . It is this

very issue as to the reason I have chosen to take on the task of

fighting this well organized global warming regime. Make no mistake,

what you see unfolding now is the " battle " of Hearts and Minds, but

mostly the battle over MONEY. So lets take a look at who is to gain

what ---


The first offense the global warming cabal uses to attack is the

scientists who they claim are paid by the petro-industry. First let

me assert now, that less than 5% of the global warming regimes' claims

have any relevance. It appears they have been successful in

convincing you that any credible scientist who is against their mantra

of -humans are to blame- must in fact be paid by oil company lobbyist.

This is a LIE.


Oh yes, our beloved Al Gore has just recently initiated yet another

attack plan " to shame " anyone who dissents from the support of global

warming. Here is what he said in a CNN interview on Tuesday: " the

Bush administration is now paying scientists to dispute global warming

since the administration can no longer argue against it. "


Well, I guess I can't blame Gore for using Bush's own manipulating

strategy. However, as much as I have disdain for the Bubba Bush

administration, I must point out to you the absolute LIE, which has

been placed in a most professionally polished manner of deception, the

following words---- " Can No Longer Argue " .


You know what; I think he really really meant it. No, I mean Gore is

telling all of us--- " No one can any longer argue " . Are you starting

to get the picture? Let me put it in other terms-----


" You are either with me, or you are with the polluters " . (Al Gore)


Now does it resonate with you? I sure hope so-----


So you ask— " Hey Mitch, if money is at the root of this battle, what do

the global warming soldiers get? " I'm glad you asked. Well, just

like in any war, they get what is commonly referred to as: `The Spoils

of War'. And what would that be? MONEY


There are billions of dollars on the line for global warming special

interest groups. Now that we have a new " evil doer " , we need to have

a " savior " . And who will be our new saviors? Well the global warming

regime of course. And how will they do it? By asking the government

for billions and billions of dollars in grants and research. I mean

we are facing an immediate and imminent threat, didn't you know that?


**An interesting twist will occur out of this " evil doer " vs " savior "

game plan. As I wrote almost two years ago, watch for the oil

industry itself to come forward announcing " new technology " to fight

the " evil doer " ---- " because we care " (Shell Oil).


But let's get back to the shining " White Knights " who have put on

their armor to save you from the evil ones. It may be sad for me to

say, and for you to hear, but lets do it anyway. Most of the

seemingly `pious' list of so-called global warming experts you see on

the IPCC list are in it for the holy buck. For the many who translate

this into your countries language, " buck " is an American slang word

for " money or dollar " . It goes something like this---- " no global

warming, no grants, no money " .


So now let me get to the point---


I will keep this short and direct--- There is only so much money to go

around. Each and every one of us will have to answer the following

ultimate questions below. For the sake of obvious argument, let us

say we all agree the world would be a better place to live with less

or no pollution. But that is not what global warming is about, now is

it? So lets move on to the real questions:


To support spending billions upon billions of dollars on the theory of

the global warming regime, you would have to answer " yes " to the

following questions.


- Prevention -


1) Do you believe so-called global warming (which is a made up name by

Hansen in 1988) is solely caused by humans?


2) Do you believe the stopping or reduction of human pollutants will

stop the current and future warming and cooling trends?


3) Do you believe we will see moderate weather i.e. hurricanes,

floods, tornadoes if pollution was to be stopped or reduced?


4) Do you believe the spending of billions and billions of dollars to

reduce pollution that our climate and weather will return to what it

was - lets say the 1960's?


5) In short, do you believe it prudent to spend the available US

treasure-chest on what the global warming regime believes is

" prevention " of extreme climate and weather conditions?



To support the `science of cycles' and the words of our ancestors

`ancient text', you would have to say " yes " to the following questions.


- Preparedness -


1) Do you believe the Earth has seen many warming and cooling trends

as it is today, and even at much greater variance in the past?


