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cold tincture

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Has anyone ever heard the term " cold " tincture? The term was used in

directions for making Mullein eardrops. A friend asked me if I had ever

heard the term. I have searched my books and found nothing. We assumed

it refers to the fact that the tincture is not heated in anyway. Makes

sense to me. Jo-Ann

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I don't know if anyone has answered this yet . . .


The use of Mullein herb for eardrops is as an infused oil, not an alcohol

tincture. I think that someone has confused the terms. You can make either

a hot infused oil or the cold method.


Be Well,

Marcia Elston http://www.wingedseed.com


" Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot. " Hausa Saying from







On Behalf Of Jo-Ann Cook

Thursday, June 14, 2007 6:40 PM

" cold " tincture




Has anyone ever heard the term " cold " tincture? The term was used in


directions for making Mullein eardrops. A friend asked me if I had


heard the term. I have searched my books and found nothing. We


it refers to the fact that the tincture is not heated in anyway.


sense to me. Jo-Ann

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I was out of the country for a couple weeks and needless to say behind on my

group mail.


In response to the email posted, I wondering if they were referring to a

cold tincture as in a " cold & sinus " type tincture versus a cold

" temperature " tincture. A lot of times, the mullein ear drops are used with

a cold or maybe to help with congestion issues. Not seeing the actual

directions makes it hard to guess.


In all my years of experience and working closely with a very gifted

herbalist, I have never heard or read of a tincture made any way other than

by a cold temp process. And she does a combo of Western and Chinese

traditions and we have made a lot a different types of preparations together

along with a few experiments.. Also, no mention in James Green's book as



Hope you figured this out - if you have any questions please feel free to



Green Blessing

Patty Corapi

" cold " tincture





by: " Jo-Ann Cook " lasoapshoppe

<lasoapshoppe?Subject=+Re%3A%22cold%22%20tincture> lasoapshoppe

<http://profiles./lasoapshoppe> Thu Jun 14, 2007 7:14 pm (PST) Has

anyone ever heard the term " cold " tincture? The term was used in

directions for making Mullein eardrops. A friend asked me if I had ever

heard the term. I have searched my books and found nothing. We assumed

it refers to the fact that the tincture is not heated in anyway. Makes

sense to me. Jo-Ann




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