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Toenail fungus & oregano?

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Hi Everyone,


I seem to recall this conversation coming up quite a while ago (I may have even

been the one to bring it up), but my I'd like to hear from anyone who's had luck

getting rid of toenail fungus. My Dad has the ickiest toe rot & I think that

Butch's oregano oil was recommended as a means to get rid of it. But, when I

went to Butch's site, I couldn't find oregano. Am I blind? Any other

recommendations? My Dad has worthless medical insurance & he was told that the

medication to get rid of this stuff is about $300/mo. Yikes! Anyway, we'd much

prefer a more natural remedy, so I'm sure someone here can help. :) Also, will

this help w/the funkiness of his feet in general, also? (Poor guy!)


Best wishes,


Tammy Tivis


Wholesale Soapmaking & Toiletry Supplies





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On Aug 2, 2007, at 7:36 PM, ElementsBathand Body.com wrote:


> Hi Everyone,


> I seem to recall this conversation coming up quite a while ago (I

> may have even been the one to bring it up), but my I'd like to hear

> from anyone who's had luck getting rid of toenail fungus. My Dad

> has the ickiest toe rot & I think that Butch's oregano oil was

> recommended as a means to get rid of it. But, when I went to

> Butch's site, I couldn't find oregano. Am I blind? Any other

> recommendations? My Dad has worthless medical insurance & he was

> told that the medication to get rid of this stuff is about $300/mo.

> Yikes! Anyway, we'd much prefer a more natural remedy, so I'm sure

> someone here can help. :) Also, will this help w/the funkiness of

> his feet in general, also? (Poor guy!)


> Best wishes,


> Tammy Tivis

> http://www.ElementsBathandBody.com

> Wholesale Soapmaking & Toiletry Supplies




My Mom has the very same problem with extremely thick toenails from

years of a fungus problem. My family and I have come up with

something that works really well for us:


Nightly-Soak the feet in a mineral salt bath for about a half an hour

then right before you go to bed. Mix a tea tree oil and a little bit

of sweet almond oil (or a drier oil) together (we mix a stronger

concentration, about 30% Tea Tree to the oil) and brush on the

nails. Again, you have do do this nightly, but we have had

tremendous luck with this. The sea salt bath is an amazing healing

treatment and the Tea Tree oil will fight the fungus directly. Just

our little remedy!


Good luck!








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--- " ElementsBathand Body.com "

<elements1 wrote:


> Hi Everyone,


> I seem to recall this conversation coming up quite a

> while ago (I may have even been the one to bring it

> up), but my I'd like to hear from anyone who's had

> luck getting rid of toenail fungus. My Dad has the

> ickiest toe rot & I think that Butch's oregano oil

> was recommended as a means to get rid of it. But,

> when I went to Butch's site, I couldn't find

> oregano. Am I blind? Any other recommendations?

> My Dad has worthless medical insurance & he was told

> that the medication to get rid of this stuff is

> about $300/mo. Yikes! Anyway, we'd much prefer a

> more natural remedy, so I'm sure someone here can

> help. :) Also, will this help w/the funkiness of

> his feet in general, also? (Poor guy!)


> Best wishes,


> Tammy Tivis

> http://www.ElementsBathandBody.com

> Wholesale Soapmaking & Toiletry Supplies



Hi Tammy


This is strictly anecdotal, but a couple of years ago

I had a fungal toe infection (yellow nail-ick!) which

I treated with Manuka oil (Leptospermum Scoparium). I

wasn't very optimistic about it working because

topical treatments aren't usually effective ( they

have to get down to the nail bed to work). But I had

read about Manuka being an anti-fungal so I thought

what the hell I might as well try that before I take

something like Lamisil. I think it took somewhere in

the neighborhood of 2-4 weeks and my nail was back to



This doesn't prove anything of course. It could have

been a coincidence or maybe I just misdiagnosed myself

in the first place. But it might be something worth

looking into.


Best of luck,








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Hi I have had very good results with Tea Tree also. My uncle had some real

funky stuff


On his big toe, he tried everything under the sun and I told him to use the

Tea Tree and it


Has worked very well. He put one drop of Pure Tea Tree on the affected nail



But you must be consistent and it’s gone and his nail looks really good.

As for the medication that gets rid of fungus besides being very costly


It can also do a number on your liver.
















On Behalf Of Nikki Sherritt

Thursday, August 02, 2007 11:47 PM


Re: Toenail fungus & oregano?





On Aug 2, 2007, at 7:36 PM, ElementsBathand Body.com wrote:


> Hi Everyone,


> I seem to recall this conversation coming up quite a while ago (I

> may have even been the one to bring it up), but my I'd like to hear

> from anyone who's had luck getting rid of toenail fungus. My Dad

> has the ickiest toe rot & I think that Butch's oregano oil was

> recommended as a means to get rid of it. But, when I went to

> Butch's site, I couldn't find oregano. Am I blind? Any other

> recommendations? My Dad has worthless medical insurance & he was

> told that the medication to get rid of this stuff is about $300/mo.

> Yikes! Anyway, we'd much prefer a more natural remedy, so I'm sure

> someone here can help. :) Also, will this help w/the funkiness of

> his feet in general, also? (Poor guy!)


> Best wishes,


> Tammy Tivis

> http://www.Elements <http://www.ElementsBathandBody.com> BathandBody.com

> Wholesale Soapmaking & Toiletry Supplies




My Mom has the very same problem with extremely thick toenails from

years of a fungus problem. My family and I have come up with

something that works really well for us:


Nightly-Soak the feet in a mineral salt bath for about a half an hour

then right before you go to bed. Mix a tea tree oil and a little bit

of sweet almond oil (or a drier oil) together (we mix a stronger

concentration, about 30% Tea Tree to the oil) and brush on the

nails. Again, you have do do this nightly, but we have had

tremendous luck with this. The sea salt bath is an amazing healing

treatment and the Tea Tree oil will fight the fungus directly. Just

our little remedy!


Good luck!






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> ......But,

> when I went to Butch's site, I couldn't find

> oregano. Am I blind? Any other recommendations?



The oregano on Butch's site is not listed in the alphabetical portion. Go down

to the bottom (after the alphabetical list) for the oregano and rose oils. Lin

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I've had three friends report improvement using Tea Tree Melaleuca alternifolia

for toe nail fungus. One drop neat daily (some of them did it morning and

night) was used. It takes some time for positive results, but consistent

application is the trick.


P.S. Salvatore Battaglia, The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy, cites clinical

tests using Tea Tree showing improvement of toe nail fungus.








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Hi Tammy,


I agree with the tea tree oil, in fact that's what my husband's oncologist

recommended to deal with the problem without causing further repercussions

from ingesting fungicides. However, the other thing that will really help

is if before you put on the tea tree oil, you soak your feet and then trim

off as much of the nail and fungus as you can. Using a nail file to get rid

of the fungus after you have clipped off what you can of the nail works

pretty well.


Best of luck,






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Sorry for the delayed reply, but I appreciate all the on- & off-list replies

regarding my Dad's foot fungus & toenail rot. I will be happy to post some

results when we start seeing improvement from either the oregano, tea tree,

Maluka, or Vick's Vapor Rub. We're willing to try anything @ this point & will

give a few weeks time for each remedy before moving on to something else.


Best wishes,


Tammy Tivis


Wholesale Soapmaking & Toiletry Supplies



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