2) Do you believe we (the Earth) will see an escalation of natural

phenomena (earth changes) i. e. earthquakes, volcanoes, floods,

tornadoes, hurricanes in the coming years even if pollution is stopped

or reduced?


3) Do you believe our ancestors were accurate in telling us of today's

times and the escalation of natural phenomena?


4) Do you believe the Sun and other celestial events are the true

cause of warming and cooling trends?


5) In short, do you believe it prudent to spend the available US

treasure-chest on what emperical science and our ancient ancestors

tell us which is to " be prepared " ?


So there you have it folks, it either comes down to `prevention' or

`preparedness'. I would suggest to you there is no " prevention " of

warming and cooling trends, but there is " preparedness " . Again I

say---sure, put all the polluters in jail and have strict mandates on

everything, I'm all for taking care of our home Mother Earth, but this

will have nothing or very little to do with preventing natural

rhythmic events.


You might want to read my recent article titled: " Time to Start

Thinking of Mass Migration " . Your great grandparents did it, your

great-great grandparents did it---and I am suggesting, depending on

where you live---you will too. Although most every single United

States American came from somewhere else, what is more important is

the history of our ancestors and their " forced " migration.


No, not by the Chinese or Russians, but by " nature " in the way of

cyclical change. By way of natural rhythmic cycles the Earth has seen

many times before. That's right--there will be warming trends and

cooling trends, and when the Earth's climate hits certain points of

" critical mass " (in either direction), animals and humans have no

choice but to move.


Could this be what happened to our ancestors such as the Anasazi of

Chaco Canyon, the Maya of Mesoamerica, and some Egyptian and other

tribes along the Nile River? The answer is YES, and it is happening

again. It is simply the `Law of Cycles'.


Full Article:



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Earth Changes Media `Radio Hour'


Every Tuesday and Thursday from 9 to 10 PM (Pacific)


Tuesday February 6th – Dr. Timothy Ball, Climatologist - Dr. Timothy

Ball is a renowned environmental consultant and former professor of

climatology at the University of Winnipeg. Dr. Ball has served on many

local and national committees and as Chair of Provincial boards on

water management, environmental issues and sustainable development.

Website: http://www.nrsp.com/people-timothy-ball.html


Thursday February 8th – Dr. Mike Gruntman is professor of astronautics

and professor of aerospace engineering at the University of Southern

California (USC) and the founding director of the USC Astronautics

Program focusing on degrees in space engineering. He is Chair of the

Astronautics and Space Technology Division at the USC Viterbi School

of Engineering. Gruntman is involved in a number of R & D programs in

space science and technology. He authored and co-authored more than

180 publications in the areas of astronautics, space physics, space

technology, scientific instrumentation, and aerospace education. Dr.

Gruntman is also the author of " Blazing the Trail: The Early History

of Spacecraft and Rocketry "


Website: http://astronauticsnow.com/MikeGruntman/index.html



What Are People Saying About 'Solar Rain'?


" I would say that your " equation " which I will call a very logical

premise is real and plausible. The American Meteorological Society

has asked the NOAA Space Environment Center to conduct trainings with

local meteorologist on how to read and present space weather. So

Mitch, your `super-duper doppler weatherman' is a reality. "


Dr. Ernest Hildner, Director NOAA Space Weather Center



" Mitch Battros is one of those amazing individuals that has taken as

his mission to disseminate on a broad scale information of great

relevance that otherwise might have remained hidden in the archives of

specialized scholars. With his great understanding not only of

spiritual undercurrents, but also of science, he builds bridges

between science and spirituality as well as between ancient wisdom and

modern knowledge and makes them accessible to a broad range of people.

Mitch Battros has presented us with a well researched study of the

origin of these phenomena and we are being brought into a world of

richness that I for one hardly knew existed before—the Sun. "


Carl Johan Calleman, Historical Scholar - author of Enlightenment: The

Mayan Calendar



" Scientists have more recently begun to consider a Sun-Earth

connection in the way of weather as you describe. Mitch, I believe

your (equation) is right on target. We know the recent ozone

depletion which measured up to 60% was caused by the Sun. Your study

of charged particles from the Sun and its effect to our magnetic field

and further down to the stratosphere and even ionosphere can cause

disturbance to the Northern and Southern Pacific Oscillation. "


Dr. Pål Brekke, Deputy Director of SOHO project- European Space Agency



" When I first interacted with Mitch Battros, I was most impressed with

his grasp of the challenges we face in disaster preparedness. I am

thrilled that Mitch has taken on both the physical and emotional

aspects of preparedness in this powerful book about earth and our

solar context. Mitch's outstanding contribution is bridge-building

from solar phenomena that influence conditions we experience down to

implications, consequences and appropriate actions for us as

individuals and members of organizations. "


Richard Gelb, former regional Training Coordinator Emergency

Management Office



" I have been reading the earth changes newsletter of Mr. Mitch

Battros, in which he addresses all aspects of the Sun-Earth connection

as well as other important humanitarian issues, for a number of years

and I have been impressed by the scientific competence of Mr. Battros

and by his high ethical standards. I also admire his broad knowledge,

dedicated commitment and unusually high diligence. I agree with his

views on the physics underlying the Sun to Earth influence. (Of

course, I am convinced that one day science will speak of a Galactic

Center - Sun - Earth connection.) I wish Mr. Battros the continued

professional success that his admirable and exemplary work deserves. "


Dr. Gerhard Loebert, recipient of the Needle of Honor in astrophysics,

designer of project " Firefly " 2nd generation stealth fighter.



" We have carefully followed the research of Mitch Battros for several

years and continue to do so with increasing interest as so many of his

theories and prognostications prove themselves to be accurate and

true. His provocative new theory about the Sun-Earth relationship is

certain to arouse serious thought as Battros carefully balances the

latest science with ancient texts. Such a mixture will reassure and

fascinate a wide range of readers. "


Brad Steiger and Sherry Hansen Steiger, authors of over 30

best-selling books.



" I would say the Sun-Earth connection does indeed follow your

" Equation " . When charged particles hit the magnetic field, the field

is disturbed and I would think it will affect the jet stream. The

earth weather can be chaotic; any small change in one area

(ionosphere) can have an affect on other atmospheric conditions of the

earth. "


Dr. Stefaan Poedts: Lead Scientist University of Leuven Center for

Plasma Astrophysics



" Frequently it takes an " outsider " to think " out-of-the-box " and move

culture closer to the truth. Mitch is a futurist thinker, driven by

his curiosity. Happily, the book has emerged from Mitch and it is

bound to spark discussion and further discoveries that will benefit

all humans. "


Dr. William Costello, Emeritus Prof. of Psycholinguistics, SFSU



" There is clearly a connection between solar activity and a

disturbance in the magnetic field which surrounds the earth. As a

scientist, it is always best to keep an open mind as new information

can come forward and challenge our current understandings. Regarding

meteorologist forecasting space weather, we hope this will occur more

often " .


Dr. Ronald van der Linden, Director of Solar Physics Department of the

Royal Observatory



" The untiring work of Mitch Battros has led to his unique ability to

link the best of current astronomical research with archaeological

discovery so as to bring about a universal consciousness of the power

of the sun for the sake of our descendants that they may adapt to

inevitable change and relearn how to live in harmony with Nature. I

wholeheartedly recommend his work without reservation. "


Crichton E M Miller, author of The Golden Thread of Time and The

Celtic Cross



" Modern telescopes have shown us that the Sun is an active, even

violent place, with predictable and unpredictable cycles, and massive

explosions that occasionally shower Earth's magnetosphere. It is the

source of the solar wind, responsible for what is now called " space

weather. " In this book, Mitch Battros has drawn inferences about how

this solar activity affects Earth weather and climate, both short-term

and long-term. These are dialogues the scientific community needs to

have because the stakes are high for all of us. "


Dr. Tom Van Flandern, former US Naval Observatory Chief of Celestial




" Mitch Battros draws attention to the intimate connection between

energetic events on the Sun and weather on Earth. Humanity has a

simple faith in a constant Sun that is not borne out by recent

observations. If we are to have a more realistic perspective on

climate change we should consider arguments like those assembled by

Mitch in Solar Rain. "


Wallace Thornhill, Physicist - author of The Electric Universe



" Mitch Battros has played an important role in educating the public

about Earth Changes and the Sun. I would expect the increasing

recognition of the role the Sun plays in our lives and fortunes will

be recognized by both the science community and the public in general.

I ordered his new book, and I hope many others will do the same. "


Jim Berkland, Geologist



" Your book takes the reader through a curios journey that explores

many of the unexplained mysteries with which we will have to deal in

the near future. I found it fascinating reading and thought provoking. "


Arnie Rosner, Amateur Astronomer – owner rent-a-scope inc.



" I love books that make you think, even those deemed controversial.

In Solar Rain, Mitch Battros blends science and esoteric philosophy to

demonstrate the ancient truth of as above, so below. What's happening

on the sun is affecting the earth in a most dramatic way, and

influencing our weather patterns as never before. The how and why

makes it a fascinating read. "


John Randolph Price, Bestselling author



" I have long been impressed with the logical and scientific approach

taken by Mitch Battros with his research. I always enjoy a

provocative mind as he so often presents. His new book " Solar Rain "

is a very important book, which should be read by everyone. He is

clearly deeply concerned by the earth changes taking place, as am I,

and is well ahead of many highly qualified scientists in this field. "


Colin Andrews, Leading Paranormal Scientist – world's leading

authority on crop circles



Order your copy of 'Solar Rain' today: http://www.solarrainbook.com/



Preparing For Coming Earth Changes


I have begun to note it is not just the " external " (earth changes)

which is shifting, but humans as well. Remember: we too have magnetic

fields which surround each of us. I think it is not unrealistic to

conjecture what is happening " externally " is also happening

" internally " . I believe current science will acknowledge this notion,

showing the Sun's " charged particles " and its influence on Earth's

magnetic field is the impetus of change. In-like, this same causal

effect occurs with human magnetic fields ushering in a change or

" transition " . Perhaps this is what our Mayan elders are trying to tell

us---- (Mitch Battros)


I will be presenting detailed information on `preparing for the coming

earth changes' at cities around the nation. This will include a

step-by-step handout for you to take home. I will also present the

latest information which includes a demonstration on how magnetic flux

has a direct affect on humans. We are coming into " cycle 24 " which

was predicted " live " on ECM Radio Hour by NASA stating cycle 24 will

be up to 50% stronger than `cycle 23' in which we witnessed the

largest solar flare ever recorded. This means larger earth changing

events in the way of earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, and various

storms. But it also means we (humans) will be bombarded with charged

particles via severe geomagnetic storms from the Sun.



'Solar Rain' Tour: http://www.earthchangesmedia.com/tour.php


Contact us at earthchanges to have this four hour

presentation in your area.


A unique and special attraction will also be presented at selected

venues. I will show " live footage " of the Mayan Sacred Fire Ceremony

while on location at a recently discovered Mayan temple which sits on

the Belize – Guatemala border. I will discuss what Mayan elder Carlos

Barrios stated in our October 2005 interview. " First there was water,

then there was air, then there will be dirt (earth), then there will

come fire " . (Carlos Barrios)



'Solar Rain' Workshop Tour Information


Mitch Battros produces a bi-weekly radio show titled " Earth Changes

Radio Hour " . He began in television in April 1995 and continued until

August 2002 at which time he switched to radio and can be heard world

wide. He is the author of " Solar Rain " (The Earth Changes Have Begun)

addressing the Sun – Earth Connection and its effect on weather and

humans. He is a licensed mental health therapist specializing in PTSD

(trauma resolution). He is a member of the Red Cross Disaster Team

mental health unit. Mitch works with the King Co. Emergency

Management Office as a field trainer, and is a certified N.A.D.A.



To make arrangements for Mitch Battros to present this fascinating and

informative presentation, send an email to: earthchanges


Act now to ensure your best dates. Now scheduling for Calendar Year 2007.



ECM/ECTV Supportive Links


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Order `Solar Rain' Book: http://www.solarrainbook.com/


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Photo Gallery: http://www.earthchangesmedia.com/gallery


About Mitch: http://www.earthchangesmedia.com/aboutmitch.php


Survival Tips: http://www.earthchangesmedia.com/survival/index.php


Mitch Battros

Producer – Earth Changes Media

Author " Solar Rain "


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Guest guest

What I find funny is that we are all even arguing about this

concept. Does it matter who says what about " Global Warming " or how

it is phrased or what it is called? No. It only does in the realm

of money and politics. If you are concerned about Gore's agenda and

the " money " the Global Warming Army is asking us to spend, then you

are looking for something negative. Regardless of what anyone's

agenda might be, the message is so simple that you will be ashamed of

yourself for not standing back and getting it. STOP USING SO MUCH

and pretending that we can suck the life out of planet earth.

American's are the MOST gluttonous people on the planet and we should

be ashamed of ourselves. We should be targets of this Global Warning

Army. We think that we have the right to use more than other

countries, and, we keep coming up with n ew and inventive ways of

dong so!


Of course there is always someone who will turn this very simple

message into political or financial gain, but we don't have to go

that far with it. Can't we take the basic principals of this and

move forward? Al Gore has never, never asked us to do anything

except use less and do something. I find it very interesting how

much he is getting attacked when his message is true. We are

responsible for many (not all, but many) of the severe changes to our

climate, water supply, air, land. Does is alarm anyone that every

single body of water surrounding and within our fine country is

polluted with something MAN-MADE and toxic? I encourage all of you

to look for an article written by " Outside " magazine in their " Water "

Issue published in March of 2002. I spells out what we have managed

to dump into every single water source in and around our country.

Doesn't it scare anyone that we have managed to pollute our source of

life and that our fish populations are dwindling in scary numbers?

This is the part that worries me the most and it is happening right

now. We should all be worried about this.


You don't have to call it " Global Warming " or " Climate Change " or

anything. It is called, stopped being destructive and selfish. This

planet is a gift and we are managing to quickly speed up it's

demise. We may not be the whole problem, but boy, we sure don't

help. Stop focusing on people's motives and just be more respectful

of out planet. Who has to tell you that Global Warming is real for

you to act? Every Scientist? Last time I checked, they were a bunch

of screwballs anyway. The answer is right in front of us and we can

make a choice to just use less. That is all. Plain and Simple.


We as humans need to always deliberate, argue and criticize. My

feeling is that we all will go so caught up in the agenda of Global

Warming that when we are done doing that, it will be too late. We

are cocky like that I guess. We think we have that time to lose.


Point is, just turn off the lights you don't need on. Ride a bike.

Buy locally. Stop using Bleach., etc, etc. Actually, you will save

money in the long run......


Can you tell I am passionate about this subject?


Thanks all,



On May 10, 2007, at 12:08 AM, Butch Owen wrote:


> The current conviction of thought coming from the global warming

> enthusiast is that global warming can be prevented or lessened. Their

> logic tells us if we just reduce or eliminate pollution---all will be

> fine.


> In fact, the global warming army wants you to spend billions (with a

> b) on the theory of " no pollution – no global warming " . It is this

> very issue as to the reason I have chosen to take on the task of

> fighting this well organized global warming regime. Make no mistake,

> what you see unfolding now is the " battle " of Hearts and Minds, but

> mostly the battle over MONEY. So lets take a look at who is to gain

> what ---


------Lord, please help me to be the person my dog thinks that I am.






